Gen Z: Statistics, Data and Trends (2024) (2024)

Generation Z also commonly known as “Gen Z” is a generation where people were born between 1997 to 2012. The youngest individuals in Gen Z are still in school, while the oldest are passing out college and entering the workforce. People born in this generation have been raised on the internet, social media, and modern technology. Today, one-third of the social media influencers are Gen Z. In this article, we are going to take a look at Gen Z: Statistics, Data, and Trends of 2024.

Gen Z: Statistics, Data and Trends (2024) (1)

Top Gen Z Statistics

  • Currently, there are 68.6 million of the Gen Z population living in the United States.
  • 54% of Gen Z spend 4 hours or more daily using social media.
  • Gen Z makes up about 30% of the world population today and is also expected to account for 27% of the workforce by 2025.
  • 98% of Gen Z people have a smartphone.
  • 77% of Gen Z believe in having a good work-life balance in their life.
  • More than one-third of social media influencers today are Gen Z.
  • 64% of users access Instagram at least once a day.
  • 40% of working Gen Z claim they want to leave their job in the next 2 years.
  • One of the major fears of Gen Z today is climate change.
  • The majority of Gen Z supports an inclusive society.

Gen Z Statistics Demographics

The demographics of Gen Z are different from the rest of the generation as people belonging to Gen Z fall under the category of people born between 1997-2012. Therefore, a large portion of Gen Z are still in school while the other half have entered adulthood and started to get married and have families. So, let’s take a look at the top statistics of Gen Z demographics:

Around 68.6 million Gen Zers are living in the United States

Today, there are more than 68 million alone in the US which is overall 20% of the population in the United States.

By 2026, the majority of the Gen Z population will be non-white in the United States

In 2019, 52% of Gen Z living in the US were non-Hispanic white individuals. But with growing immigration in the country, the numbers witness a decrease and it is predicted that these numbers will keep on decreasing in the next two years by 2026, the majority numbers of the Gen Z population will be non-white individuals and 22% of the Gen Z will have at least one immigrant parent in the household in the US.

50% of Gen Z adults are enrolled in universities

Gen Z is known as the most educated generation and one of the reasons behind this change is Millennials or their parents being educated. About 44% of Gen Z today live with parents who have a degree in 2019. Which is excellent for the betterment of the future as the nation is becoming more educated and responsible.

38% of the Gen Z have already entered the workplace

As we know, Gen Z is a unique generation as young Gen Z are still in school with 51% being students. While the older individuals belonging to Gen Z have already entered adulthood and have started working jobs. Another trait witnessed among Gen Z is delay in starting families. Apparently, only 11% of Gen Z are currently married or have children, which is the lowest in comparison to other generations.

Generation Z Workforce Statistics

Now that we know a reasonable amount of Gen Zers have entered the workforce or have started part-time jobs or internships. Let’s look at some of the top statistics of Gen Z related to the workforce:

3 in 10 Gen Z feel they aren’t financially secure

One of the major issues faced by Gen Z today in the workplace is stress towards the financial future. Apparently, 46% of Gen Z have stated they are living paycheck-to-paycheck. While 26% of working Gen Z believe that they will be unable to earn and save a good amount for their retirement. The financial stress among Gen Z is believed to be one of the major reasons why today 43% of Gen Z have a second job.

40% of Gen Z have stated they want to leave their job in the next 2 years

Gen Z have a different attitude and approach towards the workforce and they are more likely to engage in the Great Resignation in comparison to other generations. About 40% of Gen Z individuals have claimed they would leave their job in the next 2 years in comparison to millennials of 24%. Apparently, 35% of Gen Z have stated they would still resign from their job even if another job isn’t lined up for them at the moment.

Good work-life balance top factor for working Gen Z

Unlike other generations, Gen Z prefers a good work-life balance as the top reason behind working for an employer with 32%. Apart from this, learning and development are considered the second most crucial reasons behind Gen Z working with 29% and a good salary with 24% for a better future. Positive workplace culture is demanded by 23% and lastly career opportunities by 23%.

3 in 4 working Gen Z say they prefer working in a hybrid or remote mode

The majority of Gen Z started working through remote mode due to the global pandemic in 2020 which changed the working standard for many workers as it provides more time with family, eliminates the traveling duration, and also helps with mental health conditions for many people. Today 63% of workers say they prefer to work in the hybrid mode while 12% have stated they want to work remotely instead of coming to the office every day.

The number one goal for every 1 in 5 Gen Zs today is to be financially

independent by 30

Around 22% of working Gen Zs have claimed their biggest aim is to become financially independent by the age of 30. While 15% say they want to work in a career that is completely fulfilling to them and 11% have stated their major goal is to be surrounded by their loved ones.

Top Gen Z Trends for 2024

Gen Z is known as the largest generation in the United States as they belong to 27% of the population. Therefore, Gen Z has huge control and power in the present and the future. To understand this Gen Z at a better scale let’s take a look at the top trends set by Gen Z in 2024.

1. Accepting Diversity

Gen Z is considered the most ethnically diverse generation. According to reports by Pew 48% of the Gen Zers belong to racial and ethnic minorities. What really sets Gen Z apart from other generations is not only its ethnic diversity but also its strong belief and commitment to increasing diversity in society for the betterment of the world. Around 62% of Gen Zers think that bringing diversity is good for society.

Apart from diversity, Gen Z also emphasizes inclusion and social justice. According to a survey, it was stated that Gen Z Republicans had a higher rate of stating that Blacks aren’t treated as equally as whites in the United States today in comparison to other Republicans. In fact, there was also a poll by Yubo, which reported that 88% of Gen Zers believed that Blacks apparently did not receive fair treatment in society. The poll also stated that 4 in 5 Gen Zers were in support of Black Lives Matter.

2. Driven By Digital

Gen Z are considered “Digital Natives” as they grew up in a time where the world is highly influenced by the internet and advanced technology. When it comes to owning technology, statistics show that 95% of Gen Z have a smartphone, 83% have a laptop, and about 78% have an internet-connected console. In comparison to other generations, Gen Z is the most exposed generation to technology.

The average age of Millennials getting their first cell phone was 20, while it changed for younger millennials and they got their first cell phone at the age of 16. But Gen Z got exposed to tech at a very young age and the average age of a Gen Zer owning a cell phone today is 12. The trends related to Gen Z showcase the generation is becoming more and more centered toward advanced technology and the internet. In Fact, one survey also shows that 50% of Gen Zers feel weird or uncomfortable without their smartphone in comparison to their wallet.

3. Bringing back early 2000s trends

Gen Z is highly nostalgic over 2000 trends as the generation falls between Millennials and Gen Alpha. Recently they have been bringing back a few iconic fashion looks and culture of the 2000s back in trend. The hashtag “y2k” has a massive buzz on social media with more than 3 million posts on Instagram itself. Today, Gen Z wants old products with an inch of new focus on social awareness and sustainability. In Fact, the demand for early 2000s trends is so high that in 2021, Juicy Couture brought their iconic tracksuit back. Apart from this, low-rise jeans are also gaining recognition and have been back in trend by Gen Zers.

Gen Z and Social Media

Gen Z is raised in the world of social media and the younger generation often spends a lot of time browsing through different social media apps. While Millennials also have a reputation of being extremely influenced by social networking as well, particularly Gen Z are not using these platforms for socializing like Millennials. Instead, Gen Z is browsing through Instagram, Facebook, and other social networking sites for entertainment, finding new brands, accessing information, and more. Now let’s take a look at the top statistics of Gen Z related to Social Media:

  • 85% of Gen Z browse through different social media platforms to look for new products and services.
  • 80% of teen Gen Z believe that YouTube is an essential platform that helps them learn.
  • Gen Z will be the first generation that will have little to almost no memory of the world without smartphones or technology.
  • Today one-third of the influencers are Gen Z itself.
  • 64% of Gen Z use Instagram at least once a day.
  • For social activities, Gen Z prefers Instagram over TikTok.
  • 55% of Gen Z believe that YouTube has had an impact on their education.

Top 3 social media apps preferred by adult Gen Z (18 to 23 years old)

Now that we know social media plays a significant role in Gen Z day to day life let’s take a look at the most preferred social media platforms by Gen Z adults:

Social Media PlatformPercentage

Gen Z Mental Health Statistics

Mental Health is currently one of the major issues faced by Gen Z. A large portion of individuals are today struggling when entering adulthood as millions of Gen Z are struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and various other difficulties. Below we have mentioned some of the top statistics related to Gen Z mental health to provide you with a clear idea of the difficulties faced by individuals today:

3 in 5 Gen Z feel anxious and nervous for more than 2 weeks

According to reports, 43% of Gen Zs (between the ages of 15 to 25) claim they feel depressed, anxious, and hopeless which is almost twice in comparison to older generations.

1 in 5 Gen Z students in high school have at least once considered suicide

Mental Health is a serious issue faced by a large number of Gen Z today, not only by adults but also by those who are still studying in high school. According to reports, 18.8% of Gen Z students have struggled with suicidal ideation. While 15.7% have thought about suicide and 8.9% have actually committed suicide.

45% of Gen Z claim their mental health is good

When it comes to mental health, the number of Gen Zs facing mental health crises is extremely high in comparison to other generations. 18% of individuals have stated they have anxiety issues while 23% have claimed to be facing depression in their life. Overall, only 45% of Gen Z have openly stated they don’t face any difficulty when it comes to their mental health.

Gen Z has a higher chance of receiving mental health therapy compared to other generations

A good thing about this generation is that people are starting to take mental health issues seriously and hence the attention towards therapy and mental health treatment has increased with Gen Z trying to create more awareness regarding the issues worldwide. Apparently, 35% of Gen Z have received mental health treatment. While the ratio is only 26% for Gen X and 22% for Baby Boomers.

Wrapping Up

Overall, Gen Z can be described as a generation that is truly high in terms of technology and social issues such as mental health, equality, etc. Gen Z is predicted to be the most well-educated generation in history. Today, Gen Z has good opportunities in terms of technology, education, and development. At the same time, Gen Z is facing difficulties in their day-to-day lives due to job dissatisfaction and mental health concerns. The true impact of Gen Z will be witnessed in the next few years showcasing their true potential in the world.

Gen Z: Statistics, Data and Trends (2024) (2024)


What are the trends for Gen Z in 2024? ›

The latest Gen Z fashion trends include sustainable choices, gender-fluid styles, and a revival of Y2K aesthetics. They embrace oversized loungewear, statement accessories, techwear, minimalist looks, athleisure, DIY projects, and streetwear influences.

What is the Gen Z trend in finance 2024? ›

Key Findings

Gen Z is more likely to ask their family for money than use a credit card when facing unexpected bills. More than one-third of both millennials (35.7%) and Gen Z (35.2%) trust financial advice they find on social media, while baby boomers are least likely to trust social media for financial advice (9.1%).

What the statistics say about Generation Z? ›

Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z represents about 20% of the US population as of 2023, per the US Census Bureau. In 2021, Bloomberg cited data from Gen Z Planet estimating the cohort had $360 billion in buying/spending power, a number which has most certainly grown as more and more Gen Zers join the workforce.

What are the ages for Gen Z in 2024? ›

Members of Gen Z, born between 1997 and 2012, will turn 12–27 years old in 2024. What does the data reveal about this generation? Gen Z is the generation born in the 15-year span from 1997 to 2012. In 2024, they will turn between 12 and 27 years old.

What is 2024 generation? ›

Simply put, Generation Alpha are defined as those born from 2010-2024. More than 2.8 million are born globally every week. When they have all been born (2025) they will number almost 2 billion – the largest generation in the history of the world.

What year does Gen Z actually end? ›

Generation Z (Gen Z) refers to the generation of Americans born from 1997 to 2012. Gen Z is bracketed between Millennials (born from 1981 to 1996) and Generation Alpha.

What Gen Z buys the most? ›

Major Spending Categories For Gen Z

Gen Z spending habits show they care the most about fashion, makeup and beauty products, technology, and their pets. This is perhaps due to their young age and few major bills.

What are the stats for Gen Z and finances? ›

More Gen Z finance statistics

Seven in ten (69.1%) of Gen Z are currently saving money, but 42.6% admit to having spent more than they had earned at some point. The most common financial goal for Gen Z is increasing their income, with 39.5% saying this is something the aim to do this year.

What will the lifespan of Gen Z be? ›

The members of Generation Z, the oldest of which are now in their 20s, on average are expected to live to 100 and beyond. Health technology may or may not eventually lift Gen Zers well past that.

What does Gen Z value most? ›

Authenticity is the most important value for Gen Z — even beyond future plans and being rich.

What Gen Z will never know? ›

And if you were lucky, you had a CD player (Walkman) that you could bring along with you so you could listen on the go. Gen Z will never know the joy of buying a new CD and throwing it into your player. Instead, they grew up with iPods and phones that let them carry thousands of songs in their pocket.

Is Gen Z still the youngest generation? ›

In a 2022 report, the U.S. Census designates Generation Z as "the youngest generation with adult members (born 1997 to 2013)." Statistics Canada used 1997 to 2012, citing Pew Research Center, in a 2022 publication analyzing their 2021 census. The Library of Congress uses 1997 to 2012, citing Pew Research as well.

What will be the future of Gen Z? ›

The oldest members of Gen Z are just now entering the full-time workforce for the first time. But by 2025, members of Gen Z will make up 27% of the global workforce. Right now, they're starting to lead the charge for several big changes. The first is work-life balance.

What is trending with Gen Z right now? ›

Both Gen Z men and women have embraced looser-fitting clothing, from baggy jeans to bomber jackets, and oversized sweats. Even celebrities like Billie Eilish and Kylie Jenner have jumped on the baggy trend.

What will be next to Gen Z? ›

Key Takeaways. Generation Alpha refers to the demographic cohort succeeding Generation Z, born between 2010 and 2024. Generation Alpha is mostly the children of Millennials or Generation Y and is expected to be the largest generation in history.

What is Gen Z most interested in? ›

Gen Zers generally have strong values related to racial justice and sustainability. Mobilizations like the Global Climate March, led by Gen Z activist Greta Thunberg, thrive on the activism of young people. Climate change is one of the issues Gen Zers care about most.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.