Gluten-free Yorkshire Pudding Recipe - BEST EVER! (3-Ingredients) (2024)

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Gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe, anyone? It’s one of my most requested recipes, but after many months of trying and testing (it’s a hard life) it’s finally here! You’d NEVER know that they’re Coeliac-friendly, wheat-free AND you only need 3 ingredients to make them. Gluten-free Yorkshire puddings: What you’ll need… Here’s some tips/FAQs for creating the perfect gluten-free Yorkshire puddings… Where do Yorkshire puddings come from? Can I make this recipe gluten-free? Can I make your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe dairy free? Can I make your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe vegan? Is your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe nut free? Can I make your gluten-free Yorkshire puddings in a food processor, standing mixer or using an electric whisk? Do I need any special equipment to make your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe? Can I use this recipe to make a gluten-free toad in the hole? Do I need weighing scales to make your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe? Can I season or add herbs to your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe? How long can I keep your gluten-free Yorkshire puddings for? Can I freeze your gluten-free Yorkshire puddings? How can I tell when my gluten-free Yorkshire puddings are done? Troubleshooting My gluten-free Yorkshire puddings didn’t rise – what did I do wrong?! My gluten-free Yorkshire puddings did rise, but they’re not as big as yours! How come? My gluten-free Yorkshire puddings sunk massively when I took them out of the oven. What did I do wrong? My gluten-free Yorkshire puddings were quite stodgy at the bottom! What happened? Can I print your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe? Gluten-free Yorkshire Pudding Recipe - BEST EVER! Equipment IngredientsGrams - Cups Instructions Video Notes Nutrition MORE gluten-free roast dinner recipes: FAQs

Gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe, anyone? It’s one of my most requested recipes, but after many months of trying and testing (it’s a hard life) it’s finally here! You’d NEVER know that they’re Coeliac-friendly, wheat-free AND you only need 3 ingredients to make them.

Yep, you only need 3 ingredients and a little oil to pull of my gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe too. How awesome is that? And you’ll be pleased to know that these aren’t just piddly little Yorkshires… these puff up to be HUGE!

I don’t really know what took me so long to get my gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe up on the blog. I’ve made them exactly the same for years now, but I guess I just didn’t think anyone was that interested!

After all, you can buy frozen gluten-free Yorkshire puddings in the supermarket these days…

(don’t get me wrong, they’re awesome, but I wouldn’t liken them to my favourite boy-band whatsoever)

And certainly, a roast dinner or even Christmas lunch (sorry for using the ‘c word’) wouldn’t be the same without these little babies. But trust me on this one, you just can’t beat this recipe with shop-bought Yorkshire puddings.

But what you might be surprised to hear is that I’ve used this exact recipe long since before I went gluten-free. Whaaaat?!

How tense was it having to scroll past that really long photo whilst left in suspense like that? Well… probably not very tense at all I would imagine.

I’ve used this exact recipe for years because my gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe is 100% naturally gluten-free anyway.

That’s right – this isn’t a recipe made ‘for gluten-free people’, it’s just an awesome Yorkshire pudding recipe that just happens to be gf!

So really… there shouldn’t even be any gluten required to make ANY Yorkshire pudding, but that’s just my opinion! So how is it possible?

All of the flour used in this recipe is cornflour (cornstarch in the US), which is naturally gluten-free anyway. Just call me Aunt Becky (like Aunt Bessie’s except I’m not an Aunt.)

Gluten-free Yorkshire puddings: What you’ll need…

  • Cornflour (cornstarch): Please note that this is not cornmeal, maize flour or polenta! This is the light, starchy powder you often use to thicken sauce and gravy and it’s my secret ingredient in this recipe.
  • Eggs: I used large eggs in this recipe, but feel free to use medium too – it shouldn’t make much of a difference.
  • Milk: I use semi-skimmed whenever I made these, but I don’t see why others wouldn’t work too. I recommend using almond or rice milk if making these dairy-free, though you will likely end up with a less golden Yorkshire pud if doing so.
  • Cooking oil: I use vegetable oil as it has a higher smoking point, but any kind of neutral, flavourless oil usually works fine.

That’s it! It makes an entire muffin tray’s worth of Yorkshire puddings, so that’s about 12 in total. But it’s so worth making extra even if you won’t eat that many – just freeze them for next time!

So now you know my secret ingredient!

Cornflour is so light – and that’s what allows your Yorkshires to rise and grow like you’ve never seen before. Of course, the better the rise, the more golden and crispy they can become.

But are they hard to make? Definitely not! But the biggest tip you’ll get from me (Aunt Becky) is that the oil must be as hot as possible before you even think about pouring your batter into your muffin tray.

A little lower than ideal will still be fine, but for maximum rise, try your best to make sure the oil is sizzling hot. You really want to hear the batter sizzle even just a little as it goes into the oil!

Oh and don’t you dare open the oven whilst they’re baking, please!!

This next part might sound a bit weird. It might just be my family, but my Mum and Dad were very particular about when Yorkshire puddings were allowed.

A Sunday roast was fine, but Christmas was a categorical no. Was it just my family?! Apparently you’re only supposed to have Yorkshire puddings with roast beef?

I guess a traditional Christmas lunch isn’t supposed to have Yorkshire puddings or something? That’s certainly not the rule in my house!

Most kids rebel against their parents by getting a tattoo or going skydiving, but I do it by having Yorkshire puddings on Christmas day. In your face, Mum!

Here’s some tips/FAQs for creating the perfect gluten-free Yorkshire puddings…

Where do Yorkshire puddings come from?

I don’t know how many times I’ve had to explain to people outside the UK that a Yorkshire pudding isn’t a dessert!

The first Yorkshire pudding recipe on record dates back to 1737, so my recipe is a little late to the table! It was traditionally made as a way to use up dripping from cooking meat, so it was first called a ‘dripping pudding’.

They were much flatter than the puffy, light and airy Yorkshires we know and love today, hence the name ‘pudding’.

I’ve never tried making this recipe using roasted meat drippings, but I am definitely gonna do that some day. It would flavour these nicely! But why are they called Yorkshire puddings?

Apparently, it’s to do with Yorkshire’s association with coal and the higher temperatures used to burn it. Then, think about the higher temperature needed to heat the oil for these beauties.

Something like that!

Can I make this recipe gluten-free?

It is gluten-free, though nobody would know just by tasting it – trust me!

Bear in mind that minimising cross-contamination is hugely important if you’re Coeliac or making this for someone who is. Here’s some tips from Coeliac UK on minimising the risk of cross contamination.

Also, make sure that all ingredients used don’t have any gluten-containing ingredients. Then make sure that they also don’t have a ‘may contain’ warning for gluten, wheat, rye, barley, oats (which aren’t gf), spelt and khorasan wheat (aka Kamut).

Here’s some more info from Coeliac UK on identifying safe gluten-free products.

Can I make your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe dairy free?

Yep, and you can use any milk you like. In the photos, I’ve used lactose free semi-skimmed milk (my boyfriend is lactose intolerant) but over the years we’ve tried using soy milk and almond milk too.

When we used soy milk, they didn’t come out as nice and light, but with thinner milk, they generally turn out better and rise more. Different milks can also affect the colour of the finished product too.

There’s naturally occurring sugars in milk which help to give the Yorkshire puddings an nice, golden colour so bear that in mind if you’re using an unsweetened dairy free milk.

I’d love for you to let me know what dairy free milk you used and how they turned out as I haven’t tried every possible variation under the sun myself! Leave me a comment below this post with how they turned out ??

Can I make your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe vegan?

Sadly, this isn’t one of those recipes which is really easy to adapt to be vegan. When you’ve only got three ingredients to start with, changing two of them (eggs and milk) basically makes this an entirely different recipe!

Here’s the recipe I use when I make gluten-free AND vegan Yorkshire puddings for when vegan friends/family come over:

  • 220g (2¼ cups) cornflour (cornstarch)
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • 400ml (1 2/3 cups) almond or rice milk

Give that a try using the recipe method below and let me know how you get on!

Is your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe nut free?

Yep, this is a nut-free recipe. But of course, make sure you check the ingredients label on all the products you use to make these.

Even if the products don’t contain nuts, they may have a ‘may contain nuts’ warning due to being produced in a factory that handles nuts.

You can never be too careful so always read the labels on everything first!

Can I make your gluten-free Yorkshire puddings in a food processor, standing mixer or using an electric whisk?

Of course you can and to be honest – an electric whisk would be ideal! I always make this just by hand because I always have – not because it’s better or anything.

So it’s definitely not necessary to have all those kitchen gadgets I listed above, but if you are using one, I’d definitely say use an electric whisk as my first choice.

Then use a standing mixer with a whisk attachment as my second choice (it’s a little overkill). Lastly, I’d say don’t bother with a food processor – you won’t get enough air beaten into the mixture.

Just a bowl and a hand whisk will do though!

Do I need any special equipment to make your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe?

Not especially! What you will need however, is a good 12-hole muffin tray like this one here.

BUT if you want to make one ENORMOUS Yorkshire pudding, you can actually use any dish you like. We actually use a round pie dish like this sometimes to make one big Yorkshire pud.

But for small little Yorkshires that fit on your plate next to a big ol’ roast dinner, a muffin tray is definitely the way to go.

Can I use this recipe to make a gluten-free toad in the hole?

Yes, yes and yes! And I’ve already beaten you to it because I’ve actually got a separate post using this exact recipe to make a toad in the hole – you can find it here.

Though the recipe is the same, it talks you through the method of making them – like browning your sausages a little first etc. and advises on cook time.

Honestly, you’ll have never seen such a big, light and airy toad in the hole in your life so definitely give it a go!

Do I need weighing scales to make your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe?

In short… yes! And I wouldn’t advise attempting any of my recipes without them. I’d recommend using digital scales like mine and using them to measure out both your cornflour and your milk too. Quantities are so important!

Why? Well, if you’re not measuring your ingredients, you’re sort of just gambling with the recipe and praying that it turns out ok. And I’ve generally already done the hard work there for you!

A lot of work went into fine tuning ratios and quantities so I wouldn’t mess around with them unless you really know your stuff.

Can I season or add herbs to your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe?

I’ve never felt the need, but you can definitely add a little dried rosemary or thyme to the batter (2 tsp should suffice) for that lovely roasted herb flavour.

Fresh rosemary can work well too, but bear in mind that it might affect the rise of your Yorkshire puddings a little.

How long can I keep your gluten-free Yorkshire puddings for?

I’d say that these are best enjoyed fresh out of the oven when nice and hot. I’ve tried to eat these cold and it’s not such a great experience ?

But if you keep leftovers in the fridge, keep them covered with clingfilm and warm them up in a pre-heated oven for 5 minutes until crisp again.

I’ve kept them in the fridge for up to 5 days before I’d consider putting them in the food waste.

Can I freeze your gluten-free Yorkshire puddings?

Yes you can! Loads of you messaged me saying that 12 Yorkshires was a little too much for you to eat, but I’d still recommend making 12 and freezing any extras.

That way, you don’t have to keep remaking this recipe every single time you fancy Yorkshire puddings.

I’ve kept them in the freezer for up to 2 months, no problems. I simply place the frozen Yorkshires on a baking tray and pop them into a preheated oven for around 10 minutes or until crisp.

They still taste as amazing as the day they were baked! Just make sure you allow them to cool after cooking and freeze ASAP.

How can I tell when my gluten-free Yorkshire puddings are done?

Well, first of all (as I keep saying), don’t open up the oven to check!! That’s a sure-fire way to make sure they either totally deflate, or never rise at all.

You can tell when they’re done when they’ve started to slightly brown and look a little crisp like in the photos above.

Your best bet is to make sure you oven window is clean, so you can actually see in to check on them!

I say that, even though mine is absolutely filthy ? But basically, they’re done when they’re nice and crisp and golden.


My gluten-free Yorkshire puddings didn’t rise – what did I do wrong?!

There’s a couple of things that could have gone wrong – first of all, either your oil or your oven wasn’t hot enough.

The oil MUST be hot so that when you pour in the batter, at least the first few pours of batter will sizzle as you pour them in. It doesn’t matter too much if it doesn’t sizzle, but it does help!

So when you first remove the muffin tray containing oil from the oven, don’t dilly dally! Get the batter poured in ASAP.

Lastly, if your Yorkshire puddings didn’t rise, you might have just not cooked them enough. They actually don’t really rise much until that final 5-10 minutes or so, so if your oven isn’t a fan oven and maybe not as hot – given them a little extra time to rise.

Oh and also – NEVER open the oven whilst they’re cooking! It’s a sure-fire way to ensure they will never rise.

My gluten-free Yorkshire puddings did rise, but they’re not as big as yours! How come?

I think it just comes with practise and a little bit of luck if you haven’t made this recipe a billion times before.

There’s two things that make mine come out perfect every time – having nice, hot oil in the muffin tray which sizzles as your pour the batter in the first few muffin holes.

But otherwise, having made this in your own oven at home a billion times and know exactly how long to cook them for will help a lot! The cooking times in the recipe are based on my oven at home (it’s a Neff slide and hide oven if that helps) but yours will probably be a little different.

As a rule of thumb, it’s best to cook these a little longer until they’re browned, than undercook them. Undercooking them is guaranteed to make sure you don’t get a nice rise.

My gluten-free Yorkshire puddings sunk massively when I took them out of the oven. What did I do wrong?

They will sink a little in the first 5 minutes after coming out of the oven and that’s totally natural as it cools.

But by no means should they sink, deflate and go back to being quite limp and flat! If they do that, it means you probably undercooked them – as I said above, everyone oven is different, so timings of cooking may vary.

It’s a good idea to cook them until they’re nice and golden and crisp. That way, they’ll basically be cooked into a set shape and can’t really deflate at all. Look at mine in the photos – they’re super crisp, so don’t be afraid to leave them in a little longer if yours are still looking pale.

My gluten-free Yorkshire puddings were quite stodgy at the bottom! What happened?

I would say that means you poured too much batter into each muffin hole OR you didn’t whisk enough air into the mixture. Cornflour can cook into a solid blob without the right conditions to rise (a nicely whisked mixture, hot oil and a hot oven thereafter).

But in this case, it’s more than likely that you poured too much batter into each hole – that definitely won’t help your Yorkshire’s chance of rising.

It’ll be too much mixture to effectively cook and rise in the cooking times listed below in the recipe.

When I first made a toad in the hole it turned out a bit stodgy, but using a little less batter (or a bigger dish to ensure it was more spread out) solved the problem in that case. The stodgy toad in the hole still tasted great though!

Can I print your gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe?

Of course! Just hit the print button located on the recipe below ?? (otherwise you might end up printing this entire post which would probably make your printer go into early retirement)

Anyway, enough about my life story! Here’s my gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe…

Gluten-free Yorkshire Pudding Recipe - BEST EVER! (3-Ingredients) (9)

Gluten-free Yorkshire Pudding Recipe - BEST EVER!

Gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe - the ONLY recipe you'll ever need and easy to make in a standard cupcake/muffin tray. They rise beautifully and only need 3 ingredients! You can even make them dairy free too.

SERVINGS: 14 Yorkshires

PREP TIME: 10 minutes mins

TOTAL TIME: 30 minutes mins


4.60 from 586 votes


Grams - Cups

  • 200 g cornflour (cornstarch)
  • 6 eggs
  • 300 ml milk (dairy-free if necessary)
  • 50 ml cooking oil


  • Preheat your oven to 220°C/200°C fan/425°F.

  • Add just around a tsp of oil to each of the holes in the muffin tin.

  • Place your tin in the oven for 10-15 minutes until the oil is super hot, basically spitting!

  • Whilst your oil is heating, beat/whisk your 6 eggs into your cornflour in a big mixing bowl.

  • Once thoroughly combined, gradually add your milk a little at a time. Mix together - I use a non-electric whisk for this but you could use a electric hand mixer if you like.

  • Pour your Yorkshire pudding batter into a jug so it's easier to pour into each hole.

  • Next you need to be quick! Remove your muffin tray from the oven and immediately fill each hole with your mixture until just under 3/4 full (for really big yorkies or under half full for more modest but equally epic yorkies!). They should sizzle a little. Be very quick here and get them back in the oven asap!

  • Place back in the oven and bake for around 15–20 minutes until golden and risen. (NEVER open the oven door during their bake, this will ruin them!)

  • Remove from your oven once cooked and serve up with a delicious roast dinner (lots of gravy!).

  • Enjoy!



You can freeze yorkshire puddings once cooled down.

This amount of mixture can make quite a lot so feel free to half it if you wish.


Serving: 1g | Calories: 143kcal | Carbohydrates: 14g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 7g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 5g | Cholesterol: 95mg | Sodium: 48mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 2g

MORE gluten-free roast dinner recipes:

  • My BEST EVER super crispy roast potatoes
  • My low FODMAP gravy recipe without any meat drippings
  • My roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon recipe
  • My sticky roasted parsnips and carrots recipe
  • My low FODMAP sage and chive stuffing balls recipe (vegan/dairy free too)

Thanks so much for checking out my gluten-free Yorkshire pudding recipe! It really is such a simple recipe, but you really won’t believe how light and airy these Yorkshire puds get. Needless to say, roast dinners will never be the same again!

If you liked this recipe, make sure you give my super crispy roast potatoes recipe a try! Perfect with your next roast.

Did you try this recipe? Any questions? Please do let me know by leaving a comment below or by following me onInstagramand commenting on my most recent photo!

Thanks for reading,

Becky xxx

Oh and don’t forget to pin this for later!

Gluten-free Yorkshire Pudding Recipe - BEST EVER! (3-Ingredients) (2024)


Why are my gluten free yorkshire puddings not rising? ›

Why won't my Gluten-Free Yorkshire Puddings rise? This is probably because the oven or the oil wasn't hot enough before you put the batter in. You want the batter to make a sizzling noise when you pour it into your tray or dish.

What is the secret to good Yorkshire pudding? ›

And room temperature batter is ideal

Room temperature vs cold batter: if your batter is at room temperature when it hits the hot pan, you will get a better rise with a crispier hollow pudding. If your batter is cold, your Yorkshires will be slightly more dense inside but with that perfect gravy-pooling cup shape.

What makes Yorkshire puddings rise more? ›

Resting the batter overnight is key for developing better flavor. Forget about cold batter: letting it rest at room temperature helps it rise taller as it bakes. A combination of milk and water gives the Yorkshire puddings extra rise and crispness.

What's the difference between pudding and Yorkshire pudding? ›

Pudding dishes are mainly made with flour and have a cake-like consistency. Other savoury puddings include – steak and kidney pudding and suet pudding. The Yorkshire Pudding is a baked pudding made from a batter of eggs, flour and milk or water.

How do you make gluten free dough rise better? ›

An easy way to create a good environment for gluten-free bread to rise is to turn your oven to 200 F; when it reaches this temperature, turn off the oven and place a shallow baking pan partially filled with hot water on one of the shelves.

Should Yorkshire pudding batter be thick or thin? ›

The batter should be about as thick as double cream (so easily pourable but with some body). Why do my Yorkshire puddings rise then go flat? It might be because the oven door was opened while they were cooking. Yorkshire puddings need a consistently high heat to rise fully and set.

What is the best oil or fat for Yorkshire pudding? ›

We believe that a cold pressed Rapeseed Oil is the best oil for the job. But what is the secret? It's the high smoke point that makes our oil the ideal choice for baking your Yorkshire Puddings.

Is it best to let Yorkshire pudding batter rest? ›

How do you make Yorkshire puddings rise higher? Let the batter sit. Make sure you rest your batter rest for at least an hour before you cook to ensure a good rise and deliciously light puddings.

What is Yorkshire pudding called in America? ›

History. The popover is an American version of Yorkshire pudding and similar batter puddings made in England since the 17th century, The oldest known reference to popovers dates to 1850. The first cookbook to print a recipe for popovers was in 1876.

Should I put more or less eggs in Yorkshire pudding? ›

Yorkshire puddings are made with a classic batter, but switching up your egg quantities can make a difference. Using one extra egg white could help make them extra tall.

Can you put too much oil in Yorkshire pudding? ›

This is about the oil. As mentioned, you need the oil to be very hot before adding your batter, but it's also important to use the right amount. Too much will make the bottom of your Yorkshires greasy, while too little could see your puds stick to the pan.

How do you keep the bottom of Yorkshire puddings from getting soggy? ›

Remember to (carefully) flip

Another top tip from Adam: to avoid soggy bottoms, try flipping your Yorkshire puddings two-or-three minutes before the end of cooking time. It will dry the bottoms out and ensure you get a nice, even crunch. But remember to flip them carefully, using a utensil; they'll be boiling hot!

What is the German version of Yorkshire pudding? ›

A Dutch baby pancake, sometimes called a German pancake, a Bismarck, a Dutch puff, Hooligan, or a Hootenanny, is a dish that is similar to a large Yorkshire pudding.

What do the British call Yorkshire pudding? ›

The Yorkshire puddings — which were casually referred to as “dripping pudding” — used to be cooked beneath the meal's primary meat (usually beef) as it roasted on a spit above to let all the juicy fats drip down into the batter, adding crispness and that golden color.

Why is my Yorkshire pudding not fluffy? ›

One of the main reasons why Yorkshires don't rise is because the oil isn't hot enough, so make sure it's bubbling and sizzling as you pour your batter in. Make sure you aren't over-filling the tin – fill each hole about a third or halfway up, any more and they may collapse through the weight of batter.

Why is my homemade Yorkshire pudding not rising? ›

The fat isn't hot enough (it should be smoking hot). The oven isn't getting hot enough (needs to maintain a 220C/425F temperature). Your oven loses heat too quickly when you open the oven door and/or you leave the oven door open for too long whilst you're filling up the Yorkshire pudding tins with batter.

What to do if gluten free dough doesn't rise? ›

You have to have the correct balance of structure (gum or other binder) and liquid. To troubleshoot gluten free dough with too much binder, add more water or other liquid and allow it to rise again. If your dough doesn't rise enough, you can also add additional yeast the next time you make it.

How do you get gluten free baked goods to rise? ›

2 teaspoons of baking powder per cup of gluten-free flour is necessary to ensure proper leavening. Baking soda and buttermilk can be used to leaven instead of baking powder, but 1-1/8 teaspoon of cream of tartar should be added for each 1/2 teaspoon baking soda used.

Why didn't my gluten-free cake rise? ›

Gluten-free flour blends don't have the same elasticity as flour containing gluten so often the cakes don't rise as much or will sink after rising. To combat the flat cake problem, I add ½ tsp of bicarbonate of soda to the recipe even when using a self-raising gluten-free flour blend.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.