Gold/Silver/Copper Investors’ Knowledge Resource (2024)

And it could be a fountain of gold for you, too!

It’s a “VMS” structure, and only about 1,000 of them are cataloged worldwide by the USGS.[1] One of the biggest clusters of VMS structures found anywhere in the world is located in central Manitoba…and this report focuses on one company that sits on dozens of prospective VMS sites![2]

QMC Quantum Minerals, Corp. (OTC: QMCQF – TSX.V: QMC – FSE: 3LQ) has begun aggressive exploration on two significant sites located in Manitoba’s richest VMS gold/copper district. Now is the time to get involved!

These exploration moves have made the news, but have not yet triggered the expected impact. The stock still trades under $0.20/share[3], and as this report explains, that could be a fraction of its resource valuation in the near future. In fact, the potential valuation of a third mine alone (discussed later in this report) is being reported upwards to $2 billion…which projects to just short of $24/share today!

This report does not intend to forecast a future share price for QMC Quantum Minerals– OTC:QMCQF What it does intend is to provide a framework for you, the prospective investor, to evaluate the company’s growth potential of its current entry-level trading range.

If aggressive growth opportunities appeal to you, then this is one to consider. QMC Quantum Minerals presents huge upside opportunity for those who act early on what these new prospects offer.

As stated above, Central Manitoba hosts one of the largest clusters of VMS (volcanogenic massive sulfide) structures found anywhere in the world. These are known to be richly mineralized with significant assays in gold, silver, copper, and other metals.

Discoveries in this location have been ramping up recently, making big news in mining circles and potentially putting QMC Quantum Minerals on a fast track to growth.

This early entry opportunity may not last long…QMC Quantum is already on investor radar screens for a third Manitoba property.

Quantum has become well known for its Irgon mine lithium asset, projected as a $2 billion resource soon to go into production!

In the mining world, QMC Quantum Minerals achieved notice for its enormous hard rock lithium prospect in southern Manitoba. Prospective investors with interest in Quantum’s gold/copper projects should take note of this. This lithium project alone provides a solid floor for supporting the company’s share price, which has been climbing steadily throughout this year.

Since January 2020, QMC Quantum Minerals– OTC:QMCQF has roughly doubled to $0.195/share and appears to have substantial room for growth as its lithium project proceeds to anticipated production. This charts strong support in its current trading range and serves as a sturdy springboard for future growth. It also attenuates downside risks common to early-stage resource exploration companies. More about this in a moment.

For now, shift your focus to gold and copper.

This could be a huge investor value addition as it appears that Quantum’s gold/copper assets have not yet been priced into its shares!

Further detail information covering all three Quantum properties can be found on the company’s website.
Go to:

This simply can’t last long. Analysts may have overlooked these developments thus far, but in time QMC Quantum’s exploration toward developing these Manitoba gold/copper assets will spark attention.

QMC Quantum holds two major properties in Manitoba, Rocky Lake, and Namew Lake, and they’re moving aggressively toward the development of these assets.

This is going to get noticed!

The Flin Flon district is well known globally for its extensive and prolific distribution of VMS structures. These are structures that no matter where found in the world routinely produce abundant tonnage in gold, silver, copper and other ores.

QMC Quantum reports that:

The region contains 31 developed VMS deposits, from which more than 170 million tonnes of sulphide ore have been mined or are under development. Exceptionally high Au contents of many of these deposits, including Flin Flon (62.5 Mt @ 2.7 g Au/t) and Lalor (9.9 Mt @ 5.7 g Au/t in the Au zone), make them particularly attractive exploration targets.

Making mega fortunes in the Flin Flon district is nothing new—and it looks like it may be just getting started

Resource investors have already made fortunes in the Flin Flon district, and no doubt remain keenly focused on new opportunities as this entire area appears nowhere near being played out.

Advanced geodata computer modeling is triggering a rush in new Flin Flon resource discoveries.

Discovery and exploitation of Flin Flon district VMS deposits date back to 1914. The history here has been firmly established; the entire district is one of the most prolific VMS districts on the planet. Remarkably, even after a century of exploration and production, new VMS deposits are being found that have been missed in the past. Thank new technology for that.

VMS structures are difficult to pinpoint; thus many have gone undiscovered for over a century! These are not like a typical gold trend that can run for miles. Hitting the vertical structure of a VMS with exploratory drilling can be tricky. Many existing discoveries at Flin Flon (and worldwide) have come as the result of good fortune, not necessarily good science.

Quantum’s purchase of the Namew and Rocky Lake properties illustrate the point.

Why Hudbay struck out (and why QMC Quantum may strike gold)

This computer model reveals the location of what is likely to be a large VMS structure located through aerial surveys. Though the data was gathered over a decade earlier, computerized re-interpretation has produced results not possible at that earlier time. This may be why Hudbay missed the mark in its efforts to locate the most highly concentrated mineralized zones.

A decade ago Namew and Rocky Lake were owned and explored by Hudbay Minerals, Inc. (NYSE:HBM $1.8B). Hudbay searched diligently for VMS structures, but with disappointing results. Apparently they lacked the patience (or data analysis) to keep after it. Perhaps they were too busy with what they already had!

Hudbay was working two other major prospects in Flin Flon that included the world-class Lalor deposit. The company was pushing to bring Lalor into production by the end of 2012. Production there would come on top of what was being produced at their famous 777 mine.

These two mines became the focus of Flin Flon Canadian operations and their efforts paid out handsomely. The company reports that in 2019, the Lalor and 777 mines together logged astonishing production records:

  • 23,354 tonnes of copper
  • 119,106 tonnes of zinc
  • 110,406 ounces in precious metals

Company guidance for 2020 mirrors 2019, with significant increases projected in precious metal production.[4]

At the time, the Flin Flon district was paying off big at Lalor and 777. So, when Hudbay missed the marks at Namew and Rocky Lake, they simply walked away.

QMC Quantum Minerals moved in to acquire the properties and re-interpret prior and contemporaneous exploration records. They concluded that Hudbay had come close, but had literally been off the mark in their data analyses by what could have been only a few hundred meters.

In a nutshell, Hudbay had been drilling on the wrong side of the deposits!

A quick geology lesson can explain how this happened. There can be two sides to a geological feature that allows a VMS structure to form. The “low side” of that feature is called the footwall. The “high side” is the hanging wall.

What QMC Quantum geologists believe is that Hudbay had been drilling on the footwall side, not the hanging wall side. In doing so, Hudbay drilled away from the mineralization zone rather than into it…thus they failed to hit economical ore.

Had they drilled on the hanging wall side, they might have hit the VMS structure and all the resources that it carries!

Remarkably, the distance between these two drill locations can fall within close walking distance!

Aerial exploration such as this VTEM survey coupled with highly effective data analysis and computer modeling has advanced significantly over the last decade. Promising mineralization can be identified over surfaces and to depth, even differentiating the type of metal being found. Because VMS structures are highly concentrated and vertically oriented, pinpointing drill locations that intercept these structures has become much more refined and accurate thanks to significant advances in computer analysis and data modeling. Guesswork has been virtually eliminated.

Brand new exploration technology has virtually eliminated guesswork in locating drill sites

Pinpoint accuracy makes a huge difference in tapping a VMS structure. Over the last decade, enormous leaps in exploration technology have taken much of the guesswork (and luck) out of the process.

Shortly after acquisition, QMC Quantum launched the first in an ongoing exploration campaign to definitively locate the most promising sites for exploration drilling. The subsequent data and updated data interpretation pinpointed multiple VMS prospects clustered throughout Namew and Rocky Lake properties…much like the cluster formations illustrated above.

Aerial exploration such as this VTEM survey coupled with highly effective data analysis and computer modeling has advanced significantly over the last decade. Promising mineralization can be identified over surfaces and to depth, even differentiating the type of metal being found. Because VMS structures are highly concentrated and vertically oriented, pinpointing drill locations that intercept these structures has become much more refined and accurate thanks to significant advances in computer analysis and data modeling. Guesswork has been virtually eliminated.

Technology unavailable over a decade ago has taken much of the guesswork out of finding the correct drill sites. Helicopter borne aerial surveys combined with new computer analysis can now identify the most promising drill sites with astonishing accuracy.

Think of this technology as a metal detector on steroids! Add incredibly accurate computer analysis of the data and miscues have been all but eliminated.

From the company website:

Detailed re-interpretation of VTEM data by Maxwell Modelling on the main Rocky Lake massive sulphide target showed the presence of a deep-seated conductor. This conductor appears to be at least 1,000 metres long and seated at a depth of minimum 200 metres. The top of the conductor was confirmed by drill holes RL11-2 and RL12-5. Massive sulphide mineralization was intersected at the bottom of RL11-2 at a vertical depth of 193 metres.[5]

Data gathered from VTEM plus other aerial and surface exploration technologies allow for precise, highly accurate modeling of underground geological structures and most importantly, the mineralization within.

Clustering is your investment portfolio’s best friend

VMS structures occur in closely spaced clusters that can have concentrated mineralization zones abundant in gold, copper, silver, zinc, base metals as well as rare elements. Mineralization is typically distributed vertically and can extend hundreds of meters below surface. Quantum now holds 100% interest over 55,400 acres in this region. A key feature of the properties are the prospect of densely clustered VMS structures that prior exploration suggests host significant assays in gold, copper, silver, zinc plus other base and rare metals.

The best part is, once the company documents the location of just one VMS structure, the clustering effect all but ensures that many more nearby locations could be discovered and appropriately identified.

From its data interpretation to date, Quantum has identified 41 distinct drill locations on the properties that promise to overlay significant VMS structures and mineralization.

These carry enormous resource potential that, once documented, can quickly accrue to shareholder value.

Resource recovery from just a few of these locations could be breathtaking as VMS structures in the region have proven to be highly productive.

To date, the nearby Namew Lake Mine has produced 2.57 million tonnes of copper, nickel, gold, silver, palladium, and platinum. Quantum fully expects to match such potential on multiple sites on the properties.

If you’re looking for rapid growth opportunity, then Quantum is something to dig into without delay.

Virtually all the information provided above, along with more in-depth details, can be found today on the company website. You’ll find exploration history, press releases, and highly informative, detailed information on site. It’s the ideal start for beginning your due diligence and consideration of Quantum Minerals for your growth investment decisions.

Find all this and more at

While on-site, be sure to register your email address for future company news releases and updates.

So, what’s the downside risk in a Quantum Minerals investment?

As promised at the top of this report, Quantum holds an ace against the downside that can provide solid support for entry-level shareholder valuation.

Unlike most early-stage exploration companies, Quantum’s current share price around $0.20 is buoyed by the near-production potential of its massive resource potential at the Irgon lithium mine in southeastern Manitoba.

Quantum has been working the development of this Irgon mine site for a number of years. It holds an undivided 100% right, title, and interest on 22 mineral claims covering 11,325 acres,

Quantum’s Irgon lithium project is known to host several rare-elements in addition to its substantial high-grade lithium resources, all of which is on track for near production. All of it points to exceptional per share valuations.

Earlier this year, Quantum announced plans for the shipment of produced spodumene ore to the nearby TANCO ore processing plant located a few miles south of the mine site. Ore deliver can move quickly and economically via the adjacent Highway 314. Delivering ore through the TANCO plant would eliminate any requirement for expenditures for intermediate ore processing equipment.

The result? Revenue could begin flowing almost immediately following ore extraction. The resulting revenue stream could be enormous.

The company acknowledges the potential of a $2 billion valuation in resource recoveries at Irgon, which could put a solid floor on Quantum’s share price today!

This comes straight from the company website: In addition to the lithium resource, management reports that additional minerals such as Tantalum and Caesium are being assayed in with the lithium, which in aggregate hold potential for5+ million tonsof ore concentrate with a potential resource valuation in excess of $2 billion!

What’s more, global projections for lithium demand coupled with difficulties in scaling production (a subject for another report) likely set a current bottom for lithium that could drive significant lithium price increases through mid-decade.

ABC News Australia reports that:

The lithium market is expected to triple in the next five years as the world embraces electric vehicles (EVs)…[6]

Irgon’s resource potential suggests a stunning discount to Quantum’s current stock price. Using current lithium prices alone…one share of Quantum stock today could be backed by $23.81 per share in potential resources! Even a 95% discount in situ accrues to nearly $1.20/share…roughly six-times Quantum’s current trading range!

Please note that the above is not an attempt to put a share price projection on Quantum.

These numbers are provided only as a means to illustrate how undervalued Quantum shares might be at the moment. They should not be considered as a target for future share price! Do your own due diligence and draw your own conclusions. And keep the following in mind…

Quantum Minerals must still be rated as a high-risk investment holding significant potential for substantial losses in your original investment.

However, high risk is the foundation of high reward. Early-stage resource companies (often referred to as juniors) hold demonstrated potential to pay enormous gains for early investors. 20- to 30-fold gains have been seen from companies with far less reported potential.

Production from Quantum’s lithium assets alone could trigger this kind of gains. Add to those the enormous potential gold, copper, and silver resources at Quantum’s Flin Flon properties; these could accrue significant additional shareholder value on top of the lithium resources.

What to do now?

If wealth-building potential like this appeals to you, get started with your due diligence without delay. The Irgon lithium project appears to be near production, and the Flin Flon properties are situated in a well-known gold/copper district. Seasoned resource investors could catch wind of this at any time, triggering a rush on shares and putting today’s entry place well behind in the rear-view mirror. Do not be caught just looking.

Go now to the company website:

While on-site, be sure to register your email address for future company news and updates. Also, put Quantum Minerals on your brokerage’s watch list. Better still, consider getting some skin in the game while Quantum continues to trade in its current penny stock range.

This is a fast-evolving situation that deserves immediate action. Here’s a quick recap of what’s underlying the Quantum Minerals investment opportunity and why you should consider your next move carefully.

Feature Company:

Gold/Silver/Copper Investors’ Knowledge Resource (6)

QMC Quantum Minerals, Inc.
Trade Symbols:OTC: QMCQF,TSX.V: QMC,FSE: 3LQ
Market Cap:32.148 Million

QMC Quantum Minerals has significant holdings in three proven resource districts. The company is near production on its Irgon lithium project in SE Manitoba where up to $2 billion in lithium ore production is anticipated. Further north, Quantum has advanced exploration prospects on newly interpreted data that identifies multiple, high-probability gold/copper VMS assets. This region has a long history of prolific production and holds potential for millions of ounces in gold equivalent resource production. At its current share price, QMC Quantum Minerals appears significantly undervalued relative to its longer-term resource potential.

To learn more, go to

5 Key Reasons to Move Aggressively on Quantum Minerals Today:

  1. Quantum Minerals holds 100% working interest over 22,000 acres of mining claims in the prolific Flin Flon gold/copper mining district.
  2. The Flin Flon district is well known for some of the world’s most densely clustered regions of volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS)
  3. VMS structures already discovered in Flin Flon (some in production) are known to host significant resources in gold, copper, silver, zinc and other high-value metals.
  4. By reinterpreting historic and recent aerial and surface exploration, Quantum geologists have identified 41 distinct drill sites targeting VMS structures throughout its’ properties.
  5. Quantum’s current share price is buoyed by the company’s third mine, the Irgon Lithium Mine prospect. This prospect has an anticipated near-term production launch targeting 5+ million tonsof lithium ore concentrate. At current lithium prices, the company now projects its potential total resource valuation in excess of $2 billion!

Now is the time to get busy and decide: Could QMC Quantum Minerals have a place in your growth objectives? Don’t let this one get by you. It could be an enormous wealth builder in your portfolio.



[2] Image by RockingGeo – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
[3] 12-3-20

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Gold/Silver/Copper Investors’ Knowledge Resource (2024)


Does Dave Ramsey recommend investing in gold and silver? ›

I'd stop investing in gold and silver completely. I don't put money in precious metals at all, because they have a lousy long-term track record. — Dave Ramsey is CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover.

What is the best metal to invest in right now? ›

Gold often tops the list due to its status as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation. Silver, palladium, and platinum are also considered valuable investments, with demand driven by industries such as electric vehicles, solar panels, and jewelry manufacturing.

How to invest in gold silver and copper? ›

Today, investors have two categories of precious metals to choose from: bullion and jewelry. Buying physical gold and silver in either of these forms generally involves going through a dealer. This can either be done online or in person, with reputation being the key factor in choosing, followed by markup and fees.

How much of my portfolio should be in gold and silver? ›

Deciding how much gold and silver to hold in your portfolio should be a personal decision. Generally speaking, investors put about 10-15% of their wealth into precious metals. Although gold is under-allocated in investment portfolios, the majority of our clients invest around 10-15% of their assets in precious metals.

Should seniors invest in gold? ›

Wealth preservation

Unlike paper currencies, which can lose value over time, gold has maintained its purchasing power for centuries. And, for seniors looking to leave an inheritance, gold could be an attractive way to pass on a portion of their retirement savings in a hard asset that can't be inflated away.

Should I invest $100,000 in gold? ›

Investing $100,000 in gold is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of the market, the types of gold available, and the associated costs. Investors should research various dealers to find competitive premiums and consider their gold holdings' long-term storage and security.

Is it better to buy silver coins or bars? ›

In general, silver bars tend to offer the most cost-effective pricing with the lowest premiums over spot compared to silver coins of the same weight. Storage logistics and costs are also lower for smaller amounts of silver, but become more of a consideration as the total dollar value of holdings grows larger over time.

Which metal has the best resale value? ›

Here is a list of precious metals in order of value:
  • Rhodium. The most valuable of all precious metals is rhodium. ...
  • Platinum. Platinum is next in line among the precious metals and is known for being non-corrosive and dense. ...
  • Gold. ...
  • Ruthenium. ...
  • Iridium. ...
  • Osmium. ...
  • Palladium. ...
  • Rhenium.

How much gold should I own? ›

“The typical weighting of gold in a long-term investment portfolio is 3% to 5%, because gold does tend to provide diversification benefits during periods of inflation and/or market stress. However, I would not recommend more than 10 %, even if one really likes the notional security of gold.”

How much silver will $100,000 buy? ›

$100,000 of silver would be 6,250 ounces and 13 large boxes and would weigh more than 430 pounds.

Is there a downside to investing in gold? ›

There are several risks to investing in gold, including as follows: Price volatility: The price of gold can be volatile, and it may fluctuate significantly over short periods. This can make it difficult to predict its value and can make it a risky investment.

Is it better to keep gold or cash? ›

Gold offers a hedge against inflation

Gold is a unique safe haven asset because it acts as an inflation hedge. This is due to gold's historical tendency to climb in value when the dollar falls. So, the precious metal may help you maintain the value in your portfolio during periods of high inflation.

What investment does Dave Ramsey recommend? ›

Ramsey recommends investing in four types of mutual funds: growth and income funds, growth funds, aggressive growth funds, and international funds. What is Dave Ramsey's recommended asset allocation? Ramsey recommends a 100% stock portfolio, with no allocation to bonds or other fixed-income investments.

Is it wise to invest in gold and silver? ›

Are gold and silver good long-term investments? Gold and silver, as well as other precious metals, are typically long-term investments. Silver tends to be more volatile than gold, but gold is generally perceived as a long-term tool for preserving your assets.

Does gold and silver do well in a recession? ›

Precious metals, like gold or silver, tend to perform well during market slowdowns. But since the demand for these kinds of commodities often increases during recessions, their prices usually go up too.

How much gold and silver should you own? ›

As a result, many experts recommend a precious metal portfolio that ideally consists of 75% gold and 25% silver. This is because the silver price tends to be more volatile than that of gold and will therefore have a larger impact on the value of your precious metal portfolio as its price fluctuates.

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