Ripple/XRP-Countdown-Spot BTC/ETFs Last Minute Filings,SEC FOMO Warning,XRP-Ripple Burn The Escrow? (2024)

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Welcome back to the show everybody the Countdown is on two days away from spot Bitcoin ETFs will the SEC rug pool we Got information to look at the other Side of the equation here it's xrp and What about this could there be a burn of Xrp by Ripple David Schwarz responds Somebody roll that beautiful [Music] [Applause] Intro Digital perspectives with Brad KES come On [Applause] In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content right now it is $1.74 Trillion for the market cap of Cryptocurrency the market is up0 2% 44,800 Plus for Bitcoin 2,200 Plus for Ethereum right now 93.5 billion market Cap for uh tether and xrp at the number Six bought at 56 cents off by 1% in the 24hour off by 9.3 on the 7 day uh range Of price very quickly here if I could it Is 54 to 57 cents we're rate smack dab In the middle we'll keep an eye on it uh Let me tell you about this right now Because this is so super important to Let you know it's xrp Las Vegas and it's Coming in 115 days and I'm going to tell You there's so many opport unities Inside of this look there is the Conference itself which is going to have

Incredible people and there are more Coming on board all the time Quincy Jones Jay Cambo from spend the bits John Deon we're going to have so many people You know solo genenic is going to be There and we know perryan boring from The Chamber of digital Commerce David Schwarz the CTO of Ripple on stage Eleanor terret like I said John Deon We're going to Jeremy Hogan virtual Appearance honorable Christian Carlo the List goes on and I'm telling you there Are more coming but I tell you what There are only going to be so many Tickets and I can tell you right now That the VIP ticket is getting close to Selling out be very careful if that's What you wanted that's the one that's Selling heavily right now and there is a Limited seating for all of this but even Less for VIP so if you're getting a VIP Ticket I suggest you get that ticket Before it runs out then the general Mission tickets are still available for Now but again this event will sell out Before we get to the actual date of the Conference so don't mess around get your Tickets today let's get started right Here let's talk about this now I covered This and I looked for a little help this Was the actual tweet I put out yesterday I said hello xrp ETP Fidelity and we Know some of these things have been Around for a few years sitting and

Waiting and that was the whole point of The question mark behind Fidelity like Okay is is it real this time because We're waiting to see the approval of the Spot Bitcoin ETFs could obviously Ethereum and xrp and other tokens be Next was the question but I didn't put It that way on the thing so my goodness Boy crypto Twitter is just loaded with Trolls that's all I can say but one has To wonder if this now is the window Knowing that we're two days away from Possibly seeing a sweeping approval of Bitcoin ETFs we're going to keep an eye On it and don't forget this is a staged Moment here from Elizabeth Warren when She tees it up for Jamie Diamond to say If I was the government avoidance that Is a use case uh because it is somewhat Anonymous not fully and because you can Move money instantaneously and because It doesn't go through as you mentioned All these systems have built up over Many years know your customer sanctions Ofac It's they can get bypass all of that I If I was the governments I'd close it Down well what would you do about the Fact that JP Morgan's been caught Manipulating the US treasuries market And the silver market to the tune of Millions and billions of Dollars what would you do about that Jamie does that bother you at all just

Curious doesn't seem to bother Elizabeth Warren now the SEC timely enough now Listen to this though this this article Stuck out to me reissues crypto fomo Warning amid the hope for spot Bitcoin ETFs now some would say on the surface Well this is a way to Tamp down the Heightened anticipation over the spot Bitcoin ETF approval but the timing of It is what we need to watch out for here Right so the SEC puts out this warning It says no go to fomo fear of missing Out just because others might buy a Particular investment doesn't mean it's The right opportunity for you right That's basically the just of it here but What is interesting about this is that This was something that was also done Back around the all-time highs of November 2021 and the warning was issued Again around March of 2022 when the Markets were Cooling so no I mean you know we can't Know if this is a market indicator but The point is we've asked the question Multiple times listen I'm someone who Has great exposure to bitcoin at the Moment because I am anticipating Sweeping approval of the applications For spot Bitcoin ETFs so if it doesn't go I'm going to be In trouble too on some of it right I'm Going to take a hit as they say but we Have to wonder if some of that price is

Built in already on the short end on the Immediate side we'll get to more of that In a minute we're going to look at a Bitcoin chart where that asks the same Question as well this right here from Eleanor terret shout out to Ellie for This uh Grace scale has just filed its Completed S3 setting its fee at 1.5% which you can find from the link I Went down and found that too at 1.5% Right here as you could see just Highlight that my clicker not working Here there it is right there you can see It um but everyone's lowering lowering Their fees and this is about the Competition Eric buunis right here but Wait Arc just dropped their fee to 0.25% in an S1 filing 20 minutes ago After black rocks told you the fee War Would break out before they even Launched and this is without Vanguard on The mix damn yeah uh this is where it is Everybody's trying to attract as many uh Investors to their fund as Possible uh now look at this because This is the submission line for 8:00 a This morning right which was just an Hour ago We're now passed that official Submission deadline of 8: a.m all Issuers aside from hash decks have Submitted their updated s1's S3 and Grayscales case so unless there's a last Minute filing from them today these are

The issuers that have handed in all Their homework and would in theory be Ready to launch this week grayscale Arc 21 shares Black Rock bitwise van Wisdom Tree Invesco Fidelity Valkyrie Franklin Templeton that is one incredible list if We see a sweeping approval right there But again we're going to look at some Information here and then this is a Great reminder here from metal law man Shout out to you James will we see Bitcoin ETF sponsors like Black Rock buy Bitcoin mining companies once they Discover that they can't buy large Blocks of Bitcoin on exchanges without Incurring significant Slippage would Lena KH con permit that Kind of vertical Integration well we know that black rock Is a shareholder in four of the five Largest Bitcoin miners so I think I'm Leaning in as metal law man is here I'm Leaning in but let's take a look at this Chart here because it's important we Understand that there may be a moment Just like an IPO where you see a huge Wall the price pushes up and then a huge Wall of selloff that takes place because Of the holders that want to take profits As it begins to hit the market we'll see But attention to all Bulls says eggr Crypto unveiling the Fibonacci 702 if We're eyeing cycle B Bull Run he says Brace uh brace for a potential pullback

To the 31 32,000 Zone it's a 30% Retracement well within the norm of a Bull run correction let's plunge into These fascinating Cycles very quickly Here the uh 72 rejection spent four Months vacillating between the 0.5 and 702 then 2013 marked the explosive Breakthrough at Fibonacci 702 cycle B you could see uh there was a Two months rejection and Then followed By two months hitting to 0.5 with a Scary 40 % pullback few sees the dip and It says uh but guess what the fifth Month boom Bitcoin surged from the 72 a Fierce push uh the Fibonacci 702 but Three months of rejection for five Months Bitcoin wandered around at the 0.5 then March 20 the flash crash it Took five months to reclaim the 0 702 And soar again so you could see how Important the 702 is on the Fibonacci to Bitcoin one on the cycle e Supernova Narrative could lead to a cycle a like Explosion in January or February with Bitcoin spot ETFs two crash to 31 32000 Could set a bull hor neck pattern like Cycle B expect a two months down three Months up and a high and three an Eight-month decline touching Fibonacci Point5 followed by a crash then seven Months to conquer the 702 possibly until March April 2024 buckle up Bulls either Way you look at it long or short the Chart is looking like you're at a

Pivotal moment where you're going to see Some kind of motion whether it be a four Monon delay two month five Monon delay Something's coming is what the charts Are saying here and the question is once Again patience speaking of patience Let's change gears from Bitcoin the spot ETFs and let's get to this conversation Right now which is is really about Burning xrp in the larger part of the Conversation here and what Ripple does With the xrp so Mr Huber posted this a While back says there you have it Ripple Net sales of xrp amounted to almost 238 Million xrp in December that's $142 Million that's three times the average Monthly Sal sales excuse me one can Assume that Ripple will soon be buying Massively otherwise I would be worried Because they have never and he goes on To say here very quickly here because They have never been more than 8 to 10 Weeks without a single net buyback uh Data from Ripple themselves and this is The data right here now what's Interesting about this too is that you Know I've covered the fact that you know If there was ever going to be a buyback It would be Ripple because Ripple is the Ones actually doing the buyback right uh They've talked about this quarter after Quarter after quarter for a few years Now that Ripple in fact buys XR P back On the market and then releases it to On

Demand liquidity Partners right so Carrying this conversation a step Further uh Mr Huber comes back in on his Own tweet and says good grief it's not Like Ripple isn't sticking uh sticking It in everyone's face for years the only Company that literally provides an API Where you can track their sales read Less riddles and get informed better and Maybe invest in something where these Things are not made trans trans arent And uh I think there's a little tongue And cheek there I would hope but Nevertheless GDP burn the escrow says I Love your content and I've been Following for a long time I think it's Great that you're honest and sincere in What you published but we have to agree That Ripple's Core Business at the Moment is actually dumping question mark They couldn't resist without it am I Right question mark David Schwarz comes In and says Ripple has two choices we Can continue to hold as much xrp as we Do or we can reduce the amount of xrp That we hold there really isn't any Third option Ripple's original plan was To reduce our xrp Holdings as quickly as We could GDP burn the escrow says first Of all thank you very much for the reply Is the burning the escrow not an Option David Schwarz says I can't think Of any of events that would lead to lead That to happen that's even remotely

Probable I also don't think it would Have any real Benefits I don't either and just to Speak to the Escrow this is not the first time we've Heard about people thinking well they Should just burn the escro so the price Go up but it's the greatest asset that Ripple Has pre-mined Tokens they have a bank account full of Xrp which is worth a lot of money why Would you ever get rid of It it is the powerful tool that others Don't have trying to compete with You if you had a lot of money in the Bank and someone told you to just get Rid of it what would you think of that Idea how would you pay your bills how Would you budget how would you EXP Expand your Business then he says here David may I Ask you um basically here uh he says may I ask a question why is Ripple actually Only withdrawing 200 million xrp per Month secured by the escrow would be a Much larger maximum of 1 billion as far As I understand it Ripple voluntarily Sends back 800 million based on the Monthly volume but Ripple could change That at any time with without Restriction is that correct he said I'd Love to share what I think my analysis Is but I won't for two reasons one I'm

Probably wrong anyway anyway everyone Probably is two lawyers tell me not to Talk about factors that might affect Future prices so you'll have to use your Own imagination again you know uh he he Says here I will say two things I Believe before digital currencies even Existed that I think stood the test of Time One prices are mostly rational Everything expected is all already baked Into the price any radical change that Isn't obviously good will be treated as Bad by the market no doubt about that so You know look at the end of the day here I think this is all a great conversation But I also firmly believe that having The escrow is one of the greatest assets That you could ever have and when you See Ripple buying back and distributing Uh xrp to certain players that are Participants in the Ripple payment System formerly Odl what I see is the Exercised uh actions of a good Steward I see Ripple acting as a lender Of Last Resort as A new emerging Central Bank except their Money isn't dollars it's Xrp I hope you join us in the freedom Zone ladies and gentlemen because today We are taking on the hard Truths the hard truths of the Pandemic and the many things that went Along with it you're going to hear from

A scientist today in the freedom Zone Who is absolutely no joke and he's going To tell you about the greatest Perpetrated Fraud on mankind I'm telling you you Have to hear this guy talk and we know That freedom of speech does not exist on Social media which is why we have the Freedom Zone because it does inside of There I hope you will join us like so so Many others the conversation is pretty Remarkable in here you're not going to Be sorry you did you can join for almost Next to nothing and really get a part of The real conversations that are Happening inside of here and we can do It without worry of being censored That's the most beautiful part not Financial advice from me or anyone else I'll catch all of you on the next One

Ripple/XRP-Countdown-Spot BTC/ETFs Last Minute Filings,SEC FOMO Warning,XRP-Ripple Burn The Escrow? (2024)


How good is Ripple XRP? ›

Ranked sixth by market capitalisation, XRP has held a spot among the top-ranking cryptocurrencies for more than 10 years. Created by Ripple Labs, XRP is more than just a cryptocurrency—it's an ambitious project aimed at transforming how money is moved worldwide.

Is there an XRP ETF? ›

The AXRP Exchange Traded Product (ETP) is provided by 21Shares. It is built to track an index: CoinMarketCap Ripple XRP Price Index.

Will XRP hit $100? ›

Crypto analyst JackTheRippler has raised the possibility of the XRP price rising to $100 soon enough.

Will Ripple XRP reach $50? ›

Interestingly, the crypto went on a consolidation for 12 months after the formation of three bullish candles before going on an 8000% to $0.40562. If this repeats itself, we could see XRP go through a similar consolidation period before skyrocketing to $50 starting on November 1st, 2024.

Which crypto coin will rise in 2024? ›

Top 10 Cryptos in 2024
CoinMarket CapitalizationCurrent Price
Tron (TRX)$11 billion$0.1369
Polkadot (DOT)$8.4 billion$5.85
Cosmos (ATOM)$2.3 billion$6.11
Maker (MKR)$2.5 billion$2,760.28
6 more rows

Who still allows XRP trading? ›

You can purchase XRP on several exchanges, such as Bitstamp, Kraken, Huobi Global, and Coinbase. XRP remains one of the top-traded cryptocurrencies by market cap. XRP is the native token for the XRP ledger, which was designed as a payment system for business purposes.

Can I invest in XRP now? ›

No worries! Binance offers many options where you can easily buy several cryptocurrencies including XRP, with the lowest fees and highest security. Create a free account on the Binance website or the app. Binance is a centralized exchange where you can buy several cryptocurrencies including XRP.

Will XRP be worth anything? ›

Crypto analysts expect that at the end of summer 2024, the XRP price will be around $0.676. In August 2024, the XRP cost may drop to a minimum of $0.586. The expected peak value might be $0.765 in August 2024.

Will Ripple reach $1,000? ›

At a $1,000 price, the market would need to move 1 billion XRP tokens to account for a $1 trillion volume and 20 billion tokens for a $20 trillion volume. For XRP to clinch a $1,000 price, it would need to skyrocket by a massive 188,543% from its current value of $0.5301.

Will Ripple make me a millionaire? ›

Therefore, it seems doubtful that XRP will generate millionaire-making gains by the end of the decade. But I think it could easily double, triple, or even quadruple if it scores a definitive legal victory against the SEC and the Fed cuts interest rates.

Is it risky to invest in XRP? ›

Even at a price of less than $1, XRP could be a riskier investment than you might think. Currently trading at a super-low price of just $0.65, crypto token XRP (XRP) might appear to be wildly undervalued.

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