Google Workspace Storage Changes | Office of Information Technology (2024)

Google has announced the end of unlimited storage for Google Workspace. Effective July 1st, 2024, UCI’s unlimited storage ended. OIT rolled out a new tiered model to manage storage and costs going forward.

  • Description
  • I am a...
  • Storage Tiers
  • Alternatives
  • Migration
  • Timeline

Google Storage Project Completed Successfully

On April 6, 2023, the Office of Information Technology announced a project to address Google’s end of unlimited storage for UCI’s Google Workspace service. We are pleased to inform you that the project is done, and our campus service will continue uninterrupted on July 1, 2024. Working in close partnership with school IT directors, the Research Cyberinfrastructure Center and Health Sciences IT, we established storage tiers on new and existing Google accounts and shared drives. While this transition was challenging, we especially want to thank you, our campus community – faculty, staff, students, retirees and alumni – who patiently worked with us through this transition period, demonstrating your Anteater pride through good stewardship of UCI resources.

Unlimited storage for Google Workspace ended on July 1, 2024

OIT wants to offer our campus community secure and cost-effective solutions for storing and preserving the important data that is the lifeblood of the University while maintaining the abilities of individuals and teams to continue to work productively in service of the University’s teaching, research, and public service missions.

If we had done nothing, the UCI Google Workspace services would have stopped working on July 1, 2024. OIT’s approach was to ensure that the service continues to work on July 1st, 2024. This means changes to the way we manage the services and the way you use them.

What Changed?

  • Account Limits: Every existing UCI Google account was placed into a storage tier. There will be options for those who require, and qualify for, a higher level of storage.
  • Shared Drive Limits: Existing shared drives were also be placed into predefined storage tiers.
  • Account management: We deleted unlicensed accounts that are inactive for more than 180 days. Current faculty, students, and staff are licensed users and will not be subject to account deletion for inactivity.

What are the new storage tiers?

Legacy Tiers: Existing accounts and shared drives

  • Faculty, staff, research teams, and administrative units were placed into a legacy tier (up to 1 TB) based on your Google Workspace usage in March 2023.
  • Undergraduate and graduate students were placed in the default tier (20 GB) for licensed users.
  • Not all accounts or drives will fit within their tier.

Legacy Tiers Details

  • See the Storage Tiers tab for more information on tiers including Legacy tiers.
  • See the Alternative Solutions tab for information on other solutions if you exceed your tier.
  • Storage tiers were rolled out in phases throughout 2023, giving each group ample time to plan accordingly for the changes after being notified.

Default Tiers: New accounts

As of 5/12/2023, all new Google Workspace accounts will have the following storage limits.

TierStorage LimitAvailable To
Default Tier for Licensed Users20 GBRegistered students, faculty, staff, guests, and groups
Default Tier for Unlicensed Users5 GBAlumni, retirees, and emeriti
Default Tier for Shared Drives5 GBAnyone, with a limit of one shared drive per account

Read the guidelines below based on your affiliation at UCI.


  • As a registered student, your account is licensed and will have a storage limit of 20 GB.
  • Upon graduation, your account will no longer be licensed and will move to the 5 GB tier.
  • Your existing shared drive(s) will have a storage limit of 5 GB.
    Due to the proliferation of shared drives, we reserve the right to prune excessive shared drive usage. We will not do that without several notification attempts.

If you have an existing account and are using more than 20 GB of space, or if you own one or more shared drives, we recommend:

  • Consider moving your classroom and extracurricular assignments to Microsoft 365.
  • Please move any personal data (e.g., movies, photos, music, etc.) to a personal Google account.

Principal Investigator/Research Faculty

  • As a principal investigator or research faculty, your account is licensed. The default storage limit for your account is 20 GB.
  • If you leave the university, your account will no longer be licensed and will move to the 5 GB tier.
  • New PI/Research Faculty: If you are new to the university on or after March 2023, you will have a storage limit of 20 GB. We recommend you do NOT build a research infrastructure on Google Workspace. Please review the alternative solutions available to you in the Alternatives tab above.
  • Existing PI/Research Faculty: If you are an existing account holder, please see “What if I have an existing account?” in the FAQ below for more information.

If your account or shared drive(s) exceed their storage limit, we recommend:

  • Consider alternative solutions available to you, especially for data backups and collaboration
  • Budget for additional storage in your grant to request and pay for a higher storage limit

Faculty or Staff

  • As faculty or staff, your account is licensed and will have a storage limit of 20 GB.
  • If you leave the university, your account will no longer be licensed and will move to the 5 GB tier.
  • Existing Faculty or Staff: If you are an existing account holder, please see “What if I have an existing account?” in the FAQ below for more information.

If your account or shared drive(s) exceed their storage limit, we recommend:

  • Consider alternative solutions available to you
  • Budget for additional storage

Group account owner

  • As a group account owner, your group account will have a storage limit of 20 GB.
  • If you leave the university, you will need to transfer ownership to another account.
  • Existing account holder: If you are an existing account holder, please see “What if I have an existing account?” in the FAQ below for more information.

If your account or shared drive(s) exceed their storage limit, we recommend:

  • Consider alternative solutions available to you
  • Budget for additional storage

Shared drive owner

Shared drive creation is managed centrally and defaults to a 5GB tier. You can request a new Shared Google Drive through a service request form. Storage tiers higher than 5 GB can be purchased by faculty, staff, research teams, and administrative units. If you need more than the default storage tier, you will need to provide a KFS recharge number. If you leave the university, you will need to transfer ownership to another account holder or the shared drive will be deleted.

If you are an existing shared drive owner, please see “What if I have an existing shared drive?” in the FAQ below for more information.

If your shared drive(s) exceed their storage limit, we recommend:

  • Consider alternative solutions available to you
  • Budget for additional storage

Guest Account & Sponsor

  • As a sponsored guest account you will have a storage limit of 20 GB.
  • As a guest account sponsor, if you leave the university, you will need to transfer the sponsorship to another account. If you do not, the guest account may be assigned to the 5 GB tier of storage.

If you are an existing guest account holder, please see “What if I have an existing account?” in the FAQ below for more information.

If your account or shared drive(s) exceed their storage limit, we recommend you consider alternative solutions available to you.

Retirees, Alumni, Emeriti

  • As a retiree, emeritus, or alumnus, you will have a storage limit of 5 GB.
  • Keep your account active: As long as you log into your account every 180 days, you will retain your account. If you do not log in for 181 days, Google yanks your storage allocation away and puts us in the position of deleting your account.
    • If you have existing shared drives, they will be deleted. Please consider other no-cost alternatives available to you.

Storage Limit Tiers

A storage limit is the maximum amount of storage a single account or shared drive can store. Because of the way Google imposes storage limits, we are unable to customize limits on a per-account basis, so we have organized the limits into reasonable slices (“tiers”). The tiers are organized according to Google licenses (or multiples thereof).

Legacy Tiers

  • Faculty, staff, research teams, and administrative units will be placed into a legacy tier (up to 1 TB) based on your Google Workspace usage in March 2023. See “What if I have an existing UCI Google account?” in the FAQ below for more details.
  • Undergraduate and graduate students will be placed in the default tier of 20GB.
TierStorage LimitAvailable To
Small20 GBThe default tier for all licensed users: registered students, faculty, staff, guests, groups
Medium100 GBFaculty, staff, research teams, administrative units
Large1 TBFaculty, staff, research teams, administrative units
Custom10 TB+Faculty, research teams, administrative units
Free5 GBThe default tier for everyone else including alumni, retirees, and emeriti

Legacy Shared Drives

We will legacy in existing, active shared drives with storage limits similar to how we are addressing individual accounts (e.g., a shared drive using 85 GB will be placed in the Medium storage tier, a shared drive using 25 TB of storage will be placed in the 1 TB tier).

Default Tiers

New accounts will go into the default tiers. The default tiers went into effect on 5/12/2023.

TierStorage LimitAvailable To
Default Tier for Licensed Users20 GBRegistered students, faculty, staff, guests, and groups
Default Tier for Unlicensed Users5 GBAlumni, retirees, and emeriti
Default Tier for Shared Drives5 GBAnyone, with a limit of one shared drive per account

Additional Storage Pricing

OIT has developed a cost recovery process for faculty, staff, research teams, and administrative units to purchase their way into a higher tier for accounts, shared drives, or both. Undergraduate, graduate students, alumni, retirees, and guestsare not eligible for additional storage.

Storage Pricing

Storage in TBAnnual CostRate Type
1 TB$144Recharge
10 TB$1,440Recharge
20 TB$2,880Recharge
30 TB$3,420Recharge
40 TB$5,760Recharge
50 TB$7,200Recharge
60 TB$8,640Recharge
70 TB$10,080Recharge
80 TB$11,520Recharge
90 TB$12,960 Recharge
100 TB$14,400Recharge

Depending on what you are trying to do, UCI has several alternatives available today (and a couple in development) at no or low cost to you. “Zero-cost services” are centrally funded, they do not rely on a “free, unlimited” model from the vendor.

I Need ToSolution(s) AvailableStorage AvailableCost to You
Collaborate with othersMicrosoft 365
• 100 GB - 1 TB for employees*$0
Publish large datasetsData DryadUp to 300 GB per dataset$0
Store data at scaleAWS 2.0 Cloud• Up to AWS limits
• UCI receives 45% off list prices for S3, 17% off all other pricing
AWS prices less discount
Campus Research Storage PoolMulti-TB file storage
  • $0 for the first TB
  • $60/year for each additional TB
Back up my laptop or desktopCrashPlanUp to 1 TB$0
Back up my lab storageComing soon! To get on interest list, please email hpc-support@uci.eduEffectively unlimited, 90 day backup retention$0
Purchase a higher tier of storage through OITSee instructions to purchase. Available only for faculty and career staff.• 1 TB tier
• 10 TB tier
• Multiples of 10 TB
• $144 / year / TB for 1TB
• 1,440 / year / TB for each multiple of 10 TB

*Microsoft reserves the right to change its default storage offering according to the terms of its systemwide contract.

IMPORTANT: The migration from Google to SharePoint/OneDrive does not delete your Google data. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are below your tier’s stated limits.

What are my migration options?

The following options are available to you:

  1. Self-service migration – OIT has a process to export your data from Google Drive using Google Takeout and import it using the OneDrive sync client. Below are some video tutorials on how to migration data from popular applications:
    1. How to use Google Takeout to export your Google data to OneDrive
    2. How to transfer Gmail to M365 using Thunderbird
    3. How to transfer Gmail to M365 using Outlook
    4. How to export your Google contacts to Microsoft 365
  2. Facilitated migration (available to faculty and staff only) – this option utilizes Microsoft Migration Manager. Please send an email to with the subject line “Google Drive Migration” and provide your UCINetID. Alternatively, you can call (949) 824-2222. Any assisted migration requests after 2:00 PM will be processed by the migration team the next business day.

What is Microsoft Migration Manager?

Microsoft Migration Manager is a tool that enables the migration of documents to Microsoft 365 (SharePoint or to OneDrive) from Google Workspace. Access to this tool is limited to UCI’s Google and Microsoft system administrators.

What isn’t migrated from Google Drive?

Google doesn’t allow Microsoft Migration Manager to export the following from Drive:

  • Google Drawings
  • Google Forms
  • Google Sites
  • Google Maps

Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets are converted

Google’s proprietary formats aren’t compatible with anything other than a Google Workspace Drive. When migrating from Google Workspace, Microsoft Migration Manager converts to the Microsoft Office format from Google’s format.

Google FormatOffice Format

How long does a facilitated migration take?

The project team has observed data transfer rates of 20 GB per hour based on our facilitated migration tests.

High-level timeline for the Google Workspace changes

February 2023Develop communication plans & channels, draft storage policy
March 2023Start communicating storage changes to stakeholders via established forums (CORCL, ASM, etc.)
May 2023• Establish “hard” limits for new accounts
• Stop new accounts from creating shared drives
June 2023• Establish “soft” limits for existing accounts
• Send out notifications to accounts over storage limits
July 2023• Establish hard limits on existing accounts using 50% or less of their storage
• Start Digital Hygiene campaign to encourage good data practice
• Notify shared drive managers that shared drives without a UCI account named as manager will be deleted
August 2023• Establish hard limits on existing accounts using 75% or less of their storage
September 2023• Establish hard limits on existing accounts using 90% or less of storage
• Communicate process for eligible account holders to purchase their way into a higher storage tier
October 2023• Communicate to undergraduate students that hard limits are coming Nov 1st
• Communicate to graduate students that hard limits are coming Nov & Dec
• Communicate to alumni and retirees that hard limits are coming in Dec
• Communicate to contingent workers and guests that hard limits are coming in Dec
• Communicate to shared drive owners using less than 100% of their storage tier that hard limits are coming in Nov
Communicate to non-UCI owned shared drives that they will be deleted in Dec
• Establish hard limits on shared drives using 80% or less of storage
November 2023• Establish hard limits on all undergraduate student accounts (11/1)
• Establish hard limits on all graduate students accounts using less than 100% of their storage tier (11/15)
• Establish hard limits on shared drives using less than 100% of their storage tier (11/15)
• Communicate to all remaining account holders and shared drive owners that hard limits will be progressively implemented starting in Dec and ending by Feb 2024
December 2023• Establish hard limits on alumni, retirees, contingent workers and guests (12/8)
• Establish hard limits on all graduate student accounts using 100% or more of their storage tier (12/18)
• Establish hard limits on faculty, staff, research & group accounts using 100% or less of their tier (12/18)
Delete shared drives not owned by a UCI account (12/1)
January 2024• Progressively implement storage limits on remaining accounts and shared drives
February 2024 • Progressively establish hard limits on remaining staff, faculty, research and group accounts
• Establish hard limits on all remaining shared drives
Notify account holders and shared drive owners over their limits that their data will be deleted in 60 days if they do not address their overage
March 2024Notify account holders and shared drive owners over their limits that their data will be deleted in 30 days if they do not address their overage
April 2024• All accounts and shared drives receive hard limits (4/14/24)
Start deleting accounts and shared drives over their limits
July 1, 2024• Google Workspace seizes up if we do not use less storage than what we have allocated
Google Workspace Storage Changes | Office of Information Technology (2024)


Google Workspace Storage Changes | Office of Information Technology? ›

Google is ending its offering of unlimited storage in Google Workspace (Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos). Due to this change, starting May 1, 2024, storage quotas will be applied to all BC Google accounts, as follows: Individual User Accounts: 250GB. Shared Google Drives: 500GB.

Will Google end unlimited storage for Google Workspace in July 2024? ›

Google has announced the end of unlimited storage for Google Workspace. Effective July 1st, 2024, UCI's unlimited storage ended. OIT rolled out a new tiered model to manage storage and costs going forward.

What is the new storage policy for Google? ›

Further files created or edited in collaborative content creation apps such as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms and Jamboard will also count against the storage allotted to a user. However, Google also notes that only files created or edited after 1 June 2021 will count towards the 15GB or higher quota.

What is taking up Google storage? ›

Most files in your My Drive take up space as they contain files and folders you upload or sync, such as . pdf files, images, or videos. Your space in My Drive also contains files you create, such as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms. Items in your Trash also take up space.

Did Google recently change its policy offering free unlimited storage to educational institutions? ›

Well, the short story is that we won't be doing that anymore. Google has traditionally offered FREE unlimited storage to qualifying schools and universities. Starting in 2022, these institutions will be capped at 100TB of pooled storage shared across all users in the domain.

Is Google unlimited storage being discontinued? ›

Google is ending unlimited storage for all higher education institutions. Storage quotas will be set on all App State accounts on March 28, 2024, and Google Photos will be turned off for employees and discontinued for students.

Why did Google change unlimited storage? ›

Although Google has traditionally offered unlimited storage for free to its education customers, this model has become unsustainable with the rapid acceleration in growth of stored data. In July of 2022, Google will shift from unlimited storage to a pooled storage model for Google Workspace for Education customers.

Is Google going to give 1TB free storage? ›

In an attempt to support users to expand their businesses, communicate, and collaborate more effectively, Google is now increasing the current 15GB free storage to 1TB.

Is Google changing storage? ›

Stay below storage quota: Starting May 1, 2024, you will need to stay under your storage limit for your Drive, Gmail, and Photos. If your account runs out of storage, your services will be disrupted until you free up more space (e.g. You will be unable to add/edit files in Google Drive or Google Photos).

When did Google change storage limit? ›

Accounts storing more than 150 GB will need to reduce their content below 150 GB by Jan. 23, 2024. If you need to reduce your Google content you were sent an email with more information and action steps. If your account holds more than 35 GB of content, you will receive an extended 150 GB limit on July 5, 2023.

Should I pay Google for storage? ›

You don't have to pay for digital storage. Google Drive, Google's cloud storage service, has over 2 billion active monthly users, according to Google partner Patronum. If you're one of those people, you might know you're account only gets 15GB of free space.

Why is Google charging for storage? ›

The change to storage policies and the push toward paid subscriptions was necessary to keep up with growing demand for storage, said a Google spokeswoman. People add more than 4.3 million gigabytes of content to Google accounts every day, the company says.

What happens if I stop Google storage? ›

If you cancel your storage plan, you'll lose all additional storage for your account. At the end of your billing cycle, you may be over quota. If you're over your storage quota for 2 years, all the content that counts toward your storage quota may be deleted.

Will unlimited Google storage end in July 2024? ›

At the end of 2020, Google announced the end of unlimited storage for all educational institutions. Starting in November 2024, Google will enforce storage limits, and the university will be required to reduce its Google Workspace storage consumption.

What is the new Google storage policy? ›

Every Google Account comes with 15 GB of storage for Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. When you subscribe to Google One, your total storage increases to 100 GB or more depending on the plan you choose.

What happened to free Google storage? ›

Google Photos will no longer include unlimited free storage

You'll have just 15GB of free storage starting in June 2021.

Is Google Workspace still unlimited? ›

Google introduced a new model for Google Workspace for Education (GWE) that will end unlimited storage on Nov. 1, 2024, for all educational institutions.

Is Google Keep storage unlimited? ›

Unlike Evernote, Google Keep is completely free. It does use your Google account's storage, so you have a 15GB storage limit before you have to upgrade (via either a Google One or Google Workspace subscription).

What happens when Google storage subscription ends? ›

If your storage plan is canceled or expires

If you cancel your storage plan, you'll lose all additional storage for your account. At the end of your billing cycle, you may be over quota. If you're over your storage quota for 2 years, all the content that counts toward your storage quota may be deleted.

Is Google Workspace no longer free? ›

Google has also given a deadline for this, which is on June 27, 2022. After this, the accounts of the free users will be migrated to the paid Google Workspace and users will have to pay in order to access their account. If this move has left you shocked and thinking about alternatives, then do not worry.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.