Healthy Egg "Muffins" - Breakfast Recipe (2024)

After a devastating rendevouz with his doctor, Eric Isaac decided to change his diet. Here is one of his new breakfast recipes.
By Eric Isaac

Today I end my love affair with sugar.

Let me back up a bit. It actually ended about 2 months ago after a brief phone call with my doctor in which he told me, “You have the liver of an alcoholic”. You could say I was a bit devastated. I should have known that after a lifetime of poor diet choices that it would lead to something but I never thought it would be my liver. This is a potentially serious condition that, at this point, is completely reversible. The time to act is now.

A few months before, I had started readingThe 4-Hour Bodyby Timothy Ferriss. I had quickly lost interest before I even got to the diet part of the book, which was like chapter 3. (Yeah, I lose interest that quick—I blame the ADD.) After I got the news, I picked the book back up immediately and reread the entire diet section. I skipped the sex machine part of the book, for obvious reasons.

After reading that book, I jumped over to a recommendation from a 4HB friend calledWhy We Get Fat and What To Do About Itby Gary Taubes. This is the definitive book on why carbs, specifically simple carbs like sugar and starch are so bad for our bodies. But it’s even more specific on why fat and protein are NOT bad for you, even in large amounts. I say fat first, because realistically, when looking at the calorie to gram ratio, fat is more than twice as large.

I now follow the 4HB diet as a lifestyle change, not as a diet. I make a point to pack in protein and complex carbs from beans and lentils into every meal. But more importantly, my fat content, especially the fat content from animal fat, is even higher than it ever was. I don’t go out of my way to find animal fat, I’m just not as scared of it any more.

That said, my girlfriend is a vegetarian, which means no animal fat for her. The protein sources are limited when you factor out the occasional soy product, which really isn’t good for anyone, let alone women. I think coping with that, has made life a little more difficult for her. Even more difficult is packing in 30 grams of protein a day for breakfast. I doubt either of us came anywhere near that in the morning. For her busy full time schedule, it makes it even more challenging so I’ve developed a recipe to make it a little easier on her:


Egg Muffins

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  • Author: Eric Isaac
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Yield: 3 muffins 1x
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A healthy morning meal from Eric Isaac.



  • 12 Eggs
  • 4 cups of spinach, finely chopped, then wilted
  • 3 cups of lentils, cooked
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tsp pepper
  • 2 tsp salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a cupcake tray with nonstick spray or grease with oil.
  2. Add eggs to a large bowl, mix with a whisk, then add spinach, lentils, and spices.
  3. Using a half cup measure, pour mixture into cupcake tins. I like to additionally mix it around with the measuring cup before scooping and pouring as the lentils tend to sink to the bottom. It’s important to keep a good mix of egg and lentils.
  4. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until completely set in the center. Remove from oven, let cool. This is important for having a clean pan when you take them out of the tray. If you try to remove them still hot, they will crumble.
  5. As the cool they shrink enough that they pop out with ease, leaving nothing behind, as long as you’ve coated the pan with enough oil.
  6. Enjoy
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 20 mins


  • Fat: Who cares?(I’ll explain this at another time)
  • Protein: 30g

I’ve also recently played around with different protein sources other than lentils. I did chickpeas and black beans recently and I found that I actually loved them more than the lentils. But the lentils are smaller and denser so you can pack in more protein per square inch. When you are eating these every day for breakfast, it’s best to mix it up every once in a while.

Healthy Egg "Muffins" - Breakfast Recipe (2)

Eric Isaac

Eric Isaac is an American food and travel photographer based out of NYC. His blog, SnapFood, highlights food in and around new york as well as what he discovers in his travels throughout the world.

Healthy Egg "Muffins" - Breakfast Recipe (2024)
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