How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (2024)

Last updated on Sep 13, 2024

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What is the 70-20-10 model?


How does the 70-20-10 model work?


How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development?


What are the benefits of the 70-20-10 model for employee development?


What are the challenges of the 70-20-10 model for employee development?


Here’s what else to consider

Employee development is crucial for retaining talent, enhancing performance, and achieving organizational goals. But how do you design an effective employee development plan that suits the needs and aspirations of your staff? One popular framework that can help you is the 70-20-10 model. In this article, you will learn what the 70-20-10 model is, how it works, and how you can use it for employee development.

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  • Albert O.

    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (6) How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (7) 12

  • Briony Platt Management & Leadership Development Specialist; I work with Leaders to help them develop their individuals, get results…

    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (9) 6

How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (10) How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (11) How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (12)

1 What is the 70-20-10 model?

The 70-20-10 model is a learning and development approach that suggests that people acquire 70% of their knowledge and skills from on-the-job experiences, 20% from social interactions and feedback, and 10% from formal training and education. The model was developed by researchers at the Center for Creative Leadership in the 1980s, based on interviews with successful managers. The model is not a rigid formula, but a guideline that can be adapted to different contexts and roles.

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  • Albert O.
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    While in some Asian countries, organizations still focus on the 10% part of the model (training parts), the 20% of social interactions is the part that has been the "talk-of-town" in pandemic era.In pandemic era, the value propositions of LMS (Learning Management System) revolved around how the system and application can create an immersive learning experience that could replace the interactions parts. Even with great knowledge contents when employees cannot interact with the content, peers and experts related to the learning, it will be just another mandatory learning.


    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (21) How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (22) 12

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    Most people seem to learn best by doing (experiential) and through each other (social).Teacher-led (formal/classroom) training is still needed and is useful, particularly in groups. However, I see the fastest adoption (particularly in adults), when they learn 'in the flow of work'.There's an immediate point of reference to the learning. So meaningful connections and a deeper conceptual understanding are achieved.I tend to do classroom sessions first, so that learners can refer back to the theory, to make these connections when learning experientially.


    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (31) How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (32) How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (33) 4

  • Joan Russell (Phillips), AVP, MA, CPACC, SSYB People Powered | Outcome Driven |Learning Professional | Accessibility a11y
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    The 70-20-10 is a formula recommended to help shape employee performance on the job. The 70% is experiential. In my opinion, this is where talent, learning & the lines of business come together. They create on-the-job experiences crucial to long-term employee development, engagement and retention. There usually are elements of learning, practice, feedback and reflection. Social represents 20%, and it is learning from peers and coaching. Finally the 10% is formal learning, like enterprise & department compliance and other required training.


    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (42) 4

  • Tom-Blake A. Forghab, FMVA® Auditor | Audit Bench of the Supreme Court of Cameroon | PFM Specialist | Financial Analyst
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    In our external audits and performance appraisals of public corporations and administrations we apply the 70-20-10 model to drive impact. By recognizing that 70% of learning comes from on-the-job experience, 20% from social interactions, and 10% from formal training, we can identify targeted areas for improvement and empower organizations to achieve excellence.

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    En mi experiencia una estrategia de Learning and Development basada en este modelo contribuye a la transferencia de los conocimientos y experiencias adquiridas al terreno así como a la transferencia del know how y desarrollo de la inteligencia colaborativa.



    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (60) 3

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2 How does the 70-20-10 model work?

The 70-20-10 model works by balancing the three types of learning activities: experiential, social, and formal. Experiential learning refers to the tasks, challenges, and projects that employees undertake as part of their daily work. This is where they learn by doing, making mistakes, and solving problems. Social learning refers to the interactions, feedback, and coaching that employees receive from their peers, managers, mentors, and customers. This is where they learn by observing, collaborating, and sharing. Formal learning refers to the courses, workshops, seminars, and online programs that employees attend or complete. This is where they learn by studying, listening, and practicing.

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    An example in my job, at a contact center, which incorporates the model effectively is buddy jacking...using a modified headset where the employee takes the call and the new hire listens to the handling of the call. It is a simple but very successful mode for incorporating all aspects of the individual.


    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (69) 3

  • Atif Sarfraz Learning and Development Manager/ Management Sherpa at Hilti Saudi Arabia
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    As a part of ones development, you should create development Items and think of specific actions that will help you assess your progress. The 70-20-10 strategy can help you in this task.Ex: If your development goal is to improve presentation skills then the 70 20 10 will look something like this: 70%: Do a presentation in your team meeting using techniques gathered in your formal learning and experience exchange20%: Ask colleagues/friends in your network who you feel are good at presenting and gain insights from them. 10%: Take a formal training on Presentation skills within your organization or via a certified trainer.


    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (78) 3

  • Rodney T. Transforming Businesses through Learning and Development
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    Theoretically to say that 10% of your learning is derived from self-paced learning, forming and storming your beliefs as you acquire new knowledge, the same 10% that is the inertia, which is why we struggle.The 20% of learning is contributed by subject matter experts helping you with clarity in perspectives and your perception about the challenges, accelerating your acquisition process, when you get validation.The last 70% is the experiential process with peers, your psychom*otor abilities kick in, your muscle memory as you neurally map your knowledge, translating your knowledge into the application and skills.Training in the flow of work sums this, but it is executed methodically with technology to approach this holistically.


3 How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development?

To use the 70-20-10 model for employee development, you need to first assess the current and desired competencies, goals, and interests of your employees. After that, design a development plan that incorporates the three types of learning activities. For example, identify the key skills and knowledge required to perform roles and achieve career aspirations. Provide opportunities for employees to learn from their work experiences, such as delegating more responsibilities or rotating across different functions or teams. Additionally, create a culture of feedback, set up mentoring or coaching programs, or organize peer learning groups or communities of practice to facilitate social learning. Finally, support and supplement formal learning with access to courses, workshops, seminars, or online programs and reimburse tuition or fees.

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    I also use 70-20-10 as a way to assess the design of continuous learning journeys! I check if the journey offers more experiential components than knowledge and learning from peers! For example, the journey starts with introductory webinars, gaining knowledge about a topic. These topics are delivered over weeks in small nuggets interspersed with activities like polls and live expert talks and peer based problem based projects on MS Teams and an open channel for peer collaboration!

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    The 70-20-10 model emphasises that leadership can be learned through a combination of different types of experiences. 70% Experience: Experiential learning is informal.Employees are learning and practicing while doing their job. Eg; workplace projects/assignments, acting in a higher role. 20% Exposure: Social or exposure learning involves developing with and through others by taking advantage of cooperative opportunities. Eg; peer or action learning, seeking a mentor, role shadowing.10% Education: Education is formal learning, undertaken through course work and training. Eg; online learning modules, vocational or higher education, micro credentials.


    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (104) How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (105) 2

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    The 70-20-10 model should be considered in advance for all further education formats, i think.In this context, so-called „learning mentors“ or specifically suitable projects, in which the learned material can be directly implemented, have proven themselves.


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  • Rodney T. Transforming Businesses through Learning and Development
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    Delivery through a learning management system. Engage your workforce in their development, associate their development with your LMS, through consistent feedback and progress checkers in their abilities to use tools. Summative assessments built into milestones become the foundation of your workforce growth metrics. Uncovers knowledge and skills gap, and this leads into building a knowledge base in your organisational context


4 What are the benefits of the 70-20-10 model for employee development?

The 70-20-10 model for employee development offers several advantages, such as aligning learning activities with the work context and needs of the employees. It also leverages existing resources within the organization, lowering associated costs and time. Moreover, this model promotes a culture of continuous learning and improvement, motivating employees to take charge of their own development and share their insights. Ultimately, this model can enhance the performance, satisfaction, and retention of employees, as well as the productivity, innovation, and competitiveness of the organization.

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    The 70-20-10 model is a great way to further employee development.It helps people to understand what it takes to get the results they want, and what is missing from their existing approach to development. For example, I had a coaching client who was delivering presentations regularly, but struggling to have the desired impact on her audience. When we applied the model, she realized that she was focusing mostly on the 70% (practice) but had not taken much action to increase her the social learning (20%) or her formal knowledge (10%). Once she started actively asking for feedback on her presentation skills, and learning about presentation tools and techniques, she felt much more confident and competent in presenting.


    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (131) How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (132) 15

  • Briony Platt Management & Leadership Development Specialist; I work with Leaders to help them develop their individuals, get results and build high performing teams.
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    To me the 70-20-10 model points out the flaws in over-reliance purely on "We'll send her on a course". Without other people role modelling the behaviour (part of the 20%) and plenty of opportunity to practise the things that have been learned, in a psychologically safe environment, without fear of recrimination if it isnt done perfectly, with coaching and support to embed it, the 10% will often lead to minimal, if any, change.


    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (141) 6

  • Atif Sarfraz Learning and Development Manager/ Management Sherpa at Hilti Saudi Arabia
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    The 70 20 10 model is a great tool for Employee development. The best part about it is that the Employee himself/herself is on the driver's seat. They are the ones who take the lead in most of the parts here. The 10% is where they need to take a formal training and they are dependent on others, but for the 70 and 20 they will be the ones who will be driving this. Trying to implement their development plan on the job and practicing as much as they can will be helpful. Similarly, social interactions and asking for feedback from experts will enhance your own skill set.


    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (150) 5

  • Carlos Andrés Romero Rosanía HR Director | CHRO | 🇨🇴 🇮🇹 | Directing all aspects of human resource management with a keen focus on meeting and exceeding organizational objectives.
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    Principalmente se logra un mayor aprendizaje y cambios en las conducta, lo que lleva a tener un uso mas efectivo de los recursos de entrenamiento de la compañía. Adicional a estos dos, diría que al aprender a través de la exposición (20) o la experiencia (70) dentro de la misma organización, se garantiza la aplicabilidad de lo aprendido.



    How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (159) 1

5 What are the challenges of the 70-20-10 model for employee development?

The 70-20-10 model for employee development also has some challenges that must be addressed. Clear and consistent communication of expectations, roles, and responsibilities is necessary for success. Managers, mentors, and coaches must be highly committed and provide feedback to guide and monitor progress. Quality and availability of experiential, social, and formal learning activities can vary depending on the industry, organization, or function. Lastly, flexibility and adaptability are key components of the development plan as it may need to be revised or updated according to changing needs and circ*mstances of the employees or the organization.

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  • Carlos Andrés Romero Rosanía HR Director | CHRO | 🇨🇴 🇮🇹 | Directing all aspects of human resource management with a keen focus on meeting and exceeding organizational objectives.
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    Lo mas difícil del modelo es diseñar acciones asociados a la experiencia (70) y la exposición (20) y lograr el compromiso del empleado y el líder, parte relevante en la construcción de planes en este modelo:Empleados: su expectativa de entrenamiento es un curso formal, en aula (correspondiente al 10 del modelo)Líderes: no cuentan con las herramientas para diseñar acciones de 70 y 20



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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Rodney T. Transforming Businesses through Learning and Development


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    Helping your workforce to be congruent is key to motivation. Organisations only consider cognitive and behavioural aspects. What is truly lacking is the affective parts which is the only genuine and reliable feedback coming from your workforce.


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How do you use the 70-20-10 model for employee development? (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.