How Fast Can a Drone Fly? Top Speeds of Various Types (2024)

July 15, 2024

Category : blog

Drones are no longer science fiction; they're buzzing everywhere! But how fast can drones fly? The answer is surprisingly varied.

Consumer drones, popular for photography and recreation, typically reach speeds of around 45 mph, with top models hitting up to 70 mph.

Racing drones are built for speed, often exceeding 100 mph, and the world record stands at an incredible 360 mph.

Military drones, designed for surveillance and tactical missions, can reach impressive speeds, with some models surpassing 12,000 mph.

In this article, we will explore the speeds of different types of drones, examining the factors that influence their performance.

How Fast Can a Drone Fly? Top Speeds of Various Types (1)

What is the Maximum Speed a Drone Can Fly Legally?

What is the Maximum Speed a Drone Can Fly Legally?

Most countries have drone speed limits enforced by aviation authorities. Just because your drone can fly at a certain speed doesn't mean it's legal. Always check the regulations before takeoff.

  • United States (FAA): The maximum legal drone speed is 100 mph.
  • European Union (EASA): The A1 drone category, covering most recreational drones, has a speed limit of 42 mph. However, individual EU countries may have stricter regulations.
  • China: The maximum speed you can fly a drone in China is 62 mph.

These regulations are put in place to ensure safety and prevent potential hazards. Doing so ensures safety and avoids potential fines or penalties.

How Fast Can a Consumer Drone Fly?

How Fast Can a Consumer Drone Fly?

Consumer drones prioritize stability for smooth aerial photography and videography. Budget-friendly and beginner models typically have a top speed of 30-45 mph to ensure stable flight and capture high-quality visuals. For enthusiasts seeking more speed, advanced models offer "Sport" or "Speed" modes that increase power output, reaching up to 70 mph.

How Fast Can a Drone Fly? Top Speeds of Various Types (2)

However, standard consumer drones will likely never have the fastest motors, as this would be impractical and unsafe for beginners. High-speed flying also disables many drone technologies, such as anti-collision sensors and intelligent functions, making control more difficult.

The faster a drone flies, the more challenging it is to control, especially with standard drone joysticks. Flying at higher speeds requires constant micro-adjustments, increasing the difficulty of maintaining stable flight.

Speed of Popular Consumer Drones

Drone ModelMax Speed (mph)
DJI Mini 3 / Mini 3 Pro35.7
DJI Air 2S42.5
DJI Mavic 3, Classic, & Pro47
DJI Phantom 444.7
Autel EVO Lite40
DJI Inspire 358.4
Parrot ANAFI34.1

While 45 mph might seem slow compared to FPV drones, it is significantly above the speed limit for cars in most cities. Drones capable of higher speeds also benefit from better wind resistance, enhancing their performance in high winds.

How Fast Can a Racing FPV Drone Fly?

How Fast Can a Racing FPV Drone Fly?

Unlike their consumer counterparts, FPV (First-Person View) drones prioritize raw speed and agility. These custom-built machines, or heavily modified off-the-shelf models, can easily surpass 100 mph.

Some FPV drones have even set world records. The XLR V3, for instance, holds the current record with an average speed of 224 mph and a top speed of 257 mph. Custom electric fixed-wing drones can surpass 300 mph, although these speeds often go unreported due to regulations prohibiting such high speeds in most countries.

How Fast Can a Drone Fly? Top Speeds of Various Types (3)

Speed of Popular FPV Drones

Drone ModelMax Speed (mph)
DJI Avata60.3
Nazgul Evoque F5 V2 6S118
DRL Racer X179.6
iFlight Protek 3574.5

Flying FPV drones at such speeds requires advanced piloting skills due to their agility and responsiveness. Pilots must be adept at controlling these drones to navigate sharp turns and sudden accelerations.

Additionally, FPV drones excel in handling high winds and adverse weather conditions, allowing pilots to fly in conditions that standard drones might struggle with due to their auto-leveling systems.

How Fast Can a Professional Drone Fly?

How Fast Can a Professional Drone Fly?

Professional drones balance speed, carrying capacity, and endurance to optimize performance for various industrial applications. Typically, these drones operate within a speed range of 40 to 60 mph, allowing them to efficiently handle tasks in agriculture, real estate, logistics, and more.

How Fast Can a Drone Fly? Top Speeds of Various Types (4)

Speed of Popular Professional Drones

Drone ModelMax Speed (mph)
DJI Matrice 300 RTK51
WingtraOne Gen II36
Sensefly eBee X68
Freefly Alta 840

While speed is a factor, professional drone operation goes beyond. It requires mastery of flight mechanics, camera operation, and flight planning & data collection software. This complexity underscores the importance of pilot training and certification.

To ensure safety and compliance with airspace regulations, professional drone pilots must pass a knowledge test and earn a remote pilot certificate. This certification demonstrates their understanding of airspace restrictions, flight altitude limitations, and any specific clearances needed for specific operations.

How Fast Can a Police Drone Fly?

How Fast Can a Police Drone Fly?

Police drones typically operate within a speed range similar to that of commercial drones, usually between 40 to 60 mph. This speed range ensures efficient operation in urban environments while maintaining control and stability. However, specialized police drones used for tactical or high-speed operations can achieve higher speeds, sometimes up to 100 mph (160 km/h) or more.

How Fast Can a Drone Fly? Top Speeds of Various Types (5)

Speed of Popular Police Drones

Drone ModelMax Speed (mph)
RMUS Heavy Duty Police Drone25
DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise47
Autel Robotics EVO II45
Parrot ANAFI38

Police drones prioritize features like long flight time, stability, and payload capacity for tasks like surveillance and . Speed is less important than features that ensure clear evidence capture and mission effectiveness.

How Fast Can a Delivery Drone Fly?

How Fast Can a Delivery Drone Fly?

Delivery drones typically operate at speeds between 40 to 60 mph to ensure both efficiency and safety in populated areas. For instance, Amazon's Prime Air targets a speed of 50 mph to achieve 30-minute deliveries.

How Fast Can a Drone Fly? Top Speeds of Various Types (6)

Speed of Popular Delivery Drones

Drone ModelMax Speed (mph)
Amazon Prime Air65
Wing (by Alphabet)65
DHL Parcelcopter93

While speed is important, delivery drone development focuses on safe and efficient flight paths using advanced autopilot systems and sophisticated sensors for obstacle detection and avoidance. Increasing payload capacity can also enhance efficiency by reducing the number of trips needed.

How Fast Can a Military Drone Fly?

How Fast Can a Military Drone Fly?

Military drones are not all created equal. Their speeds vary greatly depending on their mission. Surveillance drones, tasked with gathering intel, prioritize discretion and long observation times. These aerial scouts typically fly between 124 and 220 mph.This allows them to monitor areas for extended periods without being easily detected.

How Fast Can a Drone Fly? Top Speeds of Various Types (7)

In contrast, armed drones built for combat operations are all about speed. They need to be fast for rapid deployment, response, and engagement. These military workhorses can exceed 190 mph, allowing them to quickly reach their targets and complete critical missions. The fastest military drone is the Lockheed SR-72, a reconnaissance plane capable of traveling at an astonishing speed of 1,350 mph.

Speed of Popular Military Drones

Drone ModelMax Speed (mph)
General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper300
Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk400
Boeing MQ-25 Stingray580
Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel590
BAE Systems Taranis700

Stealth and maneuverability are crucial for military drones, which often need to evade radar detection and perform complex maneuvers. These advanced features enable them to operate effectively in high-risk environments, making them indispensable in modern warfare.

Factors that Affect Drone Top Speed

A variety of characteristics, from internal components to external conditions, play significant roles in determining how fast a drone can fly. Let’s take a closer look at these factors:

Motor Power

Motor power is one of the most critical components influencing a drone's maximum speed, acceleration, and carrying capacity. Higher motor power allows for greater speeds but also consumes more battery power. Standard GPS drones typically have limited motor power to maintain control and ensure smooth, accurate flights, as well as to conserve battery life. This is why FPV drones, which are designed for speed, can only fly for a few minutes compared to standard drones that can fly for 45+ minutes.

How Fast Can a Drone Fly? Top Speeds of Various Types (8)

Drone Operating Voltage

The operating voltage of a drone's motors and other components significantly affects its speed. Drones can operate at different voltages, ranging from 3.7 volts (1s batteries) to 22.2 volts (6s batteries) and beyond. Drones with higher voltage and amperage benefit from more robust motors, resulting in higher speeds. For example, drones using 6s LiPo batteries generally have more substantial power and can achieve higher speeds compared to those using 4s or 2s batteries.

Drone Weight

Contrary to popular belief, lighter drones do not always fly faster. The drone’s size, aerodynamics, and air friction also play crucial roles. Lightweight drones generally fly slower, but heavy drones can also experience reduced speeds. The key is to find the right balance where the drone is neither too heavy nor too light to achieve optimal performance.


Aerodynamics greatly impacts a drone's speed by affecting air friction and wind resistance. Drones with better aerodynamics, such as the DJI FPV, can reach higher speeds more stably than those with poor aerodynamics. Good aerodynamic design minimizes air resistance and allows for smoother, faster flights.

Drone Type

The type of drone also affects its speed. FPV drones, designed for high-speed flying, are limited only by motor power and not by firmware constraints, unlike standard consumer drones. In the realm of standard GPS drones, higher-priced models generally offer better performance and higher speeds.

Internal Parts

Internal components such as the Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) and flight controller are crucial in determining a drone's power and speed. For instance, an FPV drone with a 45A ESC can handle a maximum current flow of 45 amps, distributing power equally to the motors for extra speed. However, these internal parts can also limit power; for example, an ESC might burn out when throttled at maximum, limiting the drone’s speed.

Weather Conditions

External factors like weather conditions can significantly influence a drone's speed. While many drones can fly through extreme weather, their performance is often reduced. Wind, rain, and temperature changes can impact the drone’s ability to maintain high speeds.


As you fly higher, the atmospheric pressure decreases, impacting a drone's lift and power output. This is known as the service ceiling, the maximum recommended altitude for optimal performance. Drones with higher service ceilings can reach higher speeds at those altitudes than drones with lower service ceilings.

  • Read More: How High Can a Drone Fly?

What is a Risk of Flying a Drone Too Fast?

What is the Risk of Flying a Drone Too Fast?

While the thrill of pushing your drone to its limits might be tempting, exceeding a safe speed can lead to a multitude of problems. Here's a breakdown of the risks associated with flying a drone too fast:

Legal Liabilities

Drone regulations vary by country, but most establish specific speed limits for safe operation. Exceeding these limits is a clear violation of drone laws and could result in fines, permit revocation, or even confiscation of your drone. Staying informed about local regulations is crucial for responsible drone flight.

Overheating and Component Failure

Drone motors and electronics are designed for specific performance levels. Pushing them to their maximum capacity for extended periods through high-speed flight can lead to overheating and component failure. This could include:

  • Burnt-out Motors: Drone motors are powerful but not meant for sustained high-speed operation. Excessive strain can quickly lead to burnout, requiring costly repairs or replacements.
  • Fried Electronics: The flight controller and electronic speed controller (ESC) regulate your drone's operation. Overtaxing these components with excessive current from high-speed flight can damage them permanently.
  • Battery Drain and Damage: Drone batteries are designed to deliver a specific amount of power. High-speed flight draws heavily on battery resources, reducing flight time and potentially damaging the battery itself. In the case of FPV (First Person View) drones using Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries, exceeding the C-Rate (maximum safe discharge rate) can lead to permanent battery damage.

Increased Crash Risk

Maintaining control becomes significantly more challenging at high speeds. Reduced reaction time and the impact of wind gusts can easily lead to a loss of control, resulting in a crash. This not only damages your drone but also poses a risk of property damage or even injury to people or animals on the ground.

How Fast Can a Drone Fly? Top Speeds of Various Types (9)

What to Do If a Drone is too Fast?

What to Do If a Drone is Too Fast?

Managing a high-speed drone can be challenging and requires careful attention to ensure safety and control. Here are some expert tips to help you handle a drone that flies too fast:

Develop a Sharp Reaction Time

When flying a drone at high speeds, having a sharp reaction time is crucial. You need to be in control of the drone at all times to avoid crashes. This means staying highly attentive and being able to respond quickly to any sudden changes or obstacles.

Constantly Monitor the On-Screen Display (OSD)

The on-screen display (OSD) provides vital statistics such as signal strength, battery level, current speed, and remaining flight time. Continuously monitoring these metrics is essential when flying a drone at high speeds, as it can quickly go out of range or deplete its battery.

Have a Spotter

Having a spotter can significantly enhance safety. While you’ll be focused on the remote control screen, a spotter can keep an eye on the drone itself. This extra set of eyes helps in maintaining visual contact with the drone and can alert you to any potential hazards. Although not legally required everywhere for GPS drones, having a spotter is a recommended practice.

Avoid High-Speed Flying in Busy Areas

To mitigate risks, never fly a drone at high speeds in busy areas. Instead, choose open fields, mountains, valleys, or other places free from people or structures. Avoid flying at maximum speed inside cities or densely populated areas to prevent accidents and ensure safety.

Be Aware of the Surrounding Airspace

Always be mindful of the surrounding airspace, especially when flying at high speeds. This includes being on the lookout for other aircraft and adhering to general guidelines and regulations. Maintaining awareness of your environment is key to preventing collisions and ensuring safe flight operations.



Does Higher Speed Burn Battery Faster?

Yes, a higher speed does burn the battery faster. When a drone flies at higher speeds, its motors work harder, consuming more power. This increased power consumption drains the battery more quickly, reducing the overall flight time.

Additionally, higher speeds often require more energy to overcome air resistance and maintain stability, which further accelerates battery depletion.

How Fast Can a Small Drone Fly?

The speed of a small drone can vary widely based on its design and purpose. Generally, small consumer drones fly at speeds ranging from 10 to 30 mph (16 to 48 km/h).

However, high-performance racing drones, even if small in size, can reach speeds of up to 70 mph (113 km/h) or more. The exact speed depends on factors like motor power, battery type, and aerodynamics.

How Fast Can a Quadcopter Drone Fly?

Quadcopter drones, which are the most common type of consumer drones, typically have maximum speeds between 30 and 60 mph (48 to 97 km/h). High-end models, especially those designed for racing or professional use, can exceed these speeds.

For instance, FPV racing quadcopters can reach speeds of up to 120 mph (193 km/h). The speed depends on the quadcopter’s motor power, battery capacity, and overall design.

How Fast Can a Fixed Wing Drone Fly?

Fixed-wing drones are generally faster than their multirotor counterparts due to their aerodynamic design. These drones can achieve speeds ranging from 40 to 90 mph (64 to 145 km/h) on average. Military and specialized fixed-wing drones can reach even higher speeds.

For example, high-performance models like the Lockheed SR-72 can travel at speeds exceeding 1,350 mph (2,173 km/h). The speed of a fixed-wing drone is influenced by factors such as wing design, motor power, and weight.

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    How Fast Can a Drone Fly? Top Speeds of Various Types (2024)


    How Fast Can a Drone Fly? Top Speeds of Various Types? ›

    But how fast can drones fly? The answer is surprisingly varied. Consumer drones, popular for photography and recreation, typically reach speeds of around 45 mph, with top models hitting up to 70 mph. Racing drones are built for speed, often exceeding 100 mph, and the world record stands at an incredible 360 mph.

    Do drones have a speed limit? ›

    Legal Limit For How Fast You Can Fly A Drone

    Whether you're flying for commercial or recreational purposes under Part 107, you must comply with this speed limit. Even if your drone is capable of flying faster, you're required to keep it under 100 mph unless you've obtained a waiver from the FAA.

    What is the maximum speed of military drones? ›

    Military Drones
    Drone NameTop SpeedAltitude
    RQ-4 Global Hawk357 mph (575 km/h)60,000 feet
    MQ-1 Predator135 mph (217 km/h)25,000 feet
    XQ-58A Valkyrie600 mph (965 km/h)High altitude
    General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper300 mph (480 km/h)50,000 feet
    5 more rows
    Sep 6, 2024

    What are the speeds of drone races? ›

    Average speed of 165.2MPH / 265.87kmph with a fastest oneway top speed of 179.78mph.

    How fast can a drone fly legally? ›

    United States (FAA): The maximum legal drone speed is 100 mph. European Union (EASA): The A1 drone category, covering most recreational drones, has a speed limit of 42 mph. However, individual EU countries may have stricter regulations.

    Can a drone go 200 mph? ›

    A couple of tests see the drone hit 200 mph down the back straight and get pretty close to Lawson, though it suffers from poor stability and its video connection to the pilot cuts in and out.

    How fast can police drones fly? ›

    8 Best Police Drones for Sale
    ModelTypeTop Speed
    JOUAV CW-30EVTOL drone90km/h
    JOUAV CW-15DVTOL drone61km/h
    RMUS Heavy Duty Police DroneQuadcopter40 km/h
    DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise AdvancedQuadcopter76km/h
    4 more rows
    Jun 26, 2024

    What kind of drone can I fly without a license? ›

    Drone Size and Weight Factors

    In the U.S., drones weighing less than 0.55 pounds (250 grams) are exempt from registration if used recreationally. However, all drones used for commercial purposes must be registered, regardless of weight.

    What is the largest drone you can fly without a license? ›

    To be sure what kind of a drone pilot you are, use FAA's User Identification Tool or go to the Getting Started page to know more. Drones weighing 0.55 pounds (250 grams) or less and are flown exclusively under the Exception for Recreational Flyers may fly without registration.

    What is the highest a military drone can fly? ›

    Flying at altitudes up to 50,000 feet, these UAVs collect vital information on enemy positions, communications, and activities. Their ability to operate undetected at high altitudes makes them crucial assets for covert intelligence operations and strategic planning.

    What is the max drone speed FAA? ›

    The maximum allowable altitude is 400 feet above the ground, and higher if your drone remains within 400 feet of a structure. The maximum speed is 100 mph (87 knots).

    How far can civilian drones fly? ›

    What Are the Classification of Drones Based on Range?
    Drone TypeFlight DistanceTypical Uses
    Very Close-RangeUp to 5 kmRecreational use
    Close-RangeUp to 50 kmMilitary surveillance, aerial photography
    Short-RangeUp to 150 kmSurveillance, mapping, utility inspections
    Mid-RangeUp to 644 kmMilitary combat and surveillance
    1 more row
    May 8, 2024

    What is the maximum speed of a drone? ›

    In short, the commonly bought quadcopters can achieve around 45 mph. Some top models can reach around 70 mph. A racing drone, however, will often be clocked at over 100 mph, with the world record being set at 179 mph. A military predator drone closes in on a target at a surprisingly slow 135 mph.

    How long can military drones fly? ›

    How long can a US military drone stay in the air? Ranging from a few minutes to literal days. The RQ-4 Global Hawk for example can fly for a reported 42 hours and 14,000 NM, and can survey an area the size of South Korea or Ireland, per day.

    How high do surveillance drones fly? ›

    Military drones, designed for reconnaissance, surveillance, and combat missions, possess remarkable altitude capabilities. These cutting-edge unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can achieve staggering heights, often exceeding 50,000 feet or more.

    How fast do police drones fly? ›

    Depends on the make and model of the drone. Most commercial drones can reach 60km/h with ease, with the latest JOUAV CW-30E VTOL drone doing around 90km/h. According to the FAA Rules and Regulations, if you have no special waiver, you can only fly during daylight hours, no faster than 160 miles per hour.

    What is the highest you can legally fly a drone? ›

    Drones in the United States are limited to max flying height of 400 feet by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. Flight above this height requires special authorizations. Maximum altitude is also dependent on the drone model, weight, weather, and more.

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    Author: Carlyn Walter

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    Name: Carlyn Walter

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    Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.