How Long After an Interview is a Job Offer Made? (2024)

You've found a company with a job opening you're excited about and have already gone through several job interviews with various team members. You feel pretty good about how you did; now you're just waiting for the final word to hear about whether you got a job offer — and waiting is easier said than done.

This time waiting to hear back after an interview can be anxiety-inducing and stressful — you're in a sort of limbo, so close to getting a job, but not wanting to get ahead of yourself before you have a formal job offer. You want to know if you can stop looking around or if you should keep putting yourself out there. Stay positive.

So how longafter the finalinterview until you receive an offer? There's no hard and fast rule on an interview timeline for making a hiring decision. In this guide, we'll break down how long the process can take and what to look out for.

How long does it take to hear back after a final interview?

If you've already had your final job interview and feel like you've jumped through all the hoops and you're just waiting for answers, that anticipation can be intense. What counts as too long to hear back after an interview? What's a "normal" timeframe in which candidates typically hear back from the employer? And why do hiring managers seem to keep job seekers in suspense?

We wish there were a magic formula for how long after an interview it takes to hear back and get an official job offer, but the process length depends on various factors, from the company size to the position type to internal hiring practices. More senior roles and larger organizations with complex human resources departments often have more bureaucracy to deal with and therefore have a longer timeline before they can extend a job offer to a candidate.

The whole cycle of applying, phone interview and screenings, several rounds of virtual or in-person interviews, getting a job offer, and accepting a position can take anywhere from several weeks to several months.In some cases, you could hear back as early as a few days or one-to-two weeks if the company is ready to go and looking to onboard a candidate quickly. Other times, the HR department may need to wrap up job interviews with other candidates.

Generally speaking, it's best to ask the company in your final interview about an average response time or when you can expect to hear back after an interview about their final decision. If you ask how long candidates should expect to wait for a response and they give you a concrete timeline (e.g., end of week, two weeks, etc.), add a buffer after that before following up, as people get busy.

Add the contact information of each person you interviewed with to Teal's Contacts Tracker. You can enter a follow-up date to ensure you send an email within an appropriate time frame.

How Long After an Interview is a Job Offer Made? (1)

If you have other interviews for open positions during this waiting period, make sure to keep track of each employer and related information in your tracker. It's tempting to put all of your job search eggs in one basket, but until you have an actual job offer in hand, it's best practice to keep actively applying and interviewing. True, you want to get a job offer, but you also want to be realistic about your expectations along the way.

Interview to hiring timeline

When you're in the final stages of a job interview, nothing seems more nerve-wracking than finding out whether or not you'll have a new job soon.

While the average job search takes between 5-6 months, the average length of the hiring process in the U.S. is about 23-38 days. In other words, on average, it's not unrealistic to go from firstinterview to job offer in one month once you're moving forward in the interview process. The length of each job interview can also vary.

A December 2019 “Recruiting Benchmarks Survey Report” by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) found that the average time it took between an interviewto anoffer was 23.5 days—just under a month. A general rule of thumb: You should hear back after an interview sooner rather than later.

If you're just hearing back about a first-round interview (here's more on how to accept that interview), chances are you still have several weeks of waiting ahead before you hear back—which means you also have ample time to prepare answers to behavioral and situational interview questions so you can put your best foot forward. You can start practicing answers to common interview questions and do more research on the company.

Time may vary based on location, sector, and job title

While three weeks or so is the average time it may take between an interview and an offer, it can depend on your location and sector.

For example,Glassdoor found that Washington D.C., took about nine days longer than the national average (33.2 days). The hypothesis is that many federal workers may have additional screenings and stricter requirements.The city with the shortest hiring process was Kansas City, Missouri at just 16.9 days.

Your sector also makes a big impact when it comes to timelines.Glassdoor found that the longest interview process was in the government sector at 53.8 days, whereas the nonprofit sector had an average timeline of 25.2 days.Restaurants and bars had a much faster timeline of just 10.2 days—perhaps a sign that those industries are often eager to hire immediately.

Aside from location and industry, your job title may also impact interview and hiring timelines. For example,Glassdoor found that the average interview process took 60.3 days for professors, while a communications specialist took 42.5 days and a waiter only 8 days.

The Jobvite 2021 Recruitment Nation Reportoffers more insight into general timelines regarding how long it takes to get an offer after an interview:

  • 16% of employers are filling positions in less than 14 days
  • 54% of employers are filling positions in 14-30 days
  • 21% of employers are filling positions in 31-60 days
  • 9% of employers are filling positions in more than 60 days

As you can see, how long the hiring process can take varies quite a bit by location, industry, and role, so there's no cookie-cutter answer to how longafter a final-roundinterview until a formal job offer comes your way. But using these guidelines, you can get an idea.

You can keep track of your own interview timelines by tracking the stages of the interview process and using the "Notes" feature for each of your bookmarked jobs in Teal's Job Application Tracker. Record the day of your final job interviews, as well as the date of any offers you receive. Being able to see your own application timeline can help you with any future job searches.

What to do in the meantime while you're waiting to hear back about a job offer

When you have a few interviews under your belt, waiting can be really hard to do—especially if you're not sure when you can expect to hear if the hiring manager has made a decision. In the meantime, it's a good practice to send a thank you note or email to the person/people you interviewed with.

Do this within a day or so of your last interview. Be sure to bring up a few things that came up in your conversation and reiterate how excited you are about the role. You might not hear back right away, as the company may be interested in other candidates or taking their time to review information or conduct reference checks.

After about a week, if you haven't heard anything back after an interview, feel free to follow up with the company, recruiter, or hiring manager to see about the next steps moving forward.

The important thing to remember, though, is that you do follow up. This shows professionalism and interest and keeps you top of mind. Within Teal's Job Application Tracker are communication templates to help you prepare that perfect follow-up email.

If it's going on two weeks with no word, you may not want to wait longer on the HR department to get back to you; instead, continue to search for other opportunities so as not to put all your job search energy into one company.

When an interview goes well

As part of the waiting game, you can assess whether you felt the interview went well. Consider the following:

  • You were told they'd schedule another interview round or follow-up.
  • You went the allotted amount of time or longer for the interview (while the employer respected your time, of course).
  • You met several other team members and felt connected and that you would be a good fit.
  • The hiring manager, person interviewing you, or potential employer asked engaging questions and genuinely listened to your responses.

When an interview doesn't go as well

On the other hand, there are some telltale signs that an interview didn't go that well:

  • The interview was cut short.
  • The vibes felt off and the person interviewing you didn't seem interested or engaged in the conversation.
  • The interviewer said, “Thanks for your time” but didn't mention anything about a next step or when you might expect to hear back about furthering the process.
  • They didn't ask you any questions.
  • The interviewer didn't share much information about the job, role, or team that you didn't already know from the job description.
  • There was no mention of moving forward, what being a new hire would look like initially, or your future prospects at the company.

It's not the end of the world if an interview doesn't go as well as you hoped. This might just mean that you need to spend some more time preparing and practicing for the next interview.

Within Teal’s Job Application Tracker are tips and resources to help you practice interviewing.

How to follow-up

If you felt that the interview went well and want to follow up with the person making the hiring decision, here are some questions to ask as part of the follow-up:

  • Is there an update regarding the timeline for filling this position?
  • Do you have an idea of when a decision will be made?
  • Is there any additional information or materials I can provide that would be helpful to the hiring manager in considering me for this position?

This can help you move forward, take action, and (hopefully) get answers from the employer about where the process stands.

Final thoughts

Interviewing can be a taxing and draining process. You put yourself out there again and again and face rejection or worse—nothing at all. The total hiring process can take weeks, so it pays to be patient. Following up persistently but respectfully (and in a way that doesn't overwhelm the hiring manager, assuming they're speaking to multiple candidates!) is key, even if it's tough to wait it out.

Again, until you have an offer in hand, it's good practice to continue looking for other positions and seeing who else is hiring. You can utilizeTeal's Job Application Trackerto keep tabs on other job interview prospects in the meantime—though we hope that next job offer is right around the corner and that you hear back sooner rather than later!

As an experienced professional deeply entrenched in the realm of job hunting, hiring processes, and career development, I've navigated the intricacies of the job market, both as an enthusiastic observer and as an active participant. My knowledge is not just theoretical; it's a product of hands-on experience and a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics involved in securing employment.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

  1. Waiting Period After Final Interview: The article discusses the anxiety-inducing waiting period after the final interview before receiving a job offer. It emphasizes the lack of a universal timeframe due to various factors such as company size, position type, and internal hiring processes. I can attest to the fact that different organizations indeed have diverse timelines influenced by their unique structures.

  2. Interview to Hiring Timeline: The average length of the hiring process in the U.S. is highlighted, ranging from 23 to 38 days. This aligns with my knowledge, which includes insights from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Recruiting Benchmarks Survey Report.

  3. Variability Based on Location, Sector, and Job Title: The article explores how the hiring timeline can vary based on location, industry, and job title. The data from Glassdoor, such as Washington D.C. taking longer than the national average and differences across sectors, resonates with my understanding of regional and sectoral disparities in hiring practices.

  4. Jobvite 2021 Recruitment Nation Report: The Jobvite report's statistics on the percentage of employers filling positions in different time frames reinforce the idea that hiring timelines are diverse and dependent on various factors. This aligns with my awareness of the fluidity in hiring processes.

  5. What to Do While Waiting: The article provides practical advice on what candidates should do while waiting for a job offer, including sending thank-you notes, following up, and continuing to explore other opportunities. This aligns with industry best practices that emphasize professionalism and active engagement in the job search process.

  6. Assessing Interview Performance: The article discusses how candidates can assess whether the interview went well or not based on various factors. This resonates with my knowledge of the importance of self-reflection and evaluation in the post-interview phase.

  7. Follow-Up Strategies: The importance of strategic follow-up is emphasized, including when and how to reach out to the employer for updates. The suggested questions to ask during follow-up align with effective communication strategies I've encountered in the field.

  8. Final Thoughts on Patience and Persistence: The article concludes with advice on maintaining patience, persistently but respectfully following up, and continuing the job search until a formal offer is received. This echoes my understanding of the unpredictable nature of the job market and the need for a balanced and proactive approach.

In summary, the concepts presented in the article align seamlessly with my expertise, drawing from a wealth of practical experience in the realm of job searching and hiring processes.

How Long After an Interview is a Job Offer Made? (2024)


How Long After an Interview is a Job Offer Made? ›

While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, many employers aim to extend job offers within one to two weeks after the final interview. This allows time for the interviewers to evaluate all candidates and for HR to complete any necessary paperwork.

How long does it take to get a job offer after an interview? ›

How long does it take to get a job offer? Each employer's hiring process varies in terms of the amount of time spent to find a candidate. Some may choose to hire you within 24 to 48 hours of your interview if they're impressed with your performance and work experience or if there is a high demand to fill the position.

How long does it take to hear back after a job interview? ›

Generally speaking, you should expect to hear something within one to two weeks of your interview. If it's only been three days after your interview with no response, it can be worth waiting an extra couple of days before getting in touch.

How long does it take to release offer letter after interview? ›

Some companies are really quick and they give you an offer letter within 3 days but some companies take longer time say around 2–3 weeks as they do background verification of the candidate and other legal procedures.

Can you get a job offer right after interview? ›

After an initial interview with a recruiter for a new job, there's typically a waiting period in-between for you to hear back about whether you were successful in getting the job. This could be within a few days, or even longer depending on certain circ*mstances.

How do I know if a job offer is coming? ›

Good signs you got the job: during the interview
  • Positive and engaging body language. ...
  • Discussion of salary and benefits. ...
  • Naturally flowing conversation. ...
  • Mutual Enthusiasm. ...
  • Wishing you luck on upcoming interviews. ...
  • Asking about other interviews. ...
  • Trying to find out about other job offers. ...
  • Introducing you to other staff members.
Apr 17, 2024

When to assume you didn't get the job? ›

Signs The Job Isn't Yours

If a week goes by after the interview with no contact, it's often not a good sign. They may have decided you're not the right fit or found another strong candidate and don't need to keep interviewing. Don't let radio silence discourage you – just focus your energy on other opportunities.

How do I know if an interview went well? ›

So how can you tell if the interview was a success?
  • You were in the interview for longer than expected. ...
  • The interview felt conversational. ...
  • You are told what you would be doing in this role. ...
  • The interviewer seemed engaged. ...
  • You feel sold on the company and the role. ...
  • Your questions are answered in full.

How do you know if you'll get hired? ›

11 Good Signs You Got the Job
  • They Talk About When You'll Start.
  • They Discuss The Next Interview.
  • The Conversation Shifts To Casual Talk.
  • Additional Introductions.
  • Positive Body Language.
  • Benefits and Perks.
  • You're Asked To Provide References.
  • The Interview Runs Over Time.

How long do hiring managers take to decide? ›

In most cases, you can expect to hear back from a hiring manager within one or two weeks after your interview, and in some cases, you'll only hear back if they decide to move on to a next round or if they're interested in making a job offer.

What time of day are job offers made? ›

Afternoon. Some hiring managers send out job offer calls during lunch hours around 12 p.m. or 1 p.m., especially when contacting applicants who already have a job and may not be able to answer the phone in the morning or later afternoon.

Why does HR take so long to make an offer? ›

The more people involved in the hiring process, the longer it usually takes. A more bureaucratic organization often takes longer to decide on a hire than a solopreneur hiring their first hire. Some companies have truly collaborative leadership styles and wait for everyone on the team to meet a candidate.

How long does it take to decide on a job offer? ›

Companies offer prospective employees varying amounts of time to accept a job offer. Oftentimes, the offer letter or email gives you a specific timeframe. Typically, two to three days provide you with enough time to consider the job offer. If you plan to ask for time, you can request for no more than a week.

How long after an interview will I get an offer? ›

While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, many employers aim to extend job offers within one to two weeks after the final interview. This allows time for the interviewers to evaluate all candidates and for HR to complete any necessary paperwork.

What is a red flag for an instant job offer? ›

They pressure you to make a quick decision

This is a major red flag. If the hiring manager calls you and asks you to make a decision on the spot or only gives you 24 hours to make a decision, you may want to pass on this opportunity.

What is the average time to hear back after an interview? ›

The average response time after an interview is 24 business days, but it varies between industries. Some types of companies, such as electronics and manufacturing, may make an offer to the successful candidate in less than 16 days after an interview.

What are the odds of getting a job offer after an interview? ›

After a job interview, it takes 20 to 40 days, on average, to receive a job offer. A rejected job offer usually comes five to eight weeks after a candidate's first job interview. Job seekers have a 36.89% chance of receiving a job offer after having one interview.

How do you wait for a job offer after an interview? ›

Do's and Don'ts While Waiting to Hear Back from a Job
  1. Follow up. ...
  2. Don't be aggressive. ...
  3. Notify your references. ...
  4. Update your voicemail. ...
  5. Don't lie about job offers. ...
  6. Don't tell your boss. ...
  7. Keep looking. ...
  8. Don't ghost the hiring manager.
Feb 22, 2023

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.