How Often to Wash Thinning Hair? (2024)

For those with thinning hair, you probably know all too well the struggles of deciding when to wash your hair. If you wash your hair too often, it can sometimes produce more oil stimulation - and if you go too long without washing, it can cause back-up on your scalp and cause your already thin hair to appear greasy. There are both downsides and positives to how often you should wash your hair if it is on the thinner side; to help you figure out the best hair washing schedule for you, we’ve compiled helpful thin hair tips below.

Know Your Hair Type

If you’re reading this blog, it is most likely because you're worried aboutthinning hair. But if you happen to have thicker hair, know that these specific tips may not apply to you. Everyone’s hair is different, so that means not every hair practice will suit everyone the same. Those with curly, textured hair will have a different hair care routine than those with finer, thinner hair, or those with dry hair, or oilier hair, and so forth. Only until you’ve figured out what type of hair you have, will it be easier for you to find your ideal hair care routine.

Best Hair Practices for Thinning Hair

That being said, what exactly should you be doing to make sure your thinning roots aren’t amplified? Those with naturally thin or thinning hair may notice that it is easier for your roots to appear “oiler and greasier” than other hair types. This is because your scalp is always producing a certain amount of natural oils, and due to the nature of your fine-textured hair, it is easier for oil to be transferred throughout your strands. You may notice for those with curlier, coarser hair, natural hair sebum does not spread as much due to the shape of the locks.

Due to this amplified look of greasy hair, you may feel inclined to wash your hair everyday. While it is acceptable, sometimes washing your hair too often can actually incline your body to produce even more oil. If you must wash your hair everyday, consider the ingredients of your hair care products to make sure they are not only gentle, but effective for your hair type.

When you are going through your shower routine, please note to avoid shampooing your ends. You should only apply shampoo to your roots and allow the rest of your hair to be cleansed through the shampoo being washed out. This is because the ends of your hair are the most fragile, so you want to avoid drying out your ends with shampoo. When it comes time to condition, you should do the opposite - condition only the ends of your hair and not near your scalp. Conditioner is heavy in its nature, so something that thick will only weigh down your roots and emphasize thinning hair.

Dry Shampoo

Another way to extend the amount of time in between your hair washing cycle and absorb excess oiliness on your scalp is dry shampoo. Dry shampoo is often found in a dry powder or aerosol can, and not only shrinks the appearance of greasy roots, but can add volume too.

But Does Dry Shampoo Cause Hair Loss?

The short answer is: not directly. However, misuse or overuse of this popular quick-fix beauty productcan potentially have negative effects on your hair.

  • Too much dry shampoo use in between showers can clog hair follicles, trap dirt on the scalp, and irritate your skin, leading to stunted hair growth, infection, andpotential inflammation, all of which may worsen or accelerate hair loss or shedding.
  • Overuse of dry shampoo may cause drying of the hair shafts, making hair feel brittle, and therefore weaker, potentially leading to increased shedding.
  • Dry shampoo itself can adhere strands of hair together. This could lead to more hair fall than normal because a shedding follicle might drag other, healthy hair with it.

The long and short of using dry shampoo and not causing worsened or accelerated hair loss is to use in moderation as a tool, not a crutch.

Things to Avoid with Thinning Hair

As we mentioned previously, the ingredients in your hair care products can be playing a big role in your thinning hair. The following ingredients are frequently found in brand name shampoo and conditioners, but have been linked to playing a potential role in hair thinning:

  • Sulfates: Sulfates are a common ingredient in brand-name hair care products. Sulfates are behind the reason for foaming when you wash your hair, but this ingredient is harsh and can strip your hair of its natural oils.
  • Parabens: You’ve probably seen “no parabens” being advertised on hair care products in recent years. This additive is used to preserve shelf life in drugstore hair products.
  • Dimethicone: A silicone that has been known to dry out hair and cause build-up on the scalp in the long run.
  • Polyethylene Glycols have been known to strip hair of moisture and natural oils.

If you are on the market for a new shampoo & conditioner, be hesitant about products containing the ingredients above. For thinning hair, opt for hair care that includes ingredients like tea tree oil or keratin, that are not only gentle on your scalp, but help to strengthen and cleanse your hair thoroughly to prolong washes in between.

How Many Washes Should You Aim For?

While this question truly depends on the nature of your hair and varies from every person, if you have thinning hair, try to wash your hair between 3-4 times a week if necessary; washing thinning hair just 3 to 4 times per weekmeans doing so justabout every other day. Again, your hair washing schedule all depends on your lifestyle and the status of your strands, but an every-other-day hair washing schedule should suffice in giving your hair a healthy balance of cleansing and allowing your scalp to produce the necessary oils.

Don’t Stress Over Thinning Hair, Be Proactive

We know the struggle of having thinning hair all too well. It can feel like you are only intensifying matters when you practice hair habits that aren’t suitable for your hair type. If you’re using the right hair care products and routine for your fine strands, you can lessen the amount of washing for your hair and thus prevent the appearance of thinning hair.

If you’re looking to find other methods in being proactive against your thinning hair, we can help. We understand how overwhelming hair loss can be, but at Revela, we’re changing how people think about hair loss and giving them options to fight back naturally – Revela’s Hair Revival Serum can give your hair follicles the support they need.

How Often to Wash Thinning Hair? (1)

Reviewed by:Enzo Benfanti, MEng

Enzo is a chemical engineer and data enthusiast with a background in industrial chemicals. His previous experience is in developing catalysts and designing industrial chemical processes to produce the precursors to detergents, polyester fibers, and other specialty materials. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University at Buffalo [Go Bills!] and his master's degree from Columbia University, both in chemical engineering.

Written by: Revela Editorial Team

How Often to Wash Thinning Hair? (2024)


How Often to Wash Thinning Hair? ›

If you are experiencing thinning or balding, our Bosley experts recommend washing no more than three times a week.

Should I wash my hair more often if its thinning? ›

Thinner, finer textured hair tends to become greasy more quickly. As a result, people with thin hair may need to wash their hair every 1 to 2 days using a lightweight shampoo and conditioner for fine hair. Our Volume Lift range is the perfect choice for fine hair which needs a boost.

What not to do when hair is thinning? ›

Here's what dermatologists recommend for their patients who have hair loss: Forgo hot-oil treatments. Stop at-home coloring, perming, chemical straightening, and relaxing. Limit your use of curling irons, flat irons, and hot combs, using one only on a special occasion, such as a wedding or job interview.

Will my hair get thicker if I wash it less? ›

There's actually no evidence that washing your hair more or less often can help grow your hair faster. But washing can help keep your scalp exfoliated and less prone to clogged pores (which, reminder, can hinder hair growth and even contribute to hair loss.

How often should you wash your hair for growth and thickness? ›

Wash Frequency and Hair Type

“It's not practical for some hair types to wash as frequently as others,” Dr. Nathan says. For straight, fine, or wavy hair, Dr. Nathan recommends shampooing at least once a week; for textured or coily hair, she says shampooing at least once every two weeks is key.

Is your hair healthier if you wash it less? ›

Shampooing less often is more of a personal preference. Some people may experience itching when they wash less frequently. But for the most part, shampooing less will only change the appearance and feel of the hair. In extreme cases, you can get clogged pores or dandruff.

Should I use conditioner if my hair is thinning? ›

Yes, conditioners are a highly recommended hair care product, especially if your hair is dry and thin. Hair that lacks moisture and volume is a major issue for many people. Having dry, thin hair can make your face look lifeless; the good news is you only need a good conditioner to give it some oomph again.

Can thin hair become thick again? ›

Yes, you can promote hair growth and make your hair thicker. Improving blood circulation (with the help of scalp massages) can really help promote hair growth and thickness.

How often should I shampoo my hair to prevent hair loss? ›

If you are experiencing thinning or balding, our Bosley experts recommend washing no more than three times a week. Also, try Bosley for Men and Bosley For Women for hair regrowth. Bosley Shampoo and volumizing conditioners are formulated for people who are thinning or balding.

Why is my hair so thin I can see my scalp? ›

Hair can thin from aging, hormones, poor diet, stress, or medical conditions. Thin hair with visible scalp differs from hair breakage and hair loss. Solutions for thinning hair include medications, hair transplants, PRP injections, hair care changes, and dietary changes.

How to accelerate hair growth? ›

14 Ways to Help Your Hair Grow Faster and Stronger
  1. Cool It Down. 1/14. Heat styling can break and damage hair. ...
  2. Let Wet Hair Be. 2/14. Wet hair is super-stretchy. ...
  3. Take Care With Color. 3/14. ...
  4. Meds Can Help or Hurt. 4/14. ...
  5. Get a Trim. 5/14. ...
  6. Stress Less. 6/14. ...
  7. Handle With Care. 7/14. ...
  8. Take Care With Extensions and Braids. 8/14.
Aug 28, 2023

How to wash hair to prevent hair loss? ›

Regular washing

Washing your hair daily may protect against hair loss by keeping your scalp healthy and clean. The key is to use mild shampoo. Harsher formulas may dry out your hair and cause it to break, leading to hair loss. Read our list of the best shampoos for thinning hair.

Is it OK to wash thick hair once a week? ›

The thicker your hair and the less oil, the less you need to shampoo. “Some people with dry hair or curly hair can wash much less frequently without problems,” Goh says. For some people, shampooing every other day, or every 2 to 3 days, without washing is fine.

How often should you wash your hair if you have damaged hair? ›

General guidelines for hair washing frequency are as follows: Oily hair: Every day to prevent the buildup of dirt. Dry/damaged hair: Every 5-7 days to allow some of your hair's natural oils to be retained on the scalp. Fine/thin hair: Every other day to provide your hair with enough moisture.

Is it normal to lose more hair when you wash it? ›

Hair shedding in the shower is usually nothing to worry about. You will naturally lose around 100 strands each day, many of which will fall as you clean your hair and loosen them from your scalp.

Does thinning hair get better? ›

As a person gets older, it is natural for their hair to lose strength and volume. Sometimes, hair loss can also result from stress or an underlying health condition. In this case, the hair often regrows over time. Some treatments and home remedies can help improve the hair's strength and overall health.

Does washing hair help hair growth? ›

So while stretching out your style and using dry shampoo isn't necessarily a bad thing, you don't want to wait too long between shampoos. Not only does washing your hair frequently enough for your hair type keep your scalp healthy and clean, but it can also boost hair growth and help you achieve certain styles easier.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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