How to Choose the Right Shade for Teeth Whitening (2024)

Thinking about teeth whitening, but aren't sure which shade to choose? Read on to learn how to choose the right shade for teeth whitening.

Would you like to have a whiter, brightersmile? If so, you're not alone.

Over 40 million people in the UnitedStates whiten their teeth each year.

In order to get your best and brightest smile,it's important to choose the right whitening shade.

If your teeth are too white, they might look alittle unnatural. Not white enough, and you won't notice the difference or reapthe benefits of whiter teeth.

Not sure how to choose the best teethwhitening shade for you? Keep reading.

Listed below are some great tips that willhelp you make the perfect choice.

Benefits of ProfessionalTeeth Whitening

If you want whiter teeth, can't you just useone of those whitening kits from the grocery store?

Technically, yes, you can. But, those kits areoften not very effective.

When you use them, you also have very littlecontrol over the shade of white your teeth become. There's a greater risk thatsomething could go wrong and you could react badly to the ingredients in thewhitening solution, too.

Why take all those risks when you could haveyour teeth professionallywhitened by a trained dentist?

When you have your teeth professionallywhitened, you get to choose the specific shade of white for your teeth. Youalso are less likely to have a bad reaction to the whitening solution.

And, your teeth are likely to stay whiter fora longer period of time since your dentist has access to the highest qualitywhitening products.

Choosing the Right TeethWhitening Shade

If you're having a hard time choosing theright whitening shade for your teeth, these guidelines can help.

Keep them in mind and it'll be easier for youto identify your current shade and choose one that improves your smile whilestill looking natural.

Tooth Shade Ranges

Contrary to popular belief, teeth aren't justwhite or not white. They can actually be quite a few different colors.

Tooth color can typically be divided into fourdifferent shade ranges :

●Shade A, a reddish brown

●Shade B, a reddish yellow

●Shade C, a gray color

●Shade D, a reddish-gray color

There are varying levels of lightness anddarkness within each of these shade ranges. Take a look at your teeth andfigure out which shade range they currently fall into. Then, figure out howmuch lighter you'd like to go within your shade range.

If you stick within your shade range butchoose a lighter shade, you'll be able to brighten up your smile while stillhelping it to look natural.

If you're having a hard time identifying yourcurrent shade range, talk to your dentist. He or she will be able to guide youand help you choose the ideal shade for your teeth.

Factors to Consider

When it comes to choosing the specific shadeof white for your teeth, there are lots of factors to take into account. Somespecific factors to consider include:

●Existing stains on your teeth: Ifyou have stains that are darkly colored or gray, they're usually hard to removeand may stick out after your teeth have been whitened.

●Crowns and fillings: Your crownsand fillings can't be lightened; if they're in a noticeable place, it's best tochoose a shade of white that blends in with them.

●The whites of your eyes: A goodrule of thumb is to avoid choosing a shade that is whiter than the white partof your eyes.

These are not hard and fast rules, of course.But, they're good guidelines to help you start finding the right shade ofwhite.

How White Should You Go?

With all this information in mind, how whiteshould your teeth be?

Consider how dramatic you want the change inthe shade of your teeth to be.

Most teeth whitening procedures can make yourteeth anywhere from two to seven or eight shades lighter.

In many cases, a change of just two or threeshades can make a big difference to the brightness and appearance of yoursmile. If you prefer a subtle look, limit yourself to making your teeth two orthree shades whiter.

Remember, too, that you can always go back foradditional whitening treatments if you are not satisfied with the whiteness ofyour teeth.

It's easier to make your teeth whiter later onthan it is to take the whiteness away. If you feel your teeth are too white,though, you'll just have to wait for them to fade.

How to Keep Your Teeth Whiteas Long as Possible

Once you've chosen the best shade of white andpaid to have your teeth professionally whitened, you'll probably want to dowhatever you can to keep your teeth white for as long as possible.

These tips can help you maintain whichevershade of white you choose:

●Brush your teeth regularly (anelectric toothbrush can be better at removing stains)

●Floss your teeth regularly

●Limit your consumption of foodsand drinks that stain teeth (ketchup, marinara sauce, berries, red wine,coffee, etc.)

●Increase your consumption of foodsthat strengthen and clean the teeth (milk, hard cheeses, carrots, celery,apples, yogurt, etc.)

●Drink coffee or tea through astraw to minimize discoloration

When you have your teeth professionallywhitened, you'll notice that your results last much longer than when you whitenthem at home. But, you'll still need to get touch-ups on occasion.

If you want to keep your teeth looking freshand bright, be sure to keep up with your touchup appointments.

Stick to the schedule that your dentistrecommends for the best long-term results.

Get Your Teeth Whitened Today

As you can see, there are a lot of factorsthat go into choosing the ideal shade of white for your teeth.

Now that you know how to choose the best teethwhitening shade for you, it's time to schedule an appointment to get your teethwhitened!

At Sparkle Dental, we offer professional teethwhitening services that will leave your teeth noticeably whiter and brighterafter just one session.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learnmore about our teeth whitening services.

How to Choose the Right Shade for Teeth Whitening (2024)
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