How to Lose Weight Running: Essential Guide to Running for Weight Loss (2024)

How Many Miles a Day Should I Run to Lose Weight?

There are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat. Running one mile burns (on average) 100 calories. If you want to lose one pound of fat – then, you should run 35 miles. If you were to run 7 days a week, you would need to run 5 miles each day in order to lose one pound of fat in a week.

This is the super-compressed version. Read on to discover the most efficient way to lose weight with running.

  • Tip: if you are looking for a proven, healthy and multi-doctor approved plan to lose weight, we recommend the the Mayo Clinic Diet – It’s personalised to your situtation and goals, you can try the first week for free!!

A Hard Truth About Being Overweight

First of all, a hard truth: if you are overweight it means you are eating too much. Now, mind my words. I didn’t say you are eating a lot, I simply said you are eating too much.

Let’s start from the beginning.

Food is our source of energy; it is the fuel that allows us to perform every task: from basic ones such as breathing, pumping the blood around the body and walking around to complex ones such as carrying the TV up the stairs or running when you’re late for the bus.

Our bodies are efficient machines. We come from a time when food was scarce and reducing waste was key to survival.

Fat is the way your body stores extra energy. When you eat more than what your body needs, your brain doesn’t go “oh well, this is extra, I don’t need it – let’s get rid of it”. What your brain thinks is “Fantastic! Extra energy! Let me store this in case tomorrow you won’t be able to hunt a bison down so we can use this energy instead”.

Your body then proceeds to process that extra food and transform it into fat, which then gets stored under your skin a bit all around your body: your gut, (man) boobs, bum, legs and face.

You see, your brain doesn’t see fat as a bad thing. It sees it as a fantastic way to ensure survival in case you won’t be able to find food in the future.

The Good News for Weight Loss

The good news is: the reverse process also applies and it’s also very efficient: if you don’t introduce enough fuel (energy/food), your body will promptly go and take it from its fat reserves.

It is good news because there is no way around it: follow this simple principle and you cannot NOT lose weight.

Step 1: Understand The Caloric Deficit

How to Lose Weight Running: Essential Guide to Running for Weight Loss (1)How to Lose Weight Running: Essential Guide to Running for Weight Loss (2)

We keep talking about energy and fuel because it’s an easy way to picture it. In science, this has a name which is CALORIE. A calorie is a unit of measure of energy. So you can replace everything you read as “fuel” in the paragraphs above with “calorie” and it will still be exact.

And why is this important? Because we can calculate it and plan our weight loss around it !

A Caloric Deficit represents the amount of calories that your body doesn’t get through food and has to go and find in its fat storage… (almost) literally burning it.

It’s actually very easy: eat less calories than the calories you burn and you will shed fat away.

Step 2: Calculate Your Basal Metabolic Rate

How to Lose Weight Running: Essential Guide to Running for Weight Loss (3)How to Lose Weight Running: Essential Guide to Running for Weight Loss (4)

The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is simply the amount energy (calories) you burn each day at rest. Even when you think you aren’t doing anything, you are using energy to breathe, move around, keep your muscles active.

The BMR varies by individual and depends on a lot of factors such as gender, height, weight, body composition (fat vs. muscle)…

There are many formulas to calculate your BMR and you can find a good calculator here:

Let’s use me as an example. I am a 34 year old male, 6.2” for 185 lbs weight. My BMR is 1927 calories per day.

That means that if I do nothing all day and I eat 1927 calories, I will neither gain or lose weight. But we do indeed do something every day. Just walking around and moving will put me more more or less at 2,200 calories (use the link above to calculate your values!).

So if I want to lose weight, I have two choices:

  1. Eat less THAN 2,200 calories
  2. Be more active and consume MORE than 2,200 calories

Step 3: Use Running to Increase Your Caloric Deficit

How to Lose Weight Running: Essential Guide to Running for Weight Loss (5)How to Lose Weight Running: Essential Guide to Running for Weight Loss (6)

Running is a calorie-consuming activity. When you run you contract and release many muscles – in the legs, feet, arms… your heart rate goes up to keep feeding oxygen and nutrients (through the blood) to the muscles.

Do you remember the caloric deficit? By running you increase the calories you burn during the day. This is a ballpark figure, but it’s estimated that running 1 mile burns 150 calories (it’s a very average value and depends on many factors including your weight, running efficiency…).

So if I run 3 miles a day I will burn an extra 450 calories each day. It means if I keep eating the same I will lose weight!

How much weight? It is calculated that 1 pound of fat equals 3,500 calories. 1,800 calories a week (running 3 miles a day 4 days a week) means half a pound of fat per week. This if you eat to your daily caloric need. Chances are, if you are overweight, you eat more than that already.

Is it less than you were hoping? Don’t worry, you can lose more.

Step 4: Avoid these Mistakes

How to Lose Weight Running: Essential Guide to Running for Weight Loss (7)How to Lose Weight Running: Essential Guide to Running for Weight Loss (8)

In the beginning the amounts of calories you will be burning is going to be low. And you will be very tired, because running is an effort that you are not used to.

You will feel like you spent more energy than you actually did.

Remember. One 3-mile run will burn 450 calories (approximation!). After the run you think “I need to re-hydrate, let me have a Gatorade”. A bottle of Gatorade has 300 calories. Does it make sense to run 3 miles to only reap the benefit of 1 of them? Energy drinks have a place, but when you run less than 1 or 2 hours, stick with water.

Also, many people think “Well, I ran this morning, I can treat myself to a candy bar!”. Do you know how many calories in a standard bar of Snickers, Mars or Lion? Almost 300. Two of your three miles are gone.

If you want to lose weight while running, don’t add calories to your diet. Not at the beginning.

Slow and Steady wins the (weight loss) race.

Running is an amazing way to lose weight, but you need to understand that you need to build it up. When you start running you probably won’t even be able to run those 3 miles. Most beginners’ running programs will have you run-walk 3 times a week for a month before you can run 3 miles.

STICK TO IT! After all running is an endurance sport and as such, patience is what brings the best rewards. Don’t rush distances/speeds you are not ready for yet. They will come and it will all make it better very soon.

More Tips for Successfully Lose Weight with Running

As we said before, your running condition will improve with time and three things will happen:

  1. You will be able to run further
  2. In just a couple of months you will be able to run 8 miles in one session. Run 3 times a week for 8 miles each session and your weekly calorie expenditure will be 3,600 calories or a full pound of fat!

  3. You will be able to run faster
  4. Running faster will make you burn MORE calories per each mile.

  5. You will put on muscle

Remember your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) ? It’s higher when you have more muscles. That is because muscles are alive and need constant feeding just to be maintained, while fat just sits there.
Running will slowly but surely build muscles – especially in your legs. These muscles will consume extra calories even when you are not running, just because they are there !

To summarize: running is very hard at the beginning and you might not see results for a while (in terms of weight loss, but of course things like your cardio efficiency will be immediately and noticeably better). But keep running and in just a few months you will be a fat burning machine !

What to eat ?

  • Tip: if you are looking for a proven, healthy and multi-doctor approved plan to lose weight, we recommend the the Mayo Clinic Diet – It’s personalised to your situtation and goals, you can try the first week for free!!

Last word of advice: don’t take shortcuts.

  1. Running is a taxing sport for your body. If you aren’t patient and increase mileage/speed too fast you can get injured. This means pain, no running and no weight loss.
  2. Decreasing your caloric intake is a good step, but don’t take it too far. You can easily and healthily burn 2-3 pounds of fat a week. But if you keep underfeeding your body, your brain will start breaking down the muscles instead of the fat (the logic is “we don’t have enough energy to survive! Let’s cut down those high-maintenance muscle fibers!”).


As an expert in weight loss and running, I can provide you with valuable information on how many miles you should run each day to lose weight. I have a deep understanding of the concepts discussed in the article you provided. Let's dive into the details!

Understanding Weight Loss and Caloric Deficit

To lose weight, you need to create a caloric deficit, which means consuming fewer calories than your body burns. The article mentions that there are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat and running one mile burns approximately 100 calories Therefore, to lose one pound of fat, you would need to run 35 miles.

Calculating Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the amount of energy (calories) your body burns at rest. It varies based on factors such as gender, height, weight, and body composition. To calculate your BMR, you can use online calculators like the one provided in the article.

For example, if your BMR is 1,927 calories per day, and you burn an additional 300 calories through daily activities, your total daily calorie expenditure would be around 2,227 calories.

Running to Increase Caloric Deficit

Running is an effective way to increase your caloric deficit and promote weight loss. The article suggests that running one mile burns approximately 150 calories, although this value can vary depending on factors such as weight and running efficiency.

If you run 3 miles a day, you would burn an extra 450 calories. Over a week, this would amount to 1,800 calories, equivalent to half a pound of fat. However, it's important to note that weight loss is not solely determined by running; it also depends on your overall caloric intake.

Gradual Progression and Building Muscle

When starting a running routine, it's important to gradually increase your mileage and intensity to avoid injuries. The article emphasizes that patience is key and recommends following a beginner's running program that incorporates run-walk intervals.

As you continue running, you will notice improvements in your endurance and speed. Running faster and increasing your distance will help you burn more calories per mile. Additionally, running can help build muscle, especially in your legs. Muscles require more energy to maintain, which can contribute to a higher Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and increased calorie burn even at rest.


Running can be an effective tool for weight loss when combined with a proper caloric deficit. By gradually increasing your mileage, running at a faster pace, and building muscle, you can optimize your weight loss journey. Remember to listen to your body, stay consistent, and fuel yourself with a balanced diet to support your running and overall health.

If you're looking for a personalized weight loss plan, you may consider consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian who can provide tailored guidance based on your specific needs and goals.

Keep up the great work and enjoy your running journey!

How to Lose Weight Running: Essential Guide to Running for Weight Loss (2024)


How to Lose Weight Running: Essential Guide to Running for Weight Loss? ›

There are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat. Running one mile burns (on average) 100 calories. If you want to lose one pound of fat – then, you should run 35 miles. If you were to run 7 days a week, you would need to run 5 miles each day in order to lose one pound of fat in a week.

What is a good running routine for weight loss? ›

“Running at a high intensity will create an afterburn, which is when your body continues to burn calories when you're no longer moving,” Rubin says. She suggests starting with three 30-minute runs a week, adding in sprints of 30 seconds then recovering for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Can I lose weight by running 30 minutes a day? ›

Running can also make you seriously sweat, and even if you stick to a slow pace, you'll still torch calories. How many calories you burn will depend on a few different factors, including your height and weight, but you can burn roughly anything from 220 to 400 calories running for just 30 minutes.

How should I run to lose weight fast? ›

You should run at the average pace of your 10k personal best. Note: Make sure to give your body plenty of recovery time. Wait at least 48 hours before doing your next intense training session. Don't forget to warm up well before your running workouts by running at a moderate pace for 10-15 minutes.

How much should I run a day to lose weight? ›

Running every day for 30 minutes will help you lose weight, but the intensity at which you run is more important.In fact, doing only four 30-second sprints can burn more fat than running the full 30 minutes at a jogging pace.

Can I lose belly fat by running? ›

Many studies show a connection between belly fat and an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and many other diseases ( 10 , 11 ). Studies have found that moderate-to-high aerobic exercise like running can reduce belly fat, even without changing your diet ( 12 , 13 , 14 ).

What is the best running technique to burn fat? ›

You should run at a submaximal sprint (about 85-90% of your maximum sprint). Fast, but not full gas. This is followed by a recovery phase consisting of 40 seconds of slow walking. Repeat this cycle for 20 minutes, or in other words, a total of 20 intervals.

What is the best time to run to lose weight? ›

If you can fit it in, “early morning aerobic exercise — such as biking, running or even brisk walking to start with — is a promising tool for weight loss,” Ma said. “Most people actually are more likely to stick to a morning workout routine than that in midday or evening.”

Should I run faster or longer to lose weight? ›

Faster runners burn more fat and carbs, use muscle more fibers, and burn calories more efficiently. On the flip side, fast running requires more recovery time and is not suitable for every day. Benefits for distance runners include improved endurance and a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

How much weight can I lose in 1 month by jogging? ›

Summary. About 30 minutes of running will burn about 255 calories. However, making smart choices with your food will go a long way with losing weight while running. The safest weight loss is about 1lb per week if you weigh under 150 lbs, and 1 to 2 lbs per week if you weigh over 150 lbs.

Where do you lose weight first when running? ›

Mostly, losing weight is an internal process. You will first lose hard fat that surrounds your organs like liver, kidneys and then you will start to lose soft fat like waistline and thigh fat.

What is the best distance to run to lose weight? ›

“If you want to burn 400 calories in one hour, you can run four miles at a leisurely 15-minute-per-mile pace. If you want to burn those same 400 calories in 30 minutes, you would need to run four miles at a brisk 7-minute-30-second pace.”

Is it better to run at night or morning for weight loss? ›

Conclusion. Running, in general, is extremely advantageous for your health no matter when you do it. But a morning run has a slight edge over the evening run because of its higher fat burning capacity. Therefore if you want to lose weight, opt for a morning run.

How long does it take to lose 20 pounds? ›

That said, many healthy weight-loss guidelines say you should aim to lose one or two pounds per week (whether you have five or 50 pounds to lose), that means it could take anywhere from 10 to 20 weeks to lose 20 pounds. That may seem like a while, but it's better to go slow.

What is a runner's body? ›

When you think of a runner's body, you probably think of a certain body type: long, lean, and leggy. However, runners come in as many sizes and shapes as everyone else, and each body will respond in its own way to training.

How long does it take to see weight loss from running? ›

The speed you will lose weight while running depends on a number of different factors, including your current weight, how much you eat, and how often you run. In many ways, though, it's a numbers game. As a general rule, you'll lose about a pound per week if you eat 500 calories less than usual per day.

What are the best intervals for running for fat loss? ›

Some people recommend 1 minute intervals. Others recommend repeated intervals of 20 seconds with only 10 seconds of rest between each. Some endurance-based coaches go as high as 2 minutes on and 2 minutes off. Others say you should focus on distance, such as running 400m intervals, rather than the time of the interval.

What is a good running pace to lose weight? ›

A study by Harvard Medical School found that a 70kg person could burn 372 calories in 30 minutes by running at a moderate pace of just 6 miles per hour. That's more calories than you can burn during a 30-minute game of basketball or even a vigorous swimming session.

What are the best times to run to lose weight? ›

A new study offers clues that could help maximize your efforts. Exercising between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. has been associated with having a lower waist circumference and body mass index than people who work out during midday or evening, according to a study published Tuesday in the journal Obesity.

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.