How to Manifest Someone to Be Obsessed with You: 11 Expert Tips (2024)

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Follow these tips to make a special someone fall head over heels for you

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1Adopt a positive attitude.

2Clarify your vision.

3Make a vision board.

4Overcome your limiting beliefs.

5Recite affirmations.

6Put yourself in the path of the person you’re after.

7Be friendly and positive toward your special person.

8Go with the flow.

9Do things you love.

10Stay hopeful.

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Written byJennifer McVey, Cht|Edited byDev Murphy, MA

Last Updated: June 6, 2024Fact Checked

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Maybe you’ve got your eye on a certain someone, or you crave the love of a gentle, handsome soul whom you haven’t yet met. Thanks to the power of manifestation, it's possible to gain that special someone's devotion and make them utterly obsessed with you. Read on: we’ve got all the tips and tricks you need to make them fall in love with you.

This article is based on an interview with our spiritualist and seer, Jennifer McVey, Cht. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Ask yourself why you want this person: are you lonely, or are you full of love that you want to share? Your desire must come from a positive place.
  • Clarify your vision: what will your future with this person look like? Having a clear vision will increase your odds of manifesting your desire.
  • Recite affirmations and maintain good energy to raise your vibration levels. We attract the energy we put out, so make sure your energy is positive.
  • Take action. Put yourself in the path of the person you want to manifest to be obsessed with you—but keep doing the things you love as well.
  1. We attract the energy we put out, so it's important to emit positive vibes. Adopting a positive attitude isn't a simple task, we know. It might sound impossible, but you can rewire the neural pathways in your brain to be more positive by looking for the silver lining in bad situations, performing random acts of kindness for people, and smiling and laughing more.[1]

    • Believe it or not, smiling and laughing—even when you don't feel like it—can actually make you feel happier! In time, this leads to an overall more positive attitude.
    • We attract the energy we give off, so if you manifest from a place of desperation or loneliness, you will attract only negative energy in return.
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Clarify your vision.

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  1. A clear idea of what you want increases your odds of manifesting it. Who do you want to manifest to be obsessed with you? Is this someone you know, or a person you’ve yet to meet? Be specific and intentional here, being sure to think not just about who you want, but why you want them: how will your relationship go with this person? What do you want out of the connection?

    • Solidify what you want up front: don’t jump from “my ex who I want to get back together with” this week to “that hot guy who works at the food co-op” next week. Settle on one vision, and stick with it.
    • Be clear on what you want—but open-minded about how your desire may come to fruition.
    • Journaling is a great way to help you clarify your vision. What qualities are you looking for in your ideal relationship? How do you imagine this person fulfilling your needs?


Make a vision board.

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  1. Vision boards are a way to (literally!) visualize what you want to manifest. To make a vision board, take a poster board and attach photos and journal entries related to what you want your future with this person to look like. Hang the board somewhere you’ll see it every day, like beside your mirror or above the coffee maker.[2]

    • You don't have to break out the glue and glitter if you don't want to: you can make your vision board on your computer. Print it out and hang it up, or make it your computer background so you'll see it every day.
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Overcome your limiting beliefs.

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  1. Ask yourself what beliefs you hold around your ability to find love. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy: believing you can’t attract what you want will prevent you from getting it, while believing you can will help you manifest your desires. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of and overcome any limiting beliefs you hold around what you’re trying to manifest.

    • Limiting beliefs might sound something like, "I can't get the person I want because I'm not attractive or funny" or "I'm destined to be all alone."
    • Reframe the belief to be more positive. For instance, "I'm destined to be alone" might become "My solitude has helped me be more independent and taught me a lot about myself."[3]
    • Put your new, positive belief into action by acting as if it is true. It'll feel funny at first, but with practice, you'll start to believe it, just like you used to believe your limiting belief.


Recite affirmations.

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  1. Positive affirmations will attract positive energy. A positive affirmation is a present-tense statement about what you want to manifest, such as “Casey is thinking about me right now.” Positive affirmations speak your desires into existence until they eventually come to fruition. Create 3 or 4 positive affirmations related to your desire, and begin each day reciting them to yourself in the mirror.[4]

    • Recite affirmations related to the person you want to attract, like “Dane is obsessed with me” or “Amal can’t stop thinking about me.”
    • Create affirmations about the energy you want to emit (and therefore attract), like “I am strong and capable,” “I am worthy of love,” or “I am creative and intelligent.”
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Put yourself in the path of the person you’re after.

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  1. You have to take action to make your dreams come true. Manifestation is both a spiritual and physical practice, which means that while reciting affirmations and creating a vision board are essential to getting your heart’s desire, if you don’t make movements to go get what you want, it’s unlikely to just come to you. So what steps can you take today to increase your odds of getting what you want?[5]

    • If you want to manifest a fitness nut, for instance, get a membership at your local gym. If you’re after a book lover, hang out at your library or attend readings at local bookstores.
    • If you already know the person you want to attract, make an effort to spend more time with them. Hang out at their favorite haunts, or be more direct and ask if they'd like to meet up.
    • A lot of people hold the mistaken belief that manifestation is about sitting back and willing something to happen, when in reality, manifestation also requires that you take action to get what you want.[6]


Be friendly and positive toward your special person.

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  1. Friendliness and confidence will draw them to you. If you meet the person (or if you already know them), increase the odds that they'll be obsessed with you by being self-assured, kind, and approachable. Research shows not only that believing you're capable of achieving something increases your odds of achieving it, but having a positive attitude makes you more approachable, meaning your special person is likely to be drawn to you.[7]

    • You've already been working on your positive attitude and overcoming your limiting beliefs, which puts you in a great position to attract your special someone when you meet them!
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Go with the flow.

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  1. Manifestation isn’t about being controlling. It’s about trusting the Universe to work in tandem with you to make your dreams come true. So while it may be tempting to try to control every aspect of the manifestation process, remember that being controlling actually brings about negative, anxious energy, not positive energy—and you need positive energy to attract a positive outcome.

    • Have faith in yourself and take steps to increase your odds of attracting what you want, and leave the rest up to the Universe.
    • While it’s important to be specific about what you want to achieve, you won’t know how the Universe will manifest your desire. It might happen in a way you never dreamed it would!


Do things you love.

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  1. Manifestation shouldn’t stop you from living your life. This process is about bringing someone wonderful into your already wonderful life, not waiting for someone to complete you and bring your life meaning. Keep doing the things you enjoy, the things that bring you meaning, pleasure, and purpose, and the Universe will put your person in your path.[8]

    • Living your best life and pursuing your passions keep you grounded and serve as a reminder that this person won’t complete you.
    • It will also help you put out positive energy, and as we’ve already mentioned, you attract the energy you put out.
    • Delve into your passions. Join clubs. Keep living the life of your dreams, keep investing positive energy into yourself, and the right person will find you.
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Stay hopeful.

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  1. Try not to get discouraged while you wait to manifest your desires. A lot of people go into the manifestation process thinking they’ll get what they want immediately, but manifestation doesn’t always work that quickly. It can be disheartening not to get what you’re trying to manifest immediately, but don’t lose hope. Continue to believe you will manifest your desires and keep working to achieve them, and odds are, you will.[9]

    • The Universe has your best interests in mind, even if the process doesn’t always go as fast as you want it to. Be patient, be open, and keep the faith.
    • When you find yourself feeling doubt, recite one of your affirmations. Your affirmations aren’t just about speaking your desire into the world; they’re about reminding you what’s possible and what you’re capable of.

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      About This Article

      How to Manifest Someone to Be Obsessed with You: 11 Expert Tips (37)

      Written by:

      Jennifer McVey, Cht

      Spiritual Director

      This article was written by Jennifer McVey, Cht and by wikiHow staff writer, Dev Murphy, MA. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions. This article has been viewed 38,567 times.

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      Co-authors: 4

      Updated: June 6, 2024


      Categories: Crushes

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      How to Manifest Someone to Be Obsessed with You: 11 Expert Tips (2024)


      How do I manifest someone to be obsessed with me? ›

      A Simple Guide for Manifesting Somebody to Be Obsessed with You
      1. Adopt a positive attitude.
      2. Clarify your vision.
      3. Make a vision board.
      4. Overcome your limiting beliefs.
      5. Recite affirmations.
      6. Put yourself in the path of the person you're after.
      7. Be friendly and positive toward your special person.

      How do you make someone obsessed with you tips? ›

      How to Make Someone Hooked
      1. Use flattery specifically about whatever your target feels insecure about. Compliment them on things nobody else does and feign emotionality, as if you're truly impressed.
      2. Be vague and ambiguous often, so the target gets confused. ...
      3. Don't argue with your target—it's anti-seductive.
      Jan 26, 2023

      What is the strongest manifestation technique? ›

      Step one: Think
      • Positive thinking. Address any habitual mental patterns that you engage in that paint the opposite reality to which you want to attract. ...
      • Meditation and mindfulness. ...
      • Journaling. ...
      • Gratitude rituals. ...
      • Setting intentions. ...
      • Visualization exercises. ...
      • Vision boards.
      Mar 14, 2023

      How to make someone fall in love with you through manifestation? ›

      How to Manifest Love
      1. Step 1: Decide What You Want. First things first: Figure out what your ideal relationship looks like. ...
      2. Step 2: Visualize It. "Dream it up in your mind and allow yourself to get excited about it! ...
      3. Step 3: Write It Down. ...
      4. Step 4: Embody It. ...
      5. Step 5: Align Your Actions. ...
      6. Step 6: Surrender.
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      When attraction becomes obsession? ›

      Limerence is a state of all-consuming infatuation or obsession. You are consumed by your feelings and filled with emptiness. It is more likely to occur when grief and sadness overrule your life.

      Can I manifest a specific person to love me? ›

      Can you manifest someone to fall in love? You can manifest someone into your life, but can't force them to fall in love. Even though manifesting a person will bring them closer to you, they need to be open to the possibility of falling for you.

      How does someone act when they are obsessed with you? ›

      Signs of Obsessive Love Disorder

      Obsessively keeping in contact with the subject of your affection. Ignoring the personal boundaries of the subject of your affection. Behaving in a controlling manner with the person you love. Feeling extreme jealousy of other relationships the person you love might have with other ...

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      A: Subtle psychological triggers include mirroring his body language, using positive reinforcement and reward systems, creating scarcity or a fear of missing out, and subtly reminding him of your value and desirability. These triggers tap into his subconscious mind and can intensify obsession.

      What is the 777 method of manifestation? ›

      The 777 method involves writing down what you would like to manifest seven times in the morning and seven times at night, for seven days in a row. Like the 3-6-9 method, this method also helps you focus on your goals every day.

      What is the 5 5 5 manifestation technique? ›

      The 55x5 method is rooted in the principles of the Law of Attraction. It's built upon the idea that consistent focus on a particular desire can attract corresponding events and opportunities into your life. The method involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times for 5 consecutive days.

      What is the 3 6 9 method? ›

      for this method, you need to write the person's name. who you wanna manifest 3 times in a row, then write your intention with them 6 times, and. write exactly what you want them to say to you 9 times. and as you write these, you need to visualize it actually happening.

      How to energetically attract someone? ›

      Five Mind Power Techniques To Attract Someone
      1. Be definite about the kind of relationship you desire. ...
      2. Match their Vibrational Frequency. ...
      3. Acknowledge your pessimistic beliefs. ...
      4. Create Energy Room for Them In Your Life. ...
      5. Be Kind to Yourself.

      How do you deeply manifest someone? ›

      Step-by-Step Guide to Manifesting Someone
      1. Clarify Your Intentions. Understanding your true intentions is the cornerstone of manifesting a specific person. ...
      2. Use Visualisation Techniques. ...
      3. Get in Emotional Alignment. ...
      4. Practice Affirmations and Belief. ...
      5. Let Go of the Outcome.
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      Thinking about someone or something isn't what the Law of Attraction tells us, Its what you can call being obsessed and that won't attract the person or thing you want. Most probably It will do the exact opposite. We shouldn't be desperate about anything in our life.

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      Step-by-Step Guide to Manifesting Someone
      1. Clarify Your Intentions. Understanding your true intentions is the cornerstone of manifesting a specific person. ...
      2. Use Visualisation Techniques. ...
      3. Get in Emotional Alignment. ...
      4. Practice Affirmations and Belief. ...
      5. Let Go of the Outcome.
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      Obsession often stems from unmet emotional needs, low self-esteem, or unresolved issues. It can also arise from idealizing the person and seeking validation through their attention and approval.

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      Affirmations to make him obsessed with you
      1. I am loved unconditionally, and I radiate love effortlessly.
      2. I inspire and bring out the best in my partner.
      3. I am deeply appreciated and cherished by him.
      4. He loves everything about me, including my flaws.
      5. I am his dream woman.
      6. Our connection grows stronger every day.
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      In general, some signs that love is obsessive may include:
      1. an intense preoccupation with the relationship that is disproportionate to how long people have known each other.
      2. immediately falling “in love” with new partners or even with strangers.
      3. extreme attempts to control the other person.

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      Author: Trent Wehner

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      Views: 6742

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      Author information

      Name: Trent Wehner

      Birthday: 1993-03-14

      Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

      Phone: +18698800304764

      Job: Senior Farming Developer

      Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

      Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.