How To Roll Over Your Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard (And Why I Did It) - Financial Panther (2024)

This past year, I finally went ahead and rolled over my Roth IRA from Betterment to Vanguard. It’s been a long time coming. Indeed, a year ago, I wrote a post about how I was going to do exactly that – then, of course, I procrastinated and did nothing for the next 12 months. What held me back was a combination of laziness plus a little bit of apprehension about how to roll over my Roth IRA directly to Vanguard.

After finally taking action and completing this process, I can safely say that rolling over my Roth IRA from Betterment to Vanguard wasn’t difficult. In fact, it was pretty painless and further reinforces my belief that the best Roth IRA investing strategy for the new investor is to start with Betterment or Wealthfront, then switch over to Vanguard later down the line.

In today’s post, I’m going to walk you exactly how the whole rollover process works.

Rolling Over A Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard – The Strategy

Taking a step back, the strategy I recommend to most new investors is to start your investing career by opening up a Roth IRA with a robo-advisor like Betterment or Wealthfront. Then, after you save up for a few years and are more comfortable with how investing works, roll over your Roth IRA directly to Vanguard.

I’ve written about this strategy in more detail in this post, but here’s a quick summary of my rationale for this. What holds most of us back from investing isn’t necessarily that we don’t want to do it. I think it’s really that the process of opening up a Roth IRA at a traditional brokerage like Vanguard or Fidelity isn’t really intuitive, and truth be told, can be downright scary for the new investor (I know it was for me when I first started investing).

None of us wants to mess up when we start investing, and as much as those of us in the personal finance world like to think that anyone can open up a Roth IRA and start investing without any issue, it really isn’t as simple as just telling someone to go open up a Roth IRA. When you’re coming in with no knowledge base (and let’s face it, we all start out in this position at some point in our life), just telling someone to do that is basically gibberish. It doesn’t help either that the interfaces for traditional brokerages like Vanguard and Fidelity aren’t particularly intuitive.

I know this because I was in this exact same position just a few years ago. I had no idea what a mutual fund was or how to invest in anything – and of course, when confronted with something that requires some effort, most of us default to doing nothing. However, instead of defaulting to doing nothing, I opted instead to start out my Roth IRA with Betterment. It brought me comfort in knowing that, even though I had no idea what I was doing, I was at least investing my money correctly.

The advantage of starting out your Roth IRA with a robo-advisor like Betterment or Wealthfront is that these companies make investing so easy that it’s basically comparable in difficulty to opening up and funding a bank account – something that even the most financially challenged of us can do. By using a robo-advisor at the beginning of your investing career, all you have to do is focus on putting money into the account while the robo-advisor goes ahead and invests it for you in an appropriate and responsible way (I believe every major robo-advisor is a fiduciary as well, which means they have to invest it appropriately for you). You basically can’t mess up when you get started like this.

Yes, you’re paying a premium for this service – 0.25% of assets under management typically – but I think that’s a fair price to help make investing super easy. We all pay premiums to get others to do things we can’t figure out, and even telling someone to invest in a target date mutual fund means that you’re okay with someone paying a premium to do something that they could do on their own for a lower cost.

And honestly, a 0.25% management fee isn’t going to be the reason you can’t retire. I’d be perfectly comfortable with having someone use a robo-advisor for their Roth IRA forever if that’s what works for them. And if you’re not comfortable with paying any sort of management fee, go ahead and use a free robo-advisor such as WiseBanyan or M1 Finance (the only reason I don’t use them is that I’m not sure what their long-term business model will be and they charge a fee to roll over funds, which doesn’t work well with my strategy).

To understand the importance of making investing really as simple as just putting money into the account, consider this. I started investing for real when I opened up a Roth IRA with Betterment back in 2015. However, almost a decade earlier, I’d actually opened up a Roth IRA with E*Trade after I read The Automatic Millionaire (one of my formative personal finance books and one that I still think is worth reading). That book told me I needed to get a Roth IRA started, so of course, I went and did that. The problem was, I didn’t know what I was supposed to do after I opened it.

Long story short, I ended up investing all of the money I put into my Roth IRA into Borders stock. A decade later, I had $0 in that account. It was a wasted decade and something that could have been avoided if robo-advisors like Betterment, Wealthfront, WiseBanyan, or M1 Finance had existed back then. These robo-advisors would have literally changed my investing life.

Why I Rolled Over My Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard

Now that I’m pretty well-versed in how money works, I don’t have a lot of need for a robo-advisor like Betterment or Wealthfront. As a result, it makes sense for me to just move my funds out of those robo-advisors and do it all on my own. This saves me the 0.25% management fee, which can save me a lot of money in the long run.

Once you’ve gotten more comfortable with investing and understand a little more about how it works, it makes sense to go ahead and just move it out of those robo-advisors and do it all on your own.

With all that said, let’s go into the details on how to roll over your Roth IRA from Betterment to Vanguard.

Step 1: Open A Roth IRA With Vanguard

Naturally, the first thing you’ll need to do if you want to roll over your Roth IRA from Betterment to Vanguard is to open a Roth IRA with Vanguard. The process to do this is straightforward – just go to the Vanguard website and select “Open An Account” (this should normally be found in the top right corner of the main page).

When you start opening your account, one thing you’ll need to think about is how you want to fund your Roth IRA. Vanguard gives you three options – an electronic bank transfer, a rollover from an employer plan, or a transfer from another financial firm.

When I opened my Vanguard Roth IRA, I actually needed to fund it for the last tax year, so I funded it initially with a transfer from my bank account. If you’re only rolling over funds from Betterment (or Wealthfront or any other brokerage), then you’ll want to select the “transfer from another financial firm” option, then follow the steps to initiate the transfer, which I’ll go over in the next section.

How To Roll Over Your Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard (And Why I Did It) - Financial Panther (1)

Step 2: Initiate The Roll Over

After selecting the option to transfer funds from another financial firm, you’ll then need to follow a few steps and fill out some paperwork. First, Vanguard will ask you where are the assets that you’d like to transfer. You’ll want to select “with your brokerage firm or financial institution.”

How To Roll Over Your Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard (And Why I Did It) - Financial Panther (2)

Next, Vanguard will lay out the transfer process for you. As you can see, you’ll need to complete a transfer form and mail it to Vanguard. Vanguard will then send that form to Betterment and Betterment will then transfer your funds to Vanguard.

How To Roll Over Your Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard (And Why I Did It) - Financial Panther (3)

On the next few pages, you’ll enter your brokerage firm, the type of account you’re transferring, and all of the relevant account information. Vanguard will auto-fill the brokerage firm information, so all you have to do is type in Betterment and it will auto-fill it to Betterment Securities, which I guess is the official name for Betterment.

How To Roll Over Your Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard (And Why I Did It) - Financial Panther (4)

From there, continue with the remaining steps, which are all pretty self-explanatory (you’ll fill in what you’re transferring and answer some other questions about your account). One of the more important questions you need to answer is what to do with your dividends and capital gains. Make sure to select “reinvest” so that all of your dividends will automatically be reinvested when you earn them.

How To Roll Over Your Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard (And Why I Did It) - Financial Panther (5)

Finally, once you’ve gotten through all of those steps, you’ll end up at the “review and e-sign” page. Sign the form and submit it to Vanguard. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be given instructions to print out the form and mail it directly to Vanguard. I just stuck my transfer form in a regular envelope and dropped it in a regular mailbox.

How To Roll Over Your Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard (And Why I Did It) - Financial Panther (6)

Once you’ve mailed off your transfer forms to Vanguard, you’ll then need to do a little bit of waiting. I don’t remember the exact date I mailed my transfer forms to Vanguard, but I think it took a few weeks for Betterment to process it and transfer the funds over to Vanguard. You’ll note that Vanguard warns it could take 4-6 weeks to process, which is pretty accurate.

To get a sense of how long the entire rollover process took, I mailed off my transfer forms to Vanguard sometime towards the end of February/beginning of March. Betterment transferred my Roth IRA funds to Vanguard on March 12th. Vanguard received my rollover on March 22nd, and it was available for me to invest on March 26th. Ultimately, the entire transfer process meant that my Roth IRA funds were not invested for about 14 days. That’s not too bad.

Step 3: Invest The Rolled Over Funds

With your money now transferred directly to Betterment, the final step will be to actually invest your rolled over funds. There are a lot of ways you can invest – far more than I can detail in this short post. Instead of going into all of your options, I’m just going to discuss what I did.

I’ve always been a fan of the Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins, so I invested 100% of my Roth IRA into VTSAX (that’s the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund). This fund is super low cost and, for the most part, you won’t mess up if you choose to invest solely in this fund.

To do this, click on the “buy and sell” button in your account and select “Buy Vanguard Funds.”

How To Roll Over Your Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard (And Why I Did It) - Financial Panther (7)

Next, click on “add another vanguard mutual fund,” then type in VTSAX. You’ll then select that fund, then indicate where the funds are coming from. They should be coming from your Vanguard Settlement Fund. Note that sometimes, you’ll end up with a few bucks in your Vanguard Settlement Fund, so make sure to invest those few bucks in as well so that you end up with all of your money invested and $0 in your settlement fund.

How To Roll Over Your Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard (And Why I Did It) - Financial Panther (8)

And that’s it! Pretty simple and easy. I recommend you also download the Vanguard app so you can keep track of stuff on your phone.

The most important thing though is to avoid messing with your investments. Once you’ve picked what you want to invest in, don’t mess with it anymore – you’ll probably never make money if you jump in and out of the market. This is retirement money anyway, so just let it ride for the long term.

Final Thoughts

I still believe that for most people, starting with a robo-advisor like Betterment or Wealthfront is the ideal way to get started investing. While investing isn’t actually difficult, at a practical level, it isn’t that easy either. Vanguard, Fidelity, and all of the traditional brokerages are, in all honesty, not very intuitive. I know this because I’ve been in that same position of opening up a brokerage account and having no idea what I’m supposed to do next. So start with Betterment or Wealthfront first if you have no idea what you’re doing.

At some point though, you might be comfortable enough that you can figure things out on your own. Once you’re there, then I think you should just roll over your funds directly into Vanguard and save yourself the 0.25% management fee that most robo-advisors charge.

Thankfully, as I hope I showed you in this post, the process of rolling over a Roth IRA from Betterment to Vanguard is pretty simple.

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More Recommended Investing App Bonuses

For additional investing app bonuses, be sure to check out the ones below:

  • M1 Finance ($100) – This is a great robo-advisor that has no fees and allows you to create a customized portfolio based on your risk tolerance. You also get $100 for opening an account. Check out my M1 Finance Referral Bonus – Step-By-Step Guide.
  • Webull (20 free stock shares) – Webull's current promotion gives you 20 free shares valued between $3-$3,000 each if you open an account using my referral link. Here’s a guide I wrote about how to earn your free shares using Webull.
  • Moomoo (15 free stocks) – Moomoo is a free investing app currently offering 2 different referral bonuses if you open an account using a referral link. Read my Moomoo referral bonus guide for more information.
  • Robinhood (1 free stock) – Robinhood gives you a free stock valued between $2.50-$225 if you open an account using my referral link.
  • Public (1 free stock) - Public gives you a free stock valued between $3-$70 if you open an account using my referral link.
  • SoFi Invest ($25) – SoFi Invest is an easy brokerage account bonus that you can earn with just a few minutes of work. Use my SoFi Invest referral link, fund your SoFi Invest brokerage account with just $10 and you’ll get $25 of free stock. I also have a step-by-step guide for the SoFi Invest referral bonus.

More Recommended Bank Account Bonuses

If you’re looking for more easy bank bonuses, check out the below options. These bonuses are all easy to earn and have no fees or minimum balance requirements to worry about.

  • SoFi Money ($325) – SoFi Money is a free checking account from SoFi. They’re currently offering a $25 referral bonus if you open a SoFi account with a referral link and deposit $10. You can also make an additional $300 as well if you complete a direct deposit. This is a good bank that is also 100% free, so you won’t have to worry about managing this account. Here’s a post I wrote with instructions on how to earn your SoFi Money bonus: SoFi Money Referral Bonus: Step By Step Guide.
  • Fairwinds Credit Union ($175) – Fairwinds Credit Union is offering a referral bonus for users that sign up using a referral link. Fairwinds has no fees or minimum balance, so this is a particularly easy bonus to earn. Since this is a smaller credit union, my gut instinct tells me this offer won’t be around long, so if you’re in a position to meet the bonus requirements, grab this bonus before it’s gone. Here is my step-by-step guide on how to earn your Fairwinds Credit Union bonus.
  • Upgrade ($150) – Upgrade is a free checking account that’s currently offering a $150 referral bonus if you open an account and complete a direct deposit. These bonus terms are easy to meet, so it’s well worth doing this bonus as soon as you can. Here’s a post I wrote with more details: Upgrade $150 Referral Bonus – Step By Step Directions.
  • Chime ($100) - Chime is a free bank account that offers a referral bonus if you use a referral link and complete a direct deposit of $200 or more. In practice, any ACH transfer into this account triggers the bonus. This bonus is easy to earn and posts instantly, so you’ll know if you met the requirements as soon as you move money into the account. I wrote a step-by-step guide on how to earn your Chime referral bonus that I recommend you check out.
  • US Bank Business ($800) – This is a fairly easy bank bonus to earn, since there are no direct deposit requirements. In addition, you can open the Silver Business Checking account, which comes with no monthly fees. Check out how to earn this big bonus here.
  • Fifth Third Bank ($325) – This offer is limited to customers in the following states:Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, West Virginia, and South Carolina. If you don’t live in one of those states, you won’t be able to open an account onlinebut you can still open an account in-branch if you happen to be visiting a city that has a branch. This is a fairly easy bank bonus to earn, especially since there are plenty of data points showing what will trigger the direct deposit requirement. In addition, you can open the Fifth Third Momentum Checking bank account, which comes with no monthly fees or minimum balance requirements.Read my guide on this bonus here.
  • GO2Bank ($75) - GO2Bank is an easy bank bonus that I recommend people take advantage of if they have an easy way of meeting the direct deposit requirement. I like that it’s easy to open the account and that the bonus pays out quickly. Check out my step-by-step guide on how to earn your GO2Bank $75 referral bonus.
  • Current ($50) – Current is a free fintech bank that’s offering new users a $50 referral bonus after signing up for an account using a referral link. Current is an easy bonus to earn and also gives you access to three savings accounts that pay you 4% interest on up to $2,000. That means you can put away up to $6,000 earning 4% interest. That’s very good and makes Current an account I recommend to everyone. Check out my step-by-step guide on how to earn your Current Bank bonus.
  • Novo Bank ($40) - Novo bank is a free business checking account that’s currently offering a $40 bonus if you open a Novo business checking account using a referral link. In addition to being a good bank bonus, Novo is also a good business checking account. It has no monthly fees or minimum balance requirements and operates a good app and website. Indeed, it’s the business checking account I currently use for this blog. Check out my post on how to easily open a Novo account.
  • Varo ($30) – Varo is a free fintech banking app similar to Chime or Current. It’s currently offering a $30 bonus to new users that open a new Varo account with a referral link. The bonus for this bank is very easy to meet, all you need to do is spend $20 within 30 days of opening your Varo account. Check out my step-by-step guide to learn how to earn this bonus.

How To Roll Over Your Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard (And Why I Did It) - Financial Panther (9)

Kevin is an attorney and the blogger behind Financial Panther, a blog about personal finance, travel hacking, and side hustling using the gig economy. He paid off $87,000 worth of student loans in just 2.5 years by choosing not to live like a big shot lawyer.

Kevin is passionate about earning money using the gig economy and you can see all the ways he makes extra income every month in his side hustle reports.

Kevin is also big on using the latest fintech apps to improve his finances. Some of Kevin's favorite fintech apps include:

  • SoFi Money. A really good checking account with absolutely no fees. You'll get a $25 referral bonus if you open a SoFi Money account with a referral link, and an additional $300 if you complete a direct deposit.
  • 5% Savings Accounts. I'm currently getting 5.32% interest on my savings through a company called Raisin. Opening a Raisin account takes minutes to complete, it's free, and all of your funds are FDIC-insured. I explain how it works, why I'm now using it to store my emergency fund and any other cash savings I have, and why I recommend everyone check it out in this review.
  • US Bank Business. US Bank is currently offering new business customers a $800 signup bonus after opening a new account and meeting certain requirements.
  • M1 Finance. This is a great robo-advisor that has no fees and allows you to create a customized portfolio based on your risk tolerance. You also get $250 for opening an account.
  • Personal Capital. One of best free apps you can use to monitor your portfolio and track your net worth. This is one of the apps I use to track my financial accounts.

Feel free to send Kevin a message here.


How To Roll Over Your Roth IRA From Betterment To Vanguard (And Why I Did It) - Financial Panther (2024)


Can I transfer my Roth IRA from Betterment to Vanguard? ›

You can transfer the following types of accounts to Vanguard online: Most IRAs, including Roth, traditional, and SEP-IRAs. Individual and joint accounts.

How to rollover Roth IRA from Betterment? ›

To get started, go to the Transfer page of your Betterment account and click "Rollover". You'll answer a few questions and receive full instructions to complete your IRA transfer, ... Which providers are supported by Betterment's e-fax IRA rollover process?

Does Vanguard accept Roth rollovers? ›

Select an eligible Vanguard IRA for your rollover*

If you're rolling over pre-tax assets, you'll need a rollover IRA or a traditional IRA. If you're rolling over Roth (after-tax) assets, you'll need a Roth IRA. If you're rolling over both types of assets, you'll need two separate IRAs.

Is Betterment or Vanguard better? ›

The two have vastly different service offerings and fee structures. Betterment financial advisors manage portfolios, and Vanguard offers active and passive options. You need to choose the option that suits your needs and level of involvement in investing. A financial advisor can help you decide which option is best.

Can you transfer Roth IRA between brokerages? ›

Key Takeaways

Roth IRAs can be transferred to a new custodian tax- and penalty-free if you follow IRS rules. A direct transfer between two custodians—or financial institutions—is the safest way to move Roth IRA funds from one Roth IRA retirement account to another.

Can I take money out of my Roth IRA Betterment? ›

You can withdraw your money from Betterment at any time, without additional fees.

How much does Betterment charge to transfer IRAs? ›

We charge a flat fee of $75 for each investing account transfer out of Betterment. There is no fee to withdraw funds to your linked checking account. You are not charged any additional trading or deposit fees.

How do I rollover a Roth IRA? ›

Most pre-retirement payments you receive from a retirement plan or IRA can be “rolled over” by depositing the payment in another retirement plan or IRA within 60 days. You can also have your financial institution or plan directly transfer the payment to another plan or IRA.

How do I convert my Roth Betterment to traditional? ›

Click on Settings in the menu on the left-hand side of the page. Click the Accounts tab at the top of the page. Find your Traditional IRA and click the 3 dots that appear off to the right. Choose the option that says “Convert IRA to Roth.” You'll have the option to convert ...

What should I put my Roth IRA into Vanguard? ›

VTI and BND can serve as good starting points when looking for Roth IRA investments from Vanguard.
  1. Best Types of Funds for a Roth IRA.
  2. Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI)
  3. Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND)
  4. The Vanguard REIT Index ETF (VNQ)
  5. The Bottom Line.
Mar 31, 2023

Can I pull money out of my Roth IRA with Vanguard? ›

Restrictions relax at age 59½, and you can withdraw from a Roth or traditional IRA penalty-free.

How long does it take to transfer IRA to Vanguard? ›

Once you've met the financial institution's requirements, they'll process your rollover. Rollovers typically take 2-4 weeks to complete. In many cases, the amount will be sent directly to Vanguard. However, you may receive a check instead.

What are the cons of Betterment? ›

Cons: Where Betterment could improve
  • Account minimum and premium fee structure. Betterment's $100,000 account minimum for its premium plan is steep in the robo-advisor world, where many clients are approaching investing for the first time. ...
  • No direct indexing. ...
  • Confusing set-up process.

What is the best company to open a Roth IRA? ›

The best Roth IRA accounts include Vanguard, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, Merrill Edge and E*TRADE. They stand out for their low costs and large selection of retirement investments.

What Vanguard fund does Suze Orman recommend? ›

Look for funds that have expense ratios below 1 percent. If you can handle the $3,000 minimum initial investment, I like the low-cost Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund and the Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund (; 877-662-7447).

Can I move my IRA to Vanguard? ›

You can transfer your IRA or non-retirement account held at another investment firm to an account at Vanguard using our simple and clear online process.

How do I transfer my Fidelity Roth IRA to Vanguard? ›

To transfer your assets from Fidelity to Vanguard, you need to follow specific steps to ensure a smooth transition of your investments.
  1. Step 1: Open an Account with Vanguard. ...
  2. Step 2: Gather Necessary Information. ...
  3. Step 3: Initiate the Transfer. ...
  4. Step 4: Wait for the Transfer to Complete.

How to move money out of Betterment? ›

We do not charge any trading fees or assess penalties for requested withdrawals or account closures. It's your money and is always accessible to you. From a web browser, after logging in to your account, go to "Transfer or Rollover" > "Withdraw."

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Views: 6322

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.