How To Save Money For A House Down Payment (2024)

Saving money for a house down payment isn’t easy. My boyfriend and I currently enjoy living in our small condo downtown which he bought back in 2011. But since the pandemic started in March, we’ve been dreaming about owning a home someday.

That’s why we’ve started to save money for a house down payment in Canada. However, the average cost of a home in Toronto is over $1 million dollars – which means thinking about our massive down payment goal can sometimes feel out of reach.

This is especially true if you’re trying to save money for a house in 6 months or you’re saving money while renting. Our goal is to save for a house in 2 years.

But with some smart planning, hard work and discipline, we’ve been setting aside money each month to put towards our down payment fund. As we continue to find new ways to boost our income and cut back on unnecessary expenses, we hope to finally save enough to buy our dream home someday!

Today I’m sharing helpful tips on how to save for a house down payment while renting. Whether you want to save money for a house in a year or you’re looking for fast ways to boost your savings, I hope you will find these budget tips helpful. You could essentially apply these tips for any large purchase you’d like to save for.

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How To Save Money For A House Down Payment (1)

Table of Contents

Figure out how much you’ll need to save

Before you begin to save money for a down payment on a house, the first step is to determine your budget. This will help you figure out what amount you can comfortably afford.

You can sit down with a mortgage lender to let you know how much of a mortgage you can qualify for. Keep in mind that what the bank may say you can afford might be very different from what you can actually afford.

Before you decide to make an offer on a house, you’ll want to make sure that your new mortgage payment is realistic for your budget and lifestyle.

How much should you save up before buying a house?

Most financial experts recommend you spend no more than 25 percent of your monthly take-home pay on your mortgage payment. Most buyers take out 30-year mortgages, but it’s recommended to get a 15-year or less, fixed-rate mortgage. This can literally save you thousands of dollars compared to the traditional option.

The reason why you want to spend no more than 25 percent of your monthly take-home pay is because even though you may qualify for a much larger loan, too much of your income will be going out in payments. This could potentially put a strain on the rest of your budget and not leave much room for savings and other areas you want to spend money on.

Ideally, you’ll want to aim for between 10% and 20% for your down payment. It’s important to choose the down payment percentage that works best for your family.

When you put at least 20% down, this can help lower your interest rate and help you avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI) or CMHC insurance in Canada. This insurance protects lenders in the event a borrower ever stopped making payments or defaulted on their mortgage loan.

Ready to get your money under control? Making a plan for your money is the first step in taking responsibility for your finances. Below are the same budgeting worksheets I used to help me stop buying unnecessary things and save my first $100,000 in my mid twenties. If you’re interested, you can grab them here.

How To Save Money For A House Down Payment (2)

Pay off your debt

I know it’s exciting to start dreaming about buying a home, but it’s important to pay off all non-mortgage debt first. I know it sounds silly to pay down debt before you save for a house down payment. But once these debts are paid off, this can help free up hundreds (or thousands) of dollars that you can help you save money faster.

When all your non-mortgage debt has been paid off, this can help alleviate some of the financial strain on your monthly budget, help you secure a better mortgage rate, and prepare you for the inevitable emergencies that come with home ownership.

Read Next: 12 ways to pay off debt fast

Save money on rent

Rent tends to be one of the biggest monthly expenses. If you want to learn how to save for a downpayment on a house fast, then finding ways to cut back in this area is essential. Here are some ways you may want to consider reducing your current housing costs:

  • Move to a more affordable neighborhood
  • Move to a small place that’s cheaper
  • Get a roommate or live with friends. Some people choose to become an Airbnb host to help reduce their monthly expenses.
  • Move back in with your parents or family

Read Next: How I save 50% of my income living in an expensive city

Track your progress with a house savings tracker

Once you figure out how much money you’ll need to save, I recommend setting up a down payment fund in your monthly budget.

Set a realistic timeframe for your goal – How many months away is your goal date? Do you want to save money for a house in 6 months? A year? or 2 years? Divide the amount you’ll need for your down payment by the number of months you have to save.

For example, let’s say you need to save $50,000 for a down payment on a new home. If you’d like to buy a home in the next two years, this means you’ll need to set aside $2,083 each month to hit your goal.

Having a visual savings tracker can be a great way to track your progress and stay motivated. I love using savings tracker coloring pages to keep myself accountable for my goals. I’m currently using this one to help us save up for a down payment on a home.

Where should I keep my money while saving for a house?

I recommend opening a separate savings account. If you keep it in your regular checking account, it may be tempting to spend it. You’ll want it to be readily available so you can automatically transfer any savings to your house savings account.

How To Save Money For A House Down Payment (3)

IHIGHLYrecommend putting your tracker somewhere you will see it often. Ideas include your fridge, your workspace, your journal or planner, or your bedroom mirror.

The more visible it is, the more likely you’ll use it and be able to reach your savings goal faster!That’s what we all want, right?

Read Next: 47 creative ways to save money on a tight budget

Cut down on unnecessary expenses

No one likes to cut back on their spending, but if you want to save money for a house, it will require making some temporary sacrifices. Cutting back on unnecessary expenses is one of the easiest ways to save. Then you can throw this extra money towards your down payment fund.

For most people, their biggest expenses include housing (rent or mortgage), transportation, and food (groceries and dining out). Finding ways to reduce these expenses is a good place to start if you want to save money for a house.

Here’s a few ways that we’ve been able to cut our monthly expenses:

Earn cash back when shopping online with Rakuten – If we need to buy something online, we always use Rakuten to earn up to 20% cash back on our purchase. It’s free to join and they’ll even give you a $10 welcome bonus just for signing up!

Reduce or eliminate unnecessary subscriptionsTrim is a free app that analyzes your spending patterns to find ways to take action and save you money. It can even negotiate your monthly bills, such as your cable, cell phone or internet bill so you can reduce your expenses and save more.

Reduce your grocery bill by meal planning – I like to spend about 10 minutes each week (usually on Sundays) to plan out all my breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for the week. Meal planning helps us save time, money, and reduces food waste. I use my Meal Plan Binder to keep track and organize healthy meals for my family.

Save money on your utilities – Every little bit counts when you’re trying to save for a house. I like using OhmConnect to save on our utilities. It’s free to join and you’ll get rewarded just by saving energy. OhmConnect community members can earn up to $300 per year.

Cancel your gym membership if you rarely use it – Since our condo gym closed at the start of the pandemic, I’ve been finding fun ways to stay healthy and active at home. I’m currently doing 80 Day Obsession at home using these resistance bands and core sliders. It’s affordable and much cheaper than a gym membership!

Shop your closet for new outfits – Many of us have items hiding in the back of our closet that we’ve forgotten about or still have the price tag attached. Now is your chance to get creative and wear these items. To help you stay inspired, I’ve created this free 30-Day Shop Your Closet Challenge. I share this same challenge in my e-book,The Intentional Spender, and many of my readers LOVE it!

Read Next: 15 fast ways to cut your monthly expenses

Pay yourself first

If you’re like most people, it’s easy to wait until the end of the month to see how much money you have left over before putting any money into your savings account. The only problem with the strategy is that most people find that they don’t have any money left over. Uh oh!

Instead, challenge yourself to pay yourself first. This means you’ll be setting aside money from each paycheck to put towards your savings or investments BEFORE monthly expenses or other discretionary purchases are made.

This can help alleviate some financial stress and remove the temptation to skip contributing to your savings account.

Let’s say you need to save $50,000 for a down payment on a house in the next two years. This means you’ll need to set aside $2,083 per month in your down payment fund. If you get paid bi-weekly, you can put $1,041.50 from each paycheck toward your down payment fund. Or you can save $480.77 per week.

If you’re tempted to dip into your down payment fund, you may want to consider keeping your savings account at a different bank from your checking account.

Read Next: How to save money with sinking funds

Increase your income with a side hustle

Saving money can certainly help you save for a house, but if you’re already living on a tight budget, you may want to consider finding ways to increase your income. Boosting your income while continuing to practice good money habits can help you save up for a down payment on a house faster!

If your regular full-time job already takes up a lot of your time and adding a side hustle isn’t possible right now, then try to increase your income where you’re already working. Perhaps you can negotiate a pay raise or a promotion.

If earning more money at your current job isn’t available, then you may want to consider finding a higher-paying job somewhere else. Now can be a good time to update your resume.

For those who are interested in getting a side hustle, you’ll want to find an option that you genuinely enjoy. If you enjoy photography, why not offer wedding photography services on the weekend? If you enjoy baking, why not offer to sell your baked goods or cater to a local café. If you enjoy playing with dogs, why not get paid to take them for walks over the lunch hour?

Here’s a few of my favorite side jobs you may want to consider:

  • Pinterest virtual assistant – Earn up to $50 per hour
  • Freelance writer – Earn up to $100,000 a year
  • Proofreader – Earn up to $4,000+ a month
  • Virtual assistant – Earn up to $10,000 a month
  • Affiliate marketing – Earn up to $10,000+ a month
  • Selling on Amazon – Earn up to $5,000+ a month
  • Flea market flipping – Earn up to $100,000 a year
  • Podcast virtual assistant – Earn up to $35 per hour

If you’re interested in learning about more way to make extra money, I recommend checking out these posts:

  • 14 work from home jobs for introverts
  • 20 free ways to make extra money
  • 10 side jobs for stay-at-home moms
  • 10 side hustle ideas for dads
  • 12 real ways to make an extra $500 this month from home
How To Save Money For A House Down Payment (2024)


How To Save Money For A House Down Payment? ›

How do I budget for a house? The first step to budgeting for a house is to set your down payment goal. Aim for 20% so you can avoid paying for private mortgage insurance (though 5–10% is okay if you're a first-time home buyer).

How much should I save for a house down payment? ›

How do I budget for a house? The first step to budgeting for a house is to set your down payment goal. Aim for 20% so you can avoid paying for private mortgage insurance (though 5–10% is okay if you're a first-time home buyer).

How to save $10,000 quickly? ›

6 steps to save $10,000 in a year
  1. Evaluate income and expenses. To make room for saving, you'll need a meticulous budget that outlines all your sources of income and all your expenditures. ...
  2. Make an actionable savings plan. ...
  3. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  4. Increase your income. ...
  5. Avoid new debt. ...
  6. Invest wisely.
Apr 2, 2024

Is $40,000 a good down payment for a house? ›

To purchase a $200,000 house, you need a down payment of at least $40,000 (20% of the home price) to avoid PMI on a conventional mortgage. If you're a first-time home buyer, you could save a smaller down payment of $10,000–20,000 (5–10%). But remember, that will drive up your monthly payment with PMI fees.

How to not pay 20% down on a house? ›

How to buy a house with no money down
  1. Step 1: Apply for a zero-down VA loan or USDA loan. ...
  2. Step 2: Use a first-time home buyer program to cover the down payment. ...
  3. Step 3: Ask for a down payment gift from a family member. ...
  4. Step 4: Get the lender to pay your closing costs (lender credits)
Feb 7, 2024

Is $3000 enough for a down payment on a house? ›

How little can a down payment be? “Well, $3,000 is not enough for a down payment on most houses,” says Jill Gonzalez, an analyst with WalletHub. “The lowest percentage of down payment required is 3.5% for an FHA loan.

Is $5000 enough to move out? ›

The answer depends on various factors, such as your location, lifestyle, and personal circ*mstances. While $5,000 can be a good starting point, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the costs associated with moving out and living independently.

Can I save $10,000 in 6 months? ›

Saving $10,000 in a year is a good challenge. But what if you want to save that much in six months instead? To reach this goal, you'll need to save around $1,667 per month, or $56 per day. While that might seem like a lot, with the right mindset, it's possible.

How to save 5k in 6 months? ›

Here are a few ideas that could help:
  1. Opt for groceries over restaurants. The costs of eating out and ordering delivery can add up fast. ...
  2. Cancel pricey subscriptions or memberships. Make a list of what you pay for streaming services, the gym, and other monthly expenses. ...
  3. Find free activities where you live.
Oct 23, 2023

How much money should a 24 year old have saved up? ›

Rule of thumb? Aim to have three to six months' worth of expenses set aside. To figure out how much you should have saved for emergencies, simply multiply the amount of money you spend each month on expenses by either three or six months to get your target goal amount.

What is a realistic down payment for a house? ›

If you want to avoid mortgage insurance by putting 20% down, your down payment should be $100,000. If you plan to put 8% down (the median for first-time homebuyers) it would be $40,000. If you're a first-time homebuyer with an FHA loan and a 3% down requirement, you would need $15,000.

What credit score is needed to buy a house? ›

For a conventional mortgage in California, you typically need a minimum score of at least 600. If you qualify for certain government-backed loans, however, you may be able to buy a home with a score as low as 500.

What credit score do I need to buy a house with no money down? ›

A USDA loan is insured by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and is meant for low- to moderate-income home buyers. The USDA doesn't require a down payment and doesn't set a minimum credit score requirement, though most lenders will want borrowers to have at least a 640.

What is an FHA home loan? ›

A Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan is a home mortgage that is insured by the government and issued by a bank or other lender that is approved by the agency. FHA loans require a lower minimum down payment than many conventional loans, and applicants may have lower credit scores than is usually required. 1.

What credit score do you need for a FHA loan? ›

Minimum credit score

FHA loans allow borrowers with a credit score of 580 or above to purchase a house with a down payment as low as 3.5% of the purchase price. Borrowers with credit scores between 500 and 579 need at least 10% down.

What is the best down payment for a house? ›

Home sellers often prefer to work with buyers who make at least a 20% down payment. A bigger down payment is a strong signal that your finances are in order, so you may have an easier time getting a mortgage. This can give you an edge over other buyers, especially when the home is in a hot market.

Is $10000 enough for a down payment on a house? ›

Conventional mortgages, like the traditional 30-year fixed rate mortgage, usually require at least a 5% down payment. If you're buying a home for $200,000, in this case, you'll need $10,000 to secure a home loan.

Is $50000 enough to put down on a house? ›

Your $50K down payment is just under 15% of the sales price & it means that you will have to pay Private Mortgage Insurance. It's a good start. But to avoid the monthly cost of Personal Mortgage Insurance, you might need to come up with at least $70,000.

Is 15000 enough to put down on a house? ›

If all you're able to put together is $15,000 (which I acknowledge is still a lot of money), you can still buy a home. Leavitt says you'll want to find yourself a lender with low fees to keep your closing costs down. But most importantly, he suggests meeting with a loan agent to see how you can make the numbers work.

How much of a down payment do I need for a $300,000 house? ›

The down payment needed for a $300,000 house can range from 3% to 20% of the purchase price, which means you'd need to save between $9,000 and $60,000. If you get a conventional loan, that is. You'll need $10,500, or 3.5% of the home price, with a FHA loan.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.