How To Use Take-Home Teeth Whitening Trays from Your Dentist - Dental Studio Colleyville Colleyville Texas (2024)

If you were recently given take-home teeth whitening trays from a dentist, it is essential to use them as instructed. This treatment involves the use of a custom-fitted tray and bleaching product to whiten the teeth from home for one to two weeks. Here is some useful information on how to safely and effectively achieve the desired results.

Effectively using take-home teeth whitening trays

Even with a custom-tray, whitening treatments are only effective if done correctly. Misuse can cause tooth and pain sensitivity or even damage the enamel of the teeth. Continue reading to learn what steps are necessary for correctly using teeth whitening trays.

1. Prep the teeth beforehand

Every time before starting a whitening session, patients need to thoroughly brush and floss the teeth beforehand. If food or grime is on the outside of the teeth, the bleaching agent may not be able to reach that area, causing spots or uneven shading.

2. Insert the gel as instructed

Only a small amount of the gel from the provided syringe should be inserted in the tooth tray to avoid the solution spilling out onto the gums. Patients should place only a drop of the gel on the front of each tooth in the tray and avoid moving the bleach around.

3. Put on the trays

After filling the trays, the patient must firmly push the tray into place against the teeth. As the gel comes into contact with saliva, it should start to foam. If any of the solution seeps out of the tray, a cloth can be used to wipe it off to prevent gum irritation. It is important to not swallow any of the bleach and spit into a sink if necessary.

4. Wear for the directed time limit

Every bleaching product has a set limit for how long it needs to be worn. Gels with more peroxide are worn for shorter amounts of time, and some patients may need to take off the trays early if any burning or tooth sensitivity occurs. Most solutions are worn only once or twice a day.

5. Clean the solution off

After reaching the time limit, the patient needs to remove the tray and immediately rinse the teeth. A toothbrush should be used to remove any remaining gel. If patients experience any tooth discomfort, desensitizing toothpaste can help block pain signals from reaching the nerve of the tooth using an active ingredient, such as potassium nitrate.

6. Wipe and store the tray and remaining gel

Patients need to clean and wipe all the gel off the trays before placing the trays in a holder until the next use. A single syringe can often be used for up to four treatments, so the patient should recap it and store the remaining gel in a refrigerator or other cold place.


While patients may be tempted to skip certain steps or to leave the bleaching agent on the teeth for a longer period of time to speed up the process, pain or damage can occur as a result. Never hesitate to reach out to a dentist if you have any remaining questions involving the teeth whitening procedure.

Request an appointment here: or call Dental Studio Colleyville at (817) 885-5188 for an appointment in our Colleyville office.

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How To Use Take-Home Teeth Whitening Trays from Your Dentist - Dental Studio Colleyville Colleyville Texas (2024)


How To Use Take-Home Teeth Whitening Trays from Your Dentist - Dental Studio Colleyville Colleyville Texas? ›

Inserting the Bleaching Trays: Insert whitening tray in the mouth over the teeth. Seat the tray firmly against the teeth. Wipe the excess gel which seeps over the brim of the tray onto your gums with your finger or a cotton swab. Wear the tray with the gel as directed below.

How do you use teeth whitening trays? ›

Inserting the Bleaching Trays: Insert whitening tray in the mouth over the teeth. Seat the tray firmly against the teeth. Wipe the excess gel which seeps over the brim of the tray onto your gums with your finger or a cotton swab. Wear the tray with the gel as directed below.

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Place the whitening tray(s) in your mouth carefully, making sure that it is seated all the way. Remove any excess gel from the gum tissue with your finger or dry toothbrush. Keep the tray in your mouth for 30-60 minutes. After 30-60 minutes, remove and clean the trays with cold water.

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Your teeth will be coated with a whitening solution on the front surface only. Some whitening products require a curing light or laser to activate the peroxide. 3 Depending on the brand, the solution will be left on for 30 to 60 minutes or reapplied occasionally for up to one hour.

Should I brush my teeth after whitening trays? ›

Brushing quickly after whitening can help remove any residual gel or substance from your teeth, keeping it from remaining on the enamel and potentially causing irritation or damage. Brushing after whitening can also help eliminate any tiny stains or discolorations that were lifted during the whitening process.

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Brushing before using the strips may help remove any plaque buildup on your teeth, while waiting for at least 30 minutes after using them before brushing again allows time for remineralization of tooth enamel.

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You should not eat, drink or smoke whilst wearing the trays. The whitening process works at different rates for each individual, but most patients report that a noticeable effect after just four treatments.

How long does it take to see results from teeth whitening trays? ›

You should start seeing results from a whitening gel tray in about a week, with maximum results seen in 2 to 4 weeks' time. The amount of whitening you see will vary based on the strength of the peroxide used and length of time worn.

Are you supposed to sleep with whitening trays? ›

Every dentist is slightly different and therefore you should follow the instructions provided with regards to wearing your trays. However, in most cases the whitening trays are worn overnight for at least 7/8 hours. During this time, you should not eat, drink or smoke.

How long after teeth whitening trays can I eat normally? ›

After 24-72 hours, you can resume your regular diet. The following are the things that you need to avoid after teeth whitening. Sugary foods can irritate your teeth and trigger the bacteria responsible for causing decay. Any food that stains make your teeth vulnerable to staining.

Are whitening trays from dentists worth it? ›

The primary reason to rely on your dentist's custom-tailored teeth whitening tray is it will whiten unsightly teeth much better than any product available over-the-counter. The dentist will show you exactly how your personalized teeth whitening tray should be applied to your teeth.

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Yellow teeth can regain whiteness through various methods, including good oral hygiene, professional dental cleanings, and teeth-whitening treatments. Stains from coffee, tea, or tobacco can be removed with adequate oral care, while professional procedures like bleaching or laser treatments offer quicker results.

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Option #1: In-Office Laser Whitening

This is one of the popular teeth whitening methods that some people believe is the most effective way to get a brighter smile. Using lasers and peroxide-based whitening agents in a professional setting, this teeth whitening method provides dramatic, lasting results.

How to do at home whitening trays? ›

Inserting the Bleaching Trays: Insert whitening trays in the mouth over the teeth set the trays firmly against the teeth. Wipe the excess gel, which seeps over the brim of the tray onto your gums, by holding the trays up with one hand; wipe the excess gel off of the gums with your finger or tissue.

Should I dry my teeth before whitening? ›

Part of the preparation of our in-office treatment is to dry the teeth before applying the whitening gel. If you are using a home kit, be sure to dry your teeth before you insert each tray. The best trays will make a seal at their edge to keep bleaching gel and saliva separate.

Why can't you brush your teeth before whitening? ›

It's recommended to brush your teeth before applying whitening strips as this will help you achieve better results. But you should wait about 20-30 minutes after brushing before using whitening strips. Using teeth whitening strips right after brushing your teeth can result in gum irritation and tooth sensitivity.

Should I dry my teeth before whitening trays? ›

The whitening gel will give the best results when used with clean teeth. You may want to try to wear the trays first without any gel to check for comfort. Also make sure that the trays are clean and dry before applying any gel. Moisture reduces the efficiency of the whitening gel and slows down the whitening process.

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The challenge with such instability, however, is that all whitening gels will begin degenerating immediately upon manufacture unless they are kept under constant refrigeration. If left at room temperature or exposed to warmer climates and hot shipping temperatures, the peroxide gel will lose potency.

Can you swallow with teeth whitening trays? ›

Apply whitening gel to the tray as instructed along the front side of the inner tray walls. Insert the tray onto the teeth and push into place until fully seated. Do not swallow and remove excess gel from around the gum line. Do not eat, drink, or bite down with trays in place.

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