Illegal Dividends 2024: UK Limited Company Contractor Guide (2024)

Illegal Dividends 2024: UK Limited Company Contractor Guide (1)

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What are illegal dividends (HMRC) or unlawful dividends, and how do they arise when you’re UK contracting? Let’s take the time to consider when an illegal distribution may occur when you’re paying dividends from a limited company. In addition, let’s consider what you should think about when taking dividends from your company. This guide will cover how to take dividends from your private limited company, and we’ll research can I take dividends from previous years profits. We’ll also consider what is an illegal dividend and look at the guidance from CTM15205. Basically, CTM15205 is HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) official guidance in this area.

Another term that we can use to describe contractor unlawful dividends is `ultra vires dividends.’ This is a Latin phrase which means `beyond the powers.’ It’s used in law to describe an act which requires legal authority but is carried out without it. Therefore, it exceeds the scope of power given to them by current laws.

When contracting and running your own company, as a director and shareholder, you’ll usually draw down profits occasionally. As part of profit extraction from your company, you may pay yourself a dividend from your business. On the other hand, you may receive your income as a salary. It’s key to note that Ltd company dividends are subject to tax but not National Insurance, unlike salaries. However, if you work through your own UK contractor limited company, a mix of salary and contractor dividends may be the best choice when you consider how to be tax-efficient.

Initial thoughts

As a UK contractor, you may wonder how much you can pay yourself in dividends when you run your own company. The answer regarding how much dividends you can take for profit extraction is that there’s no limit. This is on the assumption that your company has enough profits available to pay the private company dividends you plan to take out. Therefore, as time passes, your business can go ahead and pay yourself dividends (UK) now and again. The UK dividends are payable to the company shareholders and are usually in line with their share ratios.

First thoughts on Illegal dividends (HMRC)

How do we pay director dividends from post-tax realised profits?

Private companies make dividend payments to their shareholders. Moreover, they pay these from the company’s post-tax realised profits.This means your company’s profit for the year after you deduct Corporation Tax. You may ask if I can take dividends from the previous year’s profits, and the answer is yes. Therefore, when considering limited company dividends, contractor available profits will include retained profits or losses brought forward from the previous set of annual accounts. Adding this together shows the total available, which you can pay as disbursem*nts now. To summarise, the accumulated realised profits (or accumulated realised losses) plus the current year’s profit or loss, after allowing for any tax due, is the distributable profit available as UK dividends, as far as the company has the cash to do so.

When your limited company is paying yourself a dividend that is more than the sum of post-tax profits and any P&L balance brought forward from the previous year, we call this an illegal dividend or illegal distribution. Therefore, checking profit levels is essential to ensure enough funds are available before taking dividends from your company. If you have insufficient profits, you must wait until you generate more income before paying dividends.

The current rules about dividend payments are set out in Section 830 of the Companies Act 2006. This states, ‘ a dividend or distribution to shareholders may only be made out of profits available for the purpose.’

Other guides

Before we move on, there are several aspects to consider regarding how to pay yourself dividends. Therefore, when you’re a UK contractor taking dividends from a company, besides making sure you don’t draw more dividends than you’re entitled to, these additional aspects include:

  • When can I take dividends from my company?
  • Thetiming of paying dividends.
  • How much dividend can I pay?
  • Thedividend allowance.
  • Illegal dividends (this guide).

Taking dividends from your company & when do they become illegal?

When should I pay private company dividends?

You may ask how often I can take dividends from my company (UK). Indeed, there’s no right time to pay company dividends. You can draw these whenever and how often you like, provided sufficient profit exists. Most limited company contractors draw dividends from their business once per month or perhaps once a quarter

When you’ve got your own business, what paperwork or documents should a company paying dividends complete? Technically, in terms of paperwork for UK company dividends, you can create a dividend voucher. Moreover, you can do this each time you declare a dividend. You may ask, what are dividend vouchers? To explain, these are official documents that show the details of the dividend payments and are signed by a company director.

You can file the dividend tax voucher with your personal tax records. The voucher will then be available to show to third parties if needed. As a contractor, you’ll usually declare and pay the dividend simultaneously.

In real life, a third party isn’t likely to ask to see the dividends voucher. Therefore, you or yourcontractor accountantcan prepare minutes of meetings at your company year-end. These will approve the limited company dividends you pay during the financial period. If you require dividend vouchers in the future, you can draw these up then.

Contractor illegal dividends & what happens when you overdraw?

In most scenarios, taking dividends from your company is a simple process. However, you may, by accident, on occasion, overdraw private company dividends. As a result, some of these will, therefore, will be unlawful.

When you take more business dividends than are available in profit, the business’s financial position will show an overall loss. This loss is then, in effect, due to your contractor’s unlawful dividends. Therefore, you’ll be liable to repay the amount of illegal distributions in the future.

The Companies Act 2006 makes provisions for illegal dividends. Indeed, the Companies House Act 2006 states, “a dividend or distribution to shareholders may only be made out of profits available for the purpose”. Ross Martin has another good guide on this area and how the Companies Act 2006 relates to this.

Can I take dividends from previous years profits?

When trading, you may make an overall loss one year or another for various reasons. In this case, can you take dividends if you make a loss? When your company has some previous year’s profits still on the Balance Sheet, exceeding this year’s losses, the balance is available to pay as company dividends. However, as is always the case, it will depend on when the business has these funds as liquid cash, i.e., so far as the funds aren’t tied up in company assets such as fixed assets (car, computer equipment, etc) or investments.

It’s key to highlight that you only pay tax on company profits. Moreover, they’re taxed in the year the business generates these profits. Therefore, all company funds that haven’t been paid out as expenses, salaries, or distributed as dividends are distributable in the future.

The formula to use to avoid drawing too much dividends

A limited company can prepare some management accounts or interim accounts to see the business’s current financial position. This exercise will show how much profit is in the business, and therefore, you will know what you can draw and avoid taking too much. However, there’s a quick and easy way to determine how much you can draw before you take a dividend from your company. Therefore, we show this in the formula below.

What is the actual formula?

The formula to use when paying yourself dividends from your company and calculating the maximum profit extraction is as follows:

Step 1 Take the sales in the current accounting year.
Step 2 Then, add together all of yourbusiness expensesand gross salary in the current accounting year.
Step 3 Next, take your expenses and gross salary in 2) above. Then, deduct these from the sales total in 1) above to arrive at a profit before Corporation (CT).
Step 4 Then, deduct CT from the profit figure in 3) above to arrive at a profit after CT. The CT is at 19% or 25%, depending on whether your company is small or large (please see our Corporation Tax guide for details).
Step 5 Take the profit or loss brought forward from the previous accounting year (as shown in the Profit and Loss account figure at the bottom of the Balance Sheet). We add this to the profit after tax figure in 4) above.


After step 5) above, the total you’ll arrive at is the distributable reserves currently in your business. This is the amount from which it can pay UK company dividends, provided there are the funds to do this, i.e., some funds that aren’t tied up in other assets, as mentioned earlier.

Another method

You can also examine the company’s liquid assets, such as the bank account, instead of the above.

The next step is to deduct any company taxes due up to the present day from this. This will include any VAT yet to be paid, any PAYE/NIC due and any Corporation Tax on your company’s profit up to the present day. What’s more, you’ll deduct any other current creditors. Once you deduct these, you’ll leave an amount of cash in your business, which you can pay as business dividends.

Further things to consider on unlawful distributions

What should you do when you’ve taken illegal dividends?

If your company makes an illegal distribution, you may have just been looking at your business bank balance and thinking there’s enough to cover bills. As a result, you may have forgotten to consider the business’s total bills and any monies your company owes. However, if you take too much dividends, it’s not a criminal offence. You will not receive any fines for this either. Instead, it’s a case that you didn’t take enough care. As a result, you must now research rectifying an unlawful dividend.

Your accountant will prepare your annual business accounts at the end of your financial year. At this point, it’ll become apparent if your business’s financial position is in the red due to overdrawing. If the business is in the red, your company may have paid too much director dividends. As a result, the overpaid dividend amount is put to your director’s loan account, and you must repay this to the company. When the reason for the company being in the red is down to taking too much UK dividends, and this overdrawing becomes a loan instead, you should aim to get any amount you owe repaid as soon as possible.

Therefore, if you’ve paid too much company director dividends and provided it was an interim dividend, the easiest way to rectify this is to repay the money you owe to your company as soon as you discover it. If you can’t currently do this, you can wait to see if future sales will generate enough income to create a profit again. Then, you can declare a dividend but don’t draw it from the company. Instead, the dividend is credited against the director’s loan account amount you owe due to the illegal dividend.

Contractor’s illegal dividends & what are the director’s duties?

As a company owner, it’s essential to note that it’s one of yourdirector’s dutiesto check what you can take as limited company dividends. You can use the formula above to check the company’s post-tax profits anytime. The overall profits available for company dividends are included after you include the profit and loss account balance brought forward.

If the business pays too much UK dividends in the year-end accounts, you’ll not go to jail for it. If this occurs, you can do a dividend reversal and convert those director dividends into a director’s loan instead, as explained earlier. After doing this, you must repay the director’s loanto the company. The sooner you repay this, the better it’ll be.

Therefore, as a director, you can check your business profit levels. You can do this before you pay any company dividends. If you can’t pay dividends now, wait until your business generates more profits. You can then recheck this position later.

Tax office guidance & the tax on overdrawn director loan accounts

HMRC guidance on illegal dividends

The tax office has further guidance for the above. You can find this in ManualCTM20090and more detailsin ManualCTM15205.

Tax consequences of overdrawn director’s loan account -Section 455 Tax& P11D reporting

Your accountant will prepare your accounts when your company year-end comes around. At this point, you’ll know if your business has paid you too many dividends. If it has, your accountant must reverse the dividends.As a result, a reduced credit or overdrawn director’s loan account will show up in the company’s accounts instead.

As mentioned above, it’s best to repay any director’s loan account as soon as possible. Ideally, you should repay this within nine months of your company year-end. If you repay this after nine months, then one of the tax consequences of illegal dividends is that the business must pay Section 455 Tax. This tax is 33.75% of any overdrawn balance. Indeed, 33.75% is the same as the higher personal tax rate on dividends. Section 455 Tax is a temporary tax that is repayable to the company after you repay the director loan. Please note that although HMRC will refund the tax in the future, it’s a temporary hit on your cash flow.

The other tax consequence is that you may need to declare the overdrawn director’s loan on form P11D. We explain an overdrawn director loan account in more detail in one of our other guides, which coversa loan to a director.

If you ever find yourself in a position whereyour company can’t pay its taxes, this could be because you’ve paid too much in dividends. As a result, there will have been contractor unlawful dividends. Consequently, if you can’t see yourself meeting your company’s tax liabilities, there are certain things you must consider, including insolvency. In this scenario, your dividend payments will be scrutinised for legality by insolvency practitioners to determine what the director owes to the company due to excess drawings.

Final thoughts

In this guide, we’ve considered what is an illegal dividend is and how it may arise. Indeed, when you’re taking dividends from your company, it’s not uncommon for the position of drawing too much to occur. Besides, many UK contractors who experience this won’t notice when illegal dividends occur until their accountant brings it up. Therefore, ensuring you don’t overdraw your dividends is essential, as this guide highlights.

When you work out what you can draw from your business, it’s important to remember the answer regarding can I take dividends from previous years profits. If you have existing profits or losses brought forward in your company from the previous accounts, your company’s previous total realised profits or losses should be noted. You will add these to the current year’s post-tax profits to learn what’s available for company profit extraction purposes and what you can draw.

Keeping yourcompany’s tax savingsin a separate account is a good idea when running your company. Therefore, you could put these into a companysavings account. This is good advice and best practice for a UK limited company contractor. This way, the company’s tax savings are kept away from the regular funds in the Current account.When tax payments become due, you can transfer such amounts back to the Current account and make the payments to the tax offices. Therefore, if you always aim to keep your company tax savings in a separate business account, that’ll help ensure you don’t spend them.

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Published On: April 6th, 2024 / Categories: Dividends /

Illegal Dividends 2024: UK Limited Company Contractor Guide (2)


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Illegal Dividends 2024: UK Limited Company Contractor Guide (2024)


Can I take dividends from previous years profits in the UK? ›

Dividends. A dividend is a payment a company can make to shareholders if it has made a profit. You cannot count dividends as business costs when you work out your Corporation Tax. Your company must not pay out more in dividends than its available profits from current and previous financial years.

What is the tax on illegal dividends in the UK? ›

Repaying dividend income

The company will be subject to a 'section 455' Corporation Tax charge of 33.75% of the repayable amount for any loan made after 6 April 2022. A notional interest rate (currently 2.25% per year) will also apply if the loan is greater than £10,000 at any time in the tax year.

What happens if the dividend payment was unlawful? ›

Shareholders in receipt of an unlawful dividend may be asked to repay this money to the company if they were aware the company could not afford to make this distribution. Alternatively, directors may be held responsible for repaying not only their own, but all unlawful dividends made by their company.

How to get money out of a limited company without paying tax in the UK? ›

Take money out of a Limited Company as expenses

If these expenses are solely for business purposes, you can reclaim the money. To do this, you'll need to keep receipts and fill out claim forms. Your company can repay these expenses together with your monthly pay or at another suitable time tax-free.

How to rectify an unlawful dividend? ›

Once declared dividends have been paid, they cannot then be cancelled even if they are found to be unlawful. Instead the amount issued should be treated as a loan from the company. As is the nature of a loan, the shareholder is required to pay these funds back to the company in a timely manner.

Do US citizens pay tax on UK dividends? ›

How are dividends in the UK generally taxed by the IRS? Because the UK has a Tax Treaty with the US, UK dividends are subject to preferential tax rates instead of the regular tax rate of up to 39.6%. These UK 'qualified dividends' are only subject to 0-20% tax.

Are UK dividends taxable on non UK residents? ›

A non UK resident individual, who is in receipt of income from UK interest and/or dividends, is not taxable in the UK, on the UK interest or dividends received.

How much dividend is tax-free in UK? ›

Understanding the annual tax-free UK Dividend Allowance

You can earn up to £1,000 for the 2023/24 tax year and £500 for 2024/25, before you pay any Income Tax on your dividends, this figure is over and above your Personal Tax-Free Allowance of £12,570 in the 2023/24 and 2024/25 tax years.

Do dividends get reported to HMRC? ›

Which advises you do not need to report your dividends to HMRC, if you are within the dividend allowance. If you dispose of shares, then you may have a capital gain or a capital loss. You do not need to report capital gains if they are below the annual exempt amount for the whole tax year.

Which of the following is considered an illegal dividend? ›

Illegal dividends, or unlawful dividends as they are also known, is when there are insufficient retained profits within the company to cover the dividend being paid.

Can you sue a company for not paying dividends? ›

Prior to declaration, shareholders have no right to sue for the dividend, but upon declaration, they become creditors of the corporation and may sue if the company subsequently fails to pay the dividend.

Can a shareholder be held personally liable for receiving illegal dividends? ›

Dividends and Distributions

A shareholder who knowingly receives an illegal distribution will be liable for the full amount of that distribution in payment back to the corporation.

How much can a limited company earn before paying tax in the UK? ›

The main rate of corporation tax for company profits is currently 25% for the year 2023-4. If your company makes a profit of more than £250,000, you'll pay the main rate of tax. If your company made a profit of less than £50,000, you pay something called the 'small profits' rate, which is just 19%.

Is it legal to transfer money from business account to personal account in the UK? ›

You can withdraw money from a business account, provided you keep accurate records and repay the amount as soon as possible. If you don't keep accurate records, HMRC may treat any money not repaid as income, meaning it's subject to tax and National Insurance.

Can dividends be paid out of previous year profits? ›

Section 123(1) of the Act inter-alia states that “no dividend shall be declared or paid by a company for any financial year except out of the profits of the company for that year or out of the profits of the company for any previous financial years”.

Can you pay dividends out of retained profits? ›

There's no limit, and no set amount – you might even pay your shareholders different dividend amounts. Dividends are paid from a company's profits, so payments might fluctuate depending on how much profit is available. If the company doesn't have any retained profit, it can't make dividend payments.

Can you backdate dividends? ›

The short answer is no! You cannot backdate the dividends of a limited liability company to its owners.

Can I claim old dividend? ›

As per IEPF authority rules, you can claim unpaid or unclaimed dividends for up to 7 years from the dividend declaration date.

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