Is someone spying on my phone? 15+ ways to tell | IPVanish (2024)

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When an online ad seems far too accurate or someone in your life seems to know more about you than you’d ever mentioned, it’s natural to ask the question: “is someone spying on my phone?” In today’s world, one must take every precaution to keep your mobile device secure. Perhaps you already protect your phone from physical breaches with a passcode and fingerprint or facial biometric—but are those cybersecurity methods enough?

Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.

There is a way someone can monitor your mobile phone without ever touching the actual device. Spyware (a portmanteau of ‘spying software) and stalkerware can be installed on a phone without the owner’s knowledge, allowing an attacker to steal information, track activity, and more. But how can you tell if someone has installed spyware on your device? And if you confirm that, yes, there is someone spying on my phone, how can it be removed?

While it’s unnerving to think that someone could be watching your phone without your consent, identifying and removing it doesn’t require much technical know-how. Let’s dive in.

How to tell if someone is spying on your phone

Spyware is a sneaky form of malware that doesn’t cause direct damage to your operating system. It can be difficult to detect, working quietly in the background to record your every move. Read on for some signs that someone might be spying on you.

1. Abnormal data usage

Traveling and emergencies aside, people will seldom have large increases in data usage. So if you notice your mobile data usage is unusually high, it could be a sign of spying apps.

Because spyware tools rely on a constant active connection, they can eat up a lot of data. If someone is spying on your mobile device, they’re likely using your network connection to do so.

2. Phone getting slower

When your phone is old or full of apps and photos, it’s expected to get slower. You may notice longer load times for apps and websites, and delayed responses to taps; that’s normal.

But if most of your data is in the cloud, storage space isn’t an issue, your phone is less than 2 years old, and it’s still getting slower, you should be worried.

Spy apps and spyware can be very destructive to your phone’s performance. They use so much processing power that your phone becomes sluggish while performing basic tasks like opening apps. This drains both the memory and CPU of your phone, making it run so slowly that you become frustrated by its compromised performance.

3. Longer device shutdowns

You may never notice this since people rarely turn off their phones these days. However, if it takes a long time to shut down – or doesn’t shut down at all – it could be due to interference from spy apps on your device.

Spyware isn’t designed with a shutdown option. Instead, it naturally pushes for more resources to remain active. That means you’ll notice a considerable lag when you try to shut down your phone because the spyware is resisting.Try powering down your phone a few times; if a shutdown problem persists, it’s likely to be spyware.

4. Rapid battery drainage

With processing problems and slowdowns, it should not be too surprising that someone spying on your phone is also accompanied by rapid battery drainage. When spy apps are constantly recording and transmitting data, they’ll burn through power quickly.

The average lifespan of a smartphone battery is three to five years, and like the rest of your device, it will degrade over time. So, if your phone battery is old, the issues you’re having with it may have developed over time.

However, if you notice your phone dying quickly, even without spending much time on it, a spyware infection may be to blame.

5. Overheating device

By now you can be sure spyware takes a toll on your device, even if it doesn’t cause intentional damage. You’ll also notice that your phone overheats for no apparent reason.

Your phone should not get hot when you’re not using it, regardless of what apps you have running. If your device heats up even when idle, and this happens often, then it’s almost certain that someone is spying on your phone.

Your phone’s temperature can be affected by many factors, such as ambient temperature, battery issues, or weather. Although your phone may get warmer when you make a call, stream, or play games, it’s normal. Charging a phone also causes the battery to heat up slightly.

Spyware can increase your phone’s temperature to the point that you can feel it hot to the touch. That could damage your device and potentially cause burns.

6. Idle device activity

Random restarts and shutdowns

Your phone should not restart unless you’ve set it to do so. If your phone reboots frequently and unexpectedly, and it’s not fixed through an update, spyware could be the source. The same can be said for random shutdowns.

Wild wake-ups

If your device’s screen lights up without any obvious indicators—no calls, messages, or push notifications—you may want to check and see if there is someone spying on your phone.


Nothing quite screams “device infection” like random pop-ups. We’re not talking about the cookie notices and ‘disable ad blocker’ messages you see when you access a website, either.

If your mobile phone is pushing notifications for fake virus alerts, odd warnings that can’t be closed, or adult material, it is most assuredly infected by adware.

7. Phone call interference

Does your phone ever seem to have poor reception despite a strong signal? You might hear a clicking, static noise, odd hissing, or an airy echo rather than lose the connection. These sounds can indicate that someone is trying to eavesdrop, listening in on your conversation.

The quality of mobile phones has improved so much that the days of hearing random sounds and distant voices during a phone call are long gone. In some cases, you may also hear these strange sounds during video calls with apps like FaceTime or Zoom. If you keep hearing these kinds of interference issues and they’re not resolved by simply resetting the call, you’re likely dealing with a spyware infection.

8. Poor screenshot quality

There is a rumor that keyloggers—the type of spyware that records your typing—can negatively impact screenshot quality. So, if you’re noticing blurriness in your screenshots or they’re not looking as clear as they usually do, consider that you might have a keylogger installed on your phone.

See Also
Data Sharing

9. Strange account activity

Credit card charges

Your financial credentials are most assuredly the target of any cybercriminal’s spyware campaign. They may use a keylogger to steal your information and then hack into any app with a credit card linked to it.

It’s unlikely that you will notice small, suspicious charges right away; people don’t usually notice the odd $2 charge. After some time though – and many login sessions or purchases later – they may be able to acquire your credit card number or PayPal/Venmo login and use these details to transfer larger funds from your bank account.

Linked accounts logins

By exploiting security flaws in iCloud and other platforms, spyware apps can access your information. If you suspect that your iCloud account has been breached, or if you see unusual activity on platforms like Google and Facebook, it is important to take immediate action to protect yourself.

Incoherent text messages

We all receive weird, spam text messages full of marketing stuff and political donation requests.

But if you notice that your phone is sending and receiving strange, incoherent text messages, it may be infected with spyware. These messages are often full of strange characters and symbols, as well as words in a different language.

10. Autonomous app installations (Android phones)

If your Android phone allows you to download and install apps from outside the Google Play Store without first asking for permission, you might have mobile spyware on your hands. Double-check by reviewing the Storage permissions in the Settings of your Android.

Did you spot any unfamiliar apps on your device? Then it’s likely someone is spying on your phone.

11. Unknown apps with administrator access

Spyware apps sometimes gain administrator access to prevent users from uninstalling them. If you find any apps you don’t recognize with admin access, revoke their administrator privileges immediately and uninstall them. This can help prevent the spyware from blocking your attempts to remove it.

12. Irregular network traffic

Monitoring network traffic can reveal suspicious data transfers. Apps like GlassWire can help you track data usage and identify any unusual activities. If you notice data being sent or received when you’re not actively using your phone, it could be a sign that spyware is transmitting your data. Regularly check your data usage reports for spikes or irregular patterns.

13. Unfamiliar Bluetooth connections

Spyware can sometimes use Bluetooth to transmit data. Go to your Bluetooth settings and ensure there are no unknown or suspicious devices connected. Regularly scanning for nearby devices can also help identify if any unauthorized connections are trying to pair with your phone.

14. SMS commands

Some spyware can be controlled via SMS commands. Check your sent and received messages for any suspicious activity. Look for messages you don’t remember sending or receiving, especially those containing unusual codes or characters. This can help identify spyware that uses SMS to receive instructions from a remote attacker.

15. Rooting or jailbreaking signs

Spyware often requires root or jailbreak access. If you notice apps requiring root access or see unfamiliar apps like Superuser or Cydia, your phone may be compromised. Rooting or jailbreaking removes many of the security restrictions put in place by the manufacturer, making your phone more vulnerable to spyware and other threats.

These are some of the most common red flags that your phone is being tracked, tapped, or monitored by spying software. If you’re experiencing more than just one or two of these instances, you may indeed have someone spying on your phone.

Could someone spy on my phone without physical access to it?

Although physical access makes it easier for attackers to install spyware, remote installation is also possible. Here are some common methods:

  1. Unsecured public Wi-Fi networks: Public Wi-Fi networks without encryption are prime targets for attackers. They can intercept data transmitted over these networks and potentially gain access to your device.
  2. Phishing emails and messages: Attackers often use phishing tactics to trick you into installing spyware. They send convincing emails or messages that appear to come from trusted sources, prompting you to click on a link or download an attachment. This action can covertly install spyware on your device.
  3. Exploiting software vulnerabilities: Cybercriminals can exploit unpatched security flaws in your operating system or apps to install spyware remotely.
  4. Account compromise: If an attacker gains access to your Apple or Google account, for example, they can potentially monitor your messages, photos, location, and contacts.
  5. Malicious apps: Downloading apps from unofficial sources can lead to spyware installation. These malicious apps often disguise themselves as legitimate software but carry hidden spyware.

How do I prevent someone from spying on my phone?

If you suspect that software is being used by someone spying on your phone, you need to remove it. These cybersecurity steps will help you get started:

Use a VPN

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts your internet connection and masks your IP address, making it much harder for cybercriminals to intercept your data. By using a VPN, especially on public Wi-Fi networks, you can help protect your data from being accessed by unauthorized parties, and shield your device from potential attackers looking to infect it with spyware.

Change your passwords

To protect yourself against spyware compromising your privacy, change your passwords immediately from another device to avoid giving cybercriminals access to your new passwords through the spyware. Make sure you choose strong, secure passwords. And as we’ve already established and consider adding some extra protection, like two-factor authentication. 2FA prevents cybercriminals from accessing your accounts when they already have your passwords.

Update your operating system and apps

Preying on outdated and ineffective security measures, spyware can infect devices with relative ease. That’s why it’s important to regularly update apps and operating systems. To stay safe online, you need the latest security patches to prevent threats from exploiting vulnerabilities.

Run a malware scan

Spyware is a form of malware, so a good antivirus should be able to pick it up in a scan and eliminate it. If your phone continues acting weird but your antivirus doesn’t signal any threats, don’t assume that everything’s okay. Some spyware mimics legitimate apps to bypass detection and gain access to the information they want. Parental control apps and nanny cams are the most impersonated apps because they require similar permissions.

Look for spyware apps

A spyware app on your phone may be installed with a name like “spy,” “monitor,” or other similar unsubtle words. It’s more likely, however, that the app is disguised to look innocuous. Review every single app on your device. Seriously, scrutinize each one. If you don’t remember installing it, open it to verify it’s the kind of app it appears to be. If it won’t launch, that’s a red flag.

How to recognize spyware apps

Spyware apps are difficult to open and view. You can search for them, but they’re not always easy to find. Spyware apps disguise themselves to avoid detection. You might find FlexiSpy under the name SyncManager in the Apps menu, while mSpy can sport a name like IphoneInternalService within Settings.

Can’t tell if the app you found is legitimate or spyware? Search for the name!

Spyware App NameAvailable for AndroidAvailable for iOS
Android Spy✔️

Disable unknown sources (Android)

If you have an Android, ensure that your device is set to disallow the installation of apps from unknown sources. Go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and make sure it is disabled. This prevents malicious apps from being installed without your knowledge.

Reset your phone to factory settings

This is your last resort to get rid of spy apps. Resetting your phone to factory settings is the nuclear option for dealing with a particularly stubborn strain of spyware. This process wipes all your files, accounts, and information from your device and eradicates most spying programs infecting the phone. We normally recommend creating a data backup before performing a factory reset, but doing so risks storing spyware remnants by mistake.

Still, if you feel confident in your ability, you can choose to back up important, irreplaceable data to a quarantinable cloud drive so that you can attempt to safely retrieve it. But do not directly restore your phone from your cloud backup, or you’ll most assuredly reinstall any spyware.

How to prevent spyware from infecting your phone:

Now that you’re free from cell phone spies, here are ways to protect yourself from future intrusions. Follow these steps to improve your phone’s security and prevent it from being targeted with spyware:

  • Avoid leaving your phone alone:Lock your smartphone’s screen and keep it on you at all times to ensure that no one hacks into your device. If you leave your phone lying around, someone could install malware on it. So be cognizant of where you leave your phone and who can access it. Use passcodes and biometric logins to protect your phone from unauthorized use.
  • Don’t click short links:Whether it’s in a text message or email, it is wise to avoid clicking on these types of links because they can lead to dangerous websites and suspicious attachments. Even if you think you know the sender, it could be a phishing attempt. Instead, always navigate to a website yourself.
  • Skip third-party apps:When you allow your Android device to run third-party apps orjailbreak your iPhone, you could open yourself up to malware or spyware. Major app stores take down malicious apps, but people cannot verify that APK files hosted on third-party websites aren’t infected with something.
  • Keep your phone updated:Your phone operating system along with its app updates are all important. Sometimes the reason for updating is to fix a cybersecurity gap.

For more information, check out our article on how to know if your phone is hacked.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the purpose of phone spyware?

The purpose of spyware is to monitor its users. This can include messages, passwords, transactions, photos, and even phone calls. While ransomware and adware also make up parts of a cybercriminal’s toolbox for financial gain, spyware has many other users. Some people use spyware to keep tabs on their children, spouses, and colleagues. Governments, dictators, and companies use it for more sinister purposes.

How can I tell if there is someone spying on my phone?

An assortment of common phone problems—like overheating, high battery usage, data spikes, and random restarts—can usually indicate whether your phone has been compromised. Both Android and iOS phones can be subject to malicious software capable of tracking your location, reading your texts, and listening in on phone calls.

Is someone watching me through my phone?

It’s unlikely that government surveillance agencies are watching you in real-time; they analyze data after it’s been collected. However if you’re concerned about being spied on by someone close to you, it’s a possibility and a feature equipped in some spyware apps.

How do phones get infected with spyware?

There are essentially two methods in which spyware can be installed onto your phone: direct access and remote access. Direct access typically occurs when someone installs a monitoring app directly to the device. Remote access generally occurs when accidentally infect their phones with a hacker’s spyware through shady links, third-party apps, and malicious email attachments.


Yes, it’s true that someone can install spyware on your phone without even touching it. What’s worse is that users of mobile spying software are not just hackers, but nosey people in your life. After reading this article, though, you’ll know how to tell if that’s happened.

It pays to trust your instincts. If you think your phone is being tampered with, investigate further.Once you know your phone’s security has been compromised, you can take steps to reverse it. And even if it turns out to be a false alarm, it’s better than no alarm at all.

As always, be sure to use a VPN regularly to help prevent others from snooping on your online activity over shared Wi-Fi networks.

Is someone spying on my phone? 15+ ways to tell | IPVanish (2024)


Is there a way to tell if your phone is being spied on? ›

A clear way to tell if someone tapped your phone is if you receive strange text messages containing random numbers, symbols, or characters. The remote-control feature of some spy software works by sending secret, coded text messages to your phone.

Can someone else see what I'm doing on my phone? ›

There is a way someone can monitor your mobile phone without ever touching the actual device. Spyware (a portmanteau of 'spying software) and stalkerware can be installed on a phone without the owner's knowledge, allowing an attacker to steal information, track activity, and more.

Can someone spy on my phone without my knowledge? ›

Rapid battery drain, lagging performance, unexplained mobile data usage – these could be signs of a silent intruder on your phone: spyware. This malicious software, installed without your knowledge, can lie hidden while stealing your passwords, tracking your location, and recording your calls.

Is there an app to see if someone is spying on your phone? ›

The easiest way to discover if someone has tried to install spyware on your iPhone or Android smartphone is to scan your phone with security software like Certo AntiSpy (for iOS devices) or Certo Mobile Security (for Android devices).

What is the code to check if your phone is being monitored? ›

Code to check if phone is tapped: *#21# Code to show unknown connections and tracking (for Android): *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#*#* Code to show unknown connections and if someone is tracing you (for iPhone): *3001#12345#*

Can someone see you through your phone screen? ›

Mobile spyware is malware that allows hackers to steal information and watch anything within view of your phone camera. It can also enable them to access your microphone, location, calendar, and contacts. This makes it possible for hackers to record your videos and calls.

Can you tell if someone has remote access to your phone? ›

Look out for signs, such as unusual battery drain, overheating, unexpected data usage, unfamiliar apps, settings changes, and unusual behavior on your device. These could indicate unauthorized access.

Can you tell if your phone is being mirrored? ›

If your phone battery discharges faster than usual, this could be a sign of someone mirroring your device. Increased phone data usage. Mirroring malware and spyware communicate with a hacker's device, leading to a spike in cellular data usage. Call noises.

Can someone see what I do on my phone through data? ›

They are able to see when and how much data you use and your general location. Several other entities can see your mobile data activity and gather information about your online behavior, including your location and the websites you visit.

How to spot a spy? ›

A familiar item or sign in your home or office simply looks off. Eavesdroppers try to hide devices in the least obvious place. For this reason, fixtures like lamps and clock radios that you hardly pay attention to are popular choices. A sudden change in these familiar items may be a sign of surveillance.

How do I remove spy from my phone? ›

Click on Show System Processes or Show System Apps. Review the list of applications displayed and look for anything suspicious or unfamiliar. Uninstall any hidden spy phone apps on your Android device that you manage to discover.

How do you know if my phone is being monitored? ›

To help you protect your private information, here are several signs and methods for determining whether or not your phone is being monitored.
  • Strange permission requests. ...
  • Higher battery consumption. ...
  • Overheating. ...
  • Unusual noises. ...
  • Increased data usage. ...
  • Call *#21# or *#62# ...
  • Check your Apple ID account page.

What does it look like when someone is spying on your phone? ›

However, if someone is spying on your phone, there are common signs you can look out for. You may notice a rapid increase in your phone's data usage, suspicious files or applications, or strange text messages that you don't remember sending. Your device may also show signs of malfunctioning behavior.

What is ## 4636 or ## 197328640 ➡? ›

##4636## or ##197328640## ➡️ To Check Unknown Connections (Android) If you're concerned someone has installed malware or spyware on your Android phone, these codes open up a screen that lists all running processes and services.

Does *#21 tell you if your phone is tapped? ›

1. Does *#21 Tell If Your Phone Is Tapped? No, *#21 is a code for displaying your call forwarding status. It will not tell you if your phone is tapped.

Can you see if someone is checking your phone? ›

Increased data usage

If you suspect your phone is being monitored, check the Storage section in your settings. Here, you should be able to see how much data is being consumed by what. If you notice your device is using more data than usual, that could be an indicator of spyware.

Can someone remotely view your phone? ›

Hackers can remotely access phones in various ways, such as using malware and spyware or exploiting security weaknesses. Unprotected public Wi-Fi, phishing, and harmful apps are some paths they take to control your device. Using these weaknesses, hackers can infiltrate your device and access confidential information.

Can you check to see if your phone is tapped? ›

Your Phone Won't Shut Down

If the phone has trouble shutting down, that could be a sign that it is being tapped. When turning off your phone, check to see if the backlight stays on even when the phone is powered off or if shutdown attempts fail altogether. Randomly turning off or rebooting is another sign of trouble.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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