Larry Fink on LinkedIn: I know I speak on behalf of everyone at BlackRock when I say how… | 367 comments (2024)

Larry Fink

Larry Fink is an Influencer

Chairman and CEO at BlackRock

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I know I speak on behalf of everyone at BlackRock when I say how heartbreaking it’s been watching the unprovoked Russian attack on Ukraine. I’ve been speaking all week with clients, employees andregulators who are united in their grief and shock. One of my colleagues shared the devastating moment she said goodbye to a Ukrainian friend who has returned to defend his homeland, unsure if she will ever see him again. And I know the images of young children pressed against train windows escaping to safety will surely be etched in our memories for decades to come. We stand with the Ukrainian people and condemn the brutal aggression of the Russian government. This is a horrific humanitarian tragedy, and BlackRock is doing what it can to provide support to our colleagues and their families directly impacted. BlackRock and its people have also rallied to provide financial assistance to Ukrainian refugees on the ground. While we do not have offices or operations in Russia or Ukraine, we are providing support to our employees across Europe who are affected by this invasion. When the world emerged from the Cold War more than 30 years ago, Russia was given access to global capital markets. BlackRock never opened an office in Russia, but for clients who wanted exposure to the market, we invested in Russian securities.The invasion of Ukraine has fundamentally changed Russia’s role in the world. Nations have united in imposing sanctions, which we strongly support.Global capital markets have gone even further. Capital is being pulled by investors and companies that have long done business in Russia. This demonstrates how the capital markets can work constructively to provide capital to those working within the system and quickly deny it to those who operate outside it.At BlackRock on Monday, February 28, we suspended the purchase of all Russian securities in our active and index funds. We also have proactively advocated with our index providers to remove Russian securities from broad-based indices.Russian securities today account for less than 0.01% of our clients’ assets, mostly in our index portfolios.A number of our major index providers have since announced removal of Russian securities from their indices, which will begin to take effect next week. The swift and coordinated response by governments, international institutions, regulators, global businesses, and investors has inhibited Russia’s ability to participate in and benefit from the global financial system. This has been a highly complex and fluid situation, and BlackRock will continue actively consulting with regulators, index providers and other market participants to help ensure our clients can exit their positions in Russian securities, whenever and wherever regulatory and market conditions allow.It’s my sincerehope that peace in Ukraine can be restored, and democracy and freedom can flourish in Europe once again.



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Brad Bolton

Senior Investment Advisor, Portfolio Manager & Financial Planner


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Larry Fink you have more influence in this situation than almost anyone I can think of outside government. In addition to suspending the purchase of Russian publicly traded shares please consider instructing Blackrock PM’s to sell all existing holdings of Russian shares that are interlisted on open exchanges without restriction and at any price.More importantly, please confirm your Blackrock portfolio ESG filters now include a restriction on those companies that continue to benefit from a relationship with Russian public and private enterprises while simultaneously redirecting that capital in support of those that have cut ties entirely. In particular many professional services firms are only paying lip service to the tragedy instead of immediately ceasing all operations and forgoing profits.

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Eric Johnson

Institutional Investor (TVPI Advisors, Kamehameha Schools, Cambridge Associates, OSF)


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Thank you very much for your statement and your actions, Larry Fink, including about the Russian ASSETS in your active and index funds. In the interests of supporting Ukraine, would you also be able to summarize the investment management SERVICES that BlackRock has been providing to Russian government, corporate, and Russian-related family office CLIENTS prior to, and after, the invasion? (Perhaps start with the total number of clients and AUM as of 12/31/2021 and now, broken out by government, corporate, and family office/UHNW/HNW, for accounts >$10 million.) You have a great opportunity to help set the standard for transparency into the #assetmanagement industry's role in providing its services to Russian-affiliated institutions and individuals (whether or not they are regarded as "oligarchs" or "Kremlin-related", and whether or not they have yet been sanctioned, especially since the US and UK have made it clear that more sanctions are on the way.)#Divestment is one thing, but are you still WORKING for Russians that your clients, employees, and the Ukrainians might find objectionable? You may not have a Moscow office, but are you "pulling out" of the country?#standwithukraine #responsibleinvesting Natalie Jaresko #esg

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H. Perry Boyle, Jr.

Co-Founder MITS Capital 🇺🇦 | Board Director (qualified financial expert)🔋 | UN SDG #1🇰🇪🇺🇬🇸🇸🇪🇹🇹🇩🇧🇫


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This is a reactive statement by one of the most powerful #capitalists in the world. It took Putin's invasion to get BlackRock to disavow him. Is that the litmus test? An autocrat must cross a border before he is deemed "uninvestable?" Even when Putin took Crimea by force and started the war in 2014, BlackRock did not disinvest. Why now? What criteria does Larry Fink employ to make these decisions? What are his principles?As he points out, Russia isn't all that big a deal to BlackRock (despite being one of the largest holders of Russian bonds). No skin off his nose to exit. But China is. What's the difference between China and Russia? What will Mr. Fink do when Xi sends the landing craft across the Strait of Taiwan? Will he say that, unlike Ukraine, Taiwan is not a country? Will he wait until public opinion tells him what to do?"BlackRock’s large and experienced team can provide you with a truly differentiated perspective on China and our breadth of solutions across active and index strategies give you a multitude of ways to access the market."

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Kevin Soni, CA

Chartered Accountant (India)


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British invaded India and did worse than this with Indian people for a number of years. Nobody raised their voices at that time. They looted India, harrassed people of India. And now all are talking about these Russian attacks are inhuman act. Hypocrisy at its best. Everywhere strong dominates and weak has to suffer and bear losses.

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Neo Choon Yong

CIMB Investment Bank


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It is also important to hear the story of Russia rather than just evaluating the situation based on one side story which may likely prone to have misjudgement.

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Lana Suvorova 🕊

Founder at ESGentle


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To anyone who reads this post.I am Russian and I am against war (the war, a war or any type of violence). If I could stop this nightmare by giving my life away, I would do it RIGHT NOW. My heart is tearing apart when I am reading the news and not only because I have family and friends on both sides but also because I feel helpless and with all respect, I do not believe this situation is being well handled by the international community.Now, I may not be the smartest person in the room but as someone who lived in Russia for 20+ years, I do not see these sanctions and preventive measures making any difference and here is why.1)Capital markets is what fuels the economy but the problem is that 100% of people who work for Russian government do NOT care for the economy at all. They will be paid the same amounts (if not higher) no matter what, meanwhile general public (who is peaceful) will be dying in poverty paying off those loans and that’s what makes them so easy to manipulate and control when you become so financially dependent, and guess who’s happy now? (see the rest below)

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Prof. Dr. dhahir Hani

University of Babylon


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Was the occupation of Iraq justified? America attacked and occupied Iraq based on false justifications. Did countries impose sanctions on them, as they do today with Russia? It really hurts to see that the West is hypocritical and liars

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Vukan Vujic

Data Scientist


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Clifford Thornton-Ramos

Medical Technology and Education Marketing Consultant & Freelance Journalist (Healthcare - Models & Policy, Biotech, Medical Devices, Innovation, Career Coaching, Training Instruction, Health & Fitness, and Wellness)


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Thanks for this informative and focused post, Mr. Fink. Your stance shows real leadership. We are all very concerned about how close we came yesterday [and severe risks remain] to a nuclear disaster which could have been much worse than the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986. We must now start thinking about the geopolitical consequences for Europe and the rest of the world and tweak U.S. foreign policy as required. Already people are saying the U.S. is at risk of a major recession, mostly driven by spiking prices of oil. Robert Unanue, CEO of Goya expressed his concerns on national broadcast TV yesterday about a possible food shortage coming. If anything, I think these recent events, should force business leaders to look more closely at where they set-up operations and invest. With all the shut downs in Russia from Boeing to Oracle, Ford and countless others, I'm estimating that this is a cancellation of tens of billions of U.S. business dollars in Russia; perhaps $30-40 billion in the near-term and $80-90 billion over the next year [U.S. businesses have invested approximately $100 Billion in Russia; Source:].

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Christian Thalacker

Ambassador for Youth4Planet's CreatiVelo initiative | EU Climate Pact Ambassador | Market Intelligence | Project Management | ESG | Compliance & Due-Diligence | Business Development | Marketing


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Larry: i. Decency in The World needed, needs, and will need Virtuous Circles that are utterly sorely tragically lacking...ii. Instead of shoring up Kleptocracies, Oligarchies and coal'y cancer'y Basil Zaharoff'y business-as-usual...iii. What will ______ and BlackRock do? iv. Two suggestions a. 195 countries in the world = 193 member states of the United Nations + 2 observers. Only 1...ONLY 1...of these 195 countries (the USA) has a functioning trained financially-secure Peace Corps that sends young ambassadors on multi-year missions...Why doesn't ______ + BlackRock promote, sustain, invest in a global distributed Peace Corps among ALL 195 countries?Peace and Decency needs many fathers, mothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, children, nieces, nephews.b. Global Green New Deal...starting with Ukraine The Math is by the peerless Stanford University engineer/Montreal Protocol negotiator/professor/author/etc Dr Mark Z. Jacobson Kind regards,ChristianPS: the best time to train for Decency was yesterday. The second best time to train for Decency is now. The third best time to train for Decency is tomorrow.

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    Larry Fink is an Influencer

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    Larry Fink is an Influencer

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    Larry Fink is an Influencer

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    Larry Fink is an Influencer

    Chairman and CEO at BlackRock

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  • Larry Fink

    Larry Fink is an Influencer

    Chairman and CEO at BlackRock

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    Earlier this week, I took a two-day trip to Texas.BlackRock has been investing in the state since we opened our doors back in the late ‘80s. We have about $289 billion invested in Texas’ publicly traded companies on behalf of our clients, including $125 billion in public energy companies. But the most exciting work in the state is just getting started.On Monday morning, for example, I flew to Midland then drove out to a remote area of the Permian Basin where Occidental Petroleum is building the world’s largest direct air capture facility – a series of complex machines that will vacuum carbon dioxide out of the air and store it underground. The project itself is obviously innovative. But so is the way it’s financed, with BlackRock investing about half-a-billion dollars alongside Occidental. Last month, we announced that BlackRock is going to acquire Global Infrastructure Partners, precisely because we want to tackle more projects like this. I believe the future of infrastructure investment is co-investment. That could mean two companies partnering together, like what’s happening with Occidental, or it could look like what I saw the next day in Houston. On Day 2 of the trip, BlackRock was fortunate enough to participate in a summit about the state’s power grid. I’m incredibly grateful to Texas’ Lieutenant Governor, Dan Patrick, for inviting us. Texas needs to find about $10 billion for “dispatchable power generation,” and the state’s leaders don’t want taxpayers to have to foot the entire bill. They know private sector dollars will come off the sidelines for the right opportunities, which is why BlackRock helped bring together more than 100 investors, representing about $2.2 trillion in AUM – to figure out what those opportunities might be. I’m optimistic that Texas will find the money to harden its power grid. But what makes me even more hopeful is that the public-private financing models we explored can help build infrastructure anywhere, not just in Texas.For BlackRock’s clients, that means more investment opportunities. For governments, that means greater energy security. For all of us, it means better airports, faster broadband access, and more reliable electricity.

    • Larry Fink on LinkedIn: I know I speak on behalf of everyone at BlackRock when I say how… | 367 comments (45)
    • Larry Fink on LinkedIn: I know I speak on behalf of everyone at BlackRock when I say how… | 367 comments (46)



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  • Larry Fink

    Larry Fink is an Influencer

    Chairman and CEO at BlackRock

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    Today marks the launch of Saudi Arabia’s National Infrastructure Fund (INFRA). INFRA is deploying public investment alongside private capital into vital infrastructure projects in the country, such as renewable power, water, transportation, and social infrastructure like schools and hospitals to help achieve the goals of Vision 2030.BlackRock Financial Markets Advisory is proud to have been advising Saudi Arabia’s National Development Fund on the design and operation of INFRA over the last two years. I congratulate them on this milestone, and applaud their vision and initiative.Infrastructure is a cornerstone of the prosperity of a country and its people. BlackRock is committed to delivering our global reach and expertise to help our clients invest in infrastructure projects around the world, and INFRA can serve as a model for public and private capital working together to scale the benefits of infrastructure investment in developed and emerging economies alike.



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  • Larry Fink

    Larry Fink is an Influencer

    Chairman and CEO at BlackRock

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    BlackRock delivered differentiated organic growth and operating margin through historically challenging market and industry conditions in 2022 and 2023. As we’ve seen before, when investors were ready to put money back to work, they did it with BlackRock. Clients entrusted us with $289 billion of net inflows in 2023, including $96 billion in the fourth quarter. We enter 2024 with strong momentum – $10 trillion in AUM, accelerating flows, and an organization positioned for the future. Today, we are announcing two transformational changes in anticipation of the evolution we see ahead for asset management and the capital markets. The strategic re-architecture of our organization will simplify and improve how we work and deliver for clients. And our acquisition of Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) will propel our leadership in the fast-growing market for hard-asset infrastructure. Our clients’ needs have been our compass. Listening to them and applying that to our vision for the future of our industry drove our innovation in Aladdin, and how we led a revolution that made iShares ETFs ubiquitous. We always viewed ETFs as a technology, a technology that facilitated investing. And just as our Aladdin technology has become core to asset management, so too have ETFs. That’s why we believe embedding our ETF and Index business across the entire firm will accelerate the growth of iShares and every investment strategy at BlackRock. The combination of BlackRock infrastructure with GIP will make us the second largest private markets infrastructure manager with over $150 billion in total AUM, providing clients – especially those saving for retirement – with the high-coupon, inflation-protected, long-duration investments they need. We are incredibly excited about this next chapter in BlackRock’s history. This ambitious transformation of our firm positions us better than ever. Our clients, shareholders, and employees will be its biggest beneficiaries.

    • Larry Fink on LinkedIn: I know I speak on behalf of everyone at BlackRock when I say how… | 367 comments (55)



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  • Larry Fink

    Larry Fink is an Influencer

    Chairman and CEO at BlackRock

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    As the work year winds down – and the holidays ramp up – I wanted to say a profound “thank you” to everybody at BlackRock. When we founded this company 35 years ago, we hoped that someday we might be able to recruit the best minds in the financial sector to join us. I’m proud to say that those brilliant minds also belong to the genuinely kind, thoughtful, and inspiring human beings I get to work with each and every day. After four decades at BlackRock, the people are the reason I still love coming to work. To all my BlackRock colleagues, I’m so grateful for you. And to BlackRock’s clients: Thank you for your trust. We know choosing somebody to manage your money is a sacred thing, and we don’t take it for granted. Serving you is a real privilege. I look forward to seeing everybody in 2024 – but before then, I hope everyone takes the opportunity to close their laptops, ignore their phones, and recharge with their families. Happy Holidays, Larry



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Larry Fink on LinkedIn: I know I speak on behalf of everyone at BlackRock when I say how… | 367 comments (63)

Larry Fink on LinkedIn: I know I speak on behalf of everyone at BlackRock when I say how… | 367 comments (64)


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Larry Fink on LinkedIn: I know I speak on behalf of everyone at BlackRock when I say how… | 367 comments (2024)


Who is the real owner of BlackRock? ›

Larry Fink is the founder, CEO and chairman of powerhouse investment management firm BlackRock, one of the world's largest asset managers. He and seven partners founded BlackRock in 1988.

How much is Larry Fink really worth? ›

In April 2024, Fink's net worth was estimated at US$1.2 billion according to Forbes.

How much is the owner of BlackRock worth? ›

Fink's net worth is estimated at $1 billion (April 2022) according to Forbes.

How did Larry Fink make his money? ›

Fink is Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BlackRock, Inc. He and seven partners founded BlackRock in 1988, and under his leadership, the firm has grown into a global leader in investment and technology solutions to help investors build better financial futures.

Does BlackRock own Amazon? ›

Amazon's largest shareholders are institutional investors

So, Vanguard is the largest Amazon shareholder, with 7.4% of Amazon shares held by Vanguard funds and their investors. BlackRock (NYSE: BLK) -- also a major index fund operator -- is the No. 2 non-Bezos shareholder, with 6.1% of the company's stock.

What percentage of BlackRock does Larry Fink own? ›

2. Larry Fink – 414,146 – 0.27% Larry Fink, one of the original eight Blackrock owners and founders, currently holds the positions of CEO and Chairman and is the second-largest individual shareholder of the company.

Is BlackRock the most powerful company in the world? ›

Key Points. BlackRock is the world's largest investment manager, with $10 trillion of assets under management. There's a lot of misunderstanding about the companies BlackRock owns and what it does. The company owns several investment management and technology platforms.

How does BlackRock make money? ›

BlackRock generates revenue from five segments: "Investment advisory, administration fees, and securities lending revenue," "Investment advisory performance fees," "Technology services revenue," "Distribution fees," and "Advisory and other revenue."3 BlackRock's competitors include The Vanguard Group, State Street Corp ...

Why is BlackRock called BlackRock? ›

Larry Fink's BlackRock started as part of Blackstone. Fink suggested “BlackPebble or BlackRock” for a name when he branched out on his own, Schwarzman recalls.

How many homes does BlackRock own? ›

Originally funded by the private equity giant Blackstone, the company has since become its own publicly traded company. The company owns 84,567 homes, of which 11,862 are in California, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Who sold BlackRock? ›

In January 2020, PNC Financial Services sold its stake in BlackRock for $14.4 billion.

What companies does BlackRock own? ›

Latest Holdings, Performance, AUM (from 13F, 13D)

BlackRock Inc.'s top holdings are Microsoft Corporation (US:MSFT) , Apple Inc. (US:AAPL) , NVIDIA Corporation (US:NVDA) ,, Inc. (US:AMZN) , and Meta Platforms, Inc. (US:META) .

What is BlackRock CEO salary? ›

Our data indicates that BlackRock, Inc. has a market capitalization of US$116b, and total annual CEO compensation was reported as US$27m for the year to December 2023.

Is Larry Fink a good CEO? ›

Fink has been named one of the “World's Greatest Leaders” by Fortune, and Barron's has named him one of the “World's Best CEOs” for 15 consecutive years.

Who runs BlackRock? ›

Laurence D.

Mr. Fink is founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BlackRock. He also leads the firm's Global Executive Committee.

Does BlackRock actually own any companies? ›

Contrary to popular belief, BlackRock doesn't directly own shares in major corporations, single-family homes, or infrastructure. It manages these investments in its funds and other investment products on behalf of clients.

Who owns the Vanguard Group? ›

Vanguard set out in 1975 under a radical ownership structure that remains unique in the asset management industry. Our company is owned by its member funds, which in turn are owned by fund shareholders. With no outside owners to satisfy, we focus squarely on meeting the investment needs of our clients.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.