Mage-Ship information (0.3.40 spoilers) (2024)


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It's very cool that a quest seems to have integrated such a high level of variance depending on companions and action, and I'd like to break down how different choices impact your run through the ship. Here's what I've got messing around with it so far.



Summary of compiled information

EN - Entrance
Dialogue. Arona/Cait/Quin/Brint comment on rowing, Kiyoko/Arona comment on ship
A2 - Sleeping quarters
Automatic check (probably agility). Pass with agile hero or assistance from Etheryn
A1 - Cargo hold
Manifest: Claim intel, Etheryn insight
Cargo: Claim winterstem and brazenberry ale with possible penalty, but likely cunning check to pass
A3 - Navigation cabin
Logs: Claim intel, Kiyoko/Atugia/Gweyr insight
Maps: Claim intel, Quin/Gweyr insight
B2 - Engine
Pedestal: Claim intel, Kiyoko/Cait/Atugia insight, insight companion or Gweyr keeps you from getting toasted by dangerous technology, potential penalty
C2 - Loot room
Open check, pass with thief hero silently or pass with Arona/Gweyr with noise and potential mission end
Desk: Claim intel
Lockbox: Gem puzzle (timed? I can post the solution if people are struggling but that might ruin the fun of dev team), contains unique one-handed (not light) melee/catalyst weapon and electrum, Arona/Gweyr insight
Liquor cabinet: Open with Arona loud and potential mission end, wasn't able to open with thief hero. Claim ice win and brazenberry ale
Easel: Claim intel, Arona/Cait/Atugia/Brint/Gweyr comment
Cupboard: Open with thief hero silently, or open without thief hero loudly. Claim story loot that sounds like it could come up in future

Warrior (Agility, Cunning, Strength), Kiyoko, Arona

EN - Entrance
Dialogue. Arona complained about rowing, Kiyoko identified vessel as Belharan destroyer.
A2 - Sleeping quarters
Automatic check (assume physical or agility) Passed without incident
A1 - Cargo hold
Manifest: Claimed intel
Cargo: Claimed winterstem and brazenberry ale with possible penalty, but passed check (assume agility/cunning).
A3 - Navigation cabin
Logs: Claimed intel, Kiyoko insight
Maps: Claimed intel
B2 - Engine
Pedestal: Claimed intel, Kiyoko insight, possible passed check (either having Kiyoko there, or mental or physical check to not get too close to dangerous technology, or both)
C2 - Loot room
Open check, passed with Arona but caused noise. Seems to be a two-strike noise system.
Desk: Claimed intel
Lockbox: Gem puzzle, claim loot, Arona insight
Liquor cabinet: Opened with Arona, caused noise, gained ice wine and brazenberry ale, caused mission end
Easel: Claimed intel, Arona drew dick on painting
Cupboard: Trapped, failed check to disarm (possibly need thief class or upcoming thief companion), claimed intel and possibly sabotaged cult by claiming non-inventory loot. Caused mission end.

Warrior (Agility, Cunning, Strength), Cait, Etheryn

EN - Entrance
Dialogue. Cait complained about rowing, nobody identified ship
A2 - Sleeping quarters
Passed without incident. Etheryn contributed, possibly as backstop in case clumsy hero fails check.
A1 - Cargo hold
Manifest: Claimed intel
Goods: Claimed winterstem and brazenberry ale with possible penalty, but passed check (assume agility/cunning).
A3 - Navigation cabin
Logs: Claimed intel
Maps: Claimed intel
B2 - Engine
Pedestal: Claimed intel, Cait insight, possible passed check to not get owned by dangerous technology due to Cait presence
C2 - Loot Room
Open check, passed with Gweyr but caused noise
Desk: Claimed intel
Lockbox: Claimed loot, Gweyr insight
Liquor cabinet: Failed to open
Easel: Claimed intel, Cait distaste for painting
Cupboard: Trapped check, failed check to disarm (thought Etheryn might help but seems you need the thief rather than ranger), mission end

Warrior (Agility, Cunning, Strength), Quintillus, Atugia

EN - Entrance
Dialogue. Quin rowed with great vengeance, nobody identified ship
A2 - Sleeping quarters
Passed without incident.
A1 - Cargo hold
Manifest: Claimed intel
Goods: Quin insight, claimed winterstem and brazenberry ale with possible penalty, but passed check (assume agility/cunning).
A3 - Navigation cabin
Logs: Claimed intel, Atugia insight
Maps: Claimed intel, Quin insight
B2 - Engine
Pedestal: Claimed intel, Atugia insight, possible passed check to not get owned by dangerous technology due to Tui's presence
C2 - Loot Room
Open check, passed with Gweyr but caused noise
Desk: Claimed intel
Lockbox: Claimed loot, Gweyr insight
Liquor cabinet: Failed to open, mission end (I failed a check somewhere that I passed with Ryn and Cait?)
Easel: Claimed intel, Atugia distaste for painting
Cupboard: Trapped, failed check to disarm, mission end

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  • Mage-Ship information (0.3.40 spoilers) (2)


Alypia, Paradox01, Violyn and 5 others


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  • #2

Einen needs to hurry up and get in the game, she's missing all the content.

  • Mage-Ship information (0.3.40 spoilers) (4)


Greyfox643, Majincotton, Emerald and 2 others


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Warrior (Agility, Cunning, Strength), Brint, Berwyn

EN - Entrance
Dialogue. Brint learns to row.
A2 - Sleeping quarters
Automatic check (assume physical or agility). Pass without incident
A1 - Cargo hold
Manifest: Claimed intel
Cargo: Claim winterstem and brazenberry ale with possible penalty, but pass check (assume agility/cunning).
A3 - Navigation cabin
Logs: Claim intel, Gweyr insight
Maps: Claim intel, Gweyr insight
B2 - Engine
Pedestal: Claim intel, Gweyr helps you not die
C2 - Loot room
Open check, Gweyr opens with noise
Desk: Claim intel
Lockbox: Gem puzzle, claim loot, Gweyr insight
Liquor cabinet: Failed to open
Easel: Claim intel, Brint comment
Cupboard: Fail check to disarm, claim story loot, mission end

Warrior (Agility, Cunning, Strength), Azzyran, Arona

EN - Entrance
Dialogue. Arona complains about rowing, Arona insight on ship
A2 - Sleeping quarters
Automatic check (assume physical or agility). Pass without incident
A1 - Cargo hold
Manifest: Claim intel
Cargo: Claim winterstem and brazenberry ale with possible penalty, but pass check (assume agility/cunning).
A3 - Navigation cabin
Logs: Claim intel, Gweyr insight
Maps: Claim intel, Gweyr insight
B2 - Engine
Pedestal: Claim intel, Gweyr helps you not die
C2 - Loot room
Open check, Arona opens with noise
Desk: Claim intel
Lockbox: Gem puzzle, claim loot, Gweyr insight
Liquor cabinet: Arona opens with noise, mission doesn't end. Possibly due to skipping pedestal/goods on second run with team
Easel: Claim intel, Arona draws a dick on the painting
Cupboard: Fail check to disarm, claim story loot, mission end

Charmer (Presence, Willpower, Agility), Brint, Quin

EN - Entrance
Dialogue. Brint rows
A2 - Sleeping quarters
Automatic check (assume physical or agility). Fail or partial fail check, causes noise
A1 - Cargo hold
Manifest: Claim intel
Cargo: Claim winterstem and brazenberry ale with possible penalty, but fail or partial fail check, causes delay.
A3 - Navigation cabin
Logs: Claim intel, Gweyr insight
Maps: Claim intel, Quin insight
B2 - Engine
Pedestal: Claim intel, Gweyr helps you not die, potential mission end
C2 - Loot room
Open check, Gweyr opens with noise
Desk: Claim intel
Lockbox: Gem puzzle, claim loot, Gweyr insight
Liquor cabinet: Fail to open, mission end
Easel: Claim intel, Brint comment
Cupboard: Fail check to disarm, claim story loot, mission end

Charmer (Presence, Willpower, Agility), Etheryn, Azzyran

EN - Entrance
A2 - Sleeping quarters
Automatic check (assume physical or agility). Pass with Ryn's help
A1 - Cargo hold
Manifest: Claim intel, Ryn insight
Cargo: Claim winterstem and brazenberry ale with possible penalty, but fail or partial fail check, causes delay.
A3 - Navigation cabin
Logs: Claim intel, Gweyr insight
Maps: Claim intel, Gweyr insight
B2 - Engine
Pedestal: Claim intel, Gweyr helps you not die, potential mission end
C2 - Loot room
Open check, Gweyr opens with noise
Desk: Claim intel
Lockbox: Gem puzzle, claim loot, Gweyr insight
Liquor cabinet: Fail to open, potential mission end
Easel: Claim intel, Gweyr comment
Cupboard: Fail check to disarm, claim story loot, potential mission end

Black Mage (Willpower, Cunning, Presence), Brienne, Arona

EN - Entrance
Dialogue. Arona hates rowing, Arona insight
A2 - Sleeping quarters
Automatic check (assume physical or agility). Fail or partial fail, cause noise
A1 - Cargo hold
Manifest: Claim intel
Cargo: Claim winterstem and brazenberry ale with possible penalty, pass check (likely cunning check)
A3 - Navigation cabin
Logs: Claim intel, Gweyr insight
Maps: Claim intel, Gweyr insight
B2 - Engine
Pedestal: Claim intel, Gweyr helps you not die, potential mission end
C2 - Loot room
Open check, Arona opens with noise
Desk: Claim intel
Lockbox: Gem puzzle, claim loot, Arona insight
Liquor cabinet: Arona opens with noise, potential mission end
Easel: Claim intel, Arona vandalism
Cupboard: Fail check to disarm, claim story loot, potential mission end

Thief (Agility, Strength, Cunning), Cait, Brint

EN - Entrance
Dialogue. Cait comments on rowing
A2 - Sleeping quarters
Automatic check (assume physical or agility). Pass without incident
A1 - Cargo hold
Manifest: Claim intel
Cargo: Claim winterstem and brazenberry ale with possible penalty, pass check (likely cunning check)
A3 - Navigation cabin
Logs: Claim intel, Gweyr insight
Maps: Claim intel, Gweyr insight
B2 - Engine
Pedestal: Claim intel, Cait helps you not die, potential mission end
C2 - Loot room
Open check, thief opens door without incident
Desk: Claim intel
Lockbox: Gem puzzle, claim loot, Gweyr insight
Liquor cabinet: Fail to open, potential mission end
Easel: Claim intel, Cait distaste
Cupboard: Thief pass check to disarm, claim story loot

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Mad Dog, Paradox01, Violyn and 4 others


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And tips to beat the quest now that I've been through it like ten times with different classes and companions

-Be agile or bring Etheryn with you to pass the first check and give yourself valuable breathing room.
-Don't bother with Goods or Liquor Cabinet unless you're doing very well, they don't give you anything you can't get with electrum and a stack of metal from Kohaku
-Save the cupboard for last, it's foreshadowed like it's helpful narrative-wise but unless you're a thief there's a good chance your mission will end there
-Recommended companions include Etheryn (if you're an ungraceful clod who didn't buy an Apple Cider from Garth), Kiyoko (lots of insights particularly given The Observer wrote the quest), Arona (hijinks and uses her giant hammer as a lockpick to mixed effect), and Einen (will probably be very helpful eventually)

  • Mage-Ship information (0.3.40 spoilers) (8)


Squirrelwagon, Paradox01, Violyn and 4 others


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Wow, really good work compiling all this!

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Paradox01, zagzig and Kesil



Aug 19, 2018
  • Apr 21, 2021
  • #6

nope need it, i have no idea how to solve this. spent 30 min, feel like a moron. i have no idea how the hell this works. it feels like i have done every possible permutation but the right one, even going to far at this point as to completely ignore what it tells me and just brute forcing my way to an answer


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Blairmen said:

nope need it, i have no idea how to solve this. spent 30 min, feel like a moron. i have no idea how the hell this works. it feels like i have done every possible permutation but the right one, even going to far at this point as to completely ignore what it tells me and just brute forcing my way to an answer

The trick that's catching most people is that 'adjacent' can also mean diagonal. If that doesn't help, here's the solution.

Top row: Lapis/Jade/Pearl
Middle row: Amber/Amethyst
Bottom: Agate

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Persona4dan, Blueboy, Mad Dog and 2 others


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  • Apr 22, 2021
  • #8

I can confirm the gem puzzle doesn't have a personally know time limit as I spent like five irl minutes mixing them around and no forced leave happened, taking note that in-game time never passed when moving gems around.

Karis Draconis

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Jan 25, 2021
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  • #9

Given the wording I think some of the puzzle checks might actually depend on your background, like the engine room pedestal might require that you have the Arcanist background, or the maps might require the Scholar background, that sort of thing.


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Apr 6, 2020
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huh, what happened to the circlets you find in the cupboard, did Gweyr take them? I either have completely forgotten if she said that or I may have skipped it...


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Anyone want to give me the complete picture of the loot box puzzle. I couldn't work out how to open it and if it's got anything important in it.


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Emily Smith said:

Anyone want to give me the complete picture of the loot box puzzle. I couldn't work out how to open it and if it's got anything important in it.

Look up four posts from yours...

it contains money and a unique one-handed weapon with the Catalyst property. There's a flag set for doing the puzzle so the game's tracking it for some future purpose.

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Jun 20, 2021
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Did the quest with thief mc, invested in strength agility willpower and drank honey mead, brought cait and arona, did every interaction and was able to leave after, so the liquor cabinet doesn't trigger an instant time over if you do everything else perfectly. I solved the puzzle instantly because I'd done it a few times before so that might be a time save, if they measure time loss by anything for the puzzle I assume it's by how many times you have to put the gems back in the placeholders.


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waterfightingbestmonos said:

if they measure time loss by anything for the puzzle I assume it's by how many times you have to put the gems back in the placeholders.

It makes not a whit of difference how long it takes you to come up with the correct solution.



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Jul 3, 2020
tuna can
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I know I'm a bit tardy here, but I have to say that the lootbox gem puzzle was a mess. Not so much the puzzle itself, just the lack of context given for the new "adjacent" rule.

It kinda breaks the established rules already taught to players involving these puzzles, which is that 1) diagonal things are NE/NW/SE/SW, and 2) horizontal/vertical things are N/S/E/W, and it's natural to guess that "adjacent" is replacing the second rule, since that's the words primary definition (and if you google it, there's no mention of diagonal relationship; "nearby" "next to" or "sharing a common side").

This isn't a potshot at the author, I usually really enjoy these gem puzzles, and I was excited to do this one until it nearly convinced me the puzzle was simply broken/bugged. I think maybe devs should take into consideration adding a note that explains "adjacent" can mean either rule (likewise for any future additional rules). Pretty simple fix to prevent future misunderstanding.


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Diagonals are adjacent by definition; the puzzle breaks no established rules. Here's one definition of the word: Not distant, nearby. And another definition is next to. Diagonals are indeed next to one another. Have you ever played checkers? You capture by jumping over adjacent pieces that are, wait for it, on the diagonals. See also, pawns in chess which capture adjacent pieces on the diagonal, or any other board game with diagonal movement.

  • Mage-Ship information (0.3.40 spoilers) (20)




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Throg said:

It kinda breaks the established rules already taught to players involving these puzzles, which is that 1) diagonal things are NE/NW/SE/SW, and 2) horizontal/vertical things are N/S/E/W, and it's natural to guess that "adjacent" is replacing the second rule, since that's the words primary definition (and if you google it, there's no mention of diagonal relationship; "nearby" "next to" or "sharing a common side").

I don't play Dungeons and Dragons, but it's my understanding that the "includes diagonals" definition of "adjacent" comes from that. A lot of other things in this game seem informed by D&D, so it's a fairly natural thing for the devs to do.

I do think that the visual layout of the puzzle could probably be a bit less vertically stretched so as to encourage more players to think in this way, though.



Well-Known Member
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tuna can
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WolframL said:

Diagonals are adjacent by definition; the puzzle breaks no established rules. Here's one definition of the word: Not distant, nearby. And another definition is next to.

Nowhere did I argue that it can't be used to mean "diagonal"; diagonal can be "nearby", but for it to indicate "diagonal" direction is not the way it's typically used. I'm just saying, for players who don't have the context, then it can be confusing- as evidenced by two people other than me having to come here to look for the solution.

Alypia said:

I don't play Dungeons and Dragons, but it's my understanding that the "includes diagonals" definition of "adjacent" comes from that. A lot of other things in this game seem informed by D&D, so it's a fairly natural thing for the devs to do.

I do think that the visual layout of the puzzle could probably be a bit less vertically stretched so as to encourage more players to think in this way, though.

Yeah, I'm not faulting the devs for it, it's not like I think they were being intentionally deceptive or anything; creators use what creative tools they're used to. It's more just a very minor oversight in the language used that creates some confusion. That said, changing the layout a little to be closer together could also be a good solution.

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Mage-Ship information (0.3.40 spoilers) (2024)
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