Managing Multiple Crypto Wallets: Everything You Need to Know (2024)

According to Benzinga, you only have to trade three different cryptocurrencies before you become a great candidate for a crypto tracker portfolio.

That rule probably applies to most of the investors reading this.

If you’re anything like us on the Kubera team, you’ve got a dozen different digital crypto wallets and other crypto tools sprinkled across the internet and various software platforms — and maybe even a few physical ones tucked away.

It can be a lot to keep track of, especially as your crypto gains in value and as you continue to expand the rest of your portfolio outside of these holdings into even more alternative assets.

If you’re looking for a way to save time and sanity by consolidating your crypto and other financial assets without downgrading your portfolio diversification, this guide is for you.

Keep reading to learn all about:

  • The main types of crypto wallets on the scene (digital, physical, and more)
  • Kubera’s platform for tracking crypto wallets, cash, collectibles, and more side by side
  • All the reasons why you may want, or need, to use multiple crypto wallets
  • Why you should use Kubera to consolidate your various crypto wallets

3 Main Types of Cryptocurrency Wallets

A cryptocurrency wallet is a secure place where individuals can store the private keys that prove their ownership of different crypto holdings. Some even allow investors to send, receive, and spend their crypto. These wallets come in a few main formats.

Software Wallets

Software wallets are intangible and accessed via the internet using software or a website. Many crypto exchanges have their own, but there are also freestanding hot wallet vendors. Aside from exchange wallets, mobile wallets and desktop app wallets are common types of software wallets.

These types of wallets are also called “hot wallets.” Hot wallets let you log in to an account to access your private keys and/or move your digital currency around. This convenience is their biggest draw. However, at the same time, this accessibility can make them more susceptible to being hacked.

Real Example: Using Exodus as a Bitcoin Wallet

Exodus is a real-life example of an individual vendor that provides hot software wallets (desktop and mobile apps) that allow users to exchange coins.

So if you use Exodus to store your private Bitcoin keys, you would be able to pop open their desktop or mobile app to access this information or participate in peer-to-peer trading of over 100 different coins.

Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets, on the other hand, are tangible devices where your private keys are stored. Most of these devices are small and portable, similar to a flash drive, and can be plugged into a digital device to connect with an interface where you can then access your information and trade crypto. Some even have a built-in interface from which crypto can be traded, completely skipping the part where they need to be plugged into anything at all.

They are PIN and password protected, so your keys remain safe even if you lose the device. A “seed phrase” allows you to re-generate your keys if you need to move them to a new hardware wallet.

Hardware wallets are also called “cold wallets” and are isolated from the internet. This makes them a little less convenient to use but also more protected from phishing, malware, and other attacks. This is what makes cold hardware wallets an ideal tool for holding large quantities of crypto.

Real Example: Using Trezor as a Bitcoin Wallet

Trezor is a popular hardware wallet company with several different cold wallets and accessories, as well as app- and web-based interfaces to securely access the info on these wallets.

So a Bitcoin investor, for example, would be able to use their Trezor wallet to spend, exchange, and buy coins simply by plugging it into a digital device and accessing the Trezor suite. As an added step of security, they would be able to use the built-in interface on the Trezor device to check that information like the address, amount, and more are all correct before completing a transaction.

It’s features like these, and their safe distance from the internet, that make hardware wallets like Trezor ideal for security-concerned investors as well as those with a lot of holdings to protect.

Managing Multiple Crypto Wallets: Everything You Need to Know (1)

Paper Wallets

Paper wallets aren’t something we necessarily recommend using a lot, but since they’re not all that uncommon we do want to touch on them as an option for those interested in diversifying their wallet collection.

A paper “wallet” is simply a piece of paper with your private keys written on it. This is technically a form of cold wallet as it’s disconnected from the internet. So while paper is secure from cyber attacks, your information can easily be used by anyone who gains access to it. Any piece of paper with your private keys should be kept completely secure in your home or even locked away in a secure facility such as a bank.

Just getting into cryptocurrency? Make sure you read Investing In Cryptocurrency: The Beginner’s Guide for Late Adopters.

How to Track Multiple Crypto Wallets (And More) With Kubera

Kubera is an all-in-one crypto tracker that takes the tedium out of managing your crypto coins, wallets, and other assets — leaving you with more time to plan and act on your big financial goals.

Managing Multiple Crypto Wallets: Everything You Need to Know (2)

Kubera is web-based personal balance sheet software built on custom architecture that empowers investors to connect with various financial accounts, from traditional banks to brokerages, crypto exchanges, and more. For a look at many of the worldwide financial institutions with which Kubera works, we’ve got a living list here.

Of course, that means Kubera also works with many popular crypto wallets and exchanges. You can learn more about which ones and see just how easy it is to add your wallet (or wallets!) here.

Once tracking in Kubera, your bank, brokerage, exchange, and other accounts will stay up to date with your transactions. This provides an extremely accurate view of your assets from a singular platform — making it much easier for you to see how your finances are performing, stay diversified, and make informed financial decisions.

Managing Multiple Crypto Wallets: Everything You Need to Know (3)

Our unique crypto (and stock) tickers offer another way to monitor the value of crypto assets.

And any one-off accounts or individual holdings that don’t connect to Kubera’s automations can still be tracked — think real estate, physical collectibles, and so on! All you have to do is add the asset and its details, such as cost and value, into Kubera’s spreadsheet-like dashboard and keep it updated as those details change.

Other features include Kubera’s integrations with asset experts (EstiBot, Zillow, and more) that give you insight into and track the real-time value of assets like web domains and homes.

Managing Multiple Crypto Wallets: Everything You Need to Know (4)

For our smart investors who we know want to do more than just visualize their portfolios, we’ve also built in a calculator that finds IRR for investments.

You just make sure the purchase price, value, cashflow details, and holding time are correct and we’ll automatically display the internal rate of return for even your alternative asset types.

Alongside that number, we’ll also provide benchmarks from top indices and tickers. With this information, you’ll be even more empowered to make the right call when it comes to which coins — and other assets — to hold and which to sell to reach your investment goals.

Now, how about an easy way to view changes and growth in all of the above?

For that, just turn to our Recap screen, which organizes all your data to to provide a digestible view of net worth, asset value, and asset allocation changes over time — run daily reports all the way up to yearly.

Managing Multiple Crypto Wallets: Everything You Need to Know (5)

Click here to see most of the above features in action and how Kubera works.

No matter how wide your variety of assets or just how many different crypto wallets you’re working with, Kubera makes it so that the accuracy of your financial overview and the future plans you build upon it never have to suffer.

See how our pricing was made to fit into your budget and sign up to get started with Kubera in just minutes.

Need more help choosing your best crypto management platform? Learn more about 4 Tips for Choosing the Best Cryptocurrency Portfolio Tracker.

Is It Normal to Use Multiple Crypto Wallets? (Hint: Yep!)

Don’t worry, it’s not odd for you to be working with multiple crypto wallets by any means. Here are some of the reasons you and others may be racking ‘em up.

Most Crypto-Specific Wallets are Not Multi-Cryptocurrency Wallets

As you may have discovered during your journey through investing in cryptocurrency, many or even most crypto-specific wallets don’t work with multiple different cryptocurrencies.

For example, Litecoin Core is a desktop app wallet that only stores Litecoin coins and tokens. So if you’re a Litecoin investor who has also branched out and purchased Ether on the Ethereum network, you’ll have to use a different wallet to manage keys and other information associated with those new coins.

Gain Access to Staking

Often, you won’t be able to participate in staking when using a multi-cryptocurrency wallet. Staking typically requires you to use a coin-specific wallet to enter the stake pool and then get rewarded with the same coins.

Create Savings and Checking Accounts of Sorts

Some involved investors don’t just have multiple crypto wallets for different types of coins, they even have multiple wallets for the same type of coin.

These can be used somewhat like savings and checking accounts are at traditional banks. You might designate one wallet, perhaps of the hardware variety, to be the “savings” wallet that you hardly ever touch. Your most valuable keys and information can live here. Then, you might connect a more convenient software or website-based wallet to an exchange — this is your “checking” wallet — only when you’re ready to buy or spend coins.

A two-fold system can help keep your private keys farther away from prying eyes while still enabling you to actually participate in crypto exchanging when the time is right.

Stay True to the Golden Rule of Investing: Diversification

Just like you can (and should!) diversify your investments in stocks, you can also engage in portfolio diversification when it comes to crypto.

Finance YouTube creator and long-term crypto holder Mark Farfan is an example of cryptocurrency diversification in action.

About 80% of Farfan’s crypto portfolio consists of what most people considered steady coins, like Bitcoin and Ethereum. But the other 20% is mostly “bets” on lesser-known coins including Cardano, Stellar, and so on. Because in the words of Money writer Mallika Mitra, “ … the more coins he bets on, the more likely to bet on one that takes off.”

And that’s true, but there’s another great reason besides “taking off” for diversifying your crypto portfolio.

Diversification also helps you keep from losing money even when parts of the market dip, because almost all of the time the entire market won’t take a huge dip at once. The more assets in which you’ve invested, the more you have to carry you through if one or even a few of them do take a nasty nosedive.

But in order to diversify, it’s likely that you’ll have to add several different crypto wallets to your long list of financial assets to track. Don’t worry, we’re getting to the part where we help you do just that.

Learn more about the value of diversification from our Modern Guide to Portfolio Diversification.

Create Security Through Diversity

A final reason why you might find yourself growing your crypto wallet collection is a big one — security.

Growing and diversifying the crypto wallets you use creates a kind of a “moving target” for attackers. If all of your coins are in one wallet and it’s hacked, it would be devastating. But if those coins are spread across a dozen different wallets, you’ll probably be able to bounce back if one is compromised in a security breach.

Managing Multiple Crypto Wallets: Everything You Need to Know (7)

Should I Consider Consolidating Multiple Crypto Wallets?

We just got done telling you lots of reasons, benefits even, for using multiple wallets to manage your cryptocurrency.

So why would you even consider consolidating them?

We’re definitely not recommending you un-diversify your investments, but that you find a method for monitoring and managing all those diverse wallets and coins in a streamlined way.

Here’s why that can be beneficial to you.

Improve ROI by Learning from Patterns

Pretty much the only accurate way to see how your portfolio is performing is to track it using a singular tool.

Getting a clear overview of your entire portfolio — from stocks to crypto wallets to antiques and beyond — gives you insight into what kinds of investments are working, which moves didn’t pan out the way you planned, and other patterns.

Capitalizing on these patterns by following the trends that are working and ditching the ones that aren’t is a powerful way to actively grow your ROI, improve your net worth, and continue to create realistic financial expectations and goals.

Achieve More Effective Diversification

Getting all your crypto coins, wallets, and other assets under one roof might sound like the opposite of diversification, but it’s actually a great way to make your diversification efforts more effective. We’re not talking about storing them all in one platform, we’re just talking about taking advantage of a singular platform from which they can all be seen easily.

When you can see your assets in a single place, you can better understand how they’re working together. This will lead you to make smarter diversification decisions across asset classes, industries, and beyond.

Considering the rapid developments in the financial industry and the world events that have increased market volatility recently, it’s never been a better time to make sure you’re well-diversified and ready to take advantage of the peaks and ride out the valleys.

Peace of Mind

Honestly, a huge factor in consolidating multiple crypto wallets is just increasing your peace of mind.

How can you know how much of each coin you have — or worse, if they’ve been hacked and stolen — if you have so many different wallets to check on that you can’t keep up with all of them?

You can’t. And not only is it anxiety-causing, but it can also be really bad for your financial health.

We weren’t surprised to learn that 60% of people report quality of life improvements just from using wealth management tools.

We can certainly say the same has been true for us since building out our dream product — Kubera.

Keep Your Crypto Life In Order with Kubera

As individual investors ourselves, it’s important to us that Kubera makes sense as part of your budget and your financial life.

That’s why we offer affordable pricing.

Why not free like many other financial apps (claim) to be?

Because that would require us to sacrifice on our commitment to security and privacy in order to make money from advertising — something we’re not interested in annoying our users with!

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Sign up for Kubera today and start using it anywhere around the word from the comfort of your desktop, iOS, or Android device.

Managing Multiple Crypto Wallets: Everything You Need to Know (2024)


Is it a good idea to have multiple crypto wallets? ›

For all of these reasons, it makes sense for an investor to split up a sizable quantity of crypto tokens into multiple wallets. This can aid in risk management (if you lose one private key, you still have access to all of your other wallets, say), and it can also enhance privacy.

How do I manage multiple crypto wallets? ›

The best way to manage multiple crypto wallets is to use some of the widely popular crypto portfolio trackers. These platforms are emerging in the crypto industry nowadays, so it's not surprising that more and more investors are turning to them when it comes to tracking extensive portfolios and multiple crypto wallets.

How do multi crypto wallets work? ›

A multi-coin wallet is, as the name suggests, a wallet that supports more than one crypto asset. One wallet to store a user's coins makes it easier to trade them on decentralized exchanges and provides a streamlined way to keep track of their entire portfolio.

How do I track multiple crypto wallets? ›

Cryptocurrency portfolio tracker allows you to track the total amount and value of your cryptocurrencies across all wallets, exchanges, platforms, and blockchains in real-time.
List of Top Crypto Portfolio Tracker Apps
  1. Uphold.
  2. Pionex.
  3. eToro.
  4. NAGA.
  5. Bitstamp.
  6. CoinSmart.
  8. Coinmama.
Feb 2, 2023

Should I keep all my crypto in one wallet? ›

The main risk to holding all your crypto assets in one wallet is that if you got phished and hacked, you would lose all your funds, whereas if you have them spread out, only that one wallet would be vulnerable.

Can I have the same crypto in different wallets? ›

Crypto investors may store the same coins in multiple wallets. That means you can hold the same token or coin in both a cold and a hot wallet. Whichever you choose, the purpose of a wallet is to store the “keys” to your crypto.

How do I diversify crypto wallet? ›

7 ways to diversify your crypto portfolio
  1. Buy the market leaders. ...
  2. Focus on cryptocurrencies with different use cases. ...
  3. Invest in smart contract blockchain networks. ...
  4. Divide your portfolio into Bitcoin, Ethereum, and everything else. ...
  5. Check out cryptocurrency stocks. ...
  6. Invest in smaller crypto tokens with greater growth potential.
Jun 29, 2022

Can you hold multiple crypto wallets? ›

While some cryptocurrency wallets may only provide support for a single cryptocurrency, many are multi-asset solutions, allowing users to hold multiple cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Litecoin, among many others.

What is the best multi crypto wallet? ›

Trust wallet is the best multi-cryptocurrency wallet in 2023, that supports multiple blockchains. At the time of writing, they support Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, LUNA, Polkadot blockchain. Trust wallet has many features which make it the #1 multi crypto-currency wallet.

What are the three types of crypto wallets? ›

Three types of crypto wallets include paper wallets, software wallets, and hardware wallets. Hot wallets are always connected to the internet while cold wallets can be disconnected from the internet.

Why do you need a separate crypto wallet? ›

A crypto wallet stores the public and private keys necessary to send, receive and store cryptocurrency. When you buy cryptocurrency, the company you purchased it through probably gave you a wallet to hold the digital coins.

Do I need a Multisig wallet? ›

Hot wallet security

If a company or an individual holds significant amounts of cryptocurrency in a hot wallet, they should consider using MultiSig addresses. Wallet security is enhanced when private keys are stored in different locations and are not controlled by a single entity.

Is there an app to view multiple crypto wallets? ›

Boasting over one million users, CoinStats is one of the easiest ways to track your cryptocurrency within one single dashboard. Whether you are trading on centralized exchanges like Binance or DeFi protocols like Uniswap, CoinStats can help you track your assets across all of your wallets.

Is there a spreadsheet to keep track of crypto trading? ›

CoinAtlas' investment tracker is a free Google Spreadsheet template for crypto and stock investors. That's right, it's not just for cryptocurrencies, but actual stocks. It piggybacks on the Google Finance function where it pulls data directly from the stock market, and from CoinGecko for cryptocurrencies.

How many wallets should a man have? ›

The number of wallets a man has is really down to personal preference. For some men, one wallet is plenty, but for others having multiple wallets offers a flexibility that's vital to their lifestyles.

Where is the best place to keep your crypto wallet? ›

Those interested in the safest storage should consider using a non-custodial cold hardware wallet for all of their long-term bitcoin and cryptocurrency storage. Only keep what you plan to use in your hot wallet. Once you're done with your transaction, move your crypto back to cold storage.

What is the safest crypto wallet? ›

10 BEST Crypto Wallet Apps (Feb 2023)
  • Top Pick. ZenGo. ...
  • #1 Top Pick. ZenGo. ...
  • #2 Top Pick. Binance. ...
  • #3 Top Pick. PrimeXBT. ...
  • #4 Top Pick. Ledger Nano X. ...
  • #5 Top Pick. Trezor Model T. ...
  • #6 Top Pick. Pionex. ...
  • #7 Top Pick. Coinbase.
Feb 2, 2023

What is a hot wallet? ›

A hot wallet refers to a virtual currency wallet that is accessible online, and it facilitates cryptocurrency transactions between the owner and end-users. A collection of private keys stored on a program connected to the internet is used to store and send different currencies such as Bitcoin.

Can I have two Coinbase wallets? ›

You can connect up to 10 wallet addresses from different providers to your Coinbase NFT account, however you can only use one wallet at a time as your default wallet. The default wallet is the wallet you use to sign in, and complete transactions such as buying and selling NFTs.

How should I split my crypto portfolio? ›

According to the 80/20 rule, 80 percent of your portfolio should be in the largest, most established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum (with a smaller percentage allocated to a few in the top 10 by market cap).

What is the ideal crypto portfolio allocation? ›

A well-balanced portfolio should be heavily weighted to large-cap and established projects. While the specific weighting will ultimately be determined by the investor, risk-averse traders might consider allocating 70% of their crypto portfolio to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

What does a balanced crypto portfolio look like? ›

It should have a mixture of high and low market cap coins and might look something like this: 35% Bitcoin, 10% Ethereum, 25% stablecoins, 15% NFTs, and 15% altcoins (this is an example based on the current climate of the cryptocurrency market and not financial advice).

Are multiple crypto Accounts legal? ›

Traders can create accounts on multiple crypto exchanges, according to their choice and requirements of trading. For higher trading volumes or fiat-trading, most exchanges require a Know-Your-Customer (KYC) verification of the user, with every exchange having its own verification and security steps to be completed.

What are the problems with crypto wallets? ›

The main problems crypto wallets present that credit cards don't are: Credit cards can easily be cancelled, but private keys can't. This means there is no way to maintain an account without being exposed to potential future losses. It also ensures that any time the private key is lost, the wallet is fully compromised.

Can money be stolen from Coinbase wallet? ›

It is not possible to steal digital currency with a public address alone. The only way someone could access your funds would be if they had access to your Coinbase account, or in the case of a non-hosted wallet, your private key. Note: It is not possible to delete crypto addresses from your Coinbase account.

What is crypto forking? ›

August 17th, 2022 / Crypto 101. In the context of blockchain, a fork is a technical phenomenon that occurs when a blockchain splits into two separate branches. These two branches share their transaction history up until the point of the split. From there on, they each go independently each in their own direction.

What is the simplest crypto wallet? ›

Best for Beginners: Coinbase Wallet. Why we chose it: We chose Coinbase Wallet as the best crypto wallet for beginners because it's an intuitive and highly secure wallet backed by a well-known exchange. Coinbase Wallet is an excellent wallet for beginners with little to no experience with crypto.

What are hot wallet examples? ›

Examples of hot wallets include exchange wallets, web wallets, and software wallets like Exodus. While Exodus puts you in control of your private keys, Exodus is installed on your device and requires internet access to operate, which poses some risks depending on your security practices.

What are crypto wallets explained for beginners? ›

They allow users to purchase crypto with debit cards or cash transfers. You can also use a crypto exchange to swap one crypto for another quickly and cheaply. And you can store crypto in an exchange or use it to send and receive crypto, just like you can with a wallet.

What are the 5 types of cryptocurrency wallets? ›

The different types of cryptocurrency wallets include:
  • Mobile wallets. ...
  • Web wallets. ...
  • Desktop wallets. ...
  • Hardware wallets. ...
  • Physical media.
Feb 1, 2023

What are the 4 main cryptocurrencies? ›

Q #1) What are the four types of cryptocurrency? Answer: The four major types include utility, payment, security, and stablecoins. There also are DeFi tokens, NFTs, and asset-backed tokens.

What are different crypto wallets explain in detail? ›

There are two types of blockchain wallets based on private keys: hot wallets and cold wallets. Hot wallets are like normal wallets that we carry for day-to-day transactions, and these wallets are user-friendly. Cold wallets are similar to a vault; they store cryptocurrencies with a high level of security.

What does locking a crypto wallet do? ›

When your wallet is locked, your wallet files are re-encrypted to make it impossible to make any outgoing transactions (e.g. sending or exchanging), view your 12-word secret recovery phrase, or view your private keys.

What are the disadvantages of Multisig? ›

Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of multisig wallets is the lack of a custodian. Let's go back to the bank analogy. If you have a joint account with another person who takes all of the funds out of the account unexpectedly, you have legal recourse. The bank is the custodian of the funds.

What are the disadvantages of Multisig wallet? ›

Another challenge of using a multi-sig wallet is that the recovery process requires importing each recovery phrase on each device. Finally, perhaps the biggest potential disadvantage of multi-sig wallets is the lack of a third-party custodian, making it difficult to seek legal recourse if something goes wrong.

Is Coinbase a Multisig wallet? ›

Update. Coinbase no longer supports multisig vaults. The multisig vault is designed to give you 100% control of your funds, with a balance of security and ease-of-use. You control the private keys which allow you access to your funds, yet you can easily spend your funds simply by entering a password.

How do you link all crypto wallets? ›

Import a Balance From an Address
  1. Go to the 'Settings' tab and hit 'Address Import'
  2. Tap on '+' then on the cryptocurrency you'd like to import.
  3. Type a label, then paste your wallet's public key in the 'Address' field.
  4. Select the portfolio you'd like to import to then toggle 'Import balance'
  5. Tap on 'Save'

Can you track the location of a crypto wallet? ›

Crypto wallet tracking allows you to track any wallet address directly from the blockchain, all you need to know is the address of the wallet. Nothing else is needed.

Can Excel pull crypto data? ›

The easiest way to pull live, real-time, and historical cryptocurrency data directly into a sheet. Pull real-time and historical data into Excel in seconds from hundreds of data sources and providers. No programming skills required with the Cryptosheets Excel Add-in.

Do I have to report every crypto trade? ›

You must report income, gain, or loss from all taxable transactions involving virtual currency on your Federal income tax return for the taxable year of the transaction, regardless of the amount or whether you receive a payee statement or information return.

How much cash should you always have in your wallet? ›

“We would recommend between $100 to $300 of cash in your wallet, but also having a reserve of $1,000 or so in a safe at home,” Anderson says. Depending on your spending habits, a couple hundred dollars may be more than enough for your daily expenses or not enough.

How much money is too much for a wallet? ›

As a rule of thumb, keep $100 to $300 in your front pocket wallet. Why this amount? This is because anything less than $100 isn't enough to get you through an emergency, but anything greater than $300 is way too much to lose in case your wallet gets stolen.

How much money does the average person keep in their wallet? ›

A survey from Money magazine found that 42 percent of the people carry no more than $40 in cash, 30 percent carry between $41 and $99, 17 percent carry $100 to $199, and 11 percent carry $200 or more.

Can I have 2 Coinbase wallets? ›

You can connect up to 10 wallet addresses from different providers to your Coinbase NFT account, however you can only use one wallet at a time as your default wallet. The default wallet is the wallet you use to sign in, and complete transactions such as buying and selling NFTs.

Is it better to have one crypto or multiple? ›

The rule is to diversify your investment so you should invest in multiple cryptocurrencies rather than just one. As the proverb goes, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Should I have multiple hard wallets? ›

Yes, you should have more than 1 hardware wallet. To make two or more hardware wallet copies of each other, all that you need to do is import the backup seed from one hardware wallet to another. Using multiple hardware wallets enables you to better secure your funds in the event that your device is lost.

Do you need separate wallets for each crypto? ›

Technically yes. You need different a different wallet for different cryptocurrences. Bitcoin wallet for your BTC, an Ethereum wallet for your ETH, and a Cardano wallet for your ADA. You cannot store BTC in a Cardano wallet (or even send it there), and vice versa.

Why is Coinbase and Coinbase wallet separate? › stores your crypto for you after you buy it. You do not need a account to use Coinbase Wallet. Coinbase Wallet is a self-custody wallet. The private keys (that represent ownership of the crypto) are stored directly on your device and not within a centralized exchange like

How do I manage multiple Coinbase accounts? ›

In order to add additional Coinbase accounts to CoinTracker, simply go to in the same browser and log out. Then you'll be able to log into whatever additional Coinbase account you want through the integration flow on CoinTracker.

Is my Coinbase wallet separate from Coinbase? ›

Note that Coinbase Wallet is not the same product as, and you do not need a account to use Coinbase Wallet. If you're looking to simply invest in crypto, remains the easiest place to buy, sell, and manage your crypto.

How often should you take profits from crypto? ›

To take out and optimize your gains, sell 5-10% at a time, depending on how big your holdings are in that particular crypto. If the coin has gained more than 30% since you bought it, consider selling a small percentage every week.

How much of your portfolio should be in one crypto? ›

Many individuals may not be as confident in crypto outperforming stocks. In this case, we would recommend allocating less than 5% to match your comfort level. Allocation then diversification. Once you settle on your preferred crypto allocation of 5% or less, remember to consider diversification.

How many different crypto should I have in my portfolio? ›

Jake Ryan thinks a healthy portfolio will be made up of between three and nine different coins. A Yale study found a successful portfolio has between 4% and 6% bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies come with a volatility risk, meaning investors should not add more coins to their portfolio than they can afford to lose.

Does it matter which crypto wallet you have? ›

When you're comparing crypto wallets, you may want to consider details such as price and security measures. If you also use a hot wallet, you should check to make sure the hardware you're considering will work with your software wallet. Here are some of NerdWallet's top picks for cold crypto wallets.

Why use multiple wallets? ›

The concept of security diversification is to spread your holdings over multiple different wallets to reduce the probability of a hacker finagling their way into the lion's share of your digital asset wealth on one account. So, in theory, let's say you're planning to hold Bitcoin, Ethereum, NEO, and Ripple long-term.

Why does Coinbase wallet have multiple wallets? ›

Coinbase Wallet allows you to create up to 15 "sub-wallets" linked to one recovery phrase on your Ethereum and Solana wallet. Each sub-wallet gives you a unique Ethereum and Solana address for you to send funds to that wallet.

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Article information

Author: Jonah Leffler

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Views: 6075

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.