Meet the Mint Family (+ Mint Sun Tea Recipe!) (2024)

I walk in my gardens on a July evening, admiring the lush green that abounds in midsummer. The bee balm is chest high and near blooming, the lavender, catnip, and oregano are in full flower; the sage, rosemary, thyme, and basil are growing tender new leaves almost daily; and the peppermint and lemon balm are spreading prodigiously. I check the progress of the bee balm buds as I’ve lately seen a hummingbird, stick my nose in the lavender for a deep inhale, pick a few sprigs of catnip for kitty, and pinch off some basil leaves for pesto, catching the scent of each plant as I go. These plants are all beloved and widely used for culinary, aromatherapy, and medicinal purposes, and they have another important unifying trait — they are all in the mint family, Lamiaceae, which has over 200 genera and 7000 species!

Other common mint family plants include spearmint, hyssop, motherwort, marjoram, skullcap, holy basil, self heal, hore-hound and savory; not to mention the many varieties of mints, such as apple mint, chocolate mint, and pineapple mint.

Meet the Mint Family (+ Mint Sun Tea Recipe!) (1)

Mint Family Plant Identification

Mint family plants are birds of a feather, and if you start to observe and compare them, you’ll notice they share the following characteristics:

  • Square (four-sided) stems (note that most, but not all mint have square stems, and a few non-mints have square stems but do not smell minty)
  • Pairs of opposite leaves that alternate direction and get progressively smaller towards the top of the stem
  • Tiny flowers with five united petals (two up, three down) to make upper and lower “lips” that form a tubule (perfect for hummingbirds and butterflies!)
  • Flowers arranged in whorls (clusters) at the base of the leaves or at the end of spikes
  • Strongly aromatic (almost all of the mint family plants have a strong aroma)
  • Likely sitting on your spice rack! (nearly half of common kitchen spices are in the mint family)

Meet the Mint Family (+ Mint Sun Tea Recipe!) (2)

Mint Family Herbal Medicine

The aromatic nature of the mint family plants come from their high levels of volatile oils, which also account for the rich flavors prized in cooking and many of their medicinal properties. While the medicinal actions of the mint family plants make quite a long list, many of them fit into four categories:

  • Nervine for nervous system complaints (anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia, dementia)
  • Digestive for digestive system complaints: (indigestion, gas, cramps, nausea, colic)
  • Antimicrobial for infections: (bacterial, viral, fungal)
  • Clearing for respiratory system complaints (infection, congestion, asthma)

So how do they do it? The answer is in the volatile oils. These plants contain volatile oils such as menthol, thymol, citronellal, limonene, camphor, carvacrol, and linalool, to name a few. Anti-microbial actions aside (we’ll get to that), the primary action of volatile oils is to relax tension and spasm in our internal organs. Our powerful sense of smell is directly connected to the limbic system of the brain, which governs emotion and memory. When we catch the scent of an aromatic plant, nerve endings are stimulated to send impulses to the limbic system and to structures that manage stress in our internal organs; once the volatile oils enter our blood, they relax smooth muscles in the airways and circulatory tissues in the intestines, relieving tension and restoring balance (Masé, 2013). As for the nervine effects, the balanced state created in our internal organs is reflected in our emotional state by a feeling of “being in the flow” or feeling a sense of harmony. Masé (2013) postulates that this is most likely because new smells signify a changing environment and act as a wake up call of sorts, allowing us to move from a stressful state to a calmer state.

As for the antimicrobial action of mint family plants — in short, their volatile oils are great for killing microorganisms, from bacteria and viruses to fungi. In the Middle Ages, aromatics were used as strewing herbs in households during times of sickness and plague to combat ‘evil’, aka microorganisms. And then there’s the infamous legend of the Four Thieves, in which four brothers who set to work robbing graves during the Bubonic Plague purportedly used a blend of herbs(including lavender, rosemary, and peppermint) to protect themselves from infection. Modern day scientific research substantiates the antimicrobial action of plants in the mint family for such ailments as colds, influenza, upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and herpes simplex (cold sores), just to name a few.

And what could be more heavenly than mint family aromatherapy as a sinus infection remedy? Whether it’s a cup of peppermint tea for nasal congestion, a thyme facial steam to calm coughs, or hyssop syrup to move lung congestion, the aromatic action of these mint family plants relaxes the tissue of the respiratory system and opens the airways, allowing congestion to move out and breath to flow freely.

Mint Family Herbal Remedies

There are so many easy ways to integrate the uplifting, soothing, and delicious nature of mints into your day — lemon balm glycerite to uplift the mood, a bowl of tabbouleh with spearmint for lunch, a cup of cold peppermint tea for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, a whiff of lavender essential oil during rush hour traffic, a soothing cup of catnip tea after a meal, or an invigorating foot mas-sage with rosemary oil at day’s end. Here are a few simple recipes to try.

Meet the Mint Family (+ Mint Sun Tea Recipe!) (3)

Peppermint Sun Tea

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A wonderfully cooling pick-me-up for a hot summer’s day.


1/2 cup dried or 1 cup fresh peppermint leaves
1/2 gallon tap water


  • Place peppermint and water in a 1/2 gallon glass jar.
  • Set in a sunny place for 2-8 hours.
  • Refrigerate and enjoy as a cold drink.

Tummy Tea

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The nervine and digestive actions of these plants make a soothing blend for tummy aches, colds, and restlessness at bedtime. This is an especially nice blend for children.



  • Mix equal parts catnip, lemon balm, and chamomile thoroughly in a jar, cap and label.
  • To brew tea, steep 1 tbsp of tea blend in 8 ounces of boiled water and let steep for 3-4 minutes.
  • Sweeten to taste (or not) and enjoy.
  • Note that the chamomile will become bitter if steeped for too long.

Meet the Mint Family (+ Mint Sun Tea Recipe!) (4)

Lavender Honey

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Delicious on toast, tea, or yogurt; and a soothing anti-infective for burns and wounds.


Dried or fresh lavender flower buds
Local raw honey


  • Fill a jar 1/4-1/2 full with flower buds, and then fill with honey.
  • Poke with a knife or chopstick to mix and remove any air bubbles.
  • Let mixture infuse for a week to a month, depending on preferred strength, tasting occasionally until it is perfectly suited to your taste buds.

Ready For More?

Are you interested in learning more about the medicinal and therapeutic possibilities of the mint family plants? Our online herbal courses delve into the use of these plants for nervous system, digestive system, and respiratory system complaints and returning the mind and body to balance. If you are brand new to herbal medicine, join us at the beginner level in the Online Introductory Herbal Course; if you have prior experience, hop in to the Online Intermediate Herbal Course. Here’s to calm minds, open airways, and easy digestion!


Masé, Guido. (2013). The Wild Medicine Solution. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press.

Meet the Mint Family (+ Mint Sun Tea Recipe!) (2024)


How to make sun tea safely? ›

What to do:
  1. Place tea bags in gallon jar and fill with water; place cover or cap loosely on jar.
  2. Place jar in direct sunshine.
  3. Steep tea for 3 to 4 hours (do not exceed 4 hours)
  4. Remove tea bags.
  5. Sweeten warm tea, if desired (do not add sweetener until steeping is finished)

Can you have too much mint tea? ›

The menthol in peppermint can cause adverse side effects in large amounts. While it's difficult to consume too much menthol by drinking peppermint tea, it's not recommended for people with certain health conditions. Peppermint can help with digestion and stomach pain but can worsen acid reflux.

Is mint tea good for you? ›

Peppermint tea is naturally sweet and free of caffeine. It may be linked to health benefits, including improving digestion, boosting focus, and relieving migraine. Peppermint (Mentha × piperita) is an aromatic herb in the mint family that is a cross between watermint and spearmint ( 1 ).

Does mint tea have caffeine? ›

Mint tea is a naturally caffeine free herbal tea. While most people drink mint tea infusions because they love the refreshing taste, many find it a great alternative to drinking caffeinated hot drinks such as coffee and black tea and even green tea, which also contains some caffeine.

Why don't people make sun tea anymore? ›

Anywhere between 40 degrees F and 140 degrees F is their sweet spot (also known as the temperature danger zone). Sun tea rarely gets hotter than 130 degrees F, giving bacteria a chance to grow while it steeps for hours in the sun. The CDC's guidelines specifically suggest avoiding the practice of making sun tea.

Do bacteria grow in sun tea? ›

Warm, damp spots, like a jar filled with water and tea leaves and placed in the sun, can be a breeding ground for unhealthy bacteria – especially if sugar is added to the sun tea while it is steeping. Temperature changes only encourage this growth, and the sun can't heat the water hot enough to stop it.

When should you not drink mint tea? ›

DO NOT take peppermint or drink peppermint tea if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD -- a condition where stomach acids back up into the esophagus), or hiatal hernia. Peppermint can relax the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus, allowing stomach acids to flow back into the esophagus.

Is it OK to drink mint water everyday? ›

Mint water proves safe for most people to drink in regular amounts. Most adults need 9.7–16 cups (2.3–3.8 L) of water each day. If you plan on drinking more mint water than this, you may find it best to check with your healthcare professional first to discuss your personal hydration needs ( 20 ).

Is peppermint tea good for kidneys? ›

There is no one food or drink that will detox your body. However, adequate hydration–and mint tea can certainly contribute to that–will support proper kidney function so that toxins can be removed from the body through urine. Staying hydrated also promotes bowel regularity, another primary way the body expels toxins.

Is mint tea good for the liver? ›

Peppermint Tea

These help in the digestive process, especially if you have a hefty meal at night. Food stagnation may be a sign of overeating, which can cause disturbed sleep. Peppermint helps overcome that. As a tea, it aids the digestive process by helping your liver with its detoxification and digestive functions.

What tea helps with weight loss? ›

Oolong Tea

This tea is made by withering tea leaves in the hot sun and then put through an oxidation process. Like green tea, it's a rich source of catechins. In one study, more than two-thirds of overweight people who drank oolong tea every day for six weeks lost more than 2 pounds and trimmed belly fat.

Is sun brewed tea safe to drink? ›

But despite the joy of making something so simple, sun tea has had its day in science labs and alas, sun tea can pose a health risk. It seems that tea brewed in the sun creates a breeding ground for bacteria and so, if we go with science shows us, sun tea is not such a good idea.

Is it safe to make sun tea in a plastic container? ›

He said those who do make sun tea should use a glass jar instead of plastic (to avoid chemicals from the plastic seeping into the tea), wash their hands before handling the tea bags, and leave the tea outside for no longer than two hours.

What is the best container to make sun tea in? ›

What containers are best for making sun tea? We prefer a simple, glass Mason jar for sun tea making—a glass pitcher or any other glass container will do just fine. There are also many varieties of glass teapots with infusers available that will make for a mess-free sun tea prep.

Should you take the tea bags out of sun tea? ›

You may or may not want to remove the tea bags at this point. I usually don't. Store the tea: The tea will probably taste more mellow than what you are used to from using boiling water.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.