Member Countries (2024)



  • IBRD
  • IDA
  • IFC
  • MIGA
  • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

    189 countries

    Country / Date of MembershipCountry / Date of Membership
    Afghanistan,Jul 14, 1955Liberia,Mar 28, 1962
    Albania,Oct 15, 1991Libya, Sep 17, 1958
    Algeria, Sep 26, 1963Lithuania, Jul 6, 1992
    Angola, Sep 19, 1989Luxembourg, Dec 27, 1945
    Antigua and Barbuda, Sep 22, 1983Madagascar,Sep 25, 1963
    Argentina, Sep 20, 1956Malawi, Jul 19, 1965
    Armenia, Sep 16, 1992Malaysia, Mar 7, 1958
    Australia, Aug 5, 1947Maldives, Jan 13, 1978
    Austria, Aug 27, 1948Mali, Sep 27, 1963
    Azerbaijan, Sep 18, 1992Malta, Sep 26, 1983
    Bahamas, The,Aug 21, 1973Marshall Islands, May 21, 1992
    Bahrain, Sep 15, 1972Mauritania, Sep 10, 1963
    Bangladesh, Aug 17, 1972Mauritius, Sep 23, 1968
    Barbados, Sep 12, 1974Mexico, Dec 31, 1945
    Belarus, Jul 10, 1992Micronesia, Federated States of, Jun 24, 1993
    Belgium, Dec 27, 1945Moldova, Aug 12, 1992
    Belize, Mar 19, 1982Mongolia, Feb 14, 1991
    Benin, Jul 10, 1963Montenegro, Jan 18, 2007
    Bhutan, Sep 28, 1981Morocco, Apr 25, 1958
    Bolivia, Dec 27, 1945Mozambique, Sep 24, 1984
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, Feb 25, 1993Myanmar, Jan 3, 1952
    Botswana, Jul 24, 1968Namibia, Sep 25, 1990
    Brazil, Jan 14, 1946Nauru, Apr 12, 2016
    Brunei Darussalam, Oct 10, 1995Nepal, Sep 6, 1961
    Bulgaria, Sep 25, 1990Netherlands, Dec 27, 1945
    Burkina Faso, May 2, 1963New Zealand, Aug 31, 1961
    Burundi, Sep 28, 1963Nicaragua, Mar 14, 1946
    Cabo Verde, Nov 20, 1978Niger, Apr 24, 1963
    Cambodia, Jul 22, 1970Nigeria, Mar 30, 1961
    Cameroon, Jul 10, 1963North Macedonia,Feb 25, 1993
    Canada, Dec 27, 1945Norway, Dec 27, 1945
    Central African Republic, Jul 10, 1963Oman, Dec 23, 1971
    Chad, Jul 10, 1963Pakistan, Jul 11, 1950
    Chile, Dec 31, 1945Palau,Dec 16, 1997
    China, Dec 27, 1945Panama, Mar 14, 1946
    Colombia, Dec 24, 1946Papua New Guinea, Oct 9, 1975
    Comoros, Oct 28, 1976Paraguay, Dec 28, 1945
    Congo, Democratic Republic of, Sep 28, 1963Peru, Dec 31, 1945
    Congo, Republic of, Jul 10, 1963Philippines, Dec 27, 1945
    Costa Rica, Jan 8, 1946Poland, Jun 27, 1986
    Cote d'Ivoire, Mar 11, 1963Portugal, Mar 29, 1961
    Croatia, Feb 25, 1993Qatar, Sep 25, 1972
    Cyprus, Dec 21, 1961Romania, Dec 15, 1972
    Czechia, Jan 1, 1993Russian Federation, Jun 16, 1992
    Denmark, Mar 30, 1946Rwanda, Sep 30, 1963
    Djibouti, Oct 1, 1980Samoa, Jun 28, 1974
    Dominica, Sep 29, 1980San Marino, Sep 21, 2000
    Dominican Republic, Sep 18, 1961Sao Tome and Principe, Sep 30, 1977
    Ecuador, Dec 28, 1945Saudi Arabia, Aug 26, 1957
    Egypt, Arab Republic of, Dec 27, 1945Senegal, Aug 31, 1962
    El Salvador, Mar 14, 1946Serbia, Feb 25, 1993
    Equatorial Guinea, Jul 1, 1970Seychelles, Sep 29, 1980
    Eritrea, Jul 6, 1994Sierra Leone, Sep 10, 1962
    Estonia, Jun 23, 1992Singapore, Aug 3, 1966
    Eswatini,Sep 22, 1969Slovak Republic, Jan 1, 1993
    Ethiopia, Dec 27, 1945Slovenia, Feb 25, 1993
    Fiji, May 28, 1971Solomon Islands, Sep 22, 1978
    Finland, Jan 14, 1948Somalia,Aug 31, 1962
    France, Dec 27, 1945South Africa, Dec 27, 1945
    Gabon, Sep 10, 1963South Sudan, Apr 18, 2012
    Gambia, The, Oct 18, 1967Spain, Sep 15, 1958
    Georgia, Aug 7, 1992Sri Lanka, Aug 29, 1950
    Germany, Aug 14, 1952St. Kitts and Nevis, Aug 15, 1984
    Ghana, Sep 20, 1957St. Lucia, Jun 27, 1980
    Greece, Dec 27, 1945St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Aug 31, 1982
    Grenada, Aug 27, 1975Sudan, Sep 5, 1957
    Guatemala, Dec 28, 1945Suriname, Jun 27, 1978
    Guinea, Sep 28, 1963Sweden, Aug 31, 1951
    Guinea-Bissau, Mar 24, 1977Switzerland, May 29, 1992
    Guyana, Sep 26, 1966Syrian Arab Republic, Apr 10, 1947
    Haiti, Sep 8, 1953Tajikistan, Jun 4, 1993
    Honduras, Dec 27, 1945Tanzania, Sep 10, 1962
    Hungary, Jul 7, 1982Thailand, May 3, 1949
    Iceland, Dec 27, 1945Timor-Leste, Jul 23, 2002
    India, Dec 27, 1945Togo, Aug 1, 1962
    Indonesia, Apr 13, 1967Tonga, Sep 13, 1985
    Iran, Islamic Republic of, Dec 29, 1945Trinidad and Tobago, Sep 16, 1963
    Iraq, Dec 27, 1945Tunisia, Apr 14, 1958
    Ireland, Aug 8, 1957Türkiye, Mar 11, 1947
    Israel, Jul 12, 1954Turkmenistan, Sep 22, 1992
    Italy, Mar 27, 1947Tuvalu, Jun 24, 2010
    Jamaica, Feb 21, 1963Uganda, Sep 27, 1963
    Japan, Aug 13, 1952Ukraine, Sep 3, 1992
    Jordan, Aug 29, 1952United Arab Emirates, Sep 22, 1972
    Kazakhstan, Jul 23, 1992United Kingdom, Dec 27, 1945
    Kenya, Feb 3, 1964United States, Dec 27, 1945
    Kiribati, Sep 29, 1986Uruguay, Mar 11, 1946
    Korea, Republic of, Aug 26, 1955Uzbekistan, Sep 21, 1992
    Kosovo, Jun 29, 2009Vanuatu, Sep 28, 1981
    Kuwait, Sep 13, 1962Venezuela, Republica Bolivariana de, Dec 30, 1946
    Kyrgyz Republic, Sep 18, 1992Viet Nam, Sep 21, 1956
    Lao People's Democratic Republic, Jul 5, 1961Yemen, Republic of, Oct 3, 1969
    Latvia, Aug 11, 1992Zambia, Sep 23, 1965
    Lebanon, Apr 14, 1947Zimbabwe, Sep 29, 1980
    Lesotho, Jul 25, 1968

    Last Updated:Mar 19, 2024

  • International Development Association (IDA)

    174 countries

    Country / Date of MembershipCountry / Date of Membership
    Afghanistan,Feb 2, 1961Latvia, Aug 11, 1992
    Albania,Oct 15, 1991Lebanon,Apr 10, 1962
    Algeria,Sep 26, 1963Lesotho,Sep 19, 1968
    Angola,Sep 19, 1989Liberia, Mar 28, 1962
    Argentina,Aug 3, 1962Libya, Aug 1, 1961
    Armenia,Aug 25, 1993Lithuania, Sept 23, 2011
    Australia,Sep 24, 1960Luxembourg,Jun 4, 1964
    Austria,Jun 28, 1961Madagascar, Sep 25, 1963
    Azerbaijan,Mar 31, 1995Malawi, Jul 19, 1965
    Bahamas, The, Jun 23, 2008Malaysia, Sep 24, 1960
    Bangladesh, Aug 17, 1972Maldives, Jan 13, 1978
    Barbados, Sep 29, 1999Mali, Sep 27, 1963
    Belgium, Jul 2, 1964Marshall Islands, Jan 19, 1993
    Belize, Mar 19, 1982Mauritania, Sep 10, 1963
    Benin, Sep 16, 1963Mauritius, Sep 23, 1968
    Bhutan, Sep 28, 1981Mexico, Apr 24, 1961
    Bolivia, Jun 21, 1961Micronesia, Federated States of, Jun 24, 1993
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, Feb 25, 1993Moldova, Jun 14, 1994
    Botswana, Jul 24, 1968Mongolia, Feb 14, 1991
    Brazil, Mar 15, 1963Montenegro, Jan 18, 2007
    Bulgaria, Nov 3, 2021Morocco, Dec 29, 1960
    Burkina Faso, May 13, 1963Mozambique, Sep 24, 1984
    Burundi, Sep 28, 1963Myanmar, Nov 5, 1962
    Cabo Verde, Nov 20, 1978Nepal, Mar 6, 1963
    Cambodia, Jul 22, 1970Netherlands, Jun 30, 1961
    Cameroon, Apr 10, 1964New Zealand, Jan 17, 1975
    Canada, Sep 24, 1960Nicaragua, Dec 30, 1960
    Central African Republic, Aug 27, 1963Niger, Apr 24, 1963
    Chad, Nov 7, 1963Nigeria, Nov 14, 1961
    Chile, Dec 30, 1960North Macedonia,Feb 25, 1993
    China, Sep 24, 1960Norway, Sep 24, 1960
    Colombia, Jun 16, 1961Oman, Feb 20, 1973
    Comoros, Dec 9, 1977Pakistan, Sep 24, 1960
    Congo, Democratic Republic of, Sep 28, 1963Palau, Dec 16, 1997
    Congo, Republic of, Nov 8, 1963Panama, Sep 1, 1961
    Costa Rica, Jun 30, 1961Papua New Guinea, Oct 9, 1975
    Cote d'Ivoire, Mar 11, 1963Paraguay, Feb 10, 1961
    Croatia, Feb 25, 1993Peru, Aug 30, 1961
    Cyprus, Mar 2, 1962Philippines, Oct 28, 1960
    Czechia, Jan 1, 1993Poland, Oct 28, 1960
    Denmark, Nov 30, 1960Portugal, Dec 29, 1992
    Djibouti, Oct 1, 1980Romania, Apr 12, 2014
    Dominica, Sep 29, 1980Russian Federation, Jun 16, 1992
    Dominican Republic, Nov 16, 1962Rwanda, Sep 30, 1963
    Ecuador, Nov 7, 1961Samoa, Jun 28, 1974
    Egypt, Arab Republic of, Oct 26, 1960Sao Tome and Principe, Sep 30, 1977
    El Salvador, Apr 23, 1962Saudi Arabia, Dec 30, 1960
    Equatorial Guinea, Apr 5, 1972Senegal, Aug 31, 1962
    Eritrea, Jul 6, 1994Serbia, Feb 25, 1993
    Estonia, Oct 11, 2008Sierra Leone, Nov 13, 1962
    Eswatini, Sep 22, 1969Singapore, Sep 27, 2002
    Ethiopia, Apr 11, 1961Slovak Republic, Jan 1, 1993
    Fiji, Sep 29, 1972Slovenia, Feb 25, 1993
    Finland, Dec 29, 1960Solomon Islands, Jul 21, 1980
    France, Dec 30, 1960Somalia, Aug 31, 1962
    Gabon, Nov 4, 1963South Africa, Oct 12, 1960
    Gambia, The, Oct 18, 1967South Sudan, Apr 18, 2012
    Georgia, Aug 31, 1993Spain, Oct 18, 1960
    Germany, Sep 24, 1960Sri Lanka, Jun 27, 1961
    Ghana, Dec 29, 1960St. Kitts and Nevis, Oct 23, 1987
    Greece, Jan 9, 1962St. Lucia, Apr 28, 1982
    Grenada, Aug 28, 1975St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Aug 31, 1982
    Guatemala, Apr 27, 1961Sudan, Sep 24, 1960
    Guinea, Sep 26, 1969Sweden, Sep 24, 1960
    Guinea-Bissau, Mar 25, 1977Switzerland, May 29, 1992
    Guyana, Jan 4, 1967Syrian Arab Republic, Jun 28, 1962
    Haiti, Jun 13, 1961Tajikistan, Jun 4, 1993
    Honduras, Dec 23, 1960Tanzania, Nov 6, 1962
    Hungary, Apr 29, 1985Thailand, Sep 24, 1960
    Iceland, May 19, 1961Timor-Leste, Jul 23, 2002
    India, Sep 24, 1960Togo, Aug 21, 1962
    Indonesia, Aug 20, 1968Tonga, Oct 23, 1985
    Iran, Islamic Republic of, Oct 10, 1960Trinidad and Tobago, Oct 30, 1972
    Iraq, Dec 29, 1960Tunisia, Dec 30, 1960
    Ireland, Dec 22, 1960Türkiye, Dec 22, 1960
    Israel, Dec 22, 1960Tuvalu, Jun 24, 2010
    Italy, Sep 24, 1960Uganda, Sep 27, 1963
    Japan, Dec 27, 1960Ukraine, May 27, 2004
    Jordan, Oct 4, 1960United Arab Emirates, Dec 23, 1981
    Kazakhstan, Jul 23, 1992United Kingdom, Sep 24, 1960
    Kenya, Feb 3, 1964United States, Sep 24, 1960
    Kiribati, Oct 2, 1986Uzbekistan, Sep 24, 1992
    Korea, Republic of, May 18, 1961Vanuatu, Sep 28, 1981
    Kosovo, Jun 29, 2009Viet Nam, Sep 24, 1960
    Kuwait, Sep 13, 1962Yemen, Republic of, May 22, 1970
    Kyrgyz Republic, Sep 24, 1992Zambia, Sep 23, 1965
    Lao People's Democratic Republic, Oct 28, 1963Zimbabwe, Sep 29, 1980

    Last Updated:Mar 19, 2024

  • International Finance Corporation (IFC)

    186 countries

    Country / Date of MembershipCountry / Date of Membership
    Afghanistan, Sep 23, 1957Lesotho, Sep 29, 1972
    Albania, Oct 15, 1991Liberia, Mar 28, 1962
    Algeria, Sep 23, 1990Libya, Sep 18, 1958
    Angola, Sep 19, 1989Lithuania, Jan 15, 1993
    Antigua and Barbuda, Apr 15, 1987Luxembourg, Oct 4, 1956
    Argentina, Oct 13, 1959Madagascar, Sep 27, 1963
    Armenia, Apr 18, 1995Malawi, Jul 19, 1965
    Australia, Jul 20, 1956Malaysia, Mar 20, 1958
    Austria, Sep 28, 1956Maldives, Feb 2, 1983
    Azerbaijan, Oct 11, 1995Mali, May 9, 1978
    Bahamas, The, Dec 8, 1986Malta, Jun 1, 2005
    Bahrain, Sep 22, 1995Marshall Islands, Sep 23, 1992
    Bangladesh, Jun 18, 1976Mauritania, Dec 29, 1967
    Barbados, Jun 25, 1980Mauritius, Sep 23, 1968
    Belarus, Nov 2, 1992Mexico, Jul 20, 1956
    Belgium, Dec 27, 1956Micronesia, Federated States of, Jun 24, 1993
    Belize, Mar 19, 1982Moldova, Mar 10, 1995
    Benin, Feb 5, 1987Mongolia, Feb 14, 1991
    Bhutan, Dec 1, 2003Montenegro, Jan 18, 2007
    Bolivia, Jul 20, 1956Morocco, Aug 30, 1962
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, Feb 25, 1993Mozambique, Sep 24, 1984
    Botswana, Mar 23, 1979Myanmar, Dec 3, 1956
    Brazil, Dec 31, 1956Namibia, Sep 25, 1990
    Brunei Darussalam, Nov 24, 2021Nepal, Jan 7, 1966
    Bulgaria, Jul 22, 1991Netherlands, Dec 28, 1956
    Burkina Faso, Aug 20, 1975New Zealand, Aug 31, 1961
    Burundi, Nov 28, 1979Nicaragua, Jul 20, 1956
    Cabo Verde, May 2, 1990Niger, Jan 7, 1980
    Cambodia, Mar 26, 1997Nigeria, Mar 30, 1961
    Cameroon, Oct 1, 1974North Macedonia,Feb 25, 1993
    Canada, Jul 20, 1956Norway, Jul 20, 1956
    Central African Republic, Apr 1, 1991Oman, Feb 20, 1973
    Chad, Apr 2, 1998Pakistan, Jul 20, 1956
    Chile, Apr 15, 1957Palau, Dec 16, 1997
    China, Jan 15, 1969Panama, Jul 20, 1956
    Colombia, Jul 20, 1956Papua New Guinea, Oct 9, 1975
    Comoros, Jul 13, 1992Paraguay, Jul 27, 1956
    Congo, Democratic Republic of, Apr 15, 1970Peru, Jul 20, 1956
    Congo, Republic of, Oct 1, 1980Philippines, Aug 12, 1957
    Costa Rica, Jul 20, 1956Poland, Dec 29, 1987
    Cote d'Ivoire, Mar 11, 1963Portugal, Jul 8, 1966
    Croatia, Feb 25, 1993Qatar, Oct 11, 2008
    Cyprus, Mar 2, 1962Romania, Sep 23, 1990
    Czechia, Jan 1, 1993Russian Federation, Apr 12, 1993
    Denmark, Jul 20, 1956Rwanda, Nov 6, 1975
    Djibouti, Oct 1, 1980Samoa, Jun 28, 1974
    Dominica, Sep 29, 1980Sao Tome and Principe, Oct 11, 2008
    Dominican Republic, Oct 31, 1961Saudi Arabia, Sep 18, 1962
    Ecuador, Jul 20, 1956Senegal, Aug 31, 1962
    Egypt, Arab Republic of, Jul 20, 1956Serbia, Feb 25, 1993
    El Salvador, Jul 20, 1956Seychelles, Jun 11, 1981
    Equatorial Guinea, Jan 10, 1992Sierra Leone, Sep 10, 1962
    Eritrea, Oct 11, 1995Singapore, Sep 4, 1968
    Estonia, Aug 9, 1993Slovak Republic, Jan 1, 1993
    Eswatini,Sep 22, 1969Slovenia, Feb 25, 1993
    Ethiopia, Jul 20, 1956Solomon Islands,Jul 21, 1980
    Fiji, Jul 12, 1979Somalia, Aug 31, 1962
    Finland, Jul 20, 1956South Africa, Apr 3, 1957
    France, Jul 20, 1956South Sudan, Apr 18, 2012
    Gabon, Oct 20, 1970Spain, Mar 24, 1960
    Gambia, The, Sep 19, 1983Sri Lanka, Jul 20, 1956
    Georgia, Jun 29, 1995St. Kitts and Nevis, Mar 7, 1996
    Germany, Jul 20, 1956St. Lucia, Apr 28, 1982
    Ghana, Apr 3, 1958Sudan, Oct 21, 1960
    Greece, Sep 26, 1957Suriname, Sep 1, 2011
    Grenada, Aug 28, 1975Sweden, Jul 20, 1956
    Guatemala, Jul 20, 1956Switzerland, May 29, 1992
    Guinea, Oct 22, 1982Syrian Arab Republic, Jun 28, 1962
    Guinea-Bissau, Mar 25, 1977Tajikistan, Dec 2, 1994
    Guyana, Jan 4, 1967Tanzania, Sep 10, 1962
    Haiti, Jul 20, 1956Thailand, Dec 3, 1956
    Honduras, Jul 20, 1956Timor-Leste, Oct 2, 2004
    Hungary, Apr 29, 1985Togo, Sep 4, 1962
    Iceland, Jul 20, 1956Tonga, Oct 23, 1985
    India, Jul 20, 1956Trinidad and Tobago, Jun 10, 1971
    Indonesia, Apr 23, 1968Tunisia, Jul 25, 1962
    Iran, Islamic Republic of, Dec 28, 1956Türkiye, Dec 19, 1956
    Iraq, Dec 27, 1956Turkmenistan, May 29, 1997
    Ireland, Sep 11, 1958Tuvalu, Apr 13, 2019
    Israel, Sep 26, 1956Uganda, Sep 27, 1963
    Italy, Dec 27, 1956Ukraine, Oct 18, 1993
    Jamaica, Mar 31, 1964United Arab Emirates,Sep 30, 1977
    Japan, Jul 20, 1956United Kingdom, Jul 20, 1956
    Jordan, Jul 20, 1956United States,Jul 20, 1956
    Kazakhstan, Sep 30, 1993Uruguay, Aug 22, 1968
    Kenya, Feb 3, 1964Uzbekistan, Sep 30, 1993
    Kiribati, Oct 2, 1986Vanuatu, Sep 28, 1981
    Korea, Republic of, Mar 16, 1964Venezuela, Republica Bolivariana de, Dec 28, 1956
    Kosovo, Jun 29, 2009Viet Nam, Aug 4, 1967
    Kuwait, Sep 13, 1962Yemen, Republic of, May 22, 1970
    Kyrgyz Republic, Feb 11, 1993Zambia, Sep 23, 1965
    Lao People's Democratic Republic, Jan 29, 1992Zimbabwe, Sep 29, 1980
    Latvia, Sep 29, 1993
    Lebanon, Dec 28, 1956

    Last Updated:Mar 19, 2024

  • Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)

    182 countries

    Country / Date of MembershipCountry / Date of Membership
    Afghanistan, Jun 16, 2003Lesotho,Apr 12, 1988
    Albania, Oct 15, 1991Liberia, Apr 12, 2007
    Algeria, Jun 4, 1996Libya, Apr 5, 1993
    Angola, Sep 19, 1989Lithuania, Jun 8, 1993
    Antigua and Barbuda, Sep 26, 2005Luxembourg,Aug 29, 1991
    Argentina, Feb 11, 1992Madagascar, Jun 8, 1988
    Armenia, Dec 5, 1995Malawi, Apr 12, 1988
    Australia, Feb 10, 1999Malaysia, Dec 6, 1991
    Austria, Dec 16, 1997Maldives, May 19, 2005
    Azerbaijan, Sep 23, 1992Mali, Oct 22, 1992
    Bahamas, The,Oct 4, 1994Malta, Sep 12, 1990
    Bahrain, Apr 12, 1988Mauritania, Sep 8, 1992
    Bangladesh, Apr 12, 1988Mauritius, Dec 28, 1990
    Barbados, Apr 12, 1988Mexico, Jul 1, 2009
    Belarus, Dec 3, 1992Micronesia, Federated States of, Aug 11, 1993
    Belgium, Sep 18, 1992Moldova, Jun 9, 1993
    Belize, Jun 29, 1992Mongolia, Jan 21, 1999
    Benin, Sep 26, 1994Montenegro, Jan 18, 2007
    Bhutan, Oct 21, 2014Morocco, Sep 17, 1992
    Bolivia, Oct 3, 1991Mozambique, Nov 23, 1994
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mar 19, 1993Myanmar, Dec 16, 2013
    Botswana, May 15, 1990Namibia, Sep 25, 1990
    Brazil, Jan 7, 1993Nepal, Feb 9, 1994
    Bulgaria, Sep 23, 1992Netherlands, Apr 12, 1988
    Burkina Faso, Nov 2, 1988New Zealand, Apr 22, 2008
    Burundi, Mar 10, 1998Nicaragua, Jun 12, 1992
    Cabo Verde, May 10, 1993Niger, May 10, 2012
    Cambodia, Dec 1, 1999Nigeria, Apr 12, 1988
    Cameroon, Oct 7, 1988North Macedonia,Mar 19, 1993
    Canada, Apr 12, 1988Norway, Aug 9, 1989
    Central African Republic, Sep 8, 2000Oman, Jan 24, 1989
    Chad, Jun 11, 2002Pakistan, Apr 12, 1988
    Chile, Apr 12, 1988Palau, Dec 16, 1997
    China, Apr 30, 1988Panama, Feb 21, 1997
    Colombia, Nov 30, 1995Papua New Guinea, Oct 21, 1991
    Comoros, Feb 25, 2013Paraguay, Jun 30, 1992
    Congo, Democratic Republic of, Feb 7, 1989Peru, Dec 2, 1991
    Congo, Republic of, Oct 16, 1991Philippines, Feb 8, 1994
    Costa Rica, Feb 8, 1994Poland, Jun 29, 1990
    Cote d'Ivoire, Jun 7, 1988Portugal, Jun 6, 1988
    Croatia, Mar 19, 1993Qatar, Oct 22, 1996
    Cyprus, Apr 12, 1988Romania, Sep 10, 1992
    Czechia, Jan 1, 1993Russian Federation, Dec 29, 1992
    Denmark, Apr 12, 1988Rwanda, Sep 27, 2002
    Djibouti, Jan 12, 2007Samoa, Apr 12, 1988
    Dominica, Oct 7, 1991Sao Tome and Principe, Dec 20, 2012
    Dominican Republic, Mar 7, 1997Saudi Arabia, Apr 12, 1988
    Ecuador, Apr 12, 1988Senegal, Apr 12, 1988
    Egypt, Arab Republic of, Apr 12, 1988Serbia, Mar 19, 1993
    El Salvador, Dec 20, 1991Seychelles, Sep 15, 1992
    Equatorial Guinea, Oct 27, 1994Sierra Leone, Jun 20, 1996
    Eritrea, Sep 10, 1996Singapore, Feb 24, 1998
    Estonia, Sep 24, 1992Slovak Republic, Jan 1, 1993
    Eswatini, Apr 18, 1990Slovenia, Mar 19, 1993
    Ethiopia, Aug 13, 1991Somalia, Mar 24, 2020
    Fiji, Sep 24, 1990Solomon Islands, Oct 27, 2005
    Finland, Dec 28, 1988South Africa, Mar 10, 1994
    France, Dec 28, 1989South Sudan, Apr 18, 2012
    Gabon, Mar 26, 2003Spain, Apr 29, 1988
    Gambia, The, Sep 11, 1992Sri Lanka, May 27, 1988
    Georgia, Dec 29, 1992St. Kitts and Nevis, Sep 21, 1999
    Germany, Apr 12, 1988St. Lucia, Jul 25, 1988
    Ghana, Apr 29, 1988St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Sep 10, 1990
    Greece, Aug 30, 1993Sudan, Nov 7, 1991
    Grenada, Apr 12, 1988Suriname, Jul 2, 2003
    Guatemala, Jul 11, 1996Sweden, Apr 12, 1988
    Guinea, Oct 5, 1995Switzerland, Apr 12, 1988
    Guinea-Bissau, Jul 12, 2006Syrian Arab Republic, May 14, 2002
    Guyana, Jan 18, 1989Tajikistan, Dec 9, 2002
    Haiti, Dec 11, 1996Tanzania, Jun 19, 1992
    Honduras, Jun 30, 1992Thailand, Oct 20, 2000
    Hungary, Apr 21, 1988Timor-Leste, Jul 23, 2002
    Iceland, Sep 25, 1998Togo, Apr 15, 1988
    India, Jan 6, 1994Trinidad and Tobago, Jul 2, 1992
    Indonesia, Apr 12, 1988Tunisia, Jun 7, 1988
    Iran, Islamic Republic of, Dec 15, 2003Türkiye, Jun 3, 1988
    Iraq, Oct 6, 2008Turkmenistan, Oct 1, 1993
    Ireland, Oct 27, 1989Uganda, Jun 10, 1992
    Israel, May 21, 1992Ukraine, Jul 19, 1994
    Italy, Apr 29, 1988United Arab Emirates, Oct 20, 1993
    Jamaica, Apr 12, 1988United Kingdom, Apr 12, 1988
    Japan, Apr 12, 1988United States, Apr 12, 1988
    Jordan, Apr 12, 1988Uruguay, Mar 1, 1993
    Kazakhstan, Aug 12, 1993Uzbekistan, Nov 4, 1993
    Kenya, Nov 28, 1988Vanuatu, Jul 27, 1988
    Korea, Republic of, Apr 12, 1988Venezuela, Republica Bolivariana de, May 9, 1994
    Kosovo, Jun 29, 2009Viet Nam, Oct 5, 1994
    Kuwait, Apr 12, 1988Yemen, Republic of, Mar 12, 1996
    Kyrgyz Republic, Sep 21, 1993Zambia, Jun 6, 1988
    Lao People's Democratic Republic, Apr 5, 2000Zimbabwe, Apr 10, 1992
    Latvia, Aug 21, 1998
    Lebanon, Oct 19, 1994

    Last Updated:Oct 27, 2023

  • International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)

    158 countries

    Country / Date of MembershipCountry / Date of Membership
    Afghanistan, Jul 25, 1968Liberia, Jul 16, 1970
    Albania, Nov 14, 1991Kyrgyz Republic,May 21,2022
    Algeria, Mar 22, 1996Lithuania,Aug 5, 1992
    Angola,Oct 21, 2022Luxembourg, Aug 29, 1970
    Argentina, Nov 18, 1994Madagascar, Oct 14, 1966
    Armenia, Oct 16, 1992Malawi, Oct 14, 1966
    Australia, Jun 1, 1991Malaysia, Oct 14, 1966
    Austria, Jun 24, 1971Mali, Feb 2, 1978
    Azerbaijan, Oct 18, 1992Malta, Dec 3, 2003
    Bahamas, The, Nov 18, 1995Mauritania, Oct 14, 1966
    Bahrain, Mar 15, 1996Mauritius, Jul 2, 1969
    Bangladesh, Apr 26, 1980Micronesia, Federated States of, Jul 24, 1993
    Barbados, Dec 1, 1983Mexico, Aug 26, 2018
    Belarus, Aug 9, 1992Moldova, June 4, 2011
    Belgium, Sep 26, 1970Mongolia, Jul 14, 1991
    Benin, Oct 14, 1966Montenegro, May 10, 2013
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jun 13, 1997Morocco, Jun 10, 1967
    Botswana, Feb 14, 1970Mozambique, Jul 7, 1995
    Brunei Darussalam, Oct 16, 2002Nauru, May 14 2016
    Bulgaria, May 13, 2001Nepal, Feb 6, 1969
    Burkina Faso, Oct 14, 1966Netherlands, Oct 14, 1966
    Burundi, Dec 5, 1969New Zealand, May 2, 1980
    Cabo Verde, Jan 26, 2011Nicaragua, Apr 19, 1995
    Cambodia, Jan 19, 2005Niger, Dec 14, 1966
    Cameroon, Feb 2, 1967Nigeria, Oct 14, 1966
    Canada, Dec 1, 2013Norway, Sep 15, 1967
    Central African Republic, Oct 14, 1966North Macedonia,Nov 26, 1998
    Chad, Oct 14, 1966Oman, Aug 23, 1995
    Chile, Oct 24, 1991Pakistan, Oct 15, 1966
    China, Feb 6, 1993Panama, May 8, 1996
    Colombia, Aug 14, 1997Papua New Guinea, Nov 19, 1978
    Comoros, Dec 7, 1978Paraguay, Feb 6, 1983
    Congo, Democratic Republic of, May 29, 1970Peru, Sep 8, 1993
    Congo, Republic of, Oct 14, 1966Philippines, Dec 17, 1978
    Costa Rica, May 27, 1993Portugal, Aug 1, 1984
    Cote d'Ivoire, Oct 14, 1966Qatar, Jan 20, 2011
    Croatia, Oct 22, 1998Romania, Oct 12, 1975
    Cyprus, Dec 25, 1966Rwanda, Nov 14, 1979
    Czechia, Apr 22, 1993Samoa, May 25, 1978
    Denmark, May 24, 1968San Marino, May 18, 2015
    Djibouti, Jul 9, 2020Sao Tome and Principe, Jun 19, 2013
    Ecuador, Sep 3, 2021Saudi Arabia, Jun 7, 1980
    Egypt, Arab Republic of, Jun 2, 1972Senegal, May 21, 1967
    El Salvador, Apr 5, 1984Serbia, Jun 8, 2007
    Estonia, Jul 23, 1992Seychelles, Apr 19, 1978
    Eswatini,Sep 22, 1969Sierra Leone, Oct 14, 1966
    Fiji, Sep 10, 1977Singapore, Nov 13, 1968
    Finland, Feb 8, 1969Slovak Republic, Jun 26, 1994
    France, Sep 20, 1967Slovenia, Apr 6, 1994
    Gabon, Oct 14, 1966Solomon Islands, Oct 8, 1981
    Gambia, The, Jan 26, 1975Somalia, Mar 30, 1968
    Georgia, Sep 6, 1992South Sudan, May 18, 2012
    Germany, May 18, 1969Spain, Sep 17, 1994
    Ghana, Oct 14, 1966Sri Lanka, Nov 11, 1967
    Greece, May 21, 1969St. Kitts and Nevis, Sep 3, 1995
    Grenada, Jun 23, 1991St. Lucia, Jul 4, 1984
    Guatemala, Feb 20, 2003St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Jan 15, 2003
    Guinea, Dec 4, 1968Sudan, May 9, 1973
    Guyana, Aug 10, 1969Sweden, Jan 28, 1967
    Haiti, Nov 26, 2009Switzerland, Jun 14, 1968
    Honduras, Mar 16, 1989Syrian Arab Republic, Feb. 24, 2006
    Hungary, Mar 6, 1987Tanzania, Jun 17, 1992
    Iceland, Oct 14, 1966Timor-Leste, Aug 22, 2002
    Indonesia, Oct 28, 1968Togo, Sep 10, 1967
    Iraq, Dec 17, 2015Tonga, Apr 20, 1990
    Ireland, May 7, 1981Trinidad and Tobago, Feb 2, 1967
    Israel, Jul 22, 1983Tunisia, Oct 14, 1966
    Italy, Apr 28, 1971Türkiye, Apr 2, 1989
    Jamaica, Oct 14, 1966Turkmenistan, Oct 26, 1992
    Japan, Sep 16, 1967Uganda, Oct 14, 1966
    Jordan, Nov 29, 1972Ukraine, Jul 7, 2000
    Kazakhstan, Oct 21, 2000United Arab Emirates, Jan 22, 1982
    Kenya, Feb 2, 1967United Kingdom, Jan 18, 1967
    Korea, Republic of, Mar 23, 1967United States, Oct 14, 1966
    Kosovo, Jul 29, 2009Uruguay, Sep 8, 2000
    Kuwait, Mar 4, 1979Uzbekistan, Aug 25, 1995
    Latvia, Sep 7, 1997Yemen, Republic of, Nov 20, 2004
    Lebanon, Apr 25, 2003Zambia, Jul 17, 1970
    Lesotho, Aug 7, 1969Zimbabwe, Jun 19, 1994

    Last Updated:Nov 09, 2023

Member Countries (2024)


What are member countries? ›

A member state is a state that is a member of an international organization or of a federation or confederation. Since the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) include some members that are not sovereign states, neither organization ever speaks of "member states".

Are there 243 countries in the world? ›

There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.

Are there 256 countries in the world? ›

List of Total Countries in the World. There are 195 countries in the world. Among them 193 countries are part of United Nations (UN) and they are Member States of UN and 2 countries are Non-Member Observer States – The Holy See and Palestine.

Why are there only 195 countries? ›

There are 193 members of the United Nations (and 2 non-member observer states: the Holy See (Vatican City) and Palestine). Therefore the number 195 is too often used to represent the number of countries in the world. There are 61 dependent areas, and six disputed territories.

Who member countries list? ›

Directly download SCORE country profiles from the list below.
  • Algeria. Angola. Benin. Botswana. Burkina Faso. ...
  • Antigua and Barbuda. Argentina. Bahamas. Belize. ...
  • Bahrain. Djibouti. Egypt. Iran (Islamic Republic of) ...
  • Europe. Netherlands.
  • Bangladesh. Bhutan. Democratic People's Republic of Korea. India. ...
  • Australia. Brunei Darussalam. China. Japan.

How many member countries are in the world? ›

The UN's Membership has grown from the original 51 Member States in 1945 to the current 193 Member States. All UN Member States are members of the General Assembly.

What is the smallest country in the world? ›

Vatican City holds the title as the world's smallest country, with an area of just 0.17 square mile (0.44 square km). As a point of comparison, the largest country in the world, Russia, is almost 39 million times bigger. Close behind Vatican City is Monaco, measuring 0.8 square mile (2.1 square km).

Why is there no 2nd world countries? ›

The use of the term 'Second World' fell out of use shortly after the end of the Cold War. However, the term is still used to describe countries that are transitioning from a planned economy to a market economy and countries which fall somewhere between developed and developing nations in terms of economic indicators.

Why do people say there are 197 countries? ›

So, according to the U.N., there are 193 sovereign states in the world today, but if you add the four non-member but U.N.-recognized states, you arrive at a grand total of 197 nations. To complicate a seemingly simple question even further, some people use different definitions of what a country is.

Which country has only 33 citizens? ›

Explore the Republic of Molossia - The World's Smallest Country.

What country no longer exists? ›

List of the most well-known nations that have ceased to exist throughout history: Abyssinia - Now known as Ethiopia. Austria-Hungary - A region that included Austria, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, and the Balkans.

Is there a country with no population? ›

The Vatican City, often called the Holy See, has the smallest population worldwide with only 510 inhabitants. This is also the smallest country in the world by size. The Pacific islands Tuvalu, Nauru, and Palau followed in the next three positions.

How many member countries are there in USA? ›

The United States of America is a federal republic consisting of 50 states, a federal district (Washington, D.C., the capital city of the United States), five major territories, and various minor islands. Both the states and the United States as a whole are each sovereign jurisdictions.

How many member countries are in the United Nations? ›

Membership in the United Nations

There are currently 193 Member States of the United Nations.

What are non-member countries? ›

Non-member states are members of one or more specialized agencies, and can apply for permanent observer state status. Non-state observers are the international organizations and other entities.

Which two countries are not member? ›

The United Nations (UN) is the largest intergovernmental organization in the world, with a current membership of 193 member states and two permanent non-member observer states (Palestine and Vatican City/Holy See). Every member state has equal representation in the UN General Assembly.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.