Norway's Obsession With Grandiosa Pizza (2024)

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Between deep fjords and high mountains on Sunnmøre lies the beach of Stranda. It is here in this unassuming and relatively unknown place that the smell of pizza fills the air — and not just any pizza either. The nation's favorite dish.

At the end of the 1970s, Stabburet's factory in Stranda needed new products, and in came a proposal to start pizza production. According to the "Norwegian pizza lore," the factory manager at Stabburet's factory in Stranda agreed to manufacture frozen pizzas without actually knowing what a pizza was.

Pizza wasn't really well known in Norway in late 1970s to early 1980s.

"There were already a few frozen pizzas available in stores, but deep-frozen pizza was seen as a strange dish," the brand's team tells us.

The idea behind ​​Grandiosa was to launch a pizza that everyone could enjoy and that had a consistent quality people could trust. In addition, the size should be large enough so that more people could eat it together. Grandiosa began production in February of 1980. It was developed by Stabburet (a company now part of Orkla). The product developer's name is Ruth Ramskaug.

There are 200 locals that work at the factory, and since 1980 more than 500 million Grandiosa pizzas have been distributed from Stranda.

Norway's Obsession With Grandiosa Pizza (1)

The factory is called Stranda-fabrikken (which translates to "the Stranda factory"), but everyone, including the employees, calls it Grandiosa-fabrikken (the Grandiosa factory)despite it also producing other products. Grandiosa is so iconic in the world of pizzathat even the Norwegian crown-prince has been to visit the factoryto witness itsproduction.

"The first name of our frozen pizza back in 1978 was 'Famosa,'produced in our factory in Brummendal. In the process of moving the production to Stranda in 1979 to early 1980, the brand manager and the product developer wenton a road trip. When driving on the famous Norwegian bridge 'Minnesundbrua'(over Glomma, the longest river in Norway) they came up with the name 'Grandiosa,'" the team said. "The idea of the name was that they wanted the pizza to be large enough for families to enjoy at home together (and for the launch to be big, great, grand, and to successful in the market)."

The slogan back then was "Love at first bite"and today, the slogan is "We're talking real love" (Vi snakkerektekjærlighet).

There are currently 18 varieties of this pizza, and in addition to serving the home market in Norway, they export Grandiosa to Sweden, Finland, and the Faroe islands. The pizza is also produced in Sweden.

The original Grandiosa Classic pizza is the most popular of the range. It is topped with tomato sauce, ham, Jarlsberg cheese, and paprika. Annually it sells over 9 million pies.

"Norway is only a fraction of the size of the US, in terms of both landmass and population," said the brand representative."Yet every year, our 5.3 million inhabitants consume 47 million frozen pizzas. And nearly 50 percent of those pizzas are Grandiosa frozen pizzas. In fact, Grandiosa is a brand so synonymous with Norwegian culture that in 2004, 20 percent of our population surveyed considered Grandiosa to be the unofficial national dish."

Last year, the brand sawa new sales record of 25.8 million pizzas sold. In the years prior, they sold approximately 20 million per year.

"Grandiosa has approximately 50 percent market share, and depending on how you define the brand we sold just short of 19 million more pizzas (in units) than the next best selling pizza brand in Norway in 2017 (the numbers are from retail only)," the company revealed."However, if you look at all the frozen pizzas sold under the Dr. Oetker brand, we sold just short of 15 million more Grandiosa pizzas in units in 2017."

Grandiosa also has a number of sustainability measures in placein the factory in Stranda on Sunnmøre in Norway.

Firstly, their product is locally produced.

"To meet the competition from Dr. Oetker we needed to invest in new production-lines and upgrade the technology," they said."We could have closed the factory at Strandaand built a new one close to Oslo. Instead we decided to invest 500 millionNorwegian Krones at Stranda, because we know that it is important for the inhabitants of the town(200 employees is a lot in a small place with 4,623 inhabitants)."

The main ingredients are also sourced locally. They use cheese from Norwegian cows — 5,000 tons of cheese, which represent 13 million gallonsof milk from 300 Norwegian farms. Most of the meat on the pizza is from Norwegian farmers.

This year they changed the packing around the d-pack (trading units) from cardboard box to plastic wrap. They did a life cycle analysis that showed that the environmental footprint was 20 percentlower when changing to the plastic wrap, which is recycled in the retail stores. And with this they reduce the transportation with 100 trucks every year (because of less volume).

"We are continually working with reducing the food waste in our fabrics, also at Stranda. And we participate in ENTOFÔR, an international research project headed by the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), and the National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES) which seeks to develop expertise on insect farming based on feed generated from waste (we give them food waste so they can use it to feed the insects, and then use the insects to feed the salmon in aquaculture,"she continues.

The marketing and communication part is really important for this brand, and the locals have really run with incorporating the brand into Norwegian culture.

There have even been songs made to advertise the pizza in Norway. In 2006, a song was made called "Respect for Grandiosa" to advertise for the new type of Grandiosa that came out. "It ended up staying on the billboard as the top most played song for a whole eight weeks. When another song was made later called 'Full pakke,' it also reached the top. 'Full Pakke' also came with a dance which spread like wildfire all over Norway in parties, night clubs and discos."

In 2005, Grandiosa got its own unofficial book called "GrandiosaLAND." The book is a collection of typical aspects of Norwegian pop culture, including recipes, song lyrics, russe-tips (russe is a high school graduate celebration, which is huge in Norway and last about three weeks before exams), quizzes, info about TV shows.

What is the secret to its success? Their answer is three-fold.

"Grandiosa has a very strong position in the hearts and minds of many Norwegians. New varieties of the baked dish may have contributed to its continued popularity. We have been very clever at innovating, hitting the mark with products that target local consumers and their preferences. We also have a great marketing and sales team," they boast.

It's also not a expensive product. And price is really important for Norwegians.

And since most of the women are working full-time, theyneed quick dinner solutions that are easyto make.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the realm of global food culture, particularly with an expertise in the history and impact of iconic dishes, I find the tale of Grandiosa pizza in Norway to be a fascinating example of culinary evolution and cultural integration. The story unfolds in the late 1970s when Stabburet's factory in Stranda, Norway, ventured into the unknown territory of pizza production, marking the inception of a culinary phenomenon.

Grandiosa's Origin and Evolution: The brand's journey began in the late 1970s when Stabburet's factory in Stranda sought new products, leading to the proposal of frozen pizza production. Notably, the factory manager reportedly agreed to this venture without fully understanding what a pizza was. This bold step resulted in the birth of Grandiosa in February 1980, developed by Stabburet (now part of Orkla), with Ruth Ramskaug as the product developer.

The name "Grandiosa" was conceived during a road trip when the brand manager and product developer were crossing the Minnesundbrua bridge. The aim was to create a pizza large enough for families to enjoy together, and the name embodied the idea of a grand, great, and successful launch in the market.

Culinary Impact and Popularity: Grandiosa quickly became an iconic part of Norwegian culture, gaining such prominence that, by 2004, 20 percent of the surveyed population considered it the unofficial national dish. With a diverse range of 18 pizza varieties, including the popular Grandiosa Classic topped with tomato sauce, ham, Jarlsberg cheese, and paprika, the brand has achieved immense success.

In terms of market share, Grandiosa boasts approximately 50 percent, with impressive sales records. In 2022, the brand set a new sales record of 25.8 million pizzas, highlighting its sustained popularity.

Local and Sustainable Production: Grandiosa takes pride in its sustainability measures at the Stranda factory in Sunnmøre, Norway. Despite facing competition, the company invested in upgrading technology and production lines at the Stranda factory, emphasizing the importance of maintaining local production and supporting the town's inhabitants.

Locally sourced ingredients play a crucial role, with cheese from Norwegian cows and most meat sourced from Norwegian farmers. The brand has also implemented packaging changes to reduce its environmental footprint, showcasing a commitment to sustainability.

Cultural Integration and Marketing: Grandiosa has seamlessly integrated itself into Norwegian culture, becoming more than just a frozen pizza brand. Songs, such as "Respect for Grandiosa" and "Full Pakke," have been created as advertisem*nts, with the latter even inspiring a popular dance across Norway. The brand even has its own unofficial book, "GrandiosaLAND," capturing aspects of Norwegian pop culture.

The success of Grandiosa is attributed to its strong position in the hearts and minds of Norwegians, continuous innovation in product offerings, and an effective marketing and sales strategy. Moreover, the affordability of the product aligns with the quick and easy dinner solutions that are essential for the busy lifestyles of many Norwegians, particularly working women.

In conclusion, Grandiosa's journey from an unknown venture in the late 1970s to a cultural phenomenon in Norway exemplifies the power of culinary innovation, local integration, and effective marketing in shaping the identity of a beloved dish within a nation's food culture.

Norway's Obsession With Grandiosa Pizza (2024)


Why do Norwegians eat so much frozen pizza? ›

A Part of Norwegian Tradition

Today, Grandiosa is not just a frozen pizza; it's a part of Norwegian culinary tradition. It's a symbol of convenience, comfort, and the ability to adapt to the modern lifestyle.

What country eats the most frozen pizza? ›

1. Norway: Consumers of the Great Frozen Pie. If you think we eat a lot of pizza in America, you should see what they're consuming in Norway! On average, each person in Norway eats about 11 pounds of pizza a year.

What is the most popular pizza in Norway? ›

Today, Norwegians primarily enjoy frozen pizza, with the cherished brand Pizza Grandiosa from the town of Stranda on the Storfjorden, being the most popular. Considered the unofficial national dish of Norway, over 25 million pies were consumed by Norway's 5.3 million inhabitants in 2018.

How many frozen pizzas are sold in Norway? ›

Norway is only a fraction of the size of the United States, in terms of both landmass and population. Yet every year, the country's 5.3 million inhabitants consume 47 million frozen pizzas. And what's even more remarkable is that nearly 50% of those pizzas are Grandiosa frozen pizzas.

What is the Norwegian brand of frozen pizza? ›

Pizza Grandiosa (colloquially also referred to simply as Grandiosa or Grandis) is the most popular brand of frozen pizza in Norway.

What is the national food pizza of Norway? ›

Grandiosa Pizza

This isn't exactly a traditional Norwegian dish, however, Grandiosa frozen pizza has a special place in the hearts of many locals regardless. Production of Grandiosa frozen pizza began in the 1980s and became wildly popular in Norway for locals who wanted to avoid frying up their own dinner.

What is the #1 selling frozen pizza? ›

DiGiorno is the top-selling frozen pizza brand in the U.S., and the last time CR looked at frozen pizza in a 2017 lab test, our sensory panel found this to be one of the better-tasting products.

What country has the best pizza in the world? ›

If we are talking about the places in the world to have the best Pizza, then the best way to begin is with the land of Pizza. Naples, a city in southern Italy, is famous all around the globe for its pizzas, pizzas, and some more pizzas.

How long do you cook a grandiosa pizza for? ›

Remove the packaging and heat the pizza on a baking tray in the middle of the oven for about 10-15 minutes or until the cheese has melted and acquired a golden brown colour.

Who has the best pizza on earth? ›

50 Top Pizza World 2023: The full list
  • I Masanielli - Francesco Martucci – Caserta, Italy.
  • Una Pizza Napoletana – New York, USA.
  • Sartoria Panatieri – Barcellona, Spain.
  • The Pizza Bar on 38th – Tokyo, Japan.
  • I Tigli – San Bonifacio, Italy.
  • Seu Pizza Illuminati – Rome, Italy.
  • 50 Kalò – Naples, Italy.
  • Bottega – Beijing, China.
Sep 15, 2023

What is the unofficial national dish of Norway? ›

Modern home cooking prioritises convenience, so much so that a frozen pizza brand is often considered by many to be Norway's unofficial national dish. The actual national dish, a mutton, cabbage and boiled potato dish known as fårikål, is mostly loved for its ease of preparation.

What country loves pizza the most? ›

While there are statistically more pizzas sold in other areas in the world, Norwegians can be proud that they eat the most pizza on a per-person basis. There's around 5.5 million people living in Norway and the average Norwegian gets through 5kg of pizza every year!

Who has eaten the most pizza in the world? ›

World Record for Eating the Most Pizza

Champion pizza eater, Geoffrey Esper, holds the world record for eating the most 9-inch pizzas. Would you believe that he scarfed down 19.25 pizzas in just 10 minutes? This means he ate nearly two pizzas per minute!

What state consumes the most frozen pizza? ›

When it comes to sheer volume of sales, though, one state has all the others beat: Wisconsin is the nation's leader in frozen pizza purchases on Instacart, followed by North Dakota, Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota.

Is it OK to eat frozen pizza everyday? ›

While it's okay to eat a piece of frozen, fast-food or pizzeria-style pizza occasionally, it's best to limit consumption to no more than a few times per month. However, for true pizza lovers who want to enjoy this food more frequently, there are ways to make this cheesy dish a whole lot healthier.

What does Norway eat the most? ›

Norway's cuisine is mainly characterized by being rich in fish and seafood. It is famed for its salmon, but also for dried cod, whale meat, king crab or game meat such as elk or reindeer. It is a light cuisine, but very tasty, since many of its dishes are usually accompanied by mild sauces.

Why are frozen pizzas so popular? ›

Unlike dining at a restaurant, where you have to wait for a table, place an order, and wait for your meal to be prepared, frozen pizza can be cooked and enjoyed within minutes. It eliminates the need for meal planning and grocery shopping, making it an attractive option for busy individuals or families.

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