Parasympathetic Nervous System, sleep and stress | Polar Journal (2024)

When you snuggle up to sleep at night, did you know that there is a part of your body that is hard at work? Yes, your parasympathetic nervous system is busy making sure you are ready to relax and get the most out of your rest.

In fact, this system is always active, helping us to ‘keep calm and carry on’, especially after we’ve been stressed (such as running late for a meeting) or shocked (had a surprise birthday party thrown for us). So, what exactly is our parasympathetic nervous system, and why is it so important for our heart rate and sleep? Here’s your guide to helping your body keep its cool.

What is the parasympathetic nervous system?

Parasympathetic Nervous System, sleep and stress | Polar Journal (1)

The parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) is part of yourautonomic nervous system, which regulates your automatic body functions, such as heart rate, metabolism, and body temperature.

Your PSNS is all about slowing your body down, helping it to relax and rebalance, especially after anything stimulating has occurred. When you feel your heart rate begin to slow or the tension leaves your muscles after you’ve had a shock or been stressed, this is your PSNS in action.

Rest and digest vs. fight or flight

The parasympathetic nervous system works in balance with your sympathetic nervous system (SNS), with each one automatically helping your body adapt to our constantly changing environments.

Your parasympathetic nervous system takes over when your system feels it can return to ‘business as usual’, helping your various bodily functions find their usual rhythm again.

Your SNS takes over when we perceive that we are under threat (real or otherwise). It speeds up our heart rate, makes us tense and ready to spring into action. This is why your SNS is associated with our physiological ‘fight or flight’ response, which is triggered when we are stressed, frightened, or experience a situation of danger.

Your PSNS takes over when your system feels it can return to ‘business as usual’, helping your various bodily functions find their usual rhythm again. Our breathing slows and becomes deeper, and our digestive system becomes active again, among other functions. This is why your PSNS is often referred to as your ‘rest and digest’ response, in contrast to your SNS.

Parasympathetic effect on heart rate

Parasympathetic Nervous System, sleep and stress | Polar Journal (2)

Your SNS and PSNS work together to control yourheart rate. When your body needs to increase your heart rate, your SNS releases catecholamine hormones (epinephrine and norepinephrine) to enable this acceleration. Then, when your body needs your heart rate to decrease, your PSNS releases the hormone acetylcholine to slow it down.

When we are stressed, excited, or have taken a stimulant such as caffeine, our heart rate will naturally rise. However, when we are constantly stressed or stimulating our bodies, we can frequently experience symptoms such as anxiety and heart palpitations. So, we mustn’t live our lives constantly running on adrenaline but instead find ways to relax and allow our PSNS to return our body to a state of everyday calm, known as homeostasis.


A great way to decrease the stress and anxiety in our lives is to activate our PSNS. We can achieve this through many different calming practices:

  • Deep breathing: focus on taking breathes all the way down into your belly that expands your diaphragm as you inhale.
  • Meditating: spend 10 minutes quieting your mind and focussing on your breathing.
  • Touching your lips: this part of the body has many parasympathetic fibers running through them. By running your fingers across your lips, you will stimulate your PSNS.
  • Trying a gentle movement practice such asyoga, qigong, or tai chi.
  • Doing an inversion, such as a handstand or a headstand.
  • Lightstretching.
  • Having a massage.
  • Going for a walk in nature.
  • Regular light to moderate aerobic exercise.

Parasympathetic nervous system and exercise

Obviously, when we exercise, we activate our SNS to raise our heart rate. So, how can regular exercise help our PSNS?

Well, for starters, it is still hard at work when we’re active, even if our SNS is dominating. Your PSNS ensures that all the changes to your breathing, sweat production, and heart rate happen gradually. Otherwise, we’d find our bodily responses jumping about uncontrollably.

Your parasympathetic nervous system ensures that all the changes to your breathing, sweat production, and heart rate happen gradually.

Our PSNS is also boosted by regular exercise because it produces endorphins. These happy hormones are great at helping us feel relaxed because they signal to the body that we aren’t in physical danger, enhancing our ability to relax back into homeostasis once we have stopped being momentarily stressed or excited.

Of course, your exercise plan should be all about balance. If you are only ever working out at ahigh intensity, you are constantly placing your body and nervous system under stress. Try to mix these sessions up with light to moderate-intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes on other days.

Parasympathetic nervous system and sleep

Parasympathetic Nervous System, sleep and stress | Polar Journal (3)

As you can imagine, the ‘rest and digest’ division of our autonomic nervous system is essential for our capacity to get a good night’ssleep. Our SNS and PSNS are constantly active, but there are certain times when it is vital that one or the other dominates.

When it comes to sleep, ensuring our PSNS is activated is critical. We all know that trying to sleep when your body or mind feels stressed is much more difficult. If the events of our day have caused our SNS to dominate, your body will still be tense, and your mind will be racing. This will result in a poor night’s sleep, as our body struggles to relax and recover properly.

Nightly Recharge™ is a great way to measure how well your PSNS was able to take over your rest and recovery each evening. The feature looks at how the status of your autonomic nervous system and the amount and quality of your sleep compared to your usual night.

If you often find yourself struggling to fall asleep or scoring a poor rating with your ANS Charge, here are some ways you can assist your PSNS before going to bed each night:

  • Try asleep meditationorbreathing exercisebefore bed.
  • Use a weighted blanket (the pressure can help activate your PSNS).
  • Avoid alcohol andlate-night snacks/meals.
  • Create the rightsleep environmentto enhance your ability to rest.

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Please note that the information provided in the Polar Blog articles cannot replace individual advice from health professionals. Please consult your physician before starting a new fitness program.

Parasympathetic Nervous System, sleep and stress | Polar Journal (2024)


How does sleep affect the parasympathetic nervous system? ›

Parasympathetic nervous system is predominant during sleep,9 and sleep quality might be associated with non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep parasympathetic tone. HF increases with sleep onset, reaching maximal values during deep slow wave sleep (SWS) (ie, stage N3 sleep).

How does the parasympathetic nervous system respond to stress? ›

Your parasympathetic nervous system is a network of nerves that relaxes your body after periods of stress or danger. It also helps run life-sustaining processes, like digestion, during times when you feel safe and relaxed.

How to activate the parasympathetic nervous system for sleep? ›

Practicing slow, deep breathing informs the body that it's safe now. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system and returns the body to a relaxed state. This helps to slow the heart rate, reduce anxiety, and even lower blood pressure.

What are 5 effects when the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated? ›

Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
ActionsConstricts pupils; causes salivation; slows down the heart rate; tightens the bronchi in the lungs; enacts digestion; releases bile; makes the bladder contract
SpeedSlower than the sympathetic division
1 more row
Apr 23, 2020

How to calm your parasympathetic nervous system? ›

There are many ways to practice using your parasympathetic nervous system. These include mild exercise, meditation, yoga, deep breathing from your diaphragm, even nature walks. For some people, traditional meditation isn't their thing. It's about finding your body's way of meditating, what helps you to decompress.

What emotions trigger parasympathetic nervous system? ›

Positive emotions also result in altered autonomic nervous system activity, characterized by increased parasympathetic nervous system activity, whereas negative emotions (e.g., anger) result in parasympathetic withdrawal and sympathetic activity (McCraty, Atkinson, Tiller, Rein, & Watkins, 1995).

How do you kick start the parasympathetic nervous system? ›

Activating the Parasympathetic Nervous System to Decrease Anxiety
  1. Spend time in nature.
  2. Get a massage.
  3. Practice meditation.
  4. Deep abdominal breathing from the diaphragm.
  5. Repetitive prayer.
  6. Focus on a word that is soothing such as calm or peace.
  7. Play with animals or children.
  8. Practice yoga, chi kung, or tai chi.
Oct 26, 2018

Where to massage to stimulate parasympathetic nervous system? ›

The simplest way to do a vagus nerve massage is to apply gentle pressure with your hands to specific areas of the body, such as the neck, throat, and abdomen, where the vagus nerve is accessible. Do this while practicing deep breathing to further promote relaxation and activate the vagus nerve's calming effects.

What exercises help the vagus nerve sleep? ›

Vagus nerve exercises for sleep

In general, Abellera says any forms of exercise that focus on deep breathing and relaxation, like yoga, are ideal to stimulate the vagus nerve. In turn, these exercises reduce stress and promote relaxation, which Abellera reiterates are “key factors in improving our sleep quality.”

What are 2 examples of the parasympathetic nervous system working? ›

The parasympathetic nervous system is critical for pupil constriction in response to light, lacrimal and salivary secretion, beat-to-beat control of the heart rate, coordinated gastrointestinal motility and secretion, evacuation of the bladder and rectum, and reflex penile erection.

What happens when the parasympathetic nervous system is overstimulated? ›

An overstimulated nervous system can make you feel restless and anxious or even cause physical symptoms like a racing heart. Other signs might include trouble sleeping, feeling on edge, or being easily startled. Some people might experience headaches, muscle tension, or digestive problems.

What are the parasympathetic effects of stress? ›

Once the acute stress-induced crisis subsides, the parasympathetic nervous system aids in the body's recovery. The respiratory and cardiovascular systems play crucial roles in supplying oxygen to the body's cells and eliminating carbon dioxide waste.

How is the nervous system affected by sleep? ›

Sleep is important to a number of brain functions, including how nerve cells (neurons) communicate with each other. In fact, your brain and body stay remarkably active while you sleep. Recent findings suggest that sleep plays a housekeeping role that removes toxins in your brain that build up while you are awake.

What is the parasympathetic nervous system triggered by? ›

The parasympathetic nervous system refers to a part of the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for the body's rest and digestion response. It decreases respiration and heart rate while increasing digestion, and is activated during periods of relaxation, rest, or feeding.

What happens to the sympathetic nervous system during sleep? ›

Normal Autonomic Function During Sleep

The net result is a reduction in heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiac output. At the same time, sympathetic tone continues to decrease, leading to a reduction in peripheral vascular resistance and arterial blood pressure.

Is waking up sympathetic or parasympathetic? ›

Thus during waking, dependent upon consumption of a meal, the parasympathetic system stimulates digestion and an anabolic state of replenishing energy stores during periods of rest, whereas the sympathetic system inhibits digestion and promotes a catabolic state of energy mobilization and expenditure during motor ...

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