Passive Income Ideas for Physicians (2024)

Doctors make a lot of money, but that doesn’t mean they’ve all achieved financial freedom. Sometimes adding passive income streams to your life can make all the difference.

Some passive income streams require a little work, while others are 100% passive and an easy addition to daily life.

While there are countless passive income ideas, not all of them are worth it. We’ve identified the best streams of passive income for physicians based on their profitability, flexibility, and the time and effort they require.

Why Should Doctors Have Side Hustles for Passive Income?

If you’re a physician or other type of medical professional, there are several benefits to taking on a side hustle that earns passive income.

First, having an additional source of income can provide additional financial security and flexibility, allowing you to pursue your passions or explore other interests.

Second, a physician side hustle can help you develop new skills and expand your professional network, potentially leading to new career opportunities in the future.

Additionally, a side hustle can provide a creative outlet and a sense of fulfillment beyond your medical practice.

Lastly, in an ever-changing healthcare landscape, having a side hustle can serve as a form of insurance against potential shifts in the industry, ensuring that you have multiple streams of income to rely on.

7 Smart Passive Income Ideas for Physicians

When caring for patients or attending to paperwork, you trade your time for money. You don’t actively earn money when you have a passive income. While some methods require work upfront, you sit back and earn the funds after completing the work.

There are many passive income opportunities for doctors, and investing is one of them. Here are the top ways for physicians to invest for passive income:

  1. High Yield Savings Accounts
  2. Certificate of Deposit
  3. Real Estate Investing
  4. REIT Investing
  5. Real Estate Crowdfunding
  6. Peer-to-Peer Physician Lending

1. High-Yield Savings Account

A high-yield savings account is a good passive investment to keep your funds liquid. Your funds grow faster than they would in a standard bank account, but you can access them without penalty at any time.

If you invest the funds in an FDIC-insured bank, your deposits are protected up to $250,000 per depositor. If you have a lot of capital, you can usually earn the highest tiered interest rates, and some banks currently offer over 5.00% APY.

Valley Direct High Yield Savings Account APY: 5.05% on all balances Earn 5.05% APY on an HYSA from Valley Direct. There are no minimum balance requirements and you'll earn high yield on all balances.

2. Certificate of Deposit Account

CDs are another high-interest deposit product you can use to earn passive income. They are a liquid investment, but their rates and accessibility depend on the term you choose.

The longer the CD term you choose, the higher your interest rate will be. However, you’ll tie your funds up for a longer period. If you withdraw the funds prematurely, you’ll pay a penalty, often equal to three months of interest.

3. Dividend Stock and Bond Investing

Another simple form of passive income is to invest in dividend stocks or bonds. Dividend stocks are an investment in a company’s profits. Established or mature companies usually pay dividends.

While there’s no guarantee you’ll receive them, they can be a great source of passive income when you do. You can choose to reinvest the dividends in the stock for more compound earnings or take the cash and use it.

Bonds provide passive income through periodic interest payments. When you invest in bonds, you are the lender for companies or the government. In return, they pay a fixed interest rate that you receive in regular monthly or quarterly installments. You’ll also receive a return of your principal upon maturity.

4. Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing can help you earn passive income. You can invest in single-family or multi-unit rental properties, collect monthly rent to cover the property’s expenses, and make profits.

However, real estate investing is only entirely passive when you hire a property management company to handle the property. Of course, this comes with costs, but you may profit if you can charge high enough rent to cover mortgage payments, plus real estate taxes, insurance, HOA dues, and property management fees.

To keep your profits high enough, look for real estate investments with at least a 10% cash-on-cash return. This reflects the return you earn based on the annual cash you invest in the property.

5. REIT Investing (Real Estate Investment Trusts)

If you’d prefer not to manage properties, consider a real estate investment trust. This passive form of real estate investing allows you to invest in commercial properties without owning them. Instead, you invest in a company that buys, manages, and sells commercial real estate.

You buy shares of the real estate company, which distributes 90%+ of its profits with shareholders.

REIT investors get certain tax advantages. For example, some income may be dividend income, which is treated as earnings and taxed at your normal tax rate. However, a part of your earnings may be part of a capital gain or loss.

In addition, you may be a good candidate for the pass-through business income deduction that allows business owners to deduct up to 20% of their qualified REIT dividends from their taxable income.

6. Real Estate Crowdfund Investing

Real estate crowdfunding offers another way to invest passively in real estate. Rather than owning properties, you invest in them with many other investors. Depending on the platform, you may invest as little as $25 in each property.

The crowdfunding platforms pool the funds from each investor and invest them in a single property. All details about the property, its income, risks, and any information about the investor are disclosed, along with an investment grade.

The higher the grade (usually A – F), the less risk the investment poses, and the smaller the reward, and vice versa. Crowdfunded investments usually have a long holding period, so it’s important to understand each investment and its requirements.

7. Peer-to-Peer Physician Lending

Peer-to-peer lending is like crowdfunding, but you loan money to individuals instead of funding real estate deals.

The people who need peer-to-peer lending typically don’t qualify for traditional financing. In other words, they may be high-risk, but that is a part of the risk/reward relationship. Like crowdfunding, peer-to-peer platforms grade the loans, so you know the risk you’re taking when you invest.

Many lending platforms require only $25 per loan, so you can diversify your funds across many investments to reduce the risk and increase your reward.

Additional Streams of Income for Physicians

In addition to investments that earn physicians passive income, there are several side gigs you can start to increase your income streams.

This form of passive income may require some work upfront, but diversifying your income streams can be worth it.

1. Start Blogging and Share Your Knowledge

Blogging is an excellent form of passive income. While it requires work because blog posts don’t produce themselves, it can become passive income.

As you build your audience and share your expertise, you may be asked to do sponsored posts, have affiliate marketing links, or accept speaking engagements.

While this does require some work upfront, it provides an additional source of income that will continue to make money for you.

2. Write and Sell Your Own Book

As a doctor, you have a lot of medical knowledge. You can earn passive income if you share that knowledge in a book that targets your niche audience. Books are a great way to put the work in now and reap the rewards for many years.

As long as your book is for sale, you earn commissions from the sale. Fortunately, you don’t have to knock on the publisher’s doors unless you want to. Instead, you can use Amazon’s self-publishing tool to publish your book and market it yourself.

3. Create and Sell Digital Products

Digital products are a great source of passive income. You create the product once and then can sell it as many times as people will buy it.

The sky’s the limit with creating and selling digital products, but some of the most common options include:

  • eBook
  • Online course
  • Online tutorials/videos
  • Creating an app

4. Endorse Certain Supplements and Products

If there are any supplements or medical products you support, you could endorse them and earn money each time someone makes a purchase.

This works well when you have a blog, podcast, or vlog. You can share the link with your subscribers, and if they feel compelled to buy the product based on your recommendations, you’ll earn a small commission.

The amount you earn varies by product and company, as well as the size of your audience. Of course, the larger the audience, the more you’ll potentially make.

5. Become a Social Media Influencer

Thousands of doctors are influencers on major social media platforms. If you become a social media influencer, you share value-added information that subscribers can use.

For example, a migraine doctor may share tips on managing migraines or ways to improve your overall health to prevent them, and a sports medicine doctor may talk about different stretches to prevent orthopedic injuries.

Social media influencers make money, much like bloggers and vloggers. They share links to the products they talk about or advertise their business to get more patients, resulting in more passive income.

6. Seek Opportunities to Speak or Teach

As a prominent doctor in your area, you can make money speaking to large groups, such as at community centers, schools, or libraries. You may also hold classes if there are techniques or information you can share with your audience to improve their health and well-being.

7. Physician Moonlighting

If you love your profession so much that you want to spend your free time working elsewhere, you can moonlight at a hospital, clinic, or another setting.

Many doctors who own their own practice do this to have steady hours and patients with an established practice to stabilize their income.

8. Become an Online Entrepreneur

The sky’s the limit when opening an online business. Starting a monetized blog is one example, but you can open thousands of types of companies to make more money.

For example, if you’re passionate about painting, you can open an online Etsy store and sell your paintings. This gives you another source of income and an outlet that lets you unwind from the pressures of the medical field.

9. Expert Witness in Malpractice Trials

An exciting way to make passive income as a doctor is to be an expert witness in malpractice trials.

Depending on the complexity of the trial and your expertise, expert witnesses for malpractice trials make as much as $500 to $1,000 an hour.

10. Medical Equipment Sales

If you have a penchant for sales, you can sell medical equipment to make passive income.

You can do this in person in your time off or consider an online platform to sell the products.

Potential Risks of Having Only One Income Stream for Physicians

Doctors often assume they make enough money and don’t need to rely on another income stream, but there are risks of only having one income stream, including the following.

  • Mental health risks: Putting all the pressure on one income stream can put your mental health at risk. You could lose sleep at night, wondering what would happen if the practice closed or you were part of a malpractice suit. Knowing you have multiple income streams to rely on can provide peace of mind, helping you live a happier, healthier life.
  • Physical disability risks: Working so hard that you don’t care for yourself can be risky. Your physical health could decline prematurely, putting you at risk of not being able to work at all. However, when you have multiple income streams, you can rest assured you’ll be taken care of if you can’t work any longer.
  • Malpractice and coverage risks: You could lose everything if you rely only on your medical position and suffer a malpractice suit. With backup income, you can be more prepared for any emergencies that might arise.
  • Job loss risks: If the practice you work for can no longer employ you, it can be devastating financially. Diversifying your income protects you from this risk.
  • Decreased reimbursem*nt risks: If your practice loses a contract with an insurance company or Medicare and loses a large portion of your patients, you may have trouble staying afloat.

Benefits of Passive Income for Physicians

As you can imagine, multiple income streams have many benefits, including providing passive income for physicians. Here are some of the biggest advantages to consider:

  • Additional Income: Relying on one income stream can be dangerous, even for a doctor. But, even if you don’t need the extra money to make ends meet, it can help you build your net worth, reach your financial goals, and set yourself up for retirement better than your full-time job alone.
  • More tax advantages: Some passive income streams, such as real estate investments, may have tax benefits. For example, you may be subject to the 20% pass-through deduction or able to write off certain expenses for running the business. Other side hustles may have deductions, such as travel, food, or operational expenses.
  • Guaranteed walk-away income: If there are issues with your current practice and you must cut ties, you’ll have money to rely on. Without other income streams, you might be forced to move to another location, sell your house, and update your licensing to work in another location to abide by any non-compete agreements you signed.
  • Additional security: Having extra income provides an added level of security. Whether you use it to increase your retirement portfolio, invest in other assets, or put it away for a rainy day, there’s a sense of peace knowing you have the money available should you need it.
  • Personal and professional development: Working a side hustle, even if it’s in your same profession, allows you to explore your passions and do what you love, providing a change of pace.
  • More opportunities for loved ones: When you have multiple income streams, you don’t have to work as hard at your profession and may have more time to spend with family and friends. Income is important, but you can’t replace time spent with loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should you consider passive income for physicians?

Everyone should consider having several income streams, even physicians. Consider implementing at least a few options to increase your income and net worth as early as you can. As soon as you have the resources to invest in starting a stream of passive income, it’s a wise financial decision.

How many income streams should a physician have?

There isn’t a specific number of income streams a physician should have; however, millionaires often have seven streams of income. The more streams of income you have, the better protected you’ll be from unexpected financial burdens.

Is getting a side hustle worth it?

A side hustle may feel like more work but think of it as a way to increase your net worth and secure your financial future. As long as you don’t feel burnt out, a side hustle can be well worth the time and effort.

Passive Income for Physicians: The Bottom Line

Passive income is a key way to achieve financial independence. The more income streams you have, the more financially stable you’ll be.

You’ll set your loved ones up for financial security and be able to reach your long-term goals so that when you retire, you’re able to enjoy life to the fullest.

Passive Income Ideas for Physicians (2024)


What is the best passive income for doctors? ›

Paid medical surveys provide an extra income for doctors that can complement their medical careers. The best side hustle for doctors, i.e., surveys, provides doctors with an opportunity to share their expertise, insights and opinions while earning rewards for their valuable contributions.

Can doctors have a side hustle? ›

Some doctors may even receive a retainer from an attorney or legal group they work with regularly. Medical expert witness work is one of the most lucrative side hustles for physicians available to medical professionals.

Can you become a millionaire as a physician? ›

In fact, according to the latest 2022 Medscape report which surveyed 13,000 doctors, the average physician graduated with $203,000 in debt. Only half of physicians reported a net worth of over $1 million, and not until the age of 55. Today let's review net worth by age for doctors through the decades.

How to make $2500 a month in passive income? ›

Invest in Dividend Stocks

One of the easiest passive income strategies is dividend investing. By purchasing stocks that pay regular dividends, you can earn $2,500 per month in dividend income. Here's a realistic example: Invest $300,000 into a diversified portfolio of dividend stocks.

How to make $2,000 a week in passive income? ›

Rent Out Assets. If you like making passive income, another option to make $2,000 in a week is to rent stuff out for money. People do this all the time by renting out a spare room or entire house as an Airbnb host. But renting out real estate space is just one example of how you can make money with a rental business.

Is being a doctor still lucrative? ›

This can be tough for people to wrap their heads around, as doctors are some of the highest paid professionals out there. It's the only profession where if you work hard, you're pretty much guaranteed to make an average of low-to-mid six figures.

Are most doctors millionaire? ›

In order to qualify as a millionaire, you must have assets worth $1 million or more. The 2021 physician wealth report showed that 56% of physicians reported a net worth of over $1 million. The majority of family physicians become millionaires by the age of 55 — only 11% had a $1 million net worth before 45.

Why are physicians in high demand? ›

Dr. Ling added that external factors such as changing population dynamics could maintain the high demand in emergency medicine. “Increasing turnover since the pandemic and the unrelenting growth of emergency patients will ensure that many well-trained and prepared emergency physicians will always be needed,” he said.

What doctors make the most and least money? ›

What doctors make the most and least money? In their 2023 survey, Doximity found that neurosurgeons make the most money of any specialty, and pediatric endocrinologists make the least. Of the doctors surveyed, neurosurgeons outearned pediatric infectious disease doctors by an average of more than $500,000 last year.

How much is a doctor's average net worth? ›

While doctors experience a significant salary increase in their thirties, they have large debts to pay off. Still, they can expect to have an average net worth of $500,000 if they have managed their finances carefully and have begun investing.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.