Plant Breeding Definition, Methods, Steps and Videos (2024)

Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

Did you know we can actually change the biological makeup of plants and crops to increase their yield and usefulness? In fact, most of the crops grown in India, such as wheat and rice, have undergone plant breeding during the Green Revolution. Let us take a look.

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Plant Breeding Definition

Plant breeding is a method of altering the genetic pattern of plants to increase their value and utility for human welfare. It is a purposeful manipulation of plants to create desired plant types that are better suited for cultivation, give better yield and are disease resistant. Plant breeding is done for the following objectives –

  • Increase the crop yield
  • Improve the quality of the crop
  • Increase tolerance to environmental conditions like salinity. extreme temperatures and drought
  • Develop a resistance to pathogens
  • Increase tolerance to the insect pest

Steps for Different Plant Breeding Methods

The main steps of the plant breeding program are as follows-

1. Collection of Variability

Wild varieties species and relatives of the cultivated species having desired traits should be collected and preserved.The entire collection having all the diverse alleles for all genes in a given crop is called germplasm collection. Germplasm conservation can be done following ways-

  • In situ conservation – It can be done with the help of forests and Natural Reserves.
  • Ex situ conservation- it is done through botanical gardens, seed banks.

2. Evaluation and Selection of Parents

The germplasm collected is evaluated to identify the plants with desirable characters. It is made sure that only the pure lines are selected. The selected plants are multiplied and used in the process of hybridization.

3. Hybridization

The Pollen Grain from one desired parent plant selected as a male parent is collected and dusted over another plant which is considered as the female parent.

4. Selection and Testing of Superior Recombinants

Progeny obtained after crossing are evaluated for the desired combination of characters.
These are self-pollinated for several generations till there is a state of uniformity so that the characters will not segregate further.

5. Testing Release and Commercialization of New Cultivars

The selected plants are evaluated by growing the plants in an experimental field and the performance is recorded. This is done for at least 3 growing Seasons at different locations in the country.

Plant Breeding Definition, Methods, Steps and Videos (10)

Indian Hybrid Crops

1. Wheat and Rice

In the 1960s, wheat and rice production increased tremendously. Norman E. Borlaug developed semi-dwarf varieties of wheat.Sonalika and Kalyan Sona are two of the hybrid wheat varieties grown in India. Semi-dwarf wheat varieties were taken from IR−86 (International Rice Research Institute) and Taichung native−I (from Taiwan).Jaya and Ratna are the better-yielding, semi-dwarf rice varieties that were later introduced.

2. Sugarcane

  • Saccharum Barberi is a native of North India and officinarum belongs to South India.
  • Officinarum has thicker stems and higher sugar content, but it does not grow well in North India.
  • These two varieties were crossed to get the desirable qualities of both (Higher sugar content, thicker stems and the ability to grow in North India).

3. Millets

  • Hybrid maize, Jowar, andBajra have been successfully developed in India.
  • These varieties are high yielding and resistant to water stress.

Plant Breeding for Disease Resistance

Some of the diseases caused by plants are-

FungiBrown rust of wheat
Red rot of sugarcane
Late blight of potato
BacteriaBlack rot of crucifers
VirusesTobacco mosaic turnip music

The basic objective of breeding for disease resistance is to develop inherent quality in the plant to prevent the pathogen from causing the disease. Such varieties of plants are called resistant plants. The basic method is the same as normal hybridization. For hybridization resistant plant should be available for breeding.

Some diseases resistant plants developed are –

CropVarietyResistant to Disease
wheatHimgiriLeaf & stipe rust
BrassicaPusa SwarnimWhite rust
CauliflowerPusa ShubraBlack rot and curl blight
ChilliPusa SadabaharChilli mosaic virus

Mutation Breeding

If resistant variety is not available, the resistance can be developed by inducing mutations in the plant through diverse means and then by screening the plant material for resistance.

Mutation is changed in the base sequence of the genes, induced by certain Chemicals or radiations. The resistant plants developed can be multiplied directly or can be used in other breeding experiments.

Plant Breeding for Developing a Resistance to Insect Pest

Resistance can be developed by following ways –

  • Development of morphological characters like hairy leaves in cotton and wheat develop vector resistance from jassids beetle.
  • Solid stem in wheat lead to resistance from stem borers.
  • Biochemical characters provide resistance to insects and pests. For example, the high aspartic acid and low nitrogen and sugar content in maize leads to resistance to maize stem borers.
  • Smooth leaves and nectarless cotton develop resistance from bollworms.

Some pest-resistant varieties are-

CropVarietyInsect pest
BrassicaPusa GauravAphids
Flat beanPusa semJassids, aphids
OkraPusa SawniShoot and fruit bores

Plant Breeding for Improved Food Quality

Biofortification is a method in which crops are bred for higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and fats. Due to this problem of malnutrition can be overcome. Following objectives were considered for the breeding program-

  • Protein content and quality
  • Oil content and quality
  • Vitamin content
  • Micronutrient content and quality

Some examples of biofortification-

  • Fortified Maize having twice the amount of amino acids lysine and tryptophan
  • Atlas 66 wheat has a high protein content
  • Iron-fortified rice having 5 times more iron
  • Vegetable crops like carrot and spinach have more vitamins and minerals.
  • Vitamin C enriched bitter gourd.

Solved Questions for You

Q1. In the area of plant breeding, it is important not only to preserve the seeds of the variety being cultivated but also to preserve all its wild relatives. Explain with a suitable example.

Ans. Preservation of the seeds of the cultivated variety and its wild varieties helps in making a good germplasm collection. Many high yielding and disease-resistant varieties of wheat, rice, and maize have been produced by selective breeding of plants. This could be possible because of a better germplasm collection.

Q2. Name a man-made cereal? Trace how it was developed and where is it used?

Ans. Triticale is the first man-made cereal.Triticale is a hybrid of wheat and rye. It was first bred in a laboratory in the late nineteenth century in Scotland and Sweden. It combines the yield potential and grain quality of wheat and resistance qualities of rye and mainly used as fodder.

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Plant Breeding Definition, Methods, Steps and Videos (2024)


What is plant breeding and its steps? ›

“Plant breeding is the purposeful manipulation of qualities in plants to create new varieties with a set of desired characteristics.” Plants with higher qualities are selected by and crossed to obtain plants with desired quality. This results in a plant population with improved and desired traits.

What are the method used by plant breeders? ›

plant breeding, application of genetic principles to produce plants that are more useful to humans. This is accomplished by selecting plants found to be economically or aesthetically desirable, first by controlling the mating of selected individuals, and then by selecting certain individuals among the progeny.

What is plant breeding pdf? ›

Plant breeding is the conscious human efforts needed to improve and develop new plants, which are called crop varieties in order to satisfy the demand for human food and animal feeds. It is a type of selection made possible when there is genetic variability.

What is the easiest method of plant breeding? ›

Mass selection, with or without progeny test, is perhaps the simplest and least expensive of plant-breeding procedures. It finds wide use in the breeding of certain forage species, which are not important enough economically to justify more detailed attention.

What is the basic principle of plant breeding? ›

Hybridization: a breeder makes hybridizations between genotypes with desirable characteristics, evaluates, and selects superior genotypes for commercial production. This is the most common approach for developing new cultivars. Examples: beans, cowpea, rice, nger millet, tobacco, and wheat.

What is the sequence of plant breeding? ›

The steps involved in breeding a new variety are collection of variability, selection of parents, cross hybridisation of the selected parents, selection and testing of superior recombinants, release and commercialisation of new cultivars.

What is the modern definition of plant breeding? ›

Plant breeding is the science of the manipulation of plant species, through pollination, genetic engineering, and selection of progeny, for the purpose of creating new and improved plant genotypes and phenotypes with desirable characteristics such as disease or insect pest resistance, salt or draught tolerance, crop ...

What are the conventional methods of plant breeding? ›

Conventional breeding is a selective breeding methodology where crops are selected based on superior performances. Pure-line selections, mass selection, back cross breeding, recurrent selection, hybridization were most famous traditional breeding methods.

How many types of plant breeding are there? ›

The various types of Plant Breeding processes that exist include Inbreeding, Backcrossing, Mutation breeding, Hybrid breeding, and Genetic engineering.

What is the new plant breeding method? ›

New breeding techniques (NBTs) make specific changes within plant DNA in order to change its traits, and these modifications can vary in scale from altering single base, to inserting or removing one or more genes.

What is the fastest breeding method? ›

Mutation breeding: Mutation breeding is a quick way to introduce sudden changes in the genome of the plant. Hence option D is correct. Hence, option D: Mutation breeding is the correct answer.

Which method is best for breeding? ›

The best method to carry out animal breeding is the artificial method of breeding, which includes artificial insemination and MOET technology.

What is the process of breeding? ›

Breeding is sexual reproduction that produces offspring, usually animals or plants. It can only occur between a male and a female animal or plant. Breeding may refer to: Animal husbandry, through selected specimens such as dogs, horses, and rabbits.

What is an example of plant breeding? ›

For example, a high-yielding pea can be crossed with a mildew-resistant pea. The next generation plant is called the progeny. All progeny that are still mildew resistant are then crossed to their high-yielding parent.

What are the steps involved in breeding a new variety of genetic crop? ›

Various methods are identified for the plant breeding process. It mainly includes 4 steps. Steps involved in the plant breeding are: collection of variability, selection and evolution of parent, hybridization, testing and releasing it for commercial use.

What are the steps in plant breeding hybridization? ›

The production of a hybrid corn variety involves three steps: (1) the selection of superior plants; (2) selfing for several generations to produce a series of inbred lines, which although different from each other are each pure-breeding and highly uniform; and (3) crossing selected inbred lines.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.