Recipe from Alicia Silverstone's "The Kind Mama" book (2024)

Recipe from Alicia Silverstone's "The Kind Mama" book (1)



The Chalkboard Editorial Team

    Food and Nutrition, Healthy Recipes, Vegan Recipes + Dinner Ideas

    Tomorrow, Alicia’s long-awaited second book, The Kind MamaRecipe from Alicia Silverstone's "The Kind Mama" book (5), hits bookshelves. Filled with the sweetest and coziest photography of Alicia and family, a slew of useful ideas for healthful family living, plus recipes like the one below, this book makes for a fun and insightful resource for new moms – especially those of Alica’s own The Kind Life tribe.

    With her vegan values and contagious enthusiasm for nesting in a way that is healthy for mamas, babies and the planet, Alicia’s book is sure to become as instant a classic as her first printed guide, The Kind DietRecipe from Alicia Silverstone's "The Kind Mama" book (6). Here is a recipe for one of Alicia’s healthy favorites. Read, make, eat – then enter to win a copy of The Kind Mama of your very own! Here’s Alicia…

    I love these noodles – they’re great and way healthier than takeout! They’re ideal when you’re craving something meaty, hearty, salty, and fried. Feel free to get creative with any vegetable that you have on hand. Bok choy, bell peppers, spinach, sprouts – they’d all work here. I like to top the whole thing with some tempeh (especially my all-time favorite teriyaki tempeh from Rhapsody Natural Foods). Practice this one often!

    According to macrobiotic expert Christina Pirello, it’s worth considering your “condition” as an expectant mama when choosing udon versus soba. Soba noodles, which are made from buckwheat, are a little more contracting in their energy than udon noodles, which are made from wheat. If you tend to be stressed or are battling nausea, then Pirello advises sticking with udon. But if you consider yourself pretty chill and relaxed, then either would work well. When you reach the last 8 weeks of pregnancy, adding in more soba can help channel the right energy for a good labor.

    Alicia’s Favorite Fat Fried Noodles
    2 to 4 servings


    1 package (12 oz) Annie Chun’s Japanese-style udon noodles (these send this dish over the top) or 1 package (8 oz) soba noodles or whole-wheat udon
    1 Tbsp olive oil, toasted sesame oil, or plain sesame oil
    1 clove garlic, minced or pressed in a garlic press (optional)
    1 Tbsp fresh ginger, minced (optional)
    2 Tbsp toasted sesame oil + more for finishing
    1 onion, sliced into half-moons
    2 pinches of sea salt
    8 shiitake mushrooms, cleaned, stems removed, and sliced
    2 cups carrots, cut into matchsticks (about 2 carrots)
    1⁄2 cup red cabbage, sliced thin
    3 tsp shoyu
    1⁄2 cup frozen organic corn or kernels from 1 ear fresh corn
    1⁄4 cup spring water
    1 scallion, chopped, for garnish
    sesame seeds, for garnish


    Cook the noodles according to package, then drain and rinse with cold water. Set aside.

    Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat until the oil begins to shimmer. Add the garlic (if using), ginger (if using), and onion. Throw the salt into the pan to help draw out the onion’s sweet juices. Keep stirring as the aromatics get soft and translucent, about 1 minute. Add the mushrooms and cook until they release their moisture and soften. Toss in the carrots and continue to stir for another few minutes before adding the cabbage. Season with 1 teaspoon of the shoyu and cook for another 2 minutes.

    While the pan is still on the heat, heap the noodles on the cooked veggies, then add the corn and the remaining 2 teaspoons shoyu – but don’t stir them into the vegetables. Sprinkle in a little of the water, if necessary, to make sure the vegetables on the bottom of the pan don’t stick. Reduce the heat to low and cover the pot. Cook for 5 minutes, or until everything cooks together, then remove from the heat. Finish with a drizzle of toasted sesame oil and a sprinkling of scallions and sesame seeds. Serve piping hot or at room temperature.

    If adding tempeh:
    If using uncooked tempeh such as Lightlife Smoky Tempeh Strips, add 3 to 6 ounces to a small pan with a bit of water. Cover the pan and steam the tempeh over low heat for 15 minutes. (You could also use a steamer basket over boiling water.) Cut the tempeh into bite-size pieces and add it to the pan with your vegetables. If you’re using cooked tempeh such as Rhapsody Teriyaki Tempeh, cut 3 to 6 ounces into bite-size pieces and either throw it right in with your vegetables to warm it or sear it in a small skillet with a bit of oil and serve over the top of the dish.

    Win Our The Kind Mama Giveaway!

    Want the chance to win a copy of Alicia’s much anticipated book, The Kind Mama, yourself? Here’s how: leave a comment below regarding your own simple tips for mamas and subscribe to our newsletter here. Good luck, readers – may the best tip win!

    Giveaway open to US residents only. Winner announced Friday, April 18 at 5PM PST.

    Recipe from Alicia Silverstone's "The Kind Mama" book (7)

    From our friends


    1. Breathe 🙂 enjoy the little moments & take long walks to the park 🙂 -just a few things that have helped me

      Meg K | 04.14.2014 | Reply

    2. Before the babe…enjoy some me time and some partner time, be present and intentional with yourself and relationship. Carve out time to indulge yourself in ways that might be put on hold with an infant and have some dates with your partner (stay in dates, movie dates, brunch and those last weeks lots and lots and lots of walking dates)
      After the babe…relax into it. Be clear with your partner how they can best support you, so that you can enjoy those first couple of months as a new family and not get overwhemed. It is such a sweet time that will fly by.

      Lindsay | 04.14.2014 | Reply

    3. Enjoy the moment! Not always easy, but the kids are so precious and grow up so fast, so slow down & appreciate every moment you can spend with them!

      Stefanie | 04.14.2014 | Reply

    4. Prep your food ahead of time for quick meals

      Katie | 04.15.2014 | Reply

    5. I’ve learned that just getting up 20 minutes earlier than the kids and my partner to just sit in silence and drink my fresh squeezed green juice while watching the sun my ultimate form of self-care before the day begins. I also make sure to do at least 5 minutes of dancing to a song that I love. My 2 year old and I sing and dance to Pharrell’s Happy every morning before starting the day. We sing, dance and act silly!! 😀

      Happy mamas, happy baby, happy family!

      BianyIsabel | 04.15.2014 | Reply

    6. Becoming a new Mom, literally overnight, can be so overwhelming. We have an idea of how it’s going to be but there really aren’t any rules. When something doesn’t work, don’t feel like a failure. One day you’ll look back and wish you were easier on yourself. The “high” standards women expect from Motherhood are imposed on themselves by themselves. It’s so freeing when you drop them and just enjoy that time with your baby.

      Lara | 04.15.2014 | Reply

    7. Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Take a few moments to do something for yourself even if it is applying a face mask on your face, drink a cup of warm tea or watch a fun movie. Women tend to forget about themeselves and put others first and over the long run neglect themselves. All this is hard when you have a little baby. Gone through it so know what happens if you don’t take care of ourselves. Most important, eat well to nourish your body.

      Vaishali | 04.16.2014 | Reply

    8. I’ve found it’s helpful to have scheduled time for yourself during the week, whether it be leaving the kids with a sitter for a couple hours or using nap time to enjoy a cup of tea instead of doing laundry or cleaning. It’s important to have a little time for yourself and create a little distance from those everyday mommy struggles so you can appreciate what you have.

      Amy | 04.16.2014 | Reply

    9. I allow myself not to worry about the mess. A few times a month I bring out the slow cooker so I do not need to worry about cooking so much.

      Christa | 04.16.2014 | Reply

    10. I have a tip from my mom about pregnancy heartburn. I was a pretty large baby, and as such my mom developed heartburn during her pregnancy. What saved her was chewable papaya enzyme tablets. I also love ginger tea for nausea, either freshly brewed or store bought tea bags.

      Jessica | 04.17.2014 | Reply

    11. This is so strange and wonderful. I just found out a couple of hours ago that I am pregnant and no one, not even my husband, knows yet. Since the moment I got my positive test, I have just been sitting here, absorbing this new and beautiful reality and intermittently getting online to look things up that pop into my mind (i.e. is it safe to continue oil pulling while pregnant? Apparently yes!) I just remembered reading about Alicia’s mama book (here!) and got online to look it up. In the process, I saw my weekly Chalkboard notice in my inbox, clicked on it and look where it took me! Magic! I have never been pregnant before so I have no experiential advice to offer. What I can say, is that I have done two Clean cleanses and completely changed my diet to whole, real, primarily homemade foods with lots of fresh juices over the last year and I feel confident that cleaning up my body has put me in the best shape to conceive and to carry a baby. At 37, I have NEVER felt better! I would love Alicia’s book to help guide me through this next phase of our lives. Thank you for the offer!

      Gabrielle | 04.17.2014 | Reply

    12. I would say that for everyone (including moms) menu planning before shopping always make life easier. That way you don’t have random food and snacks and “nothing to make for dinner.” If you plan ahead you have the ingredients you need and that saves you time and money.

      Elissa | 04.17.2014 | Reply

    13. I have two grown sons,33 and 31. They live on there own. The youngest his wife is due next month with twins.
      So exciting!!! He came home last month, and looked through old photos of himself and his brother. He was so funny reliving old memories. I’m so glad I took so many photos and enjoyed having fun with them both. My husband and I enjoyed so many memories with them. My oldest came home last year and looked at the same photos,and shared with his girlfriend his memories. My sons have the memories and the photos as proof.
      Please everyone enjoy every moment especially the little things. It isn’t the material things it’s the memories. I have proof.

      Janet Stricos | 04.17.2014 | Reply

    14. My best tip for mamas, from a mom of four, is to give yourself a break! It is so easy to get caught up in feelings of overwhelm during pregnancy and the newborn phase. You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of your babes. Try to relax, be easy on yourself, do what makes you feel good and give yourself a break!

      Kiran | 04.17.2014 | Reply

    15. Eat your greens, mommas!

      Meagan | 04.17.2014 | Reply

    16. Take just 10 minutes for yourself each day. ***TEN minutes!!!***

      Jacklyn | 04.17.2014 | Reply

    17. Your world is about to change. Acceptance is key. Keep a journal. It will help you focus and give you time to sort through your day. Write down your needs and observations…recipes that may come to mind…a moment with your child that was especially meaningful…that first smile…was it gas or a real honest to goodness smile? Take it from there…celebrate the change in your life…write it down.

      Nickie | 04.17.2014 | Reply

    18. Slow down and enjoy this time. Eat foods that feed the soul. Practice yoga and breath deep.

      Megan K | 04.18.2014 | Reply


      The Chalkboard | 04.18.2014 | Reply

    20. Hard work, but so worth it.

      Nikki | 04.20.2014 | Reply

    21. 6 more weeks and I’ll be a first time mom – as much as I read and research, I know once my baby is born I will just learn what works for me and for us! Can’t wait!

      Merle | 04.21.2014 | Reply

    22. I think the best words of wisdom I can give as a mom are….involve your kids as much as possible in the meals you’re making for them They’re sponges in so many ways and will learn so much at every age. My kids also enjoy grocery shopping with me and print recipes to cook for the family. They love being involved and will pass all that you give them down to their families.

      Marcy | 04.21.2014 | Reply

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    Recipe from Alicia Silverstone's "The Kind Mama" book (2024)
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