Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (2024)

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (1)

Let’s start training with resistance bands!

Whether you got exercise bands in the mail from Amazon, or they’ve been sitting in your closet since the 80s, you’ve finally decided it’s time to learn how to use the darn things.

Either way, you’re in the right place!

That’s because we specialize in home workouts. Our Coaches build custom training programs for whatever equipment you might have available (or even “no equipment”).

If you have a set of resistance bands, today we’ll show you how to put them to good use.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • The Nerd Fitness Resistance Band Workout (with video tutorial)
  • The 10 best resistance band exercises
  • What are the best resistance bands? (Types and product recommendation)
  • How to use resistance bands (5 tips and tricks)
  • How to do assisted exercises with a resistance band.
  • Can you lose weight with resistance bands? (Weight Loss 101)
  • When should I do a resistance band workout? (Next steps)

It’s time to join the Resistance…

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (2)

…band movement.[1]

Let’s get started.

The Nerd Fitness Resistance Band Workout (With Video Tutorial)

After you watch the video above (featuring Matt Shortis, a lead trainer in our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program), here’s a quick recap with the repetitions of the workout here:


  • 10 Band Over and Backs
  • 10 Vertical Band Pull Aparts
  • 10 Horizontal Pull Aparts


  • 12 Band Squats
  • 10 Overhead Presses
  • 12 Band Deadlifts
  • 10 Arm Rows (per side)
  • 10 High to Low Band Rows
  • 10 Arm Chest Presses (per side)
  • 10 Pallof Presses (per side)

This Beginner Resistance Band Workout is what’s called a circuit (you can learn all about circuit training here).

That’s just a fancy term for doing a workout like so:

  • 1 set of exercise A, go immediately to
  • 1 set of exercise B, go immediately to
  • 1 set of exercise C, and so on…
  • Repeat from the top!

Your long-term goal should be to do 3 full circuits back to back for a complete workout.

If you can only go through it once or twice, that’s okay too!

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (3)

And if you need to take a break at any time between sets or after a circuit, do it! You do you.

Whatever you do, don’t skip your warm-up. Even if you don’t do the sequence above, make sure you get your heart rate up a little before jumping in.

Here’s another short sequence you can do to warm up:

Next, let’s go over each move covered in our resistance band workout (and warm-up) in detail.

The 10 Best Resistance Band Exercises

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (4)

Here’s each exercise covered in the Beginner Resistance Band Workout:


Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (5)

  1. Grab the band in front of you, with both hands, about shoulder-width apart. Start at about waist height.
  2. Pull the bands apart.
  3. While keeping your arms and elbows straight, lift upward, eventually reaching above and over your head.
  4. Continue this motion down your back, keeping your arms as straight as you can.
  5. When your shoulders won’t let you come down any further, reverse the movement and come all the way back to your starting position.
  6. Repeat.

Tip from Coach Matt: If it’s too difficult to keep your arms straight, loosen and widen your grip on the band so it becomes less taut.


Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (6)

  1. Start with the band overhead, gripping a little wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bring the band down by slowly pulling apart, pinching the shoulder blades as you go.
  3. The arms will sink until about shoulder height.
  4. Pause, then slowly rise back up.
  5. Repeat.

Tip from Coach Matt: Resist the urge to have the resistance band “snap” you back up. Do this by slowly controlling the movement.


Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (7)

  1. Grab the resistance band about shoulder-width apart and place it right in front of you, about chest height.
  2. Pull the band apart, pinching your shoulder blades back as you go.
  3. Slowly reverse to your starting position.
  4. Repeat.

Tip from Coach Matt: Make sure you stand up straight during this movement. Over time this exercise will help improve your posture.


Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (8)

  1. Step on the band, about shoulder-width apart.
  2. Pull the resistance band up so the top reaches above your shoulder, with the band resting on the back of your arm.
  3. Complete a squat, by having your hips push back while your chest stays up.
  4. Reverse the movement to come back down, making sure to keep your heels down.
  5. Repeat.

Tip from Coach Matt: If this seems too easy, you could use two exercise bands, increasing the resistance.


Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (9)

  1. Step on the band, about shoulder-width apart.
  2. Pull the resistance band up so the top reaches above your shoulder, with the band resting on the back of your arm (just like in your band squat).
  3. While holding the band with palms faced forward, press your arms upward as you would in a normal overhead press. Keep your vision forward during the press.
  4. Reverse to bring the band back down.
  5. Repeat.

Tip from Coach Matt: Stand up straight and push up as tall as you can. Reach high during the movement and try to take up space.


Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (10)

  1. Step on the band, about shoulder-width apart.
  2. Push your hips back to lower and grab the band. Your palms should be facing each other and your shins should be mostly vertical.
  3. While holding the band, hinge your hips forward like you would in a normal deadlift to stand up.
  4. When standing, push your hips back, lowering back down.
  5. Repeat.

Tip from Coach Matt: Make sure you pull with your arms during the movement, which will engage your back.


Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (11)

  1. Anchor your band on a sturdy door or pole.
  2. Stand in a quarter squat position and place the non-pulling arm across your lower chest for support.
  3. With the other arm, pull the band back until your elbow reaches the side of your torso. Don’t flare out your arm during the movement, instead, keep it tucked along your obliques.
  4. Slowly release the band back to your starting position.
  5. Repeat.

Tip from Coach Matt: Keep your chest up and tall. You want the band to pull with your arm, not your entire body (resist the urge to rotate your torso).


Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (12)

  1. Anchor your band to a pull-up bar or the top of a sturdy door.
  2. Sit on the floor, with your legs flared out. Lean back ever so slightly and grab the resistance band with both hands (it should have a little bit of tension at the top of the movement).
  3. To pull the band down, drive both elbows back towards your torso.
  4. Reverse the movement to release tension in the band.
  5. Repeat.

Tip from Coach Matt: Keep your chest up, towards the anchor point of the resistance band.


Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (13)

  1. Anchor your band to a sturdy door or a structurally sound pole.
  2. Begin with one leg in front (the opposite of the side you’re pushing with), then grab the band with one arm.
  3. Start with your elbow close to your torso and push your arm forward. You’ll rotate your torso a little to complete the movement.
  4. To reverse, slowly pull your elbow back to its starting position.
  5. Repeat.

Tip from Coach Matt: Make sure the band has some tension in it during the start. You want resistance from the band during the entire movement.


Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (14)

  1. Anchor your band to a sturdy door or a structurally sound pole.
  2. Have the side of your body face your anchor, then pull the band in front of you until you have some tension.
  3. Holding the band with both hands from the center of your chest, push straight out. Pretend there’s an arrow coming directly from your chest, like the Care-Bear Stare.
  4. When returning, keep your elbows down and to your side.
  5. Repeat.

Tip from Coach Matt: The point of this exercise is to feel it along the obliques (side torso), so make sure there’s enough tension in the band during the entire movement.

What Are the Best Resistance Bands? (Types and Product Recommendation)

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (15)

In the Resistance Band Workout above, Coach Matt showed you how to handle two types of resistance bands: loop bands and tube bands.

Let’s go over these and other resistance bands you may come across.

#1) Loop Bands

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (16)

Much like the name would suggest, loop resistance bands consist of one single band formed in a loop.

They don’t have handles and are more strap-like than chord-like.

Not only can you use these in the exercises covered above but you can also use them to help perform bodyweight exercises like assisted pull-ups or assisted bodyweight dips.

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (17)

You can check out our guide The 42 Best Bodyweight Exercises for more on this topic.

For purchase, Grebest has a loop band that isn’t too shabby.

#2) Tube Bands

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (18)

Tube resistance bands will often have handles or carabiners at the end (which you can attach a handle or anchor to). You might also hear these called “fit tubes.”

As Coach Matt showed you, every exercise in our Resistance Band Workout can be done with a tube band, so they’re ideal for creating a home gym.

The other cool thing about these bands: you can attach two of them to the same anchor and handle, increasing the amount of resistance. There’s really nothing stopping you from doing a third band either, which means they can really help increase your strength.

#3) Mini-Bands (Circle Bands)

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (19)

Mini-bands are like loop bands, but smaller, thinner, and wider.

They are often used for lateral movements, by placing them above your knees or ankles.

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (20)

This offers more resistance to the movement, further activating your hips and glutes.

Rogue carries some tube bands that some of our coaches use.

#4) Therapy Bands

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (21)

Therapy bands are long (up to 6 or 7 feet) and thin, almost like a sheet.

They do not loop, although they can be tied together to form a loop.

Like the name would suggest, therapy bands are often found in rehabilitation centers, used to help strengthen muscle after someone has gone through an injury.

They’re generally “light” on the resistance offered, making them ideal for someone looking for a low-impact exercise.

Therapy bands offered by Hoocan are pretty decent and can be found on Amzon.

#5) Figure 8 Bands

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (22)

No surprise here: these bands look like a figure 8, with handles on top and bottom.

These bands are great for many of the pull-apart exercises we covered earlier, and can also be used like the mini-bands to activate your hips and glutes, by placing each leg through one of the loops.

SPRI has some bands you can find on Amazon.

How to Use Resistance Bands (5 Tips and Tricks)

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (23)

Let’s discuss a few tips so you can make the most of your resistance band workout.

#1) Do not use the band if you notice cracks or tears.

Seriously, just buy another one. You do not want a resistance band snapping on you while in use.

#2) If you need more resistance, add another band.

The tube resistance bands with carabiners are great for this because you can pretty much always add another band between your handle and anchor.

#3) When anchoring your bands to a door, make sure the door pulls away from you.

You don’t want to accidentally force the door open, which could result in injury or hurt feelings.

#4) Maintain band tension throughout the exercise.

When starting every exercise covered here, you want a little tension at the start of the movement. This will help keep your muscles engaged during the entire exercise.

#5) Be careful what you anchor your bands to.

While a band may fit around a tree, the rough surface could wear down your band, causing it to snap. Check the surface, and if your bands come with anchors, use those.

How to Do Assisted Exercises with a Resistance Band

In the video above, Coach Matt walks you through using a resistance band to do pull-ups.

It’s not the only exercise where a band might prove helpful.

Here are some “assisted” exercises where a resistance band may prove helpful:

#1) Assisted Dips:

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (24)

#2)Assisted Chin-ups:

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (25)

Just like the pull-up above, but your palms face you.

Can You Lose Weight With Resistance Bands? (Weight Loss 101)

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (26)

If you’re trying to lose weight, a few resistance bands and the workout routine above could be a great part of the plan.

The other part of the plan should be your nutrition!

As we lay out in our Coaching Program, throughout Nerd Fitness Prime, and our massive guide on “Healthy Eating,” we believe that nutrition is 80-90% of the equation for weight loss.

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (27)

No joke.

It’s by far the biggest factor for success.

So will you lose weight training with resistance bands?


If you fix your diet AND begin to incorporate our resistance band routine a few times per week, you’ll find yourself building muscle, losing fat, and getting stronger!

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (28)

So how do you fix your diet?

Great question.

Whether you choose to follow a Keto Diet, Paleo Diet, Mediterranean Diet, or something like Intermittent Fasting, the best path will be up to your goals, your situation, and your habits.

Here are some basic tips though (as we cover in The 5 Rules of Weight Loss):

  1. If your goal is weight loss, you have to eat less than you burn each day. This can be through eating less and burning more (from the resistance band workout above)
  2. Processed foods and junk food make it really tough to lose weight: They have lots of calories and carbs, low nutritional value, don’t fill you up, and cause you to overeat.
  3. Vegetables are your friends. If you don’t like veggies, here’s how to make vegetables taste good.
  4. Liquid calories are sabotaging your efforts. Soda, juice, sports drinks: they’re all pretty much high-calorie sugar water with minimal nutritional value. Get your caffeine from black coffee or tea, fizzy-drink fix from sparkling water.
  5. Eat more protein! Protein helps rebuild muscle and can help you stay under your calorie limit because it’s satiating and filling. Here’s exactly how much protein you should be eating every day.

Those tips should get you started, but if you want more specific instruction and guidance, check out the NF Coaching Program – Your Coach will build a routine tailored to your individual needs and what equipment you have available:

When Should I Do a Resistance Band Workout? (Next Steps)

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (29)

The only question left to answer here is this: when should you do your resistance band workout?

As I discuss in our guide, How to Build Your Own Workout Routine, I generally recommend newbies complete a full-body workout two to three times a week.

When we say “full-body,” we want a sequence that will hit the following:

  • Quads (front of your legs): the band squats have you covered here.
  • Butt and hamstrings (back of your legs): the band deadlifts will hit this muscle group.
  • Chest, shoulders, and triceps: (“push” muscles): your chest press and pallof press will engage your push muscles.
  • Back, biceps, and grip ( “pull” muscles): all of the band rows will train your back and biceps.
  • Core (abdominals and lower back): The pallof press is really going to challenge your core (try it if you don’t believe me).

As you see, the Resistance Band Workout covers all these, so feel free to run through this sequence a few times a week. Just make sure you don’t train on consecutive days (you build muscle while resting).

On your “rest days,” you can look into doing some active recovery, yoga, or fun movement.

If you can only get yourself to work out once a week, that’s okay! Let that become normal, then we can brainstorm ways to squeeze in an extra day.

Building the habit of working out is our goal today. We can worry about maximizing “gainz” down the road.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about maximizing gainz.

Now the only thing left to do is start!

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (30)

Here are some options for next steps with Nerd Fitness:

Option #1) If you want a professional coach in your pocket, who can do video form checks, provide feedback, and adjust your workouts based on the equipment you have available, check out our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program!

For example, let’s say you find yourself stuck indoors during a pandemic, and you want somebody to custom-build you a workout program based on the equipment and furniture you have. That’s where an online coach is a game-changer!

Personally, I’ve been working with the same online coach since 2015 and it’s changed my life. You can learn more by clicking on the box below:

Option #2) If you want an exact roadmap for getting fit, check out NF Journey. Our fun habit-building app helps you exercise more frequently, eat healthier, and level up your life (literally).

Plus, we have Missions specifically designed to help you train with your resistance bands!

Try your free trial right here:

Option #3) Become part of the Rebellion! We need good people like you in our community, the Nerd Fitness Rebellion.

Sign up in the box below to enlist and get our Rebel Starter Kit, which includes all of our “work out from home” guides.

Get your Nerd Fitness Starter Kit

  • The 15 mistakes you don’t want to make.
  • Full guide to the most effective diet and why it works.
  • Complete and track your first workout today, no gym required.

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (33)

Alright, I want to hear from you and your experience with Exercise Bands!

Do you rock resistance bands in your workout?

Any band exercises that I’m missing?

Any product recommendations that need to be shared?

Let me know in the comments!


P.S. If you are trying to stay at home, check out:

  • The 8 Best At-Home Workout Routines
  • How to Stay in Shape (While Staying Inside)
  • The 42 Best Bodyweight Exercises (Working Out Anywhere!)
  • Home to Build a Home Gym (When Everything is Sold Out)

P.P.S. Because I have to:

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (34)


PHOTO SOURCE: Loop Bands, Tube Bands, Mini-bands, Therapy Bands, Figure 8, The road to rehabilitation, Exercise with bands, Exercise and sunglasses, Home Sweet Home, Sunset.

GIF SOURCE: Mini-Band,

Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness (2024)


Resistance Band Workout (The 10 Best Band Exercises) | Nerd Fitness? ›

Resistance bands for older adults are ideal as they are gentle on your joints. As we age, you may experience stiffness or discomfort in your joints. Using heavy hand weights can make this worse. But strengthening bands give you a smoother, more controlled workout that are kinder to your joints.

Should seniors use resistance bands? ›

Resistance bands for older adults are ideal as they are gentle on your joints. As we age, you may experience stiffness or discomfort in your joints. Using heavy hand weights can make this worse. But strengthening bands give you a smoother, more controlled workout that are kinder to your joints.

Do resistance band workouts really work? ›

In a word: very. One meta-analysis of eight studies showed that resistance band workouts are just as effective (if not more so) than conventional resistance band training with free weights or weight machines.

Can you lose weight with resistance bands? ›

Yes, resistance bands can be effective tools for losing fat. They allow you to perform a variety of resistance exercises that target different muscle groups, helping to increase muscle mass and boost metabolism.

How often should seniors do resistance training? ›

Older adults should try to get strength training in the mix one to two times per week.” The bottom line is to get moving. “Any physical activity is better than no physical activity. Even a couple minutes per day matter, and small changes lead to big improvements.”

Which brand is best for resistance band? ›

List of the best resistance bands
Top-rated Resistance BandsAmazon RatingAmazon Price
Fashnex Resistance Bands Set4.2 / 5Explore Now
Boldfit Resistance Band Set3.9 / 5Explore Now
WSAKOUE Resistance Bands Set4.3 / 5Explore Now
BULMARC's Resistance Band4.2 / 5Explore Now
6 more rows
Jul 11, 2024

What happens if I use resistance bands everyday? ›

It may be technically okay to use resistance bands every day, however, most trainers wouldn't recommend it. Instead, I would suggest always taking a break between your training sessions. This is to help you avoid a fitness plateau and allow your muscles some time to recover and grow.

What is the first thing you should do before using a resistance band? ›

Like any other type of exercise, you should warm up before using resistance bands to prepare your body for movement so you can avoid injury, says Nolan. The easiest way to do this is to complete several moves you plan to do, but without the bands first.

What size weights should a 70 year old woman use? ›

Most older adults can start with 15-pound weights for lower-body exercises and 5- or 7.5-pound dumbbells for upper-body movements, but you should adjust based on your comfort and ability, Araujo says.

What can I use instead of a resistance band? ›

If you don't have weights or bands at home and still want to get in some resistance training, you can add weight to your workout in other ways. Some easy at-home items to incorporate are detergent bottles or full water jugs, heavy cans, a bookbag filled with books or even your kids.

How long should a resistance band workout be? ›

When starting resistance band workouts, you'll want to aim for two strength-based training sessions every week that are about 30 minutes each, according to International Sports Science Association (ISSA)–certified personal trainer Mike Matthews, author of Muscle for Life: Get Lean, Strong, and Healthy at Any Age!

What are the 5 foods that burn belly fat? ›

Five foods that may help burn belly fat include:
  • foods with soluble fiber like fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
  • foods with protein like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.
  • fatty fish like tuna and salmon.
  • foods with probiotics like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.
  • green tea.

How can I reduce my tummy in 7 days? ›

Additionally, check out these tips for how to burn belly fat in less than a week.
  1. Include aerobic exercises in your daily routine. ...
  2. Reduce refined carbs. ...
  3. Add fatty fish to your diet. ...
  4. Start the day with a high protein breakfast. ...
  5. Drink enough water. ...
  6. Reduce your salt intake. ...
  7. Consume soluble fiber.
Jun 3, 2019

Can I lose weight by walking 30 minutes everyday? ›

Physical activity, such as walking, is important for weight control because it helps you burn calories. If you add 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily habits, you could burn about 150 more calories a day. Of course, the more you walk and the quicker your pace, the more calories you'll burn.

What strength resistance band should I start with? ›

We recommend that beginners should start with a lower strength of resistance band such as 10-15lbs to get used to the resistance and build strength. But if you are familiar with strength training, you can move into a heavier resistance 30lb+ to intensify your workout.

How do I know what weight resistance band to get? ›

If you are a beginner woman, I generally recommend buying a resistance band that corresponds to approximately half of your weight. If you are a complete beginner with a smaller overweight or not much of a sportsperson and don't trust yourself, I recommend choosing a slightly higher resistance.

How should an 80 year old use resistance bands for legs? ›

Monster Walk (or Band Side Step)

Place a miniband or tie a longer band around your legs, just above your knees. Bend knees slightly with your feet hip-width apart. Step to the side until the band provides resistance, then slide your other foot over to re-create your original stance.

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.