Revitalize Your Core: Transform with the Energy of Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals - The Yoga Nomads (2024)

Note from the Nomad: I’m a yogi, not a doctor! Any information provided here about the healing properties of crystals is based on historical or traditional beliefs and is not intended as medical advice; always consult a healthcare professional for medical concerns.

You know those people who seem fearless, insanely driven, and just downright indestructible? (yes, I’m looking at you, David Goggins!)

While their confidence and drive can be a little scary, they are certainly inspiring. You probably find yourself wondering, “Is it possible for me to be that self-assured?”

The answer is a big, fat YES, and it all starts with cleansing and strengthening your solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus, or Manipura chakra, is essentially a hidden cave within our energetic bodies where our personal power, determination, and courage lie.

So, if you want to be as fearless as a lion or as tough as a tiger, read on. In this article, I reveal how crystal healing can help strengthen your power chakra and the most effective solar plexus chakra crystals to use.


  • 1 Overview Of The Seven Major Chakras
  • 2 Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning
  • 3 Signs Of A Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra
    • 3.1 Physical Symptoms Of A Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra
  • 4 The 10 Best Solar Plexus Chakra Stones
    • 4.1 Quick Picks
    • 4.2 Tiger’s Eye
    • 4.3 Carnelian
    • 4.4 Citrine
    • 4.5 Yellow Jasper
    • 4.6 Yellow Calcite
    • 4.7 Amber
    • 4.8 Golden Quartz
    • 4.9 Sunstone
    • 4.10 Pyrite
    • 4.11 Yellow Topaz
  • 5 Igniting Your Inner Fire With Crystal Meditation
  • 6 Final Thoughts On Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals
    • 6.1 Was this helpful?

Overview Of The Seven Major Chakras

Before we explore the purpose of the solar plexus chakra and its best healing stones, let’s briefly look at the chakra system and the seven energy centers it contains.

  1. Root Chakra – The first chakra is located at the base of the spine (the tailbone), creating a sense of grounding, stability, and safety in our bodies and the world.
  2. Sacral Chakra Sitting in the lower belly, the sacral chakra is the ability to be intimate, creativity, and passion. It helps us find emotional balance and connect to our purpose.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra The solar plexus chakra in the upper abdomen is the seat of our personal power and mental strength. This center is responsible for our feelings of self-esteem, confidence, and determination.
  4. Heart Chakra The heart chakra lives in the center of the chest and governs our emotions and ability to give and receive love.
  5. Throat Chakra Sitting in the physical throat, the throat chakra helps us communicate better and express our needs and desires without fear or anxiety.
  6. Third Eye Chakra The third eye chakra sits between the eyebrows, connecting us to our inner wisdom, imagination, and intuition.
  7. Crown Chakra The crown chakra floats just above the top of the head, connecting us with higher consciousness and our life purpose.

Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning

The Solar Plexus, or Manipura chakra as it is called in Sanskrit, is the third energy center of the seven-chakra system. It sits in the upper abdomen, about one inch above the belly button. This chakra is associated with our self-esteem—how we feel about ourselves.

The health of the solar plexus determines how confident, self-assured, and ambitious we may feel. It also governs our drive, determination, resilience, and how we deal with criticism and setbacks.

Connected to the fire element, having a balanced solar plexus, chakra allows us to live with confidence and a can-do attitude. We will not fear change but embrace it with a positive mindset. We have ample and clear energy flow, apparent in our high vitality and optimistic thinking.

With a balanced solar plexus chakra, we focus on our goals and the future, which we look to with positivity and excitement rather than fear and dread. We are not afraid to go after what we desire, nor are we discouraged by challenges, failures, or other people’s opinions.

Signs Of A Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

So what if there is an energetic blockage in our manipura chakra? Uncovering an unbalanced solar plexus chakra is not difficult, as there are often clear signs of how we feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. Let’s take a look at the most common symptoms.

Physical Symptoms Of A Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Digestive system issues, such as constipation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Eating disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Excessive weight gain
  • Problems with the pancreas, liver, or colon
  • Chronic fatigue and lack of energy

Mental & Emotional Symptoms Of A Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Low self-esteem
  • Inability to find the motivation to do things
  • Giving up on things easily or not starting them at all
  • Being easily hurt and discouraged by the comments and opinions of others
  • A constant need for validation and approval from others
  • Lack of direction and purpose
  • Self-victimizing mentality and self-sabotaging behaviors

The emotional symptoms above are typically related to an underactive solar plexus chakra. However, like with all the chakras, the solar plexus can be overactive instead.

In this case, you may experience excessive anger and irritation and have the desire to control others. You may also possess a self-centered and competitive attitude, particularly in the workplace but potentially also in your personal life.

The 10 Best Solar Plexus Chakra Stones

You’ll notice that many healing stones for the solar plexus are yellow, the color of the Manipura chakra. These yellow crystals possess the wonderful properties of the Manipura, so using them will boast these qualities and, in turn, restore healthy energy flow in the power chakra.

Quick Picks

NameAppearanceAbilityWhere to buy
Tiger’s Eye

Revitalize Your Core: Transform with the Energy of Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals - The Yoga Nomads (3)Reconnect to Your Personal PowerSee latest price

Revitalize Your Core: Transform with the Energy of Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals - The Yoga Nomads (4)Stimulates Feelings of Drive, Determination, and BeliefSee latest price
Revitalize Your Core: Transform with the Energy of Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals - The Yoga Nomads (5)Shifts Your Mind to Happier TimesSee latest price
Yellow Jasper
Revitalize Your Core: Transform with the Energy of Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals - The Yoga Nomads (6)Blocks Negative Energy by Absorbing ItSee latest price
Yellow Calcite
Revitalize Your Core: Transform with the Energy of Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals - The Yoga Nomads (7)Promotes Emotional BalanceSee latest price
Revitalize Your Core: Transform with the Energy of Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals - The Yoga Nomads (8)Keeps Your Emotions and Thoughts PositiveSee latest price
Golden Quartz
Revitalize Your Core: Transform with the Energy of Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals - The Yoga Nomads (9)Helps in Personal and Spiritual GrowthSee latest price
Revitalize Your Core: Transform with the Energy of Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals - The Yoga Nomads (10)Helps Reconnects to Your PurposeSee latest price
Revitalize Your Core: Transform with the Energy of Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals - The Yoga Nomads (11)Attracts Abundance and WealthSee latest price
Yellow Topaz
Revitalize Your Core: Transform with the Energy of Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals - The Yoga Nomads (12)Helps Cultivate a Laser-Sharp Focus on Your GoalsSee latest price

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye is a must-have if you want to reconnect to your personal power and inner fire. This golden woody stone supports all three lower chakras, helping you feel secure, balanced, and confident.

Tiger’s eye has a deep grounding energy, which is particularly good at removing fear and anxiety. It will give you the courage, confidence, and support you need to create your dream life.

Physically, the tiger’s eye is associated with vitality. So, this stone can dispel fatigue and lethargy. Moreover, as one of the best stones for attracting wealth, the tiger’s eye stone will help you break through limiting beliefs around money, opening you up to success and prosperity.

Aside from holding a tiger’s eye palm stone in meditation, wearing this solar plexus stone as a bracelet will help you attract positive energy and maintain high self-confidence.


Carnelian is another of the most powerful healing crystals for self-esteem issues. Carnelian stimulates feelings of drive, determination, and belief.

If you are starting a new job or project and struggling to find excitement or motivation, hold this palm stone for a few minutes each morning for an instant positive energy boost. Alternatively, keep this crystal tree on your work desk; it will help you stay productive, prevent feelings of overwhelm, and strengthen your will when times get challenging.

Like the tiger’s eye, carnelian works on all three lower chakras, not just the third one. Thus, it stabilizes you, helps you uncover your passion, and empowers you to follow your purpose.


The luminous yellow citrine stone is sunshine on a cloudy day. This yellow crystal is known as the ultimate summer mood stone; even in the depths of a depressing winter, it will shift your mind to happier times.

Meditating with this golden glory gem feels like a warm embrace. So whenever you feel low or defeated, gaze into this crystal sphere ball and allow citrine’s organic bright energy to perk you up instantly.

In addition, wearing a citrine necklace will help direct the stone’s positive energy toward the upper chakras. Not only will this raise your vibration, but it will also send healthy energy flow throughout the entire chakra system.

Yellow Jasper

Talking about sunny stones, the golden yellow crystal yellow jasper is another stone of positivity. Yellow jasper blocks negative energy by absorbing it, ensuring only good vibes enter your aura.

This solar plexus stone is especially beneficial when dealing with negative comments, criticism, or unsolicited advice from others. Yellow Jasper quiets the noise, deflects the dark energy back to the senders, and fills you with stability, confidence, and a genuinely fearless ‘can’t hurt me’ attitude.

To get the beautiful qualities of this energetic amplifying stone, sprinkle some yellow jasper tumbled crystals around your home and workplace. Alternatively, pointing this crystal wand at the solar plexus area during meditation easily raises energy flow and kills negative emotions.

Yellow Calcite

While the popular orange calcite is well known for its sacral chakra associations, the lesser-known yellow calcite is one of the best solar plexus chakra crystals. With a light to bright yellow color, this variation of calcite is energizing, motivating, and healing.

Like orange calcite, yellow calcite promotes emotional balance and helps you work through shame, depression, and past trauma. However, it has the added benefit of clearing the mind and removing blockages while increasing mental clarity.

Keep a couple of mini pocket stones in your bag or purse whenever you need a spark of joy, positive energy, and inner peace. Or wear a yellow calcite bracelet for on-the-go solar plexus chakra healing.


The fiery yellow solar plexus crystal amber is known for increasing self-confidence and cleansing negative energy from the environment. It also assists in the recovery from depression and other mental health ailments.

The nurturing stone encourages emotional intelligence, a healthy self-image, and personal growth. Thus, placing raw amber rocks around your home will help to keep your emotions and thoughts positive and balanced.

Wearing amber jewelry like this raw Baltic amber necklace and bracelet set will help you reconnect with your power and purify any negative energy residing in or around you. The stones used in this set are sourced from the Baltic Sea country of Lithuania, which is the heart of amber, so you can be confident they are full of magnetic magic.

Golden Quartz

Golden Hematoid Quartz is nicknamed the “Golden Healer” because of its mighty crown and solar plexus healing energy. It works by drawing life force from the universe into the crown chakra. This prana then flows down the body and flushes the solar plexus chakra, drawing out negative energies and restoring your power.

Holding a golden quartz palm stone during meditation will raise your vibration and increase mental clarity, resulting in a more profound meditative experience and a happier day. Its unique chakra healing combination works on personal and spiritual growth, allowing you to smash goals in all areas of your life.


Targeting the sacral and solar plexus chakras, sunstone will infuse passion, creativity, and joy into your being from the first use. It is one of the best solar plexus chakra stones for finding or reconnecting with your purpose. So if you’ve been feeling a little lost or confused lately, invite some sunshine into your life.

You can wear this pinky-orange stone as a bracelet or use it in reiki or chakra healing practices. For the latter, it’s best to choose a crystal wand to point directly at your sacral chakra and visualize healthy energy flow there for a few minutes. Then move it up to the solar plexus chakra, repeating the same process.


Unlike the other best solar plexus chakra stones, pyrite is not a yellow crystal. However, this doesn’t mean it is any less deserving of a place on this list. Pyrite is commonly known as ‘fools gold’ for its association with attracting abundance and wealth.

Still, pyrite connects to the solar plexus chakra by increasing inner strength, willpower, and resilience. It doesn’t just attract positive energy and good luck; it prepares you to handle times when life does not go well.

The fiery energy of pyrite will help you pick yourself up again if you’ve recently experienced a failure. In addition, it reminds you that you ARE good enough and worthy enough for your dreams.

Keep this raw Peruvian pyrite crystal on your desk to help you power through your current challenges. Along with keeping your mood bright and thoughts positive, it will boost your creativity and problem-solving skills.

Yellow Topaz

Yellow topaz is another of the best cleansing and balancing solar plexus chakra stones. It evokes joy and positivity while stimulating drive and self-esteem.

Yellow topaz proves to be such a powerful stone as it heals the sacral chakra and ignites the power center. It helps you first find emotional stability and balance, which naturally allows you to cultivate a laser-sharp focus on your goals.

Yellow topaz makes popular and beautiful jewelry. So wearing this sunny stone as a ring or bracelet will prevent your confidence and good vibes from fading no matter what the day brings.

Igniting Your Inner Fire With Crystal Meditation

Wearing a solar plexus chakra crystal, carrying one around, or placing one in your home or office are all excellent ways to promote solar plexus chakra healing. However, visualization meditation is one of the most potent ways to smash through blockages and increase Manipura’s energy flow.

If you suspect a solar plexus chakra blockage, grab one of these healing crystals, find a comfortable seated meditation posture, and get ready for solar plexus chakra bliss!

  1. Close your eyes and draw attention to the solar plexus region above the belly button.
  2. Envision a bright yellow energy ball here. See this energy ball spinning around in the center of your abdomen. Feel the warmth of this energy as you watch it disperse blocked or stagnating energy.
  3. After a minute or two, visualize the yellow energy ball transforming into a fire. See the flames of the fire energy and feel the heat. Now, throw any negative energy or qualities you want to let go of into this fire. This could be a lack of confidence, low self-esteem, or a physical ailment like poor digestion.
  4. See the fire burn and break down all the negative energy, leaving only positive thoughts and perfect physical health. Stay here in this visualization for as long as you need.

If you want to follow along with a guided third chakra meditation, I recommend this short 15-minute practice.

To enhance your experience further, you can introduce essential oils associated with the solar plexus chakra, such as Cedarwood, Cinnamon, or Lemongrass. I like to use the Fabulous Frannie 3rd Chakra Roll On. It contains all three of these oils, and you can apply it easily by rolling it over your wrists.

Final Thoughts On Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals

While confidence and inner strength may not come overnight, working with solar plexus chakra stones can help you connect to your power. With consistent crystal healing and solar plexus chakra work, you may just discover your inner David Goggins, overcoming all your fears and mastering your life!

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Revitalize Your Core: Transform with the Energy of Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals - The Yoga Nomads (2024)


How do you restore the solar plexus chakra? ›

The solar plexus chakra is highly influenced by the element of fire and is associated with the sun. Getting outside on sunny days can help open and restore balance to your third chakra. Taking a walk, meditating, or simply sunbathing to allow your solar plexus energy to flow.

What emotion is stored in the solar plexus? ›

The emotions associated with this energy center are excitement, happiness, depression, and anger. Some other qualities include: Intellect. Clarity.

How do you energize the solar plexus chakra? ›

Spend time around heat. Take a walk in the sun or sit by a fire to balance the solar plexus chakra. This charka's natural element is fire, so basking in sunlight or roasting marshmallows on a campfire can help center your energy—not to mention fill your belly!

What does a blocked solar plexus feel like? ›

When your solar plexus is injured or out of balance, you not only feel abdominal pain, but also can feel out of sorts. You may even have an uncomfortable feeling in your gut as well as experience fatigue, weight gain, and digestive issues.

What happens when you unblock your solar plexus chakra? ›

As you work to align the solar plexus chakra, you will allow for the trapped energy to move more freely through the body, creating a higher sense of purpose and allowing you to better understand your personal identity.

What damages the solar plexus chakra? ›

Trauma and abuse are key contributors to a blocked third chakra. Trauma can come from over-authoritative parents that do not allow their child to express their feelings, ideas, or thoughts. In other cases, a spouse or significant other who gaslights or emotionally abuses their partner can damage the solar plexus.

What foods strengthen solar plexus chakra? ›

Solar Plexus Chakra (YELLOW for Power)—Eating bananas, yellow peppers, eggs and pineapple increases the power center, an understanding of the self in the universe and all emotions. An imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra might result in poor digestion, liver or kidney issues, weight problems, ulcers, diabetes and gallstones.

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Solar Plexus Chakra

If this chakra is impaired, then we wander into the realms of depression and anxiety. We may even become distrusting and develop digestive problems. Rosemary or fennel are the perfect cures for an unevenly poised solar plexus chakra.

Which chakra holds trauma? ›

For exactly this reason, the root chakra is the energy center that is most related to traumatic experiences and memories. Of course, all seven chakras store traumatic and difficult memories that correspond to their unique life themes and emotional lessons.

Which chakra is blocking my weight loss? ›

The root chakra, Muladhara, meaning “base support” in Sanskrit, is located at the base of the spine, encompassing the sacrum, pelvic floor and first three spinal vertebrae. It's associated with survival, physical stability, grounding and more. Signs of a blocked root chakra include: Weight problems.

What is the mantra for the solar plexus? ›

Mantra: “Embracing my inner power means letting go of all that's no longer serving me.” This mantra connects with the Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura. This chakra is yellow, resides at the belly button/navel and is associated with the fire element.

Can fasting heal the solar plexus? ›

Removing the digestive process for a period of time enhances the gut-brain connection and allows us to draw deeper into our soul and our solar plexus chakra to get answers to our deepest questions. Many people express feeling more connected to nature.

What is the gift of the solar plexus chakra? ›

The gift of the solar plexus chakra is self-acceptance. To heal the wound of shame, we must move from judgment to worthiness. Self-acceptance is about identifying all the things we judge ourselves harshly for and welcoming them back in.

What is the spiritual power of the solar plexus? ›

A well balanced Solar Plexus brings healthy self-esteem, self-respect, appropriate self-discipline, stamina, and an empowered sense of self. We let go of self-doubt and second guessing as our intuition evolves, becoming our own powerful natural source of guidance.

Which yoga is best for the solar plexus chakra? ›

Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Poses
  1. Downward Facing Dog Pose.
  2. Three Legged Downward Facing Dog Pose.
  3. Three Legged Downward Facing Dog Pose Tiger Curl Pose Flow.
  4. Three Legged Downward Facing Dog Pose Variation Stacked.
  5. Downward Facing Dog Pose Plank Pose Flow.
  6. Standing Split Pose.
  7. Revolved Downward Facing Dog Pose.

Can yoga unblock chakras? ›

Therefore, the purpose of a chakra yoga practice is to unblock the chakras so that energy can flow through the body, bringing us to a state of balance, peace, and harmony with ourselves and the world around us.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.