Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (2024)


This 65 Calorie Skinny Caramel Vanilla Iced Blended Coffee Recipe I dreamed up is saving me tons ofmoney, travel time and guilt! It’s my new summertime addiction and I have no plans of quitting it. It’s yummy, frosty, full of my all time favorite sweet flavors and ready in 5 minutes or less. I srsly enjoy like 3 of these a day with caffeine and then one or two made with decaf in the evening. Crazy, right? You’ll see why once you make one yourself in your very own blender, in your jammies, in your kitchen.

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Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (2)

Here’s the frosty, guilt-free deliciousness you are going to end up with, my friend:

Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (3)

It’s for realz going to take you longer to read this than it is to make one. I always have all of the items on hand and ready to go. Here’s everything you’ll need:

If you don’t have a NutriBullet, I cannot even begin to tell you how much you will love one. But any ole blenderwill gitter done. Add your 3 Cups of ice:

Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (4)

Then add 2 Cups of your favorite pre-made Coffee {I’ve used hot and cold and it tastes just as good – it just stays more frosty and is thicker if you use refrigerated or room temperature instead of hot}

Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (5)

Add your 1 Cup of unsweetened almond milk {with blatant disregard to the “MAX” line if you are using a NutriBullet – teehee}

Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (6)

Add your 2 Tablespoons of French Vanilla non-dairy creamer:

Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (7)

Most importantly and yummily – add your 1 Tablespoon of Sugar-free Caramel Sauce {I know you – you’re going to add more than that.}

Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (8)

These are the brands of Sugar Free Caramel Sauce and Almond Milk that I always use and prefer:

Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (9)Add your preferred packet of artificial sweetener {don’t even get me started on which kind is best – you blue packet peeps are weird. But to each their own!} But yeah. I prefer the pink packet variety.
Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (10)

Now blend that all on HIGH SPEED for 45-60 seconds and pour it into your favorite lucky glass! I like my mug frosty so I keep some in the freezer:

Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (11)

Now kick back and enjoy your delicious frosty treat – GUILT FREE!

Here’s the handy dandy printable recipe for you – although I bet you have it memorized now, it’s SO EASY!

Print Recipe

Skinny Caramel-Nilla Blended Iced Coffee Treat Recipe

Only 65 Calories in this Frosty Treat! Blended Iced Coffee with yummy sugar free caramel sauce, almond milk and french vanilla creamer. So perfect for summer or anytime you want to treat yourself - guilt free!

Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (12)

Prep Time 5 minutes


  • 2 Cups Coffee
  • 1 Cups Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Caramel Sauce
  • 2 Tablespoons French Vanilla flavored non-dairy creamer
  • 1 Single Serve individual packet of artificial sweetener
  • 3 Cups Ice Cubes
Prep Time 5 minutes


  • 2 Cups Coffee
  • 1 Cups Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Caramel Sauce
  • 2 Tablespoons French Vanilla flavored non-dairy creamer
  • 1 Single Serve individual packet of artificial sweetener
  • 3 Cups Ice Cubes

Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (13)


  1. Put ice, coffee, unsweetened almond milk, individual artificial sweetener packet, french vanilla creamer and sugar free caramel in blender. Blend on high for 45-60 seconds. Pour into a frosty glass {my preference - but any glass or cup will do} and enjoy!

  2. *optional: drizzle with more caramel sauce. Just remember - every tablespoon adds 45 calories!

  3. Find this recipe online via

Recipe Notes

65 Calories per serving. Makes 2 nice sized glass fulls of yumminess!

Make sure to PIN THIS IMAGE where it’s handy for the next time you have a hankering to cool down withone of these heavenly treats:

Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (14)

Don’t forget to SHARE this with your friends on Facebook, Pinterest and wherever else all of your low-cal treat loving buddies hang out. CHEERS!

Since you obviously love caramel and easy sweet treats, check out these!

Looking for something sweet AND salty? Can’t decide what to make for that Mother’s Day luncheon, Father’s Day get together, or those endless end of the school year parties or that friend who needs a pick-me-up? Well look no further! Caramel is what you Need…no what you WANT!

The BEST EASY Caramel Desserts, Sweets and Treats Recipes

If you are looking for some more – we’ve got the perfect recipes for you! CLICK HERE or on the image below to grab the yummy HEALTHY RECIPES to try:

With the weather getting nicer and nicer – check out all of the FUN ideas we found for the BEST DIY PARTY Yard Games! These would be perfect for camping, cookouts and backyard parties – or anytime INDOORS for SUPER SIZE fun! CLICK HERE or on the image below to see them ALL:

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Skinny Caramel-Nilla 65 Calorie Blended and Lightened Up Iced Coffee Treat Recipe (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.