SPS-Code 2008 - Code on safety for special purpose ships, 2008 (as amended by MSC/Res.299(87)) (2024)

dd-mm-yyyy = Entry into force





MSC 84/24/Add.2/Corr.1


Amended by



Code on safety for Special PurposeShips - SPS-CODE


RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

NOTING that specialized types of ships with unusual design and operational characteristics may differ from those of conventional merchant ships subject to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (hereafter referred to as the “1974 SOLAS Convention”),

ALSO NOTING that, by virtue of the specialized nature of the work undertaken by these ships, special personnel are carried, who are neither crew members nor passengers as defined in the 1974 SOLAS Convention,

RECOGNIZING that certain safety standards supplementing those of the 1974 SOLAS Convention may be required for special purpose ships,

NOTING FURTHER that the Assembly, at its thirteenth session, adopted, by resolution A.534(13), the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships and authorized the Committee to amend the Code as necessary,

  1. ADOPTS the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 2008 (2008 SPS Code), the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present resolution, as an amendment to the Code adopted by the Assembly by resolution A.534(13);
  2. DETERMINES that the 2008 SPS Code supersedes the SPS Code adopted by resolution A.534(13) for special purpose ships certified on or after 13 May 2008;
  3. INVITES all Contracting Governments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention to take appropriate steps to give effect to the present Code as soon as possible;
  4. REQUESTS the Assembly to endorse the action taken by the Maritime Safety Committee.

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  1. The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-fourth session, revised the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) adopted by resolution A.534(13) to bring it up to date with amendments to SOLAS and to extend the voluntary application of the revised Code to include training ships, whether or not covered by the application requirements of SOLAS.
  2. The Code has been developed to provide an international standard of safety for special purpose ships of new construction, the application of which will facilitate operation of such ships and result in a level of safety for the ships and their personnel equivalent to that required by the International Convention for the Safety at Life of Sea, 1974.
  3. For the purposes of this Code, a special purpose ship is a ship of not less than 500 gross tonnage which carries more than 12 special personnel, i.e. persons who are specially needed for the particular operational duties of the ship and are carried in addition to those persons required for the normal navigation, engineering and maintenance of the ship or engaged to provide services for the persons carried on board.
  4. Because special personnel are expected to be able bodied with a fair knowledge of the layout of the ship and have received some training in safety procedures and the handling of the ship’s safety equipment, the special purpose ships on which they are carried need not be considered or treated as passenger ships.
  5. In developing the safety standards for this Code it has been necessary to consider:
  1. the number of special personnel being carried; and
  2. the design and size of the ship in question.
  • While the Code has been developed for new ships of 500 gross tonnage and above, Administrations may also consider the application of the provisions of the Code to ships of lesser tonnage. The term “new ship” has not been defined in order to give any Administration discretion to decide the effective date of entry into force.
  • For facilitating the operation of special purpose ships, this Code provides for a certificate, called a Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate, which should be issued to every special purpose ship. Where a special purpose ship is normally engaged on international voyages as defined in SOLAS it should, in addition, also carry SOLAS safety certificates, either:
  1. for a passenger ship with a SOLAS Exemption Certificate; or
  2. for a cargo ship with a SOLAS Exemption Certificate, where necessary, as the Administration deems appropriate.
  • Noting that the Code may be readily applied to some ships that carry special personnel on board to which SOLAS does not apply, the Maritime Safety Committee invites Administrations to apply the standards of the Code to such ships to the extent deemed reasonable and practicable.

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Chapter 01 General

1.1 The purpose of the Code is to recommend design criteria, construction standards and other
safety measures for special purpose ships.

1.2 Application

1.2.1 Except as provided in 8.3, the Code applies to every special purpose ship of not less than
500 gross tonnage certified on or after 13.May 2008. The Administration may also apply these
provisions as far as reasonable and practicable to special purpose ships of less than 500
gross tonnage and to special purpose ships constructed before 13 May 2008.

1.2.2 This Code does not apply to ships meeting the Code for the Construction and Equipment of
Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code).

1.2.3 The Code is not intended for ships used to transport and accommodate industrial personnel
that are not working on board.

1.3 Definitions

1.3.1 For the purpose of this Code, the definitions given hereunder apply. For terms used, but not
defined in this Code, the definitions as given in SOLAS apply.

1.3.2 “Breadth (B)” means the maximum breadth of the ship, measured amidships to the moulded line
of the frame in a ship with a metal shell and to the outer surface of the hull in a ship with a
shell of any other material. The breadth (B) should be measured in metres.

1.3.3 “Crew” means all persons carried on board the ship to provide navigation and maintenance of
the ship, its machinery, systems and arrangements essential for propulsion and safe navigation or
to provide services for other persons on board.

1.3.4 “IMDG Code” means the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, adopted by the fety
Committee by resolution MSC.122(75), as amended.
fety Committee by resolution MSC.122(75), as amended.

1.3.5 “Length (L)” means 96% of the total length on a waterline of 85% at the least moulded depth
measured from the top of the keel, or the length from the foreside of the stem to the axis of the
rudder stock on that waterline, if that be greater. In ships designed with a rake of keel, the
waterline on which this length is measured should be parallel to the designed waterline.
The length (L) should be measured in metres.

1.3.6 “LSA Code” means the International Life-Saving Appliance Code, adopted by the Maritime Safety
Committee by resolution MSC.48(66), as amended.

1.3.7 “Organization” means the International Maritime Organization.

1.3.8 “Passenger” means every person other than:

  1. the master and the members of the crew or other persons employed or engaged in any capacity on board a ship on the business of that ship; and
  2. a child under one year of age.

1.3.9 “Permeability” in relation to a space is the ratio of the volume within that space which is
assumed to be occupied by water to the total volume of that space.

1.3.10 “SOLAS” means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as

1.3.11 “Special personnel” means all persons who are not passengers or members of the crew or
children of under one year of age and who are carried on board in connection with the special
purpose of that ship or because of special work being carried out aboard that ship. Wherever in
this Code the number of special personnel appears as a parameter, it should include the number of
passengers carried on board which may not exceed 12.

Special personnel are expected to be able bodied with a fair knowledge of the layout of the ship
and to have received some training in safety procedures and the handling of the ship’s safety
equipment before leaving port and include the following:

  1. scientists, technicians and expeditionaries on ships engaged in research, non-commercial expeditions and survey;
  2. personnel engaging in training and practical marine experience to develop seafaring skills suitable for a professional career at sea. Such training should be in accordance with a training programme approved by the Administration;
  3. personnel who process the catch of fish, whales or other living resources of the sea on factory ships not engaged in catching;
  4. salvage personnel on salvage ships, cable-laying personnel on cable-laying ships, seismic personnel on seismic survey ships, diving personnel on diving support ships, pipe-laying personnel on pipe layers and crane operating personnel on floating cranes; and
  5. other personnel similar to those referred to in .1 to .4 who, in the opinion of the Administration, may be referred to this group.

1.3.12 “Special purpose ship”1 means a mechanically self-propelled ship which by reason of its
function carries on board more than 12 special personnel2.

1.3.13 “Training programme” means a defined course of instruction and practical experience in all
aspects of ship operations, similar to the basic safety training as offered by the maritime
institutions in the country of the Administration.

1.4 Exemptions

A ship which is not normally engaged as a special purpose ship and which undertakes an exceptional
single voyage as a special purpose ship may be exempted by the Administration from the provisions
of this Code, provided that it complies with safety requirements which in the opinion of the
Administration are adequate for the voyage which is to be undertaken by the ship.

1.5 Equivalents

1.5.1 Where the Code requires that a particular fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, item of
equipment or type thereof should be fitted or carried in a unit, or that any particular provision
should be made, or any procedure or arrangement should be complied with, the Administration may
allow any other fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, item of equipment or type thereof to be
fitted or carried, or any other provision, procedure or arrangement to be made in that unit, if it
is satisfied by trial thereof or otherwise that such fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, item
of equipment or type thereof or that any particular provision, procedure or arrangement is at least
as effective as that required by the Code.

1.5.2 When an Administration so allows any fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, item of
equipment or type thereof, or provision, procedure, arrangement, novel design or application to be
substituted hereafter, it should communicate to the Organization the particulars thereof, together
with a report on the evidence submitted, so that the Organization may circulate the same to other
Governments for the information of their officers.

1.6 Surveys

Every special purpose ship should be subject to the surveys specified for cargo ships, other than
tankers, in SOLAS, which should cover the provisions of this Code.

1.7 Certification

1.7.1 A certificate may be issued after survey in accordance with 1.6 either by the Administration
or by any person or organization duly authorized by it. In every case the Administration assumes
full responsibility for the certificate.

1.7.2 The certificate should be drawn up in the official language of the issuing country in a form
corresponding to the model given in the annex to the Code. If the language used is neither English
nor French, the text should include a translation into one of these languages.

1 Some sail training ships may be classified by the Administration as “not propelled by mechanical means” if fitted with mechanical propulsion for auxiliary and emergency purposes.
2Where a ship carries more than 12 passengers, as defined in SOLAS, the ship should not be considered a special
purpose ship as it is a passenger ship as defined by SOLAS.

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Chapter 02 Stability and subdivision

2 -Stability and subdivision

2.1 The intact stability of special purpose ships should comply with the provisions of section 2.5 of Part B of theInternational Code onIntact Stability 2008.

2.2 The subdivision and damage stability of special purpose ships should in general be in accordance with SOLAS chapter II-1 where the ship is considered a passenger ship, and special personnel are considered passengers, with an R-value calculated in accordance with SOLAS regulation II-1/6.2.3 as follows:

  1. where the ship is certified to carry 240 persons or more, the R-value is assigned as R;
  2. Where the ship is certified to carry not more than 60 persons, the R-value is assigned as 0.8R; and
  3. for more than 60 (but not more than 240) persons, the R-value should be determined by linear interpolation between the R-values given in.1 and .2 above.

2.3 For special purpose ships to which 2.2.1 applies, the requirements of SOLAS regulations II-1/8 and II-1/8-1 and of SOLAS chapter II-1, parts B-2, B-3 and B-4 should be applied as though the ship is a passenger ship and the special personnel are passengers. However, SOLAS regulations II-1/14 and II-1/18 are not applicable.

2.4 For special purpose ships to which 2.2.2 or 2.2.3 applies, except as provided in 2.5, the provisions of SOLAS chapter II-1, parts B-2, B-3 and B-4 should be applied as though the ship is a cargo ship and the special personnel are crew. However, SOLAS regulations II-1/8 and II-1/8- 1 need not be applied and SOLAS regulations II-1/14 and II-1/18 are not applicable.

2.5 All special purpose ships should comply with SOLAS regulations II-1/9, II-1/13, II-1/19, II-1/20, II-1/21 and II-1/35-1, as though the ship is a passenger ship.

Chapter 03 Machinery installations

3 - Machinery installations

3.1 Subject to 3.2, the requirements of part C of chapter II-1 of SOLAS should be met.

3.2 Steering gear
All installations should be in accordance with regulation 29 of part C of chapter II-1 of SOLAS, except that installations in special purpose ships carrying not more than 240 persons on board should, when applicable, be in accordance with regulation and installations in special purpose ships carrying more than 240 persons on board should, when applicable, be in accordance with regulation

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Chapter 04 Electrical installations

4 - Electrical installations

4.1 Subject to 4.2 and 4.3, the requirements of part D of chapter II-1 of SOLAS should be met.

4.2 Emergency source of power
4.2.1 Installations in special purpose ships carrying not more than 60 persons on board should be in accordance with regulation 43 of part D of chapter II-1 of SOLAS and in addition special purpose ships of more than 50 m in length should meet the requirements of regulation of that part.

4.2.2 Installations in special purpose ships carrying more than 60 persons on board should be in accordance with regulation 42 of part D of chapter II-1 of SOLAS.

4.3 Precautions against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin.
4.3.1 All installations should be in accordance with regulation 45.1 to 45.10 inclusive of part D of chapter II-1 of SOLAS.

4.3.2 Installations on special purpose ships carrying more than 60 persons on board should also be in accordance with regulation 45.11 of part D of chapter II-1 of SOLAS.

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Chapter 05 Periodically unattended machinery spaces

5 -Periodically unattended machinery spaces

5.1 Special purpose ships carrying not more than 240 persons on board should comply with regulations 46 to 53 of chapter II-1 of SOLAS, as amended.

5.2 Special purpose ships carrying more than 240 persons on board.
Special purpose ships carrying more than 240 persons on board should be specially considered by the Administration as to whether or not their machinery spaces may be periodically unattended, and, if so, whether additional requirements to those stipulated in this chapter are necessary to achieve equivalent safety to that of normally attended machinery spaces.

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Chapter 06 Fire protection

6 - Fire protection

6.1 For ships carrying more than 240 persons on board, the requirements of chapter II-2 of SOLAS for passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers should be applied.

6.2 For ships carrying more than 60 (but not more than 240) persons on board, the requirements of chapter II-2 of SOLAS for passenger ships carrying not more than 36 passengers should be applied.

6.3 For ships carrying not more than 60 persons on board, the requirements of chapter II-2 of SOLAS for cargo ships should be applied.

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Chapter 07 Dangerous goods

7 -Dangerous goods

7.1 Special purpose ships sometimes carry a wide range of dangerous goods classified in accordance with the IMDG Code for use in scientific or survey work or a variety of other applications. These dangerous goods are often carried as ships’ stores and are used on board and, therefore, they are not subject to the provisions of the IMDG Code. However, dangerous goods that are carried on board for shipment as cargo and are not used on board, are clearly subject to the provisions of the IMDG Code.

7.2 Notwithstanding the fact that the IMDG Code does not apply to dangerous goods carried as ships’ stores and used on board, it contains provisions that are relevant to their safe stowage, handling and carriage on special purpose ships. The IMDG Code also contains requirements for electrical equipment, wiring, fire-fighting equipment, ventilation, smoking provisions and requirements for any special equipment. Some of the provisions are general and apply to all classes of dangerous goods, whilst others are specific, e.g., Class 1 Explosives.

7.3 Therefore, it is important to take into account the appropriate provisions of the IMDG Code when planning to carry dangerous goods, so that the relevant provisions can be taken into account to ensure appropriate construction, loading, stowage, segregation and carriage provisions are put into place.

7.4 Although the IMDG Code does not apply to ships’ stores, the master and persons on board the ship responsible for the use of ships’ stores should be aware of the provisions of the IMDG Code and should apply them as best practice whenever possible.

7.5The issues of stowage, personal protection and emergency procedures when dangerous goods are in use, and the subsequent stowage of opened dangerous goods, should be addressed through a formal safety assessment. In addition to the IMDG Code, to carry out such a formal safety assessment, suppliers and safety data sheets for the dangerous goods should also be consulted.

7.6The provisions of the IMDG Code are based on intact and unopened packaging and the removal of explosive articles or substances from a complete pack may invalidate its IMDG Code classification. This aspect should be taken into account when carrying out the formal safety assessment to ensure an equivalent level of safety is maintained when dangerous goods remain after use.

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Chapter 08 Life-saving appliances

8 -Life-saving appliances

8.1 The requirements of chapter III of SOLAS should be applied with the specifications given hereunder.

8.2 A special purpose ship carrying more than 60 persons on board should comply with the requirements contained in chapter III of SOLAS for passenger ships engaged in international voyages which are not short international voyages.

8.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of 8.2, asail training ship carrying more than 60 persons on board may in lieu of meeting the requirements of regulations 21.1.1 of chapter III of SOLAS comply with the requirements of regulation 21.1.5 of chapter III of SOLAS, including the provision of at least two rescue boat(s) in accordance with regulation 21.2.1 of chapter III.

8.4 A special purpose ship carrying not more than 60 persons on board should comply with the requirements contained in chapter III of SOLAS for cargo ships other than tankers. Such ships may, however, carry life-saving appliances in accordance with 8.2, if they comply with the subdivision requirements for ships carrying more than 60 persons.

8.5 Regulations 2, 19.2.3, 21.1.2, 21.1.3, 31.1.6 and 31.1.7 of chapter III of SOLAS and the requirements of paragraphs 4.8 and 4.9 of the LSA Code are not applicable to special purpose ships.

8.6 Where in chapter III of SOLAS the term “passenger” is used, it should be read to mean “special personnel” for the purpose of this Code.

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Chapter 09 Radiocommunications

9- Radiocommunications

Notwithstanding the right of the Administration to impose requirements higher than those specified herein, special purpose ships should comply with the requirements for cargo ships of chapter IV of SOLAS.

Chapter 10 Safety of navigation

10 -Safety of navigation

All special purpose ships should comply with the requirements of chapter V of SOLAS.

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Chapter 11 Security

11 -Security

All special purpose ships should comply with the requirements of chapter XI-2 of SOLAS.

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Annex Form of safety certificate for special purpose ships



This Certificate should be supplemented by a Record of Equipment (Form SPS)

(Official seal) (State)

Issued in compliance with the provisions of the


as adopted by resolution MSC.266(84)

under the authority of the Government of

(name of the State)


(person or organization authorized)

Particulars of ship*

Name of ship .....................................................................................................................................

Distinctive number or letters .............................................................................................................

Port of registry ..................................................................................................................................

Gross tonnage ....................................................................................................................................

Sea areas in which ship is certificated

to operate (SOLAS regulation IV/2) .................................................................................................

IMO number ......................................................................................................................................

Ship’s special purpose .......................................................................................................................

Date on which keel was laid or ship was of a similar

stage of construction or, where applicable, date on

which work for a conversion or an alteration or

modification of a major character was commenced .........................................................................

* Alternatively, the particulars of the ship may be placed horizontally in boxes.

1 That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with the provisions of 1.6 of the Code.

2 That the survey showed that:

2.1 the ship complied with the provisions of the Code as regards:

.1 the structure, main and auxiliary machinery, boilers and other pressure vessels; and

.2 the watertight subdivision arrangements and details;

2.2 the ship complied with the provisions of the Code as regards structural fire protection,
fire safety systems and appliances and fire control plans;

2.3 the life-saving appliances and the equipment of the lifeboats, liferafts and rescue boats
were provided in accordance with the provisions of the Code;

2.4 the ship was provided with a line-throwing appliance and radio installations used in
life-saving appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Code;

2.5 the ship complied with the provisions of the Code as regards radio installations;

2.6 the functioning of the radio installations used in life-saving appliances complied with
the provisions of the Code;

2.7 the ship complied with the provisions of the Code as regards shipborne
navigational equipment, means of embarkation for pilots and nautical publications;

2.8 the ship was provided with lights, shapes, means of making sound signals and distress signals
in accordance with the provisions of the Code and the International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions of Sea in force;

2.9 in all other respects the ship complied with the relevant provisions of the Code.

3 That an Exemption Certificate has/has not* been issued.

4 That the ship has/has not* been provided with certificates issued under SOLAS, as

This certificate is valid until
Completion date of the survey on which this certificate is based (dd/mm/yyyy): ……….... Issued at
(Place of issue of certificate)

(Date of issue) (Signature of
authorized official issuing the certificate)

(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)


* Delete as appropriate.


THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, at a survey required by 1.6 of the Code, the ship was found to comply with
the relevant provisions of the Code.

Annual survey: Signed
(Signature of authorized official)
Place ..............................................................

Date ...............................................................
(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)
Annual survey: Signed
(Signature of authorized official)
Place ..............................................................

Date ...............................................................
(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)
Annual survey: Signed
(Signature of authorized official)
Place ..............................................................

Date ...............................................................
(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)
Annual survey: Signed
(Signature of authorized official)
Place ..............................................................

Date ...............................................................
(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)

IN SECTIONS 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 AND 2.9 OF THIS CERTIFICATE

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, at a survey required by 1.6 of the Code, the ship was found to comply with
the relevant provisions of the Code.

Annual survey: Signed
(Signature of authorized official)
Place ..............................................................

Date ...............................................................
(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)
Annual/periodical* survey: Signed
........................................................... (Signature of authorized official)
Place ..............................................................

Date ...............................................................
(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)
Annual/periodical* survey: Signed
........................................................... (Signature of authorized official)
Place ..............................................................

Date ...............................................................
(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)
Annual survey: Signed
(Signature of authorized official)
Place ..............................................................

Date ...............................................................
(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)
Delete as appropriate.


THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, at a survey required by 1.6 of the Code, the ship was found to comply with
the relevant provisions of the Code:

Periodical survey: Signed
(Signature of authorized official) Place
Date ...............................................................

(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)

Periodical survey: Signed
(Signature of authorized official) Place
Date ...............................................................

(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)

Periodical survey: Signed
(Signature of authorized official) Place
Date ...............................................................

(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)

Annual survey: Signed
(Signature of authorized official) Place
Date ...............................................................

(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)


The ship complies with the relevant provisions of the Code and this Certificate should, in
accordance with 1.7.3, be accepted as valid until
Signed ...........................................................
(Signature of authorized official) Place
Date ...............................................................
(Seal or stamp of the Authority, as appropriate)

Record of Equipment for the Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate (Form SPS)
This Record should be permanently attached to the Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate.

1 Particulars of ship

Name of ship

Distinctive number or letters

Number of persons on board (including passengers)
for which certified

Minimum number of persons on board with required qualifications to operate
the radio installations

2 Details of life-saving appliances

1 Total number of persons for which life-saving
appliances are provided . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Port side Starboard side

2 Total number of lifeboats
2.1 Total number of persons accommodated by them
2.2 Number of partially enclosed lifeboats (regulation III/31 and LSA Code, section 4.5)
2.3 Number of totally enclosed lifeboats (regulation III/31 and LSA Code, section 4.6)
2.4 Other lifeboats
2.4.1 Number
2.4.2 Type

3 Number of motor lifeboats (included in the total lifeboats shown above)
3.1 Number of lifeboats fitted with searchlights
4 Number of rescue boats
4.1 Number of boats which are included in the total lifeboats shown above
5 Liferafts
5.1 Those for which approved launching appliances are required
5.1.1 Number of liferafts
5.1.2 Number of persons accommodated by them
5.2 Those for which approved launching appliances are not required
5.2.1 Number of liferafts
5.2.2 Number of persons accommodated by them

6 Number of lifebuoys
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Number of lifejackets
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8 Immersion suits
8.1 Total number
8.2 Number of suits complying with the requirements for lifejackets

9 Number of thermal protective aids*

10 Radio installations used in life-saving appliances
10.1 Number of radar transponders
10.2 Number of two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus

* Excluding those required by the LSA Code, paragraphs, and

3 Details of radio facilities

Item Actual provision

1 Primary systems
1.1 VHF radio installation
1.1.1 DSC encoder
1.1.2 DSC watch receiver
1.1.3 Radiotelephony
1.2 MF radio installation
1.2.1 DSC encoder
1.2.2 DSC watch receiver
1.2.3 Radiotelephony
1.3 MF/HF radio installation
1.3.1 DSC encoder
1.3.2 DSC watch receiver
1.3.3 Radiotelephony
1.3.4 Direct-printing radiotelegraphy

1.4 Inmarsat ship earth station
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Secondary means of alerting .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 Facilities for reception of maritime safety information
3.1 NAVTEX receiver
3.2 EGC receiver
3.3 HF direct-printing radiotelegraph receiver
4 Satellite EPIRB
4.2 Inmarsat

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Ship’s radar transponder
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 Methods used to ensure availability of radio facilities (SOLAS regulations IV/15.6 and

4.1 Duplication of equipment
4.2 Shore-based maintenance
4.3 Of-sea maintenance capability

5 Details of navigational systems and equipment

1.1 Standard magnetic compass*
1.2 Spare magnetic compass*
1.3 Gyro compass*
1.4 Gyro compass heading repeater*
1.5 Gyro compass bearing repeater*
1.6 Heading or track control system*
1.7 Pelorus or compass bearing device*
1.8 Means of correcting heading and bearings
1.9 Transmitting heading device (THD)*
2.1 Nautical charts/Electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS)**

2.2 Back up arrangements for ECDIS

2.3Nautical publications
2.4 Back up arrangements for electronic nautical publications
3.1 Receiver for a global navigation satellite system/terrestrial radionavigation
system*, **
3.2 9 GHz radar*
3.3 Second radar (3 GHz/ 9 GHZ**)*
3.4 Automatic radar plotting aid (ARPA)*
3.5 Automatic tracking aid*
3.6 Second automatic tracking aid*
3.7 Electronic plotting aid*
4 Automatic identification system (AIS)
5.1 Voyage data recorder (VDR)**
5.2 Simplified voyage data recorder (S-VDR)**
6.1 Speed and distance measuring device (through the water)*
6.2 Speed and distance measuring device (over the ground in the forward and
athwartship direction)*
6.3 Echo sounding device*
7.1 Rudder, propeller, thrust, pitch and operational mode indicator*
......................................... 7.2 Rate of turn indicator*
....... 8 Sound reception system*
... 9 Telephone to emergency steering position*
.......................................................................... 10 Daylight
signalling lamp*
. 11 Radar reflector*
................. 12 International Code of Signals
................................................................................................ 13
IAMSAR Manual, Volume III

* Alternative means of meeting this requirement are permitted under regulation V/19. In case
of other means, they should be specified.
** Delete as appropriate.

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this Record is correct in all respects.

Issued at
(Place of issue of the Record)

(Date of issue) (Signature of duly
authorized official issuing the Record)

(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)

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SPS-Code 2008 - Code on safety for special purpose ships, 2008 (as amended by MSC/Res.299(87)) (2024)
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Article information

Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Views: 6149

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.