Stock, Broth and Frequently asked questions (2024)

Table of Contents
1. What is the difference between a stock and a broth? 2. Do I have to use organic bones for broth? 3. So how long do I need to cook it for? 4. So how long does it last in the fridge? 5. What should I freeze it in? 6. How long can it be frozen for? 7. Can I use bones we’ve eaten from? 8. Can I use raw bones? 9. Can I do anything with the cooked veggies after the stock has been made? 10. Do I throw out the fat? 11. Do I have to use apple cider vinegar? Why is it added to some recipes and not others? 12. Which are the best bones to use? 13. Can I use cooked bones? 14. Why is it so important to have a gelatinous broth? 15. Isn’t leaving a pot on the stove for 12 hours / overnight dangerous? 16. Does vegetable stock have the same benefits? 17. Where can I source organic, pasture raised bones from? 18. Is there an optimal time to consume stock? 19. If I have joint pain, how much do I drink? 20. Is fish stock as rich in all the good stuff as meat stocks? 21. Does concentrating the liquid, ie reducing it down, make it better for you? 22. What about the water you add? 23. How long before I see benefits? 24. What can I do with the leftover bones? (And an important note on pets) 25. Do I leave the lid on or off while cooking? 26. What if I am doing GAPS. Do I have to prepare my stock a special way? 27. What if I’m on a FODMAP diet? Can I still make stock? 28. Can I feed my baby stock? 29. Can I use raw and cooked bones together? 30. Can I re-use bones to make another batch of stock? 31. Do you have a question we’ve not yet covered??? FAQs

Stock and broth. More an more people are discovering the power of this food, given it feeds us so much of what is missing in a modern diet. This is why people notice such quick health improvements soon after starting to incorporate them into their diets.

A few years ago I wrote a sort of mini manual on the why we should be incorporating stocks and the ‘how’ of basic stocks – chicken, fish and beef. It’s here.

And I’ve been asked a whole bunch of questions in between on facebook. I thought it would be a good thing to collate all of the FAQs into a post to help anyone on the stock making road – new or veteran, as we can always pick up new tips and ideas. The most important thing to remember is HOW EASY STOCK IS!!! Some bones, some veg, some herbs. Simmer either an hour for fish, couple of hours to 12 for chicken to 2 days for beef, pork and lamb… Filtered water if you can. Done. But, because we do like to indulge a little obsession into ‘doing it right’…

Here we go!

1. What is the difference between a stock and a broth?

Stockor “bouillon”, according to cookery mecca Larousse Gastronomique, is the liquid obtained from either simplyMirepoix (carrot / onion / celery) and bouquet garnis (bay leaf / thyme / parsley) OR a soup made with those things and meat pieces. Some say the broth is the bone stock fine strained and fat separated, for utmost clarity of liquid, able to be served alone. Stock is ladeled here and there into sauces, stews, soups and not as ‘refined’ looking / texture as a broth. Then, some say that broth is the meat / veg / herb flavoured water simmered, but without the bones. Stock is then a broth made with bones also and not really with meat. It is then argued that ‘vegetable broth’ doesn’t exist as there are no bones… And so the arguments go on. So, I like to keep it simple and just call everything stock that has bones in it and is cooked long enough to extract all the good things out of the bones. I don’t love argument for arguments’ sake, because in the time it takes some people to argue about this stuff, they could have got a batch of stock on the stove – THAT is far more important, don’t you think? So, stock is without bones and broth is with, and depending on your gut health, you will either cook it briefly (2 hours-3hours) or longer to extract the most goodness from the bones (GAPS note: Check question 26 for specific GAPS definitions / what to do if following that protocol).

2. Do I have to use organic bones for broth?

I’d say this one is a non negotiable, yes. Bones store a lot of body toxicity – heavy metals, antibiotic residues… You want the animals to not only have had a lovely life while alive which for me is also a non negotiable, and you also want them to have been disease-free and free from pesticide from grains, genetically modified grains, excess vaccinations and antibiotics… “Clean eating” means a clean food system and I encourage you to explore ethical, organic meat in general. The great thing about it is if you learn some good slow cooking, then you move into being able to buy secondary cuts. With stock, bones are the most economical way that exists, to benefit from organics, returning about a litre of nourishing, healing goodness for around $4.

3. So how long do I need to cook it for?

It depends on the broth and depends on your sensitivity to histamines which increase slightly as cooking continues. If you have anyone in your family who has a propensity towards hives, skin reactions and issues, hayfever or feeling ‘wired’, it’s best to do short cook broths of 1-2 hours. With lots of meat, veggies, onion and herbs in there, there’ll still be plenty of flavour and plenty of goodness from the bones.

Fish 1-2 hours is all it needs to extract the gelatin and mineral goodness. Longer, and it turns bitter also, which isn’t great for flavour.

Chicken – 1-12 hours depending on whether doing short or long cook.

Beef / Lamb / Pork – 2 to 24 hours depending on short or long cook.

4. So how long does it last in the fridge?

Provided you have a good, thick layer of fat that has solidified on top of the liquid, then you can keep it in the fridge for a couple of weeks.

If you don’t have a good fat layer on top, 3-4 days. Best is to keep a couple of jars in the fridge and the rest in the freezer.

5. What should I freeze it in?

Glass jars of a few different sizes are the best solution. Always leave a good inch off the top of the liquid level from the top of the jar. This means when the liquid slightly expands when in the freezer, you won’t risk a cracked jar.

6. How long can it be frozen for?

3 months fish

6 months meat

7. Can I use bones we’ve eaten from?

Yes. It’s just about to spend hours in a pot bubbling away. I really don’t think you need to worry about having chomped at the drumstick! USE IT ALL UP. While we’re at it, I keep all scraps from cutting raw onion, carrot, celery or ends of herb bunches in the freezer in a big pyrex, ready and waiting for the next broth batch. Waste NOTHING!

8. Can I use raw bones?

Yes, you can. I do personally pan fry them (say chicken carcasses) for a couple of minutes if they’re raw, to get a little flavour on them before the simmering starts. In a little coconut oil, butter, tallow or ghee is fine. For beef knuckle, I roast those first on high 220C / 450F temperature for 45mins before adding to the marrow bones… Read the original post for details.

9. Can I do anything with the cooked veggies after the stock has been made?

Absolutely. I use them in a mashed veggie ‘something’ over the next couple of days. They’ve got so much goodness in them with all those amino acids from the broth and it helps lengthen the uses. Great trick for a limited budget PLUS you create less waste. Win Win.

10. Do I throw out the fat?

NO keep the fat. The fat is great for both preserving the jars when keeping in the fridge and then for sauteeing onions / garlic / mushrooms / green leafy veggies down the track. It also prevents freezer burn when freezing your stock. Healthy fat from healthy animals is super good for your brain and body. If you feel challenged by that idea, Nourishing Traditions or Primal Body Primal Mind are both excellent, well researched and well backed up books with a wealth of information on traditional diets for healthy, strong bodies.

11. Do I have to use apple cider vinegar? Why is it added to some recipes and not others?

You don’t have to. It does help draw out minerals from particularly thick bones, so for pork, lamb, beef (especially marrow) I’d say yes, a couple of tbsp – 1/4 cup is a great idea. If you don’t have any however, it’s way better to make a stock than not make one because of not having ACV. It aids the process, but it’s not essential to the process itself, if that makes sense.

12. Which are the best bones to use?

There are certain bones that have more gelatin in them, so while all bones will provide amino acids and gelatin, these will provide the most benefit to them all. Make no mistake though… put ’em all in the pot anyway. It’s all good!

Chicken – wings, necks, feet

Beef – Knuckles, marrow

Pork – Knuckles, trotters

Lamb – shanks, knuckles, neck

Fish – White non oily fish, try not to get ones from too big a fish though to avoid mercury/radiation build up. I love using 3-4 leftover baby snappers after oven roasting them.

13. Can I use cooked bones?

Sure can. They add depth of flavour.

14. Why is it so important to have a gelatinous broth?

Firstly it’s not ‘super important’. BUT: The sign of the ‘jelly’ is what lets you know you’ve cooked the bones long enough, you’ve not used too much water, and you’ve used bones that have high gelatin in them.Gelatinous bone broth is the visual sign (when it’s wobbly once cooled in fridge) that you’ve got a great amount of gelatin in there. If you have any issues around bone / joint health, preparing for childbirth, recovering from surgery – especially joint / bone surgery, leaky gut, ibs, autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s, issues with hair / teeth / nails / skin… that’s going to be gold!That’s why knuckle bones and trotters / feet are used in stock in so many traditional cultures for recovery. They’re not silly, they’re wise.

15. Isn’t leaving a pot on the stove for 12 hours / overnight dangerous?

I don’t want you to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Play it by what feels right to you! Personally, I put the pot on the smallest gas element, and the lowest heat and that makes for a super slow simmer. I’ve never had an issue and have done this for years. A low oven on 100 could be a solution if you feel more comfortable with that. The alternative is to get a slow cooker (ensure it is teflon / “non stick” free and go for a ceramic one) and use that.

16. Does vegetable stock have the same benefits?

Unfortunately not. While you can get a beautiful flavour from veggie stock which is lovely to use in vegetarian dishes, you won’t be getting gelatin, the range of amino acids, the high levels of minerals (although there will be some!), the glucosamine or the colloids that set a bone brothapart.

17. Where can I source organic, pasture raised bones from?

This can be tricky out of the big cities but where there’s a will there’s a way. Try our organic directory in your country (for Australia it’s Australian Organics Directory) or google things like cow share, organic butcher, grass fed beef, organic co-op and your suburb/town name, ethical meat, pasture raised chickens… another place you could ask is at the local health shop, as people who work at health shops tend to ensure they have a supply of ethical, pasture raised meats if their meat eaters. My butcher is Ethical Farmers if you’re Sydney based. They deliver statewide.

18. Is there an optimal time to consume stock?

Best time is empty stomach or pre meal or during meal… so, as you can see, it’s always a good time,hehe. Stocks have something called hydrophilic colloid which attracts gastric juices and heals and seals intestinal lining. The reason it’s so great to add stock to cooked meals, is that cooked food doesn’t have those colloids and stock is the only cooked food that does (to my knowledge thus far in research). It really means you get much better absorption and utilisation of your foods if a little stock is ladled through here and there. I often give my son a little 1/3 cup a couple at breakky or before dinner, with sea salt.

19. If I have joint pain, how much do I drink?

This is not an exact science and most evidence is anecdotal, ie, loads of people across the interwebs with miracle stock/broth stories. I know someone who had an MRI showing zero cartilage left on his knees. He discovered traditional eating, got stuck into stock making and drinking, and has since been re scanned, with full recovery of cartilage – no supplements other than all the minerals, gelatin and glucosamine in stock, and a high quality fermented cod liver oil. I’m serious. He was as shocked as the next person to see the results! To think of all the pharmacy supplements and anti inflammatories for joint pain out there… Nature more often than not, has the answer! Of course, there are many different types of cases, so if in doubt see your health professional.

20. Is fish stock as rich in all the good stuff as meat stocks?

Oh yes!Fish stock is amazing. Only need to cook an hour or two at the most though, or it goes bitter. Rumour has it it’s wonderful for childbirth preparationand logically, I’d say that’s because it’s the most gelatinous of all the bone stocks thus preparing your ‘frame’ the best. Many traditional island cultures give it to the women in the lead up and to repair postpartum. Other cultures feed the women chicken’s feet and pork knuckle soups through Asia.

21. Does concentrating the liquid, ie reducing it down, make it better for you?

It does make it more concentrated and therefore more nutrient density per millilitre. If you’re short on space, reducing it is a great space saver, and you can thin it later with water to taste for your cooking.

22. What about the water you add?

The water must be filtered. At the very least chlorine/pesticide, which your standard filter will do. Best case scenario, however, is a filter that removes excess metals, as much bacteria as possible, endocrine disruptive chemicals and fluoride. Metals and fluoride accumulate in being heated, and you don’t want heavy metals present in water to intensify. You can get under the sink solutions but for a simple countertop solution, my water filter at home is the big benchtop one from the WatersCo team. So good! My parents have this beautiful water filter and they’re also super happy with it.

23. How long before I see benefits?

It depends on you, your physical state, what other dietary factors might be hindering healing… Best to see a practitioner if you’re concerned about your health in any way. Hair, nails, skin you will notice the difference within the week from a cup of day. That I can guarantee. When it comes to cartilage repair, that’s a longer term journey of a year +, and the gut if severely damaged, while you will feel soothed very quickly and less discomfort, the healing can take up to 2 years if you had a severe issue. Again, Doctor Natasha Campbell McBride’s GAPS book is a wealth of information for gut problems.

24. What can I do with the leftover bones? (And an important note on pets)

You could use the bones again for another batch IF you’re doing a short cook 1-2 hour batch. Or compost for chicken bones and for the larger, more dense bones, see if they’re soft enough to grind up into a bone meal – amazing garden fertiliser. If they’re still too dense, then you could try dehydrating them and turning into a powder in the blender after fully dried out OR you could give them to a lucky pet! BUT NOTE: Please do not give your pets cooked bones OR bone broth with onion in it. No good for them and potentially dangerous!

25. Do I leave the lid on or off while cooking?

On. Towards the end if you’re wanting to reduce your liquid for more intensity of flavour or for space saving in the fridge/freezer, then yes, take the lid off for 30 mins-1 hour at the end.

26. What if I am doing GAPS. Do I have to prepare my stock a special way?

If you’re doing GAPS then meat stock is where you cook the meat attached to bone for a couple of hours to make soup and bone broth is where you simmer meat free bones. For those with histamine issues or extremely sensitive digestion, it’s good to start with bones that are only cooked for a couple of hours. Chicken is a good choice to introduce first as it has a much milder flavour, especially for kids. (Thank you to my friend Kitsa Yanniotis, GAPS educator exceptionelle for sharing this specific GAPS information)

27. What if I’m on a FODMAP diet? Can I still make stock?

Absolutely. Depending on your sensitivity, leave out the onion altogether, OR chop into it a few green spring onion tips for the flavour if you can manage those.

28. Can I feed my baby stock?

As with all things, best start a little teaspoon or two mid morning and check for any reactions but stock is a seriously awesome thing to include in a baby’s diet, given the building blocks it provided the whole body! Cooking meat in it to make it soft and mixing with pumpkin will make a wonderful meat/veggie puree, for example. Have a little try from 6 months and be sure to leave out the salt for their tiny, precious kidneys. Include a little stock – a tablespoon or two into veggie purees too to make them a million times more nourishing and satisfying. Contented babies who are deeply nourished while they’re growing so rapidly? YES PLEASE!!

29. Can I use raw and cooked bones together?

No one’s going to know the difference! Yes! In fact I like a mix, the cooked bones give the stock/broth a great, deep flavour.

30. Can I re-use bones to make another batch of stock?

Yes. There’s even a name for it – Remouillage – A French term for ‘re-wetting’. This works especially well if you’re making shorter cook time stocks/broths. Just freshen up the veggies and herbs for the 2nd batch and voila – a ridiculously good way to stretch the budget.

31. Do you have a question we’ve not yet covered???

Then leave it in the comments. If it’s about how it’s made, times, amounts etc, don’t forget to check back to my original post here.

Enjoy making stock a regular part of your cooking prep. Once you’ve got it, it will take very little time to make and it will add flavour and nourishment to everything – sauces, stews, soups, warm dressings, roast tray deglaze, gravies…

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Stock, Broth and Frequently asked questions (2)

Stock, Broth and Frequently asked questions (3)


Stock, Broth and Frequently asked questions (2024)


Stock, Broth and Frequently asked questions? ›

Stock is generally made from bones, and broth is generally made from flesh. In both cases, they are often supported with aromatic vegetables, but in the case of stock, left unseasoned for maximum flexibility in recipes, whereas broth will usually contain at least salt and pepper.

What are the differences between a stock and a broth? ›

Stock is generally made from bones, and broth is generally made from flesh. In both cases, they are often supported with aromatic vegetables, but in the case of stock, left unseasoned for maximum flexibility in recipes, whereas broth will usually contain at least salt and pepper.

Which is healthier, stock or broth? ›

And the Winner Is..

Stock! Whether homemade or store-bought it has more protein and usually less sodium per serving as compared to broth. Plus, the flavor is just better which means you'll start with something tastier and will hopefully use less salt to taste at the end.

Which is clearer, broth or stock? ›

Fats in your stock emulsify with the water when the stock boils. This is why a milky white tonkotsu ramen broth (which is produced via a rapid boil) is much cloudier than a stock with the same ingredients that is never boiled. Impurities: If you start with a liquid that isn't clear, it's hard to make it clear later!

What are some of the potential uses for stock or broth? ›

A good broth is the secret to the very best soup, such as chicken soup and beef and barley, while a rich stock is the foundation for superior braises, stews and sauces, including French classics like demi-glace and sauce Espagnole, as well as the very best turkey gravy.

What happens if I use stock instead of broth? ›

In most cases, stock and broth are interchangeable. If you're in the soup aisle and can't remember whether the recipe called for stock or broth, either will do for making soup, gravy, or a flavorful pot of rice or grains. Keep in mind that stock is unseasoned, and broth is seasoned.

Is broth healthy for you? ›

It can make a healthy addition to your diet and contains nutrients such as collagen, electrolytes, and various amino acids. Consuming bone broth can help reduce inflammation and build muscle when combined with daily exercise.

Which is richer broth or stock? ›

Stock has a richer, deeper flavor and mouthfeel, making it better at adding body to a dish, whereas broth might be a better choice when you want to let other flavors to shine.

What is the downside of bone broth? ›

"Depending on how it's made or what's in it, (bone broth) could have large amounts of sodium. That's the only downside," says Zumpano.

Which is better for sipping broth or stock? ›

Stock. The two biggest differences between bone broth and stock are that bone broth can be sipped and it's a bit more complicated to make from scratch. After all, bone broth is made from roasted animal bones and must be slow-simmered for 24 to 48 hours, compared to a stock's 8 to 12-hour simmer time.

Is bouillon the same as stock? ›

Chicken bouillon is a concentrated flavor enhancer available in both powdered and cube form. Think of it as chicken stock condensed into a convenient package. Chicken bouillon is made by dehydrating chicken stock. It gives you a concentrated product that can be easily stored and used when needed.

Can I leave stock simmering overnight? ›

Fill with water, bring to a boil, then reduce heat to the lowest simmer my stove burner will maintain, and leave it to simmer all night long. In the morning, I'll strain the stock and let it cool, and toss all the used bits in the trash.

Why discard vegetables after making stock? ›

Um, as you're cooking with stock, the the vegetable, the vegetables will release the nutrients and the flavor into the water and what you're left, um, what you're left to it is just kind of a mushy vegetable. It doesn't have a lot of taste.

What is the white stuff floating in my chicken broth? ›

You turn on the heat, the pot heats up, and it's not long before all that whitish, greyish, or brownish foamy “scum” rises to the top of the pot just as it starts to simmer. What is that stuff, anyway? Broth scum is simply denatured congealed protein. It comes from the meat, not the bones.

Can I leave bone broth out overnight to cool? ›

According the expert McGee consulted, soup or stock left to cool overnight, then reboiled for 10 minutes and properly refrigerated in the morning is still safe to eat because it isn't cool long enough for the bacteria to germinate and reproduce up to dangerous levels.

How long does broth last in the fridge? ›

Homemade chicken broth will keep for up to four days in the refrigerator. Allow it to cool slightly before popping into the fridge (boiling-hot broth might warm up the whole refrigerator, which can make other food spoil). Once it's cooled off a bit, transfer the broth to an airtight container.

What are the differences between a stock and a broth quizlet? ›

Broths and stocks differs, however, in two ways. First, broths are made with meat instead of just bones. Second, broths (often with a garnish) can be served as finished dishes, whereas stocks are generally used to prepare other items. Broths are made from meat, poultry, fish or vegetables cooked in a liquid.

Is bouillon the same as broth? ›

Bouillon (pronounced bool-yaan) is the French word for broth. The terms bouillon and broth are often used interchangeably. Both refer to the translucent, flavorful liquid that is made by simmering beef, chicken, vegetables, and other ingredients.

Can you drink broth or stock? ›

An individual usually makes broth from meat or vegetables, and it tends to appear clearer and taste more flavorful than stock. A person can consume broth on its own or as a main meal. Compared with broth, stock contains more carbohydrates and fat, as well as more vitamins and minerals.

Can I substitute beef stock for broth? ›

Yes! You can use beef or chicken stock as a beef or chicken broth alternative. What's the difference? Stock is made by simmering roasted beef or chicken bones for a long time, a process that extracts the collagen from the bones and gives the stock a slightly gelatinous texture, plus rich beef or chicken flavor.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.