Teeth Whitening Seattle | Love Your Smile | Enhance Your Smile (2024)

Get a whiter, brighter smile in one visit.

Want to Quickly Enhance Your Smile?

Professional teeth whitening treatment is the cosmetic solution for you.

Teeth Whitening Seattle | Love Your Smile | Enhance Your Smile (1)

Are you tired of stained or yellow-looking teeth?

Your teeth may look duller due to certain foods and drinks, medication, tobacco use, or from conditions we can’t control such as age or injury.

But, that doesn’t mean you have to settle for a smile you’re not happy with.

Love Your Smile offers in-office teeth whitening treatments that safely whitens your teeth up to several shades without irritating your teeth or gums.

ZOOM! Professional teeth whitening is perfect for you if you:

  • Have healthy permanent teeth

  • Are looking to remove stains and discoloration

  • Want an easy smile makeover

Why You’ll Love ZOOM! Teeth Whitening

It’s a patient-favorite cosmetic solution.


In just one visit, we can successfully whiten your teeth by several shades.


Our dentist-approved whitening treatment is controlled and won’t damage your enamel.


Professional teeth whitening is one of the most cost-effective ways to enhance your smile.

Why Choose Love Your Smile?

Our Seattle cosmetic dentists prioritize your smile goals and needs.

Teeth Whitening Seattle | Love Your Smile | Enhance Your Smile (2)

We want to help you feel and look your best, starting with a smile you love.

And it’s possible to whiten your teeth safely and effectively, thanks to our in-office treatments. You’ll enjoy professional care and results in just one visit.

  • Step 1

    During your consultation, we’ll examine your teeth and gums to make sure they’re healthy before beginning treatment. You’ll be able to choose the level of whiteness you desire. Once you’re ready, we’ll clean and prep your teeth to remove any plaque.

  • Step 2

    After cleaning, the teeth are kept dry, and we may use a retractor to keep the lips and tongue out of the way. We also apply a gel or shield to protect the gums.

  • Step 3

    The front surface of your teeth will be covered by ZOOM! professional teeth whitening solution. A special light will activate the whitening ingredients to brighten your teeth.

    We’ll closely time and monitor your progress. Once the desired shade is reached, we’ll rinse off the solution and can apply fluoride for tooth sensitivity if needed.

  • Step 4

    Once complete, we’ll go over a few home instructions, such as which food and drinks to avoid for the next few hours.

We also offer teeth whitening options to take home, with custom trays and a safe whitening solution. While this whitening process takes longer, it also brightens teeth beautifully.

FAQ About Teeth Whitening

  • What is the best whitener for your teeth?

    One of the best ways to whiten your teeth is with a professional teeth whitening treatment at the dentist. There are many teeth whitening products in stores and online, but choosing a safe, effective, affordable, and quick method is essential.

    If you’ve got a special occasion or big event coming up, it’s especially important to choose a whitening method that gets the job done in time.

    Our in-office procedure checks all the boxes above. Contact us to schedule a teeth whitening in Seattle.

  • Is it good to do teeth whitening?

    Teeth whitening is safe for your teeth as long as you use a dentist-approved method and are a candidate. If you have tooth sensitivity, receding gums, dental work, or a history of oral disease, please check with your dentist before whitening your teeth.

    If you’re a candidate for teeth whitening, then one of the best ways to whiten teeth is dental teeth whitening at Love Your Smile.

  • How much does it cost to get white teeth?

    Teeth whitening is the least expensive cosmetic procedure at the dentist.

    You’ll get an immediate and improved appearance of your teeth and an instant confidence boost with professional teeth whitening. The procedure is affordable, and we’ll give you a cost estimate before scheduling your whitening appointment.

    Check out our financing options to learn more.

  • Is it worth it to get your teeth professionally whitened?

    Yes, getting your teeth professionally whitened is worth it. Patients report an immediate whiter smile that they couldn’t create at home with store-bought whiteners.

    Our dentist can whiten your teeth by several shades, and the best part is that it can all be done in one visit. Professional teeth whitening is perfect before special events like a graduation, wedding, or anniversary.

    We all deserve to look our best. Even if you don’t have a special occasion coming up any time soon, it’s a good idea to schedule a teeth whitening appointment in Seattle.

  • How do celebrities get their teeth so white?

    This depends on the celebrity and the quality of his/her natural smile. Some celebrities use professional teeth whitening to get a star-worthy smile, while others whose natural teeth need extra work may opt for porcelain veneers.

    Porcelain veneers are thin shells bonded on existing teeth to transform their appearance. They fix smile flaws such as gaps, discoloration, misalignments, and fractures.

  • Why are my teeth so yellow even though I brush them?

    Many factors affect your tooth color, including the food you eat, the liquids you drink, age, and your lifestyle, including dental hygiene and smoking.

    Some factors are under our control, while others, like aging, are not. Teeth naturally change color as we age because of enamel wear. This can cause teeth to appear gray or yellow in color.

    If you brush your teeth daily and use an FDA-approved toothpaste but are still concerned about the color of your teeth, then please schedule a dentist appointment in Seattle to discuss your concerns and whitening options.

Get White Teeth in One Visit

Schedule your treatment with our Seattle cosmetic dentists today.

Call Us: 206-724-0188

Teeth Whitening Seattle | Love Your Smile | Enhance Your Smile (2024)
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