The 7 Most Important Roles and Skills of a Manager |SoME Education (2024)

What does it mean to be an effective manager? There are so many different kinds of managers, from those who manage 10 employees to those who manage 10,000 employees, that the question seems almost impossible to answer. In reality, though, many skills and roles define any successful manager no matter the scale of their organization or industry. These seven most important roles and skills of a manager will help you lead your team to success as a top-notch supervisor or department head.

The 7 Most Important Roles and Skills of a Manager


What are the7 functions of management? One of the most importantroles of a manager in an organization is to have good communication. The ability to listen, ask questions, inspire people, motivate them, and make them feel comfortable is paramount to success.

Managers need to be able to take feedback from their team and not be defensive about it. Communication skills also include being able to effectively talk with senior management about the needs of the organization. It's essential that managers can articulate their vision clearly, even if they are unclear on how to achieve it.


If you're responsible for the management of a company, you need to make sure that your employees are happy. You should always do what is best for them, not just what's best for the company.

A manager also needs to be able to delegate responsibilities; they can't do everything on their own. They also have to be able to work well with others, which includes being able to understand different points of view.

A manager has to make decisions quickly and handle difficult situations calmly. He or she needs to know how to lead people in difficult circ*mstances. The most important thing that a manager has is integrity, because he or she sets an example for other managers who will come after him or her.


Managers need to know when to delegate. They should have the confidence to delegate tasks if they are unable to complete them themselves, or if it is not in their area of expertise. The delegator needs to ensure that the delegation process is well planned, with clear instructions given so that expectations can be met.

Managers also need to set appropriate goals for the team members so that they are not working blindly on a task without any feedback or direction. The delegator needs to be supportive while also holding people accountable.

People skills such as good listening skills and active listening skills will help make sure that everyone feels heard when discussing challenges with management or team members.

Time Management

Knowing how to manage your time is one of the most important skills for any manager. Being able to balance all the different aspects of your life will help you stay on top of deadlines, reduce stress, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

There are many different time management techniques that people use to organize their days, but it's not necessary to have one specific strategy. The most important thing is that you find what works best for you and stick with it.

You should also create a schedule in advance, so you can make sure nothing falls through the cracks. One technique I've found helpful is prioritizing my day: looking at everything I need to do and ranking them by importance. Once I do this, I know exactly where my focus should be during each block of time, so I don't waste time on tasks that aren't as important.

Conflict Resolution

Managers are responsible for preventing, handling, and resolving conflicts. Conflict is inevitable in any organization. When it arises, managers need to know how to effectively handle it. The first step is to identify the type of conflict.

One way to do this is by looking at what parties are involved. For example, there may be an interpersonal conflict between two employees who have different opinions about an issue that needs solving or an operational conflict related to scheduling or performance review processes that need changing.

You can also identify the type of conflict by thinking about how the people involved feel: Is one party angry? Disappointed? Dejected? Defeated? Do they feel like their voice is being heard or not at all?


Managers are the backbone of any organization, but they often go unappreciated. Managers are responsible for getting work done through others, so they need to have certain skills. If you want to be successful as a manager, you'll need to know what those skills are. Here's what you'll need:

  1. Leadership and management skills - Managers need to be able to communicate goals and effectively manage their employees' time. They also have to be good at providing feedback, delegating tasks, and balancing competing priorities.
  2. Business knowledge - Knowing about business models, leadership principles, company culture, marketing strategy, etc., will help managers know how best to lead their team.
  3. People skills - It's not easy managing people!


A manager is a person in charge of directing the work of his or her team. They are responsible for setting goals, making decisions, solving problems, and providing feedback. One major responsibility is to be sure that their team members have everything they need to do their job correctly.

A manager must be able to problem-solve effectively. This means that he or she will often be presented with a difficult situation where there are no easy answers. The manager needs to have an understanding of what resources are available to make the best decision possible.

In these cases, it's usually best to gather information first before making any big changes. Effective managers also know when it's appropriate to involve other people, such as supervisors or staff members who may have more experience with the issue at hand.

How To Improve Them managerial skills

If you’re looking to improve yourmanagerial roles and skills, we’ve created this list of the top 10 ways to do so. Each of these methods includes an example from the business world to help illustrate how it can be applied. With just one or two items from this list, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a more successful career!

1) Communicate effectively

One of the most important aspects of a manager's job is to be able to communicate effectively. Effective communication can help managers and employees work together more efficiently. Here are some tips for communicating more effectively:

  1. Make sure that you're paying attention and listening when someone talks to you.
  2. Understand your employees' needs and wants; ask questions if you don't know what their goals are or how they want to be managed.
  3. Be clear about your expectations, but also give the employee room to explore their ideas.
  4. Balance feedback with praise, so that the employee knows what they did well while also providing constructive criticism on things they could do better in the future.

2) Delegate tasks

You're a manager, so you likely have a lot on your plate. But that doesn't mean you need to do everything yourself. It's important to delegate tasks to other members of your team. This allows you to focus on the more important tasks and let others take care of the less important ones.

  1. Schedule regular meetings with your employees and get input from them about what they're working on.
  2. Hold productive meetings where everyone is encouraged to participate and share their ideas for how things could be done better in the future.
  3. Encourage people on your team to meet regularly outside of work time, too, so they can work together as friends as well as coworkers - this will foster trust and commitment in addition to getting things done faster!

3) Set clear goals

An important part of improving yourmanagerial roles and skills is setting clear goals. What do you want to accomplish? What are your personal and professional aspirations? Do you have a list of things you would like to learn or experience in the next year?

It's best to write these down. Once you've completed the tasks, it's very satisfying to see them crossed off the list! Practice effective listening: Good managers can be great listeners as well. They take note of what people say without interrupting them, they acknowledge their thoughts and ideas, they provide constructive feedback when needed, and they're honest but polite with criticism.

4) Give feedback

Start by taking a look at the following seven ways you can improve yourmanagerial roles and skills:

  1. Take time to reflect on how you operate now and what you need to change to become more effective.
  2. Learn how to show appreciation for your employees' efforts and hard work with praise, bonuses, or gifts.
  3. Work on becoming better at providing feedback - both positive and constructive criticism - to your team members.
  4. Become more aware of the different types of conflicts that arise from time to time in the workplace, and learn how to address them effectively.
  5. Practice active listening when interacting with others so that you are paying attention to what they are saying and feeling their emotions as well as understanding their point of view.

5) Encourage creativity

Experiment with new tactics. The best way to learn what works is to try different things and see how they work out. And the best way to do that is to experiment and find what works for you. You'll never know if it would have worked out better until you give it a shot!

It's also important to remember that there are no guarantees in business so don't be afraid of trying something new just because it might not work out right away.

Ask for feedback. Although we all like hearing what we're doing well, sometimes it can be tough hearing constructive criticism or ideas on how we could improve ourleadership communications skills.

6) Promote teamwork

Teamwork is important in all aspects of life, but it's especially essential when it comes to the workplace. Leaders can only be as successful as their team, and vice versa. If a company doesn't have teamwork, it won't get very far. It is crucial for leaders to encourage collaboration between employees, as well as find ways to improve communication and trust among each other.

The best way for any leader to improve their managerial skills is by learning from their mistakes.

If you're feeling overwhelmed at work or are just not sure what you should do next, don't worry! There are plenty of resources available that will help you get back on track (whether it be using a mentor or reading articles).

7) Be decisive

Being decisive is a skill that can be practiced and honed. Being able to make quick decisions promptly will help you lead your team, stay on top of your workload and keep stress levels low. Here are some quick tips for being decisive:

  1. Prioritize tasks by importance;
  2. Ask yourself what's the worst thing that could happen if you made the wrong decision.;
  3. Give yourself time to think about it. If there isn't one clear answer, try to weigh out the pros and cons before making a final decision.

8) Be open to new ideas

To improve yourmanagerial roles and skills, you'll need to be open to new ideas, learn how to delegate work effectively, and understand therole of a manager in an organization. If you're in charge of a team at work or if you have a small business with others involved in the decision-making process, then you must have a good understanding of what it means to be a manager.

The first step is being open to new ideas from your employees or other people who are involved in the decision-making process.

Once you've been open to new ideas from others, it's time for the next step: learning how to delegate tasks effectively. Remember that managers need their employees just as much as their employees need them. It may seem like you're doing all the work while they get to sit back and relax, but you need to remember that without their input, nothing will get done.

When delegating tasks, it's important to break down a larger project into smaller ones so that everyone has something they can do without having to worry about missing out on anything. A third key point is understanding therole of a manager in an organization; this includes knowing when it's appropriate to let things slide versus stepping in.

For example, if one employee continually makes mistakes on assignments even after taking on-the-job training courses, then it may be time for you as a manager to take over some duties until he or she gets better at completing projects correctly.

9) Lead by example

  1. Create a Vision
  2. Communicate It
  3. Be A Good Listener
  4. Keep Your Priorities Straight
  5. Be Someone They Can Trust
  6. Know When It's Time to Take Risks and When to Play it Safe
  7. Never Stop Learning

10) Develop a thick skin

To be a good manager, you need to have a thick skin. Dealing with difficult people and situations can be frustrating, but if you don't learn how to deal with them, then you'll never be able to improve yourleadership and management skills. Some ways that I recommend improving your skin are:

Make friends outside of work so that when you come home from work, you have someone to talk about the day's events with. It gives me an outlet for my frustrations so that I don't take them out on my family or friends at work.

Find humor in the situation and laugh at yourself when things go wrong. Taking things too seriously will only make the situation worse.


If you're ready to improve your managerial skills, it's important to take an honest look at your behaviors and the things that you could be doing better.

Sure, there are lots of leadership books on the market full of tactics and tricks, but they can’t replace learning from your own experiences with the benefit of hindsight. In this article, we take a look at ten ways that you can improve your managerial skills right now to help you and your team succeed in any environment!

SoME provide professional training in many different areas including leadership skills, presentation skills, conflict resolution skills, team building skills, etc. Our courses are designed to help you develop these critical skills so that you can have a successful career! Our instructors are industry professionals with years of experience who can offer real-world examples from their careers that will help you apply what you're learning right away!

We also offer workshops for companies looking for group training options; please contact us today for more information about how we can meet your training needs!


What kind of roles and skills are required by a manager?

A manager needs to be hard-working and can stay calm under pressure. They need to have people skills as well, as they will be dealing with a lot of different personalities. A good manager needs to understand that their employees are people too, not just workers. If a worker feels cared for, they will work harder and it will improve the overall morale of the company.

What is the most needed skill by managers?

The most needed skill that managers need is the ability to listen. This means not just listening to what people are saying, but actively listening and paying attention so that you can fully understand what the person is saying. It also means taking in their body language and understanding their emotions as well.

What is the most important role of a manager?

The most important role of a manager is to guide their team. This includes providing them with clear goals, feedback, and direction on how best to achieve the company's objectives. Managers also need to be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their employees, which will allow them to allocate the workload accordingly. Â Managers must also know how to delegate tasks and demonstrate what needs to be done for a project or task completion to be successful.

The 7 Most Important Roles and Skills of a Manager |SoME Education (2024)


What are the 6 or 7 skills required for a successful management career? ›

7 skills for a successful management career
  • Interpersonal skills.
  • Communication and motivation.
  • Organisation and delegation.
  • Forward planning and strategic thinking.
  • Problem solving and decision-making.
  • Commercial awareness.
  • Mentoring.
  • How do I develop leadership and management skills?

What are the basic roles and skills required of managers? ›

Bottom Line. Management skills are a collection of abilities that include things such as business planning, decision-making, problem-solving, communication, delegation, and time management.

What are the most important function role and skills of a manager? ›

Originally identified by Henri Fayol as five elements, there are now four commonly accepted functions of management that encompass these necessary skills: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. 1 Consider what each of these functions entails, as well as how each may look in action.

What education should a manager have? ›

A manager should have a bachelor's degree in business administration or a field related to the department they work in. For example, someone looking to become a manager for a finance company may have a finance degree. Larger companies typically require a manager to have a master's degree in business administration.

What are the 7 elements of management? ›

What Are the 7 Functions of Management?
  • Planning.
  • Organising.
  • Staffing.
  • Directing.
  • Coordinating.
  • Reporting.
  • Budgeting.

What are the 7 main functions of management and define each function? ›

management functions into planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Gullick and Urwick have described the functions of management as POSDCORB referring to planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting.

What are the 10 roles of a manager? ›

How many managerial roles are there? There are ten managerial roles identified by Henry Mintzberg. They are known as the figurehead, leader, liaison, monitor, disseminator, spokesman, negotiator, disturbance handler, entrepreneur, and resource allocator roles.

What are the 5 most important functions of a manager? ›

At the most fundamental level, management is a discipline that consists of a set of five general functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. These five functions are part of a body of practices and theories on how to be a successful manager.

What is a manager education? ›

Managers often need both an undergraduate and a master's degree. One of many careers that depend on an MBA, the role of a manager sometimes requires applicants to obtain one or more business certifications.

What are the 10 different skills required by a manager? ›

The 10 most important skills for effective management
  • Effective communication skills. ...
  • Leadership skills. ...
  • Strategic thinking. ...
  • Organization and time management. ...
  • Problem-solving skills. ...
  • Decision-making skills. ...
  • Conflict management skills. ...
  • Emotional intelligence.
Jul 25, 2024

What are the top 4 major types of educational management? ›

Four major types of educational management. The types are: (1) Centralized and Decentralized Education Management, (2) External and Internal Education Management, (3) Autocratic and Democratic Educational Management, and (4) Creative Educational Management.

What are the 6 key functions of management and what do they entail? ›

Another way of describing the functions of management is to consider it as a process. As a process, management refers to a series of inter-related functions, that is, planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, controlling, and coordinating.

What are career management skills? ›

What are Career Management Skills? Building the Curriculum 4 defines career management skills as “the skills, knowledge and self- awareness to develop aspirational career aims and the confidence to take actions in one's life time and again as career opportunities arise and as work and learning options change”.

What is the importance of management 6 points? ›

The five points of importance of management are achieving organization goals, achieving individual goals, creating a dynamic environment, developing society, and improving efficiency. Management refers to the process of performing tasks efficiently and effectively while achieving personal and organizational goals.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.