The Best Beet Kvass Recipe | The Upcycled Family (2024)

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Real Health Food, Health

by Beth 3 Comments

If you’re here wondering or investigating why I call this the healthiest drink in the world, stick around this ancient health tonic is about to amaze. Learn how to make this super simple ancient drink with the best beet kvass recipe (that only needs 3 ingredients!)

They say beets are an acquired taste, but after I learned that beets were so easy to grow I knew I just had to find a really healthy way to use them. And boy did I.

After I learned how to make the best beet kvass recipe in the world I fell head over heels in love.

FYI… not joking

Seriously if you could be a fly on the wall in my home and you see me enjoying a wine glass full of a dark purple drink, well, it ain’t wine.

Nope, it’s just my beet kvass.

I could often be quoted around my house for saying things like “with enough beet kvass I could take over the world”, or “how could we mind control all these farmers to plant fields of beets instead of corn or wheat?”

I usually get eye rolls from my kids, but it’s all good. And YES, they will drink it too.

High five, team mom! (as I high five myself).

Related Reading:

Best of Beets | 5 Amazing ways to eat more Beets

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What is Beet Kvass

Beet kvassis a fermented drink that has a lineage that goes as far back as the middle ages. According to the Weston A Price Foundation, Beet kvass was of a more medicinal purpose while other Kvass recipes were also enjoyed.

Many fermented recipes can be made with whey (a seperated part of fermented milk). However, this fermented beet kvass recipe is without whey.

For this simple yet amazing beet kvass recipe, all you need is water, sea salt or Pink Himalayan salt and of course beets.

Beet Kvass Benefits

Beet kvass what is it and just exactly why would I call it the healthiest drink in the world?

It is a powerhouse for the digestive system as well as overall gut health.

It is well known for many things here a just a few:

  • blood building-beets are particularly great at building the blood due to the high iron content. If anemia, pregnancy or blood loss is an issue beets are a great and vegan answer to build blood
  • liver tonic-Beet kvass was first used as a medicinal aid or diet supplement. Know as a liver tonic that helped the ‘sluggish liver’
  • detoxifying– This age-oldtonic owes much of its acclaim to the fact it detoxifiesso extremely well.
  • alkalizing– Beet kvass is one great and easy way to move the body to a more alkalinestate to promote health and reverse states of ailment and disease.
  • balancing– In our highly processed culture, our bodies often get off balanced with over processed food. Bringing them back to a healthy balance helps the body deal with things like hormonal imbalances, sugar addictionsor candida overgrowth.
  • nutrient enhancer– Beet kvass does carry a lot of healthy nutrients, but the magic that it really does is it allows your body to better utilize and absorb the nutrients it is already consuming, giving you an extra boost without another supplement pill.

Best Beet Kvass Recipe

Of all the great things we have talked about here today as far as beet kvass goes, the best thing might just be how easy this is to make.

I’m serious. A glass jar, water, salt and of course beets and your good to go!

  1. Take yourself 2-3 medium-sized beets, peel and chop into good 1-inch pieces, place in a half-gallon or split between 2 quart jars.
  2. Dissolve1-1 1/2 tablespoons of sea salt or pink Himalayan salt in 6 cups of water
  3. Pour salt water over beets, cover the jar with cheesecloth or fermentation lids.
  4. Let set on the counter out of direct sunlight for 1-4 weeks. The longer you let it ferment the stronger it will be

I personally like mine on the stronger side. I tend to let mine go closer to a month, but test it out and see what it is you like. Adjust and find that perfect kvass level for you!

The Best Beet Kvass Recipe | The Upcycled Family (3)

Best Beet Kvass Recipe

The Best Beet Kvass Recipe | The Upcycled Family (4)Beth

This super easy and amazingly healthy Beet kvass recipe is fermented and full of probiotics and wonderfully detoxifying.

Print Recipe Pin Recipe

Prep Time 10 minutes mins

fermenting time 7 days d

Total Time 7 days d 10 minutes mins

Course Drinks

Cuisine American


  • 1 1/2 gallon jar or two quart jars for fermenting period


  • 3-4 medium-sized organic beets
  • 1-1 1/2 Tbsp sea salt or pink Himalayan salt
  • 6 Cups filtered water


  • Take yourself 2-3 medium-sized beets, peel and chop into good 1-inch pieces, place in a half-gallon or split between 2 quartsized jars.

  • Dissolve1-1 1/2 tablespoons of sea salt or pink Himalayan salt in 6 cups of water

  • Pour salt water over beets, cover the jar with cheesecloth or fermentation lids.

  • Let set on the counter out of direct sunlight for 1-4 weeks. The longer you let it ferment the stronger it will be.

  • When it has fermented to your desired level, bottle, and store in the fridge!

Keyword beet kvass, beet kvass recipe

The Best Beet Kvass Recipe | The Upcycled Family (5)

So yeah beet kvass goes back to the middle ages at least. And yes it’s extremely detoxifying, blood building, fermented and full of gut healing probiotics. Beet kvass is said to boost the liver, change moods, improve depression and mental health and give you glowing skin. So what we have got here is the best beet kvass recipe that is super simple to make and can improve just about every area of your health and wellness. Here’s to your new favorite drink… Cheers ♡♡♡

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The Best Beet Kvass Recipe | The Upcycled Family (7)


Beth is a mother of 6 living on a handful of acres in an old farmhouse in central Kansas. Beth has a background in the military and health and fitness however her passions come from her homestead life. Beth is an enthusiastic homeschooling mom, avid organic gardener, chicken & goat wrangler, who is obsessed with herbs and natural remedies and maintaining an all-around Do-It-Yourself lifestyle. Beth loves to share all she has learned about and sustainable living. While striving for a healthy, natural life, family-centered life.


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  • What do you do with beets after? Are they edible?


  • I love beet kvass however after 2 and half weeks mold developed on top. Any idea what i may have done wrong? Sorry about the caps i cant turn them off.


    • Everything under the liquid layer is fine. So if you can lift the mold layer off and if the kvass is still a really nice red/wine color and not a brownish color then it should still be fine.


  • The Best Beet Kvass Recipe | The Upcycled Family (2024)
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