Boiled Custard - An Old Fashioned Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (2024)

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A delicious dessert drink that’s perfect for the holiday season, boiled custard will make you feel all warm and wonderful inside.

Boiled Custard - An Old Fashioned Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (1)

It’s simple to prepare and tastes like a dream. So, if you like sweet milky treats, try this Southern time-honored tradition. It’s the perfect winter warmer.

Boiled custard recipe

This recipe is all about simple ingredients blending together to form something magical. There’s no wonder it’s so popular over the holidays! All you need is eggs, milk, cream sugar, vanilla and a little bit of time on your hands.

Once you’ve mastered the timing of this recipe, you’ll be whipping up a batch every year. Family and friends will absolutely love it – there’s a reason people have been making this for hundreds of years! It’s got that blissful taste and texture that seems to make time stand still for a few seconds.

Part dessert. Part drink. Part nirvana!

Products you’ll need for this recipe

There are a few key ingredients that you’ll need to make this recipe.

  • Saucepan – get a good quality saucepan to make this recipe.
  • Double boiler – you can even use a double boiler, which is a brilliant kitchen tool. It’s perfect for subtle, gentle heating.
  • Wooden spoon – this recipe calls for a lot of stirring, so take the time to invest in a quality spoon.
  • Large mixing bowl – you’ll need a large mixing bowl to cool your creamy dessert, before starting the second stage of the heating process.
  • Electric whisk – get one of these to whisk up the sugar and eggs. If you want to keep it old school and like to put the work in, get a regular balloon whisk.
  • Food thermometer – having a thermometer is the best way to make sure your dessert is heated to the correct temperature.
  • Vanilla paste or vanilla extract – when it comes to vanilla, you can never have enough. Get yourself a big batch of paste or extract – you’ll most likely use it in every dessert recipe!
  • Granulated sugar – good quality granulated is a key part of this dish.
  • Whipped cream dispenser – once you’ve made your delicious boiled custard, use this nifty gadget for a delectable whipped cream topping. Make sure you keep stocked up with chargers for your dispenser.
  • Ground nutmeg – a sprinkling of ground nutmeg will add a little spice to your heavenly, creamy dessert drink.
Boiled Custard - An Old Fashioned Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (2)

What is boiled custard?

Boiled custard is a dessert drink that goes down deliciously well, particularly around the holidays when you really fancy a sweet treat. It’s traditionally made using whole milk, double cream and egg yolks, with vanilla flavoring to give it that beautiful rich taste.

Funnily enough, despite the name, the key to cooking perfect boiled custard is heating it gently. Boiling the milk is not what this recipe – or any recipe for that matter – is all about. Boiled milk is just bad, period. The key is to bring it to the brink of boiling point, then remove it. Afterwards comes the slow cook, constant stir part.

So, delicious boiled custard is all about patience and timing. Taking your time to constantly stir the hot milk - there’s a reason it’s sometimes called ‘stirred custard’ - and get it to a perfectly thick consistency.

How do you thicken boiled custard?

If your boiled custard ends up too thin, don’t despair! There are a few little tricks you can pull to get that delicious thick consistency.

First of all, you can use a thickening agent. A paste made from regular flour and water works perfectly. Use 2 tablespoons of flour and 1 tablespoon of cold water per cup of custard. Add the paste as the mix simmers on the stove and stir until it thickens to your desired consistency.

You can also use cornstarch, which is a really useful thickening agent. If you want to use cornstarch to thicken your custard, make a paste by mixing 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with 1 tablespoon of cold water. Again, add the thickener paste as it gently simmers on the stove. It should thicken in no time at all.

You can also add tapioca to your custard to get it nice and thick. Just add a tablespoon as it cooks on the hob – no water is needed.

Arrowroot is also a great thickener. Find out more about this thickener and other arrowroot substitutes.

What happens if you boil custard?

The key to a good consistency is heating it gently. The liquid reaches a temperature where the milk and egg proteins unfurl and begin to bond. Aww, how sweet.

Get them too hot though and that sweetness turns gross. Too many proteins bond and you’ll end up with one big clump fest. That’s basically a curdled custardy mess that’s far from appetizing.

It’s recommended that you get the custard to between 160°F and 180°F. Get yourself a food thermometer and you’ll never end up with it curdled or split.

If you do, there are things you can do to fix it. An immersion blender is an amazing quick fix. It’ll break down the lumps in an instant.

You could also plunge the saucepan into cold water (obviously, don’t get any cold water in the custard) and whisk the custard for up to 5 minutes. You should have perfectly smooth custard by this point.

What's the difference between eggnog and boiled custard?

Both eggnog and custard pretty much share the same basic ingredients.

There’s a big difference between eggnog and custard. Eggnog isn’t heated, whereas custard is. As it’s heated, custard is thick and creamy, almost like a velvety dessert sauce that you can drink.

Eggnog, on the other hand, is quite fluidy as it hasn’t been heated.

Is boiled custard a southern thing?

In the South, boiled custard is an age-old tradition typically made during the holiday season. Many historians agree that the dish goes as far back as 1607, when the first English boats arrived in Jamestown. Since then, this classic custard drink has been cooked in kitchens all over the South.

Around the holidays, lots of grocery stores sell boiled custard. Kroger boiled custard is particularly popular during the holidays.

Still, if you want my advice, make your own. It’ll taste infinitely better and will be WAY more satisfying.

Boiled Custard - An Old Fashioned Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (3)

More irresistible dessert recipes

  • Chocolate orange cheesecake – three words that just scream “eat me!” Yes, it’s as good as it sounds. If you’re planning on having an indulgent holiday season, this is the dish for you.
  • Chocolate fairy cakes with Amarula buttercream – these little beauties are just divine. The cakes are so light, moist and tasty, while the buttercream – with the addition of the secret ingredient Amarula – has to be tasted to be believed.
  • Cherry brownies – rich, moist, gooey and dangerously addictive, this is the brownie recipe to end all brownie recipes.
  • Vegan oat cookies – a healthier option that still tastes absolutely fantastic.
  • Cherry crumble pie –as fruit pies go, this is up there with the best.
  • If you love this recipe, you should try a retro British recipe - pink custard!
  • This Christmas pavlova wreath will definitely put you in the mood for the holidays.

What’s your favorite sweet comfort food? Let me know in the comments below!


📖 Recipe

Boiled Custard - An Old Fashioned Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (4)

Boiled Custard

★★★★★5 from 1 review
  • Author: Michelle Minnaar
  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x
  • Diet: Vegetarian
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Boiled Custard is a traditional holiday drink that is enjoyed in the South every Christmas. Cheap and easy to prepare, this is a family favorite!



  • 500ml (2 cups) double cream
  • 500ml (2 cups) whole milk
  • 10ml (2 tsp) vanilla paste or extract
  • 125ml (½ cup) granulated sugar
  • 5 large egg yolks
  • [optional] whipped cream


  1. Combine the cream, milk and vanilla in a saucepan. Bring to the boil then remove from the heat.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the sugar and egg yolks, until the mixture has gone pale in colour and doubled in size.
  3. Temper hot milky mixture into the sugar yolk mixture, by slowly adding hot milky mixture about 60ml (¼ cup) at a time, whisking to distribute heat. Once half of the milky mixture has been added, transfer mixture back into the saucepan with the remaining milky mixture.
  4. Place the saucepan over low heat. Stir continuously until mixture reaches nappé consistency, or 80°C (180°F) on a kitchen thermometer.
  5. Remove from heat and pour the custard into a large mixing bowl. Place the bowl into icy water and stir until the custard has cooled.
  6. Once it has cooled to a suitable temperature, it is ready to drink.
  7. For an added touch, top with whipped cream and grate nutmeg over the top. Enjoy!


  • Nappé consistency is when you run your finger through the mixture on the back of a spoon and the mixture doesn’t run through the gap you created.
  • If you want to experiment, you can play with all different kinds of flavours.
  • Use different flavoured extracts, such as orange, coconut, lemon and lime.
  • Spice-wise, you can add ground cinnamon, allspice, pumpkin spice, or whatever takes your fancy.
  • For a more adult version, you might even want to add some alcohol. Cointreau will give you a lovely orange taste, Baileys or Amarula for a creamy liqueur flavour. Shots of whisky works marvellously. Pssst, try honey whisky from Jack Daniel’s.
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Category: Drink
  • Method: Boil
  • Cuisine: American

Keywords: boiled custard, southern boiled custard, christmas drink, boiled custard drink, old fashioned boiled custard, boiled custard pudding

Boiled Custard - An Old Fashioned Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (2024)


How do you thicken boiled custard? ›

For a thick, hot custard you need to add cornflour (cornstarch) as a thickener. The custard needs to come up to boiling point to thicken and to loose the taste of the uncooked starch, but the cornflour stabilizes the egg yolks so that they can tolerate higher temperatures without scrambling.

What's the difference between eggnog and boiled custard? ›

Although often equated with eggnog, boiled custard is much thicker than its better-known cousin. “It's odd we call it a beverage because it's not always drinkable,” says the Chapel Hill, North Carolina–based cook and food writer Sheri Castle. “It's more like a pudding.

What are the mistakes when making custard? ›

Experts Reveal 12 Big Custard Mistakes You're Probably Making
  1. Not Knowing The Difference Between Starch-Thickened And Egg-Thickened Custards. ...
  2. Not Knowing The Difference Between Stovetop And Baked Custards. ...
  3. Adding The Eggs To Your Custard Too Quickly. ...
  4. Overcooking Custard. ...
  5. Cooking Custard At Too High A Temperature.
May 5, 2024

How long will boiled custard keep in the fridge? ›

Generally, custard can last in the refrigerator for about 3 to 4 days when kept in an airtight container at a temperature below 41°F (5°C). The longevity of custard depends on several factors, including the way it's prepared, the ingredients used, and how it is stored.

What can I add to custard to make it thicker? ›

Using a Thickening Agent

For 1 cup (240 mL) of custard, use 2 tablespoons (17 g) of flour mixed with 4 tablespoons (59 mL) of cold water. Add the mixture into your custard ingredients as they cook on the stove. Use cornstarch as an alternative to flour. Cornstarch, like flour, requires cold water as a mixing agent.

Do eggs thicken custard? ›

The eggs, especially the yolks, are the chemical stars – it's their actions that matter most, generating the thick gel that's the key for a custard pie, says Guy Crosby, food scientist and science editor at America's Test Kitchen.

Where did boiled custard originate? ›

Boiled Custard during the Holidays is a long-standing tradition in the South. Damon Lee Fowler, a culinary historian indicates that boiled custard has been a staple in southern kitchens almost since the first boat landed at Jamestown in 1607.

What is the Southern drink similar to eggnog? ›

A lauded New Orleans alternative to eggnog, Milk Punch will jazz up any holiday brunch with bright nutmeg and rich cream.

Is egg custard the same as custard? ›

Egg custard is a variation on cream custard. Egg custurd is a tick rich creamy sweet or savory dessert, made mixtures of eggs or egg yolks, milk or cream, flavorings (vanilla, nutmeg, etc.) and optionally, sweeteners (sugar, honey). Basic custards are thickened and set by eggs alone.

Why should you not boil custard? ›

Why You Shouldn't Boil Custard. Boiling custard leads to curdling, separating the proteins in the eggs from the milk, resulting in a lumpy, grainy texture. This ruins the smooth, velvety consistency that is the hallmark of a good custard.

Why did my custard turn into scrambled eggs? ›

You'll know your custard has scrambled once the mixture turns lumpy. This often happens as a result of overheating your liquid.

Why do you add flour to custard? ›

This thick vanilla custard is easier than crème anglaise, as the flour stops the egg from curdling. Use flour for a velvety texture, or cornflour for a custard more like one made with custard powder.

How to tell if custard has gone bad? ›

If custard has gone bad, it might develop an off smell or taste, change in color or physical consistency; you might see spots of mold on top. Its texture could become chunky, watery, or gummy, instead of the usual smooth and creamy consistency. These are all signs it has spoiled and should not be consumed.

Can I eat custard 2 years out of date? ›

Within reason, provided the food looks and smells as you would expect, it should be safe to eat, even if the 'best-before' date has passed. Keep an eye on the 'use-by' or 'best-before' dates on the food in your cupboards. Don't eat any food that is past its 'use-by' date, even if it looks and smells okay.

Why did my boiled custard curdle? ›

Our answer

All egg-based custards can curdle if they are cooked for too long, or at a high temperature.

Can you thicken bought custard? ›

To thicken your custard, place your store-bought custard in a medium saucepan with the vanilla bean paste. In a separate bowl, combine cornflour with 1tbsp water, and mix until well-combined. Add to the custard, and simmer for a few minutes until thickened.

Will custard thicken without cornstarch? ›

There are some cooking purists that say that to make proper custard you shouldn't need any flour or cornflour to aid thickening, you should let the egg yolks do all the work.

How to fix thick custard? ›

If your custard, creme patissier or creme anglaise has lumps or is starting to curdle, whack an ice cube in it then give it a quick blitz in the blender. Problem solved!

How to get custard to set? ›

You don't want the custard so cold that it sets and breaks up as you spread it. The easiest way to cool the custard is to put it into a large bowl in a sink of cold water. It will take about 15 minutes. If you want it to set, put it in the fridge for an hour.

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