The Psychology Behind Cardone's The 10X Rule (2024)

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What if right this very moment you made the decision to 10X everything in your life from this point on? I’m talking goals, thoughts, actions — multiple all of that by 10 right this very moment. How do you think it would impact your life?

If you’re situated in the business landscape, then chances are you’ve already heard a thing or two about the insanely popular book The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone.

Cardone, a serial entrepreneur and internationally renowned thought leader and businessman has been fortunate enough to check New York Times bestselling author off his list of accomplishments. Last year he was also named one of the Top 25 Marketing Influencers to Watch in 2017 by Forbes.

But this $500M real estate tycoon will be the first to shout from the rooftops that it hasn’t been without insane effort.

And that’s not all he dishes up in this awesome book. Cardone lets readers in on the main principles behind his wild success in The 10X Rule, and that’s just what we’ll be breaking down for you today.

DISCLAIMER: The 10X Rule is not for the faint of heart.

This is an extreme book by an extreme dude. So, if you’re a mediocre kinda individual who likes to play it safe and abide by all the rules, then this rodeo ain’t for you, boss.

The Psychology Behind Cardone's The 10X Rule (1)

So if you’re ready to get into the 10X mindset and start kicking ass and taking names — then look no further than these next few lines as we show you exactly how Cardone gets it done.

What does 10x Mean — At a Glance

The 10X Rule essentially revolves around what is considered that Principle of Massive Action — this concept that any time you put an exceedingly great amount of effort into anything you do, you’re guaranteed to achieve exceedingly great results.

Cardone has three basic mantras surrounding success that he details in the book:

  1. Success is important
  2. Success is your duty
  3. There is no shortage of success.

Cardone argues that anyone who tries to tell you that success is unimportant has essentially given up on their dreams and ambitions, or simply doesn’t have any in the first place. To many, this may sound a bit abrasive at first glance, but when you dig a little deeper you find that Cardone isn’t exactly the power-hungry, money-grubbing, success fanatic that many may initially think.

In fact, Cardone is the first to emphasize that success, of course, isn’t everything. Obtaining this idealistic amount of fame and fortune is in no way, shape or form the key to happiness — but it definitely doesn’t hurt.

He also argues that success is a highly subjective term and can encompass anything from spirituality to family goals, educational aspirations or career ambitions.

The key concept here is that regardless of what your particular idea of “success” in your life is, you need to be willing to buckle down and put in some serious effort to get there.

Set goals that are 10X what you think you desire, get your mind in the 10X Rule game and take 10X the action that is considered “normal” to get there.


Because it’s literally unethical to not take full advantage of all of the insanely awesome and awe-inspiring potential that you have burning inside you for every second that you live life on this earth.

The Psychology Behind Cardone's The 10X Rule (2)

10X Your Goals

Think your goals are lofty? Think again.

Cardone argues that the vast majority of people don’t set big enough goals for themselves due to nothing more than fear — fear that they are unable to live up to them.

Average is the same old safe bet. A concept pre-packaged and sold to the masses to cope with their lackluster existence. Get used to hanging around average and it’s easy to fall below very quickly.

The key idea here is to shoot for the moon and then land among the stars — or build yourself a jetpack and shoot on past to Jupiter.

Whatever your goals are — write them down — constantly. Re-evaluate them — constantly.

Keep them in your pocket, hang them above your desk, write them on your forehead — whatever you have to do to ensure that you’ve always got your game face on because there are only two types of people in this world:

Those who win — and everyone else.

The Psychology Behind Cardone's The 10X Rule (3)

10X Your Thinking

10X thinking is a state of mind fuelled by radical personal responsibility and accountability for your actions. You are where you are in life not because of your circ*mstances, not because of your upbringing, not because of anything in this world except for you.

You take credit for your successes so take credit for your failures, as well as the level of effort that is necessary to put in to achieve your goals.

Never explain away failure or reduce a target — increase action.

Never put a limit on your vision. By marginalizing success as superfluous we impose limitations upon ourselves.

Success is important.

Being successful will benefit your life in ways that you cannot even comprehend and most importantly, success is not to be diminished.

Never view success as an option.

Never be a victim — weak people get overwhelmed and resort to criticism or blame their circ*mstances. Winners win.

Finally, never rely on one person or solution for success. Winners bring success from multiple avenues because they are prepared for anything that comes their way.

The Psychology Behind Cardone's The 10X Rule (4)

10X Action

If your goal is to be known for who you are or what you do in your field, then you’re doing it wrong.

The idea behind 10X’ing your actions is to work so hard that you’re first and foremost known to everyone around you for being the hardest working person anyone knows.

You take whatever action you’re currently taking to achieve your goals, or what is deemed “normal” by general standards and you increase that output tenfold to get to where you want to be in life.

Really, when you break it down, it’s all about habit formation. The idea here is to get yourself into the habit of going above and beyond to the point that it becomes second nature to you in every single thing that you do.

Cardone argues that contrary to popular belief, there are actually four degrees of action:

  1. No action
  2. Reverse action
  3. Average action
  4. Massive action

No action is essentially “sloth mode”. You’re doing absolutely nothing to further your ambitions and goals.

Reverse action is when people start to give up. It’s a retreat — a white flag, where you begin to make negative progress and come up with a thousand excuses for why your dreams won’t work.

Average action is you’re every day run-of-the-mill progress. You put in some work here and there towards achieving your dreams and if they come, awesome, but you’re by no means going above and beyond to get them.

Massive action means that you’ll stop at absolutely nothing to reach your goals. You’re focused, you’re driven, you’re prepared, you are a problem solver and nothing can stop you — it might slow you down a bit — but you’re a bulldozer, and you’re demolishing any problem that has the audacity to rear its ugly head.

Why? Because there are only two types of people in this world:

Those who win — and everyone else.

The Psychology Behind Cardone's The 10X Rule (5)

The Mistakes You’re Most Likely Making

Cardone essentially points out four huge mistakes that the majority of the population are making that are blocking their pathway to achieving their goals.

Mistake #1: Your goals are weak.

The biggest mistake most people make is setting their sights too low. It’s why so many people are relegated to a drone-like, passionless existence where they live to work and work to live.

Cardone argues that if you’re not getting up every day ready and raring to go it’s because your payoff isn’t large enough.

Mistake #2: You’re underprepared.

The second mistake the majority of people make is underestimating how much action is really required to achieve their goals. Cardone emphasizes the importance of preparation and realistically estimating the amount of effort that it will take to get you to where you want to be in life.

He argues that this is absolutely imperative because underestimating the amount of action you need to take can very quickly lead to disappointment and cynicism.

You have to act with obsession, because no great achievement has ever been made without wild obsession. Obsession isn’t a negative attribute, it’s a gift — something that can be powerfully harnessed to drive you day in and day out to meet your goals.

Mistake #3: You’re too busy competing.

Yep, you heard right. Competing is a bad thing. That’s because when we begin to 10X our lives we don’t compete — we dominate.

Winners aren’t worried what everyone else is doing. They’re not busy copying trends and following others. Winners win. Winners set trends. Winners set the pace.

Winners dominate.

Mistake #4: You’re lowballing.

This goes hand-in-hand with Mistake #2. Cardone argues that all too many people underestimate the amount of adversity that they must overcome in order to achieve their goals.

Underestimating the road ahead of you and the obstacles that you’re likely to face will quickly cause you to burn out and lose your drive.

Don’t underestimate — whether out of ignorance or fear and definitely don’t ever feed into fear. Let it drive you. Don’t be afraid of the challenges ahead. Don’t try to deny them or live this rose-colored glasses existence — accept them, address them and conquer them.

Let your fears guide you into action. Let your fears give you purpose.

The Psychology Behind Cardone's The 10X Rule (6)


There you have it! Everything you need to know about Cardone’s wildly popular book The 10X Rule. Aren’t you glad you stopped on by and gave us a few minutes of your time?

The principles and ideas expounded upon in this article are guaranteed to get you on the path to your best life yet. So, let’s recap:

*Stop selling yourself short with anything less than astronomical ambitions.

*There are two types of people in this world — those who win — and everyone else

*Take massive action — it’s your moral obligation to dominate at what you do.

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So what are you waiting for?

Have you read Cardone’s The 10X Rule? Tell us about some awesome gems you got from the text below! We’d love to hear about them and how it’s impacted your life!


The Psychology Behind Cardone's The 10X Rule (2024)


The Psychology Behind Cardone's The 10X Rule? ›

The 10X Rule essentially revolves around what is considered that Principle of Massive Action — this concept that any time you put an exceedingly great amount of effort into anything you do, you're guaranteed to achieve exceedingly great results.

What is The 10X Rule mindset? ›

The 10X Rule: You must set targets for yourself that are 10X more than what you think you want and then take 10X the action you think is required to get there. Common mistake 1: setting your sights too low. Common mistake 2: underestimating how much action is required.

What are the lessons from The 10X Rule? ›

The 10X Rule challenges us to set targets 10X larger than before and then take 10X the action we believe is necessary. Grant Cardone says achieving success always takes exponentially more effort, time and money than we think. We always set our goals too low and underestimate the challenges we'll face.

Is it worth reading The 10X Rule? ›

Conclusion. I must say “The 10X Rule” has a great impact on me. I was never a fan of reading books until I read this one and it made me want to read more and explore other books. I was also never a fan of writing or publishing anything, but it was so good that I want to share my thoughts.

What is the 10X strategy? ›

Going 10x requires greater capabilities, confidence, teamwork, and vision. It means being smarter and more strategic. It means aiming not just for 10x greater income, but 10x greater freedom, as well.

What is the rule of 10 in psychology? ›

The 10X Rule essentially revolves around what is considered that Principle of Massive Action — this concept that any time you put an exceedingly great amount of effort into anything you do, you're guaranteed to achieve exceedingly great results.

How can you apply the 10x rule in your life? ›

Here are 5 highlights from the 10X Rule that I know will change your life if you do them:
  1. #1 Have No Excuses. Successful people know that regardless of how many excuses they make, it will not change the outcome. ...
  2. #2 Get Disciplined. ...
  3. #3 Dominate. ...
  4. #4 Expand. ...
  5. #5 Keep Taking Massive Actions.
Jul 25, 2019

What is the conclusion of the 10X Rule? ›

The 10X Rule can be overwhelming, but Grant Cardone says that you must start thinking big and taking massive action to succeed. Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility. Therefore, you need to commit to 10X thinking and 10X action as this is the significant difference between success and failure.

What is the power of 10X thinking? ›

10x thinking is a powerful approach to problem-solving and innovation that encourages individuals and organizations to think big and aim for solutions that are orders of magnitude better than the current state of the art.

What is 10X explained? ›

The 10X rule is based on the idea you should figure out what you want to do, what goal you have, be it making a certain amount of money, finding your ideal loved one, achieving a certain body fat percentage, and multiply the effort and time you think it'll take to do by 10.

How do smart leaders use the 10X rule? ›

Push beyond the boundaries of what you think your business can achieve. Weed out distractions: Say no to anything that doesn't align with your 10x vision. Keep the lights on, of course, but push low-priority projects to the side and commit fully to your one big thing.

What is the 10X learning method? ›

Effective Learning 10X provides you with the best tools and strategies to boost your reading speed, memory, and learning. You'll be amazed at how many hours you can save when you double or triple your reading speed. If you save just one hour a day for a year that equals 365 hours, or more than NINE 40-hour work weeks!

Who is the 10X rule guy? ›


Grant is also a New York Times bestselling author of 11 business books, including The 10X Rule, which led to Cardone establishing the 10X Global Movement and the 10X Growth Conference, now the largest business and entrepreneur conference in the world.

What is 10x growth mindset? ›

By imagining yourself in a much bigger future—a 10x future—you're able to envision entirely new possibilities for personal and business growth. You can also see your current team and support systems in a new light and determine the immediate improvements that need to be made to encourage your future growth.

What does 10x thinking mean? ›

“10X thinking,” popularized by Peter Diamandis, involves setting goals that are ten times greater than what is initially perceived as achievable. It challenges individuals to think big, take bold action, and embrace exponential growth.

What is the 10x learning method? ›

Effective Learning 10X provides you with the best tools and strategies to boost your reading speed, memory, and learning. You'll be amazed at how many hours you can save when you double or triple your reading speed. If you save just one hour a day for a year that equals 365 hours, or more than NINE 40-hour work weeks!

What is the 10x formula? ›

The 10X formula for success is: Set goals that are 10 times bigger than the average, then work 10 times harder than average to achieve them. Cardone refers to the latter as taking “massive” action. It takes extraordinary thinking and effort to achieve extraordinary success.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.