The SEC Says These Crypto Assets Are Securities: Their Reasoning Is Wrong (2024)

Over the last few months, the SEC has taken to unilaterally labeling certain crypto assets as securities in unrelated lawsuits. But some industry participants say the agency doesn’t understand the technology behind these tokens well enough to make this claim.

In its complaint alleging Coinbase violated securities laws, the SEC listed 12 additional crypto tokens as securities.

The SEC’s suit against Coinbase, announced one day after similar charges were unveiled against Binance, focuses on claims that Coinbase facilitated trading of unregistered securities and operated unregistered brokerage services.

In the Coinbase lawsuit, the SEC claims that the following tokens are securities: ADA, CHZ, SOL, AXS, FIL, ICP, FLOW, NEAR, MATIC, VGX, SAND and DASH.

As of time of publication, Coinbase had not delisted any of the above assets.

In its Binance complaint, the SEC claims 10 tokens, separate from the exchange’s native BNB and BUSD tokens, are securities. The tokens listed in the suit are: SOL, ADA, MATIC, FIL, ATOM, SAND, MANA, ALGO, AXS and COTI.

The SEC’s move to list tokens in these exchange lawsuits is not new. In its July 2022 lawsuit against a former Coinbase employee for alleged insider trading, which settled on May 20, 2023, the SEC listed nine tokens as securities.

These nine tokens are: AMP, RLY, DDX, XYO, RGT, LCX, POWR, DFX and KROM. Coinbase has delisted only two of these tokens since the lawsuit was announced; Rally’s RLY and RGT, Rari’s governance token.

News analysis by Bessie Liu

The SEC does not understand crypto tokens

The SEC has been declaring crypto assets securities — a designation that brings tokens into the same US regulatory fold as stocks and bonds.

The regulator’s reasoning is, however, opaque. And at least in some cases, erroneous. As demonstrated by the SEC’s lawsuit against Binance on Monday, there are significant inaccuracies underpinning the agency’s move.

It all adds up to a demonstration that the SEC has a general lack of understanding when it comes to the relationship between individual tokens and protocols.

For example, the SEC has claimed that the “New Tendermint” is a significant contributor to the ATOM token.

“That’s not true, just because someone has made a website and claims they contribute to Cosmos, doesn’t mean they contribute to Cosmos,” Zaki Manian, the cofounder of Sommelier Finance, a protocol in the Cosmos ecosystem, told Blockworks on Tuesday.

Another instance: The SEC has said the Interchain Foundation sold ATOM tokens in 2017.

The Cosmos Hub, the issuer of the ATOM token, launched in March 2019, and ATOM tokens were not transferable at launch — meaning they could not be bought or sold. It was not until April 2019, after a hard fork that transfers were enabled.

“There’s a lot of history to the Cosmos approach to compliance, what you see from the SEC is a very superficial and largely inaccurate characterization of blockchain networks,” Manian said.

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The ATOM token itself, according to Manian, does not meet the SEC’s standard to be a security, as determined by the Howey test, because the founding entity of the project has collapsed.

One characteristic of the Howey test is that investors can reasonably expect growth “derived from the efforts of others.” There is also an expectation of profit under Howey — often from the security’s originators.

When it comes to ATOM, though, many contributors to its fundraise were also developers behind the project. Thus, the developers of the network and the investors were, at least in some cases, one and the same.

“In the history of Cosmos we recruited as many of the people who had been in the fundraiser as possible, to work, to run nodes and testnets and help build the project, build infrastructure during the launch of every step of way,” Manian said.

‘Deflationary model’ token test incorrectly applied

When it comes to other tokens, including SOL and MATIC, the SEC has designated them securities at least partly due to their “deflationary model.”

Referring to SOL, the SEC wrote that “this marketed burning of SOL as part of the Solana network’s ‘deflationary mechanism’ has led investors to reasonably view their purchase of SOL as having the potential for profit to the extent there is a built-in mechanism to decrease the supply and therefore increase the price of SOL.”

However, in the article cited by the SEC to support their claim, the author, Anatoly Yakovenko, clearly states that SOL ‘transaction fees’ are burned, a distinction the SEC overlooks but that is critical to the operation of the blockchain, and which is described in more detail below.

The Solana Foundation has noted in its economic documents that its token is an inflationary asset. In fact, the SOL token has always been inflationary.

The SEC Says These Crypto Assets Are Securities: Their Reasoning Is Wrong (1)

The SEC drew comparisons to Polygon’s MATIC token. The regulator has claimed that Polygon has also marketed that it “burns” MATIC tokens accumulated as fees, indicating that the total supply of MATIC would decrease.”

But the SEC fails to understand something critical to the way blockchains work.

These “deflationary models” use a similar price modulation technique to Ethereum’s EIP-1559 — a fee-burning mechanism intended to minimize congestion. It’s designed to prevent block builders from manipulating fees in a bid to extract more from protocol users.

Polygon’s MATIC, in particular, is designed almost as a copy-paste from Ethereum.

“If EIP-1559 is a concern, then it’s going to be a concern for Ethereum too because it works exactly the same way,” Matt Cutler, co-founder and CEO of Web3 infrastructure company Blocknative, told Blockworks.

ETH gas fees…

Prior to EIP-1559, gas fees on Ethereum were purely market-based, meaning that everyone paid a gas fee associated with their transaction and whoever paid the most had their transaction included in the blockspace, a situation that created many negative externalities, Cutler said.

“Two trading bots could adversely affect the price of gas fees of the entire network,” he explained.

This in turn made gas prices unpredictable and raised concerns about the idea that privileged actors were able to influence the prices.

EIP-1559 was designed to introduce a base fee — which meant that for your transaction to be included on chain, you must pay the fee.

A base fee is set by the network and must be paid in the network’s native token — so in the case of Polygon, the fee would be paid in MATIC.

“This makes the price much more predictable, and the basic idea is this modulates issuance,” Cutler said.

It is important to note that in the case of ETH, EIP-1559 does not make the asset itself deflationary as it is dependent on marketplace demand. Although it does reduce supply, the rate of issuance of ETH continues to increase, Cutler notes.

Although one could argue that MATIC’s fixed supply could imply that the token has a “deflationary effect,” its reason for burning tokens is much more complex.

“[The SEC] takes a very narrow piece of a pretty big topic and says it’s an issue without taking into account all the other reasoning and benefits for doing so. EIP-1559 does not exist purely as a price up. It is a more effective mechanism, a more equitable mechanism and an easier to work with mechanism than that which came before it,” Cutler said.

President of Polygon Labs Ryan Wyatt will also be sharing testimony in Washington, DC, today.

“I’ll discuss the critical role Web3 and blockchain infrastructure play in protecting users and ensuring privacy, and share positive use cases,” Wyatt said.

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  • ATOM
  • SEC
  • SOL

As an enthusiast and expert in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, I've been deeply involved in the space for several years, keeping a close watch on developments, regulatory shifts, and technological advancements. My expertise spans various aspects of cryptocurrencies, blockchain protocols, tokenomics, decentralized finance (DeFi), and the evolving regulatory landscape surrounding these innovations.

The article you've provided delves into the actions and claims made by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding the classification of specific crypto assets as securities. The SEC has taken steps to label certain tokens as securities in recent lawsuits against major crypto exchanges like Coinbase and Binance. However, there are concerns within the industry about the SEC's understanding of the underlying technology and protocols behind these tokens, which has led to what some consider inaccuracies in their classifications.

Let's break down the key concepts and tokens mentioned in the article:

  1. SEC's Lawsuits and Token Classification:

    • The SEC has filed lawsuits against Coinbase and Binance, alleging violations of securities laws. They've listed various tokens that they consider securities, including ADA, CHZ, SOL, AXS, FIL, ICP, FLOW, NEAR, MATIC, VGX, SAND, DASH, ATOM, MANA, ALGO, COTI, AMP, RLY, DDX, XYO, RGT, LCX, POWR, DFX, and KROM.
  2. Inaccuracies in SEC's Understanding:

    • The article highlights instances where the SEC's claims might be inaccurate or incomplete due to a lack of comprehensive understanding.
    • For instance, the SEC's association of the "New Tendermint" with the ATOM token and the timing of the ATOM token's sale conflicts with the actual history of the Cosmos ecosystem.
  3. Howey Test and Token Classification:

    • The Howey test is referenced in relation to the SEC's classification of tokens as securities. The test focuses on determining whether an investment contract exists based on expectations of profits from the efforts of others.
    • In the case of ATOM, the involvement of contributors who were also developers of the project challenges the expectation of profits derived solely from others' efforts.
  4. Deflationary Models and Token Designation:

    • The SEC's designation of tokens like SOL and MATIC as securities partly hinges on their perceived "deflationary model."
    • However, there are critical misunderstandings regarding the nature of token burning in these blockchains. The burning of transaction fees is a mechanism meant to manage the blockchain's operation rather than solely being profit-driven.
  5. EIP-1559, Gas Fees, and Deflationary Effects:

    • Ethereum Improvement Proposal 1559 (EIP-1559) and its impact on gas fees are discussed, particularly how it introduces a base fee and its relevance to the blockchain's native token supply.
    • While EIP-1559 might reduce supply and influence token economics, its primary purpose is to stabilize and streamline transaction fees rather than create a purely deflationary effect.

These discussions highlight the complexities involved in determining the regulatory status of specific crypto assets and the nuanced understanding required to appropriately classify them. It showcases the need for regulatory bodies to engage more deeply with the underlying technology and ecosystem before making such classifications.

The mentioned tokens and regulatory scrutiny demonstrate the evolving nature of the crypto space and the ongoing dialogue between regulators and industry participants regarding the appropriate regulatory framework for digital assets.

The SEC Says These Crypto Assets Are Securities: Their Reasoning Is Wrong (2024)


Are crypto assets the same as securities? ›

Now, coming back to our original question, we can say that some crypto assets are classified as securities. Since most of them are also traded on crypto exchanges, they are also exchange-traded securities.

What crypto did SEC say are securities? ›

There are currently 66 cryptocurrencies, including synthetic crypto assets, that the SEC says are securities. These are: Ripple (XRP) Telegram's Gram (TON)

What does it mean that crypto are securities? ›

Tokens are viewed as securities by regulators when they meet the criteria set by the Howey test; that is, there is an investment of money, a common enterprise, and a reasonable expectation of profit through the effort of others. 1.

Why does the SEC think XRP is a security? ›

The SEC alleged that the executives held an initial public offering (IPO) of XRP, which was an unregistered security at the time of raising capital. According to the complaint, Ripple raised funds by selling XRP tokens in unregistered security offerings to investors in the United States and worldwide.

Why is cryptocurrency not a security? ›

The Securities and Exchange Commission's primary theory on whether a cryptoasset is a security appears to be based upon whether the blockchain project associated with a cryptoasset is, at any point in time, “sufficiently decentralized.”[2] If so, the cryptoasset is not a security.

Why does the SEC hate crypto? ›

Reasons for SEC Enforcement of Cryptocurrencies

Fraud prevention: Cryptocurrency markets are still relatively new and have been associated with many frauds and scams.

What cryptos are not securities? ›

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission takes the position that nearly all cryptocurrencies are securities, with bitcoin the only known exception. The classification of cryptocurrencies as securities has significant implications for their regulation.

What 9 Cryptos are listed as securities? ›

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has listed nine cryptocurrencies that it says are securities. This was contained within a complaint arresting and charging a former Coinbase employee and two others with wire fraud. The assets were: AMP, RLY, DDX, XYO, RGT, LCX, POWR, DFX, KROM.

What is the SEC argument in Coinbase? ›

The Court rejected Coinbase's argument that while the Staking Program involved a “common enterprise,” its participants were not investing money in Coinbase or its platform, and the profits that participants earned did not arise from the “efforts of others” because Coinbase's efforts to generate returns were “ ...

How do you know if a crypto is a security? ›

How do we determine whether a crypto asset is, in substance, a security? The answer: Generally, we must apply the so-called “Howey test,” on a case by case basis, to determine whether a particular crypto asset is a security. Under the three-part “Howey test”—which is named after a U.S. Supreme Court case, SEC v.

What happens if Cryptos are declared securities? ›

If a cryptocurrency is a security, cryptocurrency issuers and exchanges must seek the necessary licenses from their securities regulators. This is usually pretty difficult to do, so the crypto industry spends a huge amount of effort trying to ensure that cryptocurrency sales and developments avoid securities laws.

What is the difference between security and cryptocurrency? ›

Cryptocurrency is like a security because they can be issued like stocks. They also share a similar process to an IPO with Initial Coin Offerings – the capital-raising process for cryptocurrency. Securities are generally released by a centralized party, and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Is XRP likely to win the lawsuit? ›

Ninety percent of all XRP is traded outside the USA. Ripple is likely to win the case as the case crumbles or they come to an agreement. If so, the coin is expected to skyrocket.

What happens to XRP if SEC wins? ›

However, if Ripple loses all appeals, the SEC is likely to collect the $1.3 billion (the amount that the regulator alleges that Ripple earned from the unregistered securities sale) and offer XRP holders an option to sell their holdings.

Is XRP a dead coin? ›

Regardless of the bearish certainties, many analysts continue to remain bullish on XRP and believe it to be a good time to stack XRP. The recent SEC update has boosted optimism around the token.

Are securities and assets the same thing? ›

A security is a financial instrument, typically any financial asset that can be traded.

What is another name for a crypto asset? ›

There is no universal definition, but there is often some overlap between the commonly used terms, such as “crypto-asset”, “crypto token”, “crypto currency” and “virtual currency”.

What are crypto assets called? ›

Crypto assets—also known as digital assets—are assets that are issued or transferred using distributed ledger or blockchain technology.

Are digital assets securities? ›

Depending on its design, function and use, a digital asset may be characterized as property, a commodity or a security. Digital assets—as well as stocks, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds that invest in digital asset-related companies—may present investment opportunities.

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