The Truth About Real Estate Prices (2024)

Real estate has traditionally been considered a safe investment but recessions and other disasters tend to test that theory. Though the general trend of home prices has been upward, there have been bumps along the way. The length of time you own a home can determine how safe of an investment it is; the longer the better, all things considered.

Key Takeaways

  • Home values tend to rise over time, but recessions and other disasters can lead to lower prices.
  • Following slumps, home values can increase in some areas of the country because of strong demand and low supply, while other areas struggle to rebound.
  • Potential homebuyers shouldn't focus on national trends, as prices vary between states and even neighboring cities.
  • Low mortgage rates have an indirect effect on home prices, as consumers are willing to take on more debt when credit is cheap.

Historical Prices

Before 2007, historical housing price data seemed to indicate that real estate prices could continue to rise indefinitely. In fact, with few exceptions, the average sale price of homes sold in the U.S. climbed steadily each year from 1963 to 2007—when the housing bubble burst and the financial crisis of 2008 ensued. Since then, though the trend has been upward, it has been more fragmented.

Rebound After the Financial Crisis

By 2013, the average sales price of homes sold in the U.S. had rebounded to pre-crisis levels. For the next several years, the uptrend looked promising, until 2018 when prices flattened, and then began to fall slightly in 2019. Prices saw a dip in 2020 but housing prices have been climbing drastically since then and leveling off around 2022 with dips and climbs through 2024.

Of course, real estate prices depend heavily on the market (location, location, location), and national trends can tell only part of the picture. A boom in California can mask a bust in Detroit.

Even within the same city, numbers can vary widely. Areas that experience new growth or gentrification can show significant price appreciation, while areas across town can be in decline. The chart below shows how the south, west, northwest, and midwest regions experience different trends in real estate prices.

When looking at the national and regional statistics, be sure to account for the reality of the market in your local area. Rising prices at the national level may not help you if your city, state, or neighborhood is in decline.

Current Home Prices

Home prices since 2020 have increased at unprecedented rates as the economy reemerged from the downturn of 2020. Record low mortgage rates and a shortage of homes for sale were the primary drivers of this phenomenon.

At the same time, temporary shortages in lumber and skilled construction labor added to the upward movement of prices.

Home prices started leveling off in 2022 when the Fed started increasing interest rates to fight the high inflation. The Fed's target rate went from between 0.25% and 0.50% in March 2022 to between 5.25% and 5.50% as of Jan. 2024, making borrowing more costly for would-be homebuyers, thereby reducing the demand. In Jan. 2022, the average price of a home in the U.S. was $501,200 and in Nov. 2023 (latest data) it was $488,900.

Home Trends

Of course, it's important to consider that factors other than supply and demand can affect real estate prices. For example, even before the numbers began to go the wrong way in 2008, the National Association of Home Builders reported that the average home size in America was 983 square feet in 1950, 1,500 square feet in 1970, andpeaked at 2,740 in 2015.

This trend continued in the first half of the 2000s, after which it began to decline somewhat. Still, with homes getting bigger and inflation adding to the cost of building materials, it is only logical that home prices would rise. Other trends can drive prices up, too, such as buyer preferences for more expensive flooring, appliances, fixtures, and the like.

National trends may not give you the whole picture, as real estate values and prices vary between states and neighboring cities.

Homes as Investments

Because home prices tend to rise over time, buying a home has traditionally been viewed as a safe investment. Still, an important point to consider when looking at a home as an investment is that it won't ever pay off unless you sell it.

From a practical standpoint, even if your primary residence doubles in value, it probably just means that your real estate taxes have gone up. All of the gains you experience are on paper until you sell the property. Of course, for many homeowners, that's alright. A home that doubles in value is a nice asset to pass on to the kids and grandchildren.


If you decide to sell and buy another home in the same area, remember that the prices of those other homes have probably risen, too. To truly book a gain from your sale, you will likely need to move to a smaller home in the same area, or move out of the area and find a less expensive place to live.

Of course, downsizing is an attractive option for many retirees and those who no longer have children living at home. Aside from the potential financial gains, a smaller home is easier to take care of (at least in theory), and it can address future mobility issues.

Home Equity Loans

While it is possible to tap the equity in your home by taking out a loan against it, using your house as an automated teller machine (ATM) is not always a good strategy.

Not only does the interest you pay eat into your profits, but the loan payment takes away from your financial stability. If real estate prices decline, you may find yourself in the unenviable position of owing more on the loan than the house is worth.

Mortgage Rates

Mortgage rates generally rise during periods of economic growth. When this happens, the job market is healthy and people's wages rise, too. Conversely, mortgage rates tend to fall during economic slowdowns as the Federal Reserve tries to make it easier to spend and borrow.

The average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rate had been below 5% since 2010 (keep in mind that even tiny changes in rates can have a huge impact on the overall cost of your home) until the Fed started aggressively increasing rates in 2022 to fight inflation.

This chart from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis shows historical prices for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages, starting in 1971. The rate in Jan. 2022 was approximately 3.22% and in Jan. 2024 it was 6.62%.

So how does this play out for real estate prices? Lower mortgage rates don't necessarily have a direct relationship to home prices, even though we'd like to think they do. But they may have an indirect effect on them. When rates are low, consumers are more willing and can afford to take on more debt. That's because the cost of credit (i.e., interest) is cheap. Rising interest rates, though, tend to lead to weaker demand from buyers.

Mortgage lending discrimination is illegal. If you think you've been discriminated against based on race, religion, sex, marital status, use of public assistance, national origin, disability, or age, there are steps you can take. One such step is to file a report to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and/or with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Is Buying a Home a Good Investment?

The idea that a home is a good investment stems from the fact that real estate prices tend to rise, at least historically speaking. Since there's no way to predict the future real estate market, it's important to avoid getting in over your head. A home is a good investment only if you can afford it.

Of course, you are unlikely to see any profits that you can spend if you plan to live in the same house all of your life. But if you buy with an exit strategy in mind, there is a much better chance of realizing a cash profit.

First, consider your motivation for buying a home. If you want to live in it, then you probably don't need to think about your home in terms of profits and losses. If you're hoping to make money, then you need to enter the transaction with an exit strategy. This also means you should have a selling price in the back of your mind, all while keeping the purchase price of the property at the forefront.

When the market reaches your price point, you sell the property just as you would a stock that has appreciated. This may not be a practical approach for your primary residence, depending on your lifestyle, but it is exactly what many real estate investors do when they purchase properties—renovate and sell them. Just remember that prices don't always move up.

What Is the Price of a Home in the U.S.?

As of Nov. 2023 (latest information), the average price of a home in the U.S. is $488,900. Prices have been increasing since 2011 but often have been choppy given the economic environment.

What Is the Mortgage Rate?

As of Jan. 2024, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate is 6.62%. Rates have climbed steadily since 2022 as the Fed made moves to fight inflation. This has made buying a home more costly.

Is It Good to Buy a House Now or Wait for a Recession?

Buying a house during a recession can be a very risky move. During a recession, a nation falls on economic hard times. If you lose your job, it may be difficult to get approved for a loan. Even if you do end up buying a house during a recession, it could still be risky. You may lose your job and no longer be able to make your mortgage payments, resulting in a foreclosure on your home.

During a recession, demand for homes decreases; if you need to sell your home, it may be a tough time to do so or you may end up selling it for a loss. The neighborhood you live in can also be adversely affected by a recession, depressing property prices there.

The Bottom Line

With history as a guide, most would-be homeowners would do well to buy a place they actually hope to inhabit, pay off the mortgage quickly, live there until retirement, then downsize and move to a less expensive home. It's not a sure bet, but this strategy does increase the likelihood of making a profit.

The Truth About Real Estate Prices (2024)


What is the biggest problem in real estate? ›

2022-23 Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate®
  • Inflation and Interest Rates.
  • Geopolitical Risk.
  • Hybrid Work.
  • Supply Chain Disruption.
  • Energy.
  • Labor Shortage Strain.
  • The Great Housing Imbalance.
  • Regulatory Uncertainty.

Will US housing ever be affordable again? ›

It could take until 2026 to see a 'normal' real estate market. To get affordability back to a comfortable range will take a combination of higher wages, lower interest rates and stable prices, economists say, and that combination may take until 2026 or later to coalesce.

Why are houses so expensive in 2024? ›

Housing shortage

California just doesn't have enough housing to keep up with demand. The difference between the number of homes we need and the number we've been building has been growing for decades. The gap is starting to shrink. But very, very slowly.

Why are housing prices so high in the US? ›

Limited housing inventory

Many people want to purchase a home, but there simply aren't enough homes on the market. The pandemic, inflation and rising mortgage rates have all worsened the shortage. Millennials are driving up demand because, after years of sitting on the fence, they are now entering the housing market.

Where is real estate declining the most? ›

These are the cities where home prices are falling the most:
  • Cincinnati, OH.
  • Kansas City, MO.
  • Denver, CO.
  • San Jose, CA.
  • Raleigh, NC.
  • San Antonio, TX.
  • San Francisco.
  • Portland, OR.
Mar 8, 2024

What do realtors see as their biggest threat? ›

The Top 5 Biggest Threats to Real Estate in 2023
  • Interest Rates. When I think about what is the biggest threat to real estate, I think of interest rates. ...
  • Affordability. ...
  • Technology. ...
  • Recessionary Impacts On The Real Estate Market In 2023. ...
  • Governmental Politics And Global Events.
Apr 16, 2023

How is anyone supposed to afford a house? ›

The rule of thumb is buyers shouldn't spend more than 28% of their income before taxes on housing. This includes their mortgage principal, interest, property taxes, and home insurance. Using that math, the typical U.S. household could afford a $270,000 home if they put 10% down and had little to no debt.

Why is US housing so unaffordable? ›

Ongoing supply-chain issues have made building small homes expensive. “It's hard to build an affordable home today because of high labor costs, high material costs, high land costs and high entitlement costs,” McCoy said.

How much house can I afford with a 100k salary? ›

While your income is a solid starting point, lenders also scrutinize your debt-to-income ratio, credit score, and other financial obligations. With a $100k salary in today's market, you could qualify for a mortgage between $250,000 and $350,000.

Will 2024 be a better time to buy a house? ›

Yes. This is the best time to buy a house in California. With the current trend in the CA housing market, you'll find better deals on your dream home during Q2 2024. As per Fannie Mae, mortgage rates may drop more in Q2 of 2024 due to economic changes, inflation, and central bank policy adjustments.

What time of year are houses most expensive? ›

Generally speaking, late spring and summer are the peak real estate season, when there's the most inventory to choose from — but also the most competition, and the highest prices. If affordability is a concern, you're likely to score a better deal during the winter months.

What is the average price of a house in the US? ›

The average United States home value is $361,282, up 2.9% over the past year and goes to pending in around 18 days.

What state has the most overpriced housing market? ›

Buying in Hawaii and California can cost up to 70% or more of local per capita income. Housing costs were usually high in Maui, even before the devastating fires of August 2023. How Much Is My House Worth?

Will US housing prices ever drop? ›

Most experts don't believe home prices will drop — though the pace of increases could start to slow in 2024 and 2025. We'll probably see prices increase modestly throughout the next couple of years.

Are houses more expensive in America or Australia? ›

The median price-to-income multiple across the five cities is 9.7x. The chart shows that Australia's median multiple is more than 2x the US market of 4.8x or almost 2x the UK market of 5x.

What are the biggest threats to real estate? ›

Invasive species are often considered the second most important threat (but see Dueñas et al., 2018). Invasive species are listed as a driver of extinction, along with other threats, for half of species extinctions since 1500 CE for which any information exists.

What do realtors struggle with the most? ›

Whether you're a seasoned agent or just entering the field, understanding the most common challenges will help you strategize and find success.
  1. Generating Quality Leads. ...
  2. Fierce Competition. ...
  3. Fluctuating Market Conditions. ...
  4. Time Management and Work-Life Balance. ...
  5. Dealing with Difficult Clients. ...
  6. Technology and Innovation.
Mar 9, 2024

What is the most challenging part of real estate? ›

The 9 Hardest Parts of Being a Real Estate Agent
  • #1: Getting Your License Can Be Daunting. ...
  • #2: Commission-Based Income Can Be an Adjustment. ...
  • #3: Time Management Can Be Difficult. ...
  • #4: It Is a Relationship-Based Industry. ...
  • #5: Difficult Work-Life Balance. ...
  • #6: The Real Estate Market Can Change. ...
  • #7: Legal Liabilities.
Feb 29, 2024

Why do most people fail in real estate? ›

Many, if not most, real estate agents will fail in their first year. Real estate agents make three common mistakes: inadequate prospecting, poor marketing, and failing to follow up with clients to build relationships.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.