Tuition Fee Compensation (2024)

Sukurta: 14 October 2021

Students who studied in astudy place not funded by the state during the entire or part (semester) of the study period, and who achieved the best learning outcomes, can expect to receive a tuition fee compensation. Tuition fee compensation from the state budget is organized by the State Studies Foundation (hereinafter – Foundation) with the participation of the University; compensation procedures are regulated by theDescription of the Procedure of Payment, Reimbursem*nt and Recovery of Tuition Fees at Vilnius University.

By considering the number of students in each study programme, the State Studies Foundation shall establish the highest number of persons in each field of study whose paid tuition fees may be compensated. Students of each field of study are ranked according to the weighted average of the compensated period, and the paid fees are compensated for the established number of students with the best learning outcomes in that field.

Persons who a granted a tuition fee compensation shall receive a notification in November via e-mails provided to the Foundation by the higher education institution, therefore it is important that students regularly check their e-mails specified inVUeStudentplatform. Upon receiving a notification, students must, within the specified deadline, submit an application to the Foundation for the compensation of paid tuition fees.

For students who were admitted to study in the first cycle and integrated studies prior to 31 December 2016, the actually paid tuition fee or part of it which does not exceed the standard tuition fee may be compensated 2 times during the study period:

  • for the first two years of studies (in the case of part-time studies – during the first half of the study programme) and/or
  • from the third year of studies until the end of the first cycle or integrated studies (in the case of part-time studies – after finishing the second half of the study programme).

For students who were admitted to study in the first cycle, second cycle and integrated studies from 1 January 2017, the paid tuition fee or part of it which does not exceed the standard tuition fee may be compensated at the end of each year of studies.

  • The following shall not have the right to receive tuition fee compensation:
  • persons who are re-enrolling in the programme of the same or lower study cycle, if more than half of the previous study programme credits were acquired with state budget funds;
  • persons who are studying in two or more degree study programmes or non-degree study programmes of the same cycle at the same time, if their studies are funded with state budget funds according to at least one of these study programmes (they pay for the second and other study programmes);
  • foreigners, excluding emigrants and foreigners of Lithuanian descent, as well as citizens of the Member States of the European Union and other countries in the European Economic Area, if the international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania or other legal acts do not provide otherwise;
  • in other cases established by the Government.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is entitled to tuition fee reimbursem*nt?

Who is entitled to tuition fee reimbursem*nt?

Undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled in higher education institutions from 1 January 2017 who:

  • have no academic debts;
  • have fulfilled all the requirements for the study programme in the relevant academic year;
  • have reached an excellent or typical level of achievement.

Tuition fee reimbursem*nt for those who have completed their compulsory initial military service

Tuition fee reimbursem*nt for those who have completed their compulsory initial military service

Persons who have completed compulsory initial military service or basic military training are entitled to reimbursem*nt of part of the tuition fees paid:

  • studying for the first time at a higher education institution in undergraduate, postgraduate or full-time study programmes, or having completed studies;
  • having performed military service after 1 September 2011;
  • having studied in a place not funded by the State for all or part of the study period (semester);
  • have no academic debts;
  • started their studies no more than three years after completing their military service;
  • completed military service not more than three years after the date of graduation.
  • entered military service before 21 April 2015.

The reimbursem*nt of part of the study programmes cost is granted after the person has completed the relevant period of studies:

  • the first two years of studies (in the case of part-time studies, the first half of the study programme);


  • the third year of studies before the end of the first cycle or the end of the full cycle (in the case of part-time studies, after the completion of the second half of the study programme);
  • postgraduate studies.

Reimbursem*nt is limited to 50 per cent of the tuition fee actually paid during the period of study for which the reimbursem*nt is granted, up to a maximum of the standard tuition fee.

Applications and documents for reimbursem*nt of the part of the tuition fee paid for studies are accepted from 5 January to 10 February of the current year.

More information

Who is not entitled to tuition fee reimbursem*nt?

Who is not entitled to tuition fee reimbursem*nt?

The following are not entitled to tuition fee compensation:

  • Persons who are re-enrolled in the same or a lower-level study programme if more than half of the credits of the previous study programme have been acquired with the help of the state budget;
  • persons studying simultaneously in two or more degree-awarding or non-degree-awarding study programmes at the same level, if their studies in at least one of these study programmes are financed by the state budget (they pay for the second and other study programmes); persons who have received a study grant (for the period of study for which they received a study grant);
  • foreigners, except for the persons referred to in Article 82, paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Law on Research and Studies, as well as citizens of the Member States of the European Union and other countries of the European Free Trade Association who work and (or) have the right of permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania and their family members, citizens of other foreign countries and stateless persons who have the right of permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania, unless otherwise stipulated by the international agreements of the Republic of Lithuania or by other legal acts;
  • in other cases established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Tuition Fee Compensation (2024)
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