Ways to Financially Prepare for Living Alone (2024)

Moving out on your own for the first time is an exciting milestone! The freedom to decorate your space however you want, stay up as late as you want, and eat cereal for dinner every night if you so desire. But with great freedom comes great financial responsibility.

When you live alone, you don’t have anyone to split costs with or fall back on if money gets tight. So while you’re riding the high of this new chapter, it’s crucial to financially prepare for living alone. Trust me, future you will thank you down the road. From budgeting wisely to holding yourself accountable, here are some practical ways to financially prepare for and gain confidence in living alone before flying the coop.

Understand the Financial Realities of Living Alone

Being financially responsible for everything is a big adjustment. Create a realistic budget and stick to it.

It’s More Expensive Than You Think

Living alone is flat out expensive. There’s no sugarcoating it. As I’m sure you know, rent and mortgages nowadays aren’t cheap, especially if you live in or near a major city. Expect to pay $1000–2000 per month in rent alone depending on location and amenities. On top of that, you’ll be responsible for all utilities like electricity, water, gas, internet, etc. which can add a few hundred dollars. Grocery bills will go up since you can’t split bulk items. Furniture, kitchen supplies, decor and toiletries are just a few more expenses you probably didn’t account for when living at home.

It’s important to fully grasp these new financial responsibilities that come with living alone and determine what lifestyle changes need to be made accordingly. For example, you’ll likely need to cut back on discretionary spending and those $5 lattes you’re used to grabbing on the way to work each morning. Keeping up your current spending habits simply won’t be realistic or sustainable when you’re the sole income source in your household. Be prepared to make serious budget cuts.

While this financial reality check may seem daunting at first, try to view it as an opportunity to become more financially savvy. With some practical planning and discipline, you can set yourself up for success living on your own. Think of it as an exciting challenge!

No One Will Notice if You Slip Up

When you live with others like parents or roommates, they may catch you overspending or call you out for blowing your budget. But when you live alone, you have to hold yourself accountable. No one will notice if you aren’t sticking to your budget or meeting other financial goals except you.

This lack of financial accountability can lead some first-time solo renters to develop bad money habits. Without someone watching your spending, it’s easy to overindulge in takeout food, nights out, shopping sprees and other budget-busting behaviors. Be aware of this tendency and take proactive steps to keep yourself on track, like scheduling regular check-ins with a financially savvy friend or family member. Left unchecked, poor financial habits can spiral quickly when you live alone.

It Can Get Lonely

Living alone for the first time can definitely get lonely, especially if you’re used to always having people around. Humans are social creatures after all. This sense of loneliness may tempt you to overspend on entertainment, eating out, travel and other discretionary expenses just to get out of the house and interact with others.

While nurturing your social life is important, aim to do so in a budget-friendly way like hosting friends for potlucks or game nights at home versus expensive dinners out every weekend. Get creative with free and low-cost local activities like hiking, yoga in the park, book clubs or volunteering. And embrace solo hobbies like reading, writing, crafting or exercising at home. Building these habits wards off needless spending from boredom or loneliness.

Make a Detailed Budget Based on Your New Expenses

Failing to budget is essentially planning to fail, especially when you live alone. To gain control of your finances, you need clarity on where your money is going each month. Make a comprehensive budget that accounts for all your anticipated monthly living expenses like rent, groceries, transportation, utilities, student loan payments, and more. Apps like Mint, You Need A Budget (YNAB), EveryDollar and others can help track spending.

When creating your budget, be sure to include discretionary categories like entertainment, clothing, travel, gifts, and dining out. Allocating a set amount for these variable expenses will help curb overspending. Budget conservatively, and overestimate expenses until you have a good idea of your actual costs living alone. It’s better to have leftover funds than come up short.

Ideally, your necessary monthly expenses shouldn’t exceed 50% of your take-home income. This allows you to put money towards savings, debt repayment, and discretionary spending while still leaving some wiggle room in your budget. If your required expenses are above that 50% threshold, look for areas to trim spending. Downsize housing; reduce utility use, cut cable, lower cell phone bills, and pause discretionary spending until your budget is balanced.

Sticking to your well-planned budget diligently is key, especially in the first few months of living solo. It may take some discipline, but gets easier over time as monitoring your spending becomes a habit. Consider using money management tools and apps to set spending alerts and track where every dollar goes. Creating a budget is the first step — but following it consistently is how you ultimately achieve financial success living on your own.

Budgeting Tips

  • Build in a buffer for surprise expenses that will inevitably pop up. An extra $100–200 per month can cover unexpected car repairs, medical bills, etc.
  • Overestimate variable expenses like groceries, utilities and transportation when planning your initial budget. Adjust as needed once you know your actual costs.
  • Plan to spend extra in the first 1–2 months furnishing your place with essentials like cookware, towels, sheets and basic furniture. These startup costs add up.
  • If you have credit card debt, pay more than the minimums to quickly pay it down before interest piles up. Don’t let balances linger.
  • Use coupons, shop sales, buy generics and cook at home to cut grocery costs. Meal planning helps reduce food waste.
  • See if you qualify for any utility assistance programs to lower internet, electric and water bills. Every dollar counts.

Secure Affordable Yet Livable Housing

For most people, housing will be the biggest expense when living alone. While it may be tempting to choose the cheapest studio apartment you can find, you have to weigh affordability with livability and safety.

Make sure to consider commute time to your workplace, proximity to public transportation if you don’t drive, access to grocery stores and other necessities, the general safety of the neighborhood (check crime rates!), management responsiveness, and reviews from current residents before choosing a place. You want to minimize housing costs without compromising quality of life or safety.

If your budget is tight, consider getting a roommate or renting a room in a shared house or apartment to cut costs. This allows you to split rent and utilities. Or look into income-restricted housing apartments that offer discounted rates for seniors, students or low-income renters if you qualify. Just be sure to clearly outline expectations and responsibilities if choosing to live with others.

Housing Tips

  • If staying with roommates, agree upfront on bill splitting, cleaning duties, overnight guests, noise levels and other house rules to avoid conflict.
  • Look for apartments that include some utilities in rent to lower monthly bills. Units with a washer/dryer can also save on laundry costs.
  • Ask about move-in specials to get 1–2 months free or reduced rent, waived deposits, gift cards or other incentives that lower overall costs.
  • Consider micro apartments or studios with Murphy beds and convertible furniture to maximize small spaces. Make the most of every square foot!
  • Fully understand the lease terms like rent increases, fees, parking, pets, utilities, termination policy etc. before signing anything.

Build Up a 3–6 Month Emergency Fund

When you live alone, you don’t have the financial safety net of family or a partner to fall back on if you face an unexpected crisis. That’s why it’s crucial to build up a rainy day emergency fund with 3–6 months’ worth of living expenses. This means having $6,000+ saved if your monthly costs are $1,000.

Start small by setting up automatic transfers from each paycheck to a high-yield savings account. Even if it’s only $20 or $50 a month at first, the balance will grow over time. Make it a habit to consistently contribute to your emergency fund until you reach your savings goal. Consider putting bonus money, tax refunds or cash gifts directly into savings.

Having this financial cushion will give you peace of mind if you face an unexpected medical bill, car repairs, temporary job loss, or other unplanned expense that would otherwise throw your finances into chaos. Don’t let an emergency derail all the hard budgeting work you did upfront.

Emergency Fund Tips

  • Initially aim for $1000–2000 in emergency savings while aggressively paying down high-interest debt. Then focus on reaching the full 3–6 month goal.
  • Keep emergency funds in an easily accessible account like an online, high-yield savings account versus investments that could lose value.
  • Avoid the temptation to tap emergency savings for non-emergencies like vacations or luxury purchases. Get in that habit early.
  • Set up automatic recurring transfers from checking to savings so contributions happen effortlessly over time. Out of sight, out of mind!
  • Bolster your savings by setting money aside from tax refunds, bonuses, gift money or side gig earnings. Let your money work for you.

Explore Insurance Options to Protect Your Finances

In addition to an emergency fund, being properly insured is vital when you live alone. Health insurance is an obvious must to prevent massive medical bills if you get injured or ill. If your employer doesn’t offer health insurance, shop for plans on the healthcare marketplace that fit your budget. Compare out-of-pocket costs like deductibles and co-pays.

Also look into renters insurance, which covers theft or property damage of your belongings. Renter’s insurance also provides liability protection in case someone gets injured in your apartment. Costs are usually under $200 per year. And make sure you have adequate auto insurance if you own a car, reviewing your liability, collision and comprehensive coverage.

When you live solo, you can’t rely on a partner’s income or insurance if something happens. So review your coverage to avoid major out-of-pocket expenses if the unexpected strikes.

Insurance Tips

  • See if you still qualify to stay on a parent’s health insurance plan until age 26. This can provide major savings.
  • Compare renters insurance quotes to find the right amount of coverage at the lowest price. Don’t assume policies are equal.
  • Bundle auto and renters policies with the same provider for multi-policy discounts. Maximize those savings!
  • Consider supplemental short-term disability insurance in case you can’t work due to illness or injury. Don’t risk lost income.
  • Document serial numbers and take photos of valuables in case you need to make an insurance claim down the road.

Make a Plan for Managing Student Loan and Credit Card Payments

If you have existing debts like student loans or credit cards, don’t neglect these just because you’re transitioning to living on your own. In fact, managing these debts responsibly is key to staying on track financially as a solo renter.

Make debt repayment an essential line item in your monthly budget. Pay at least the minimums on all debts, and funnel any extra money towards the loan or card with the highest interest rate first. Once that’s paid off, move to the next highest rate. This “debt avalanche” method saves the most on interest costs.

Consolidating multiple debts or refinancing student loans could help lower your monthly payments. But avoid extending loan terms which increases interest paid over the life of the loan.

Avoid relying on credit cards to cover basic living expenses. This slippery slope can quickly lead to accumulated debt that will take ages to pay off. Live within your means and leverage credit cards wisely. Make a plan to pay off card balances in full each month.

Debt Management Tips

  • Explore income-driven repayment plans to potentially lower student loan payments to an affordable level based on your income.
  • Pay more than the minimums when possible to combat interest and pay debts faster. Even an extra $20–50 per month makes a difference.
  • Leave credit cards at home to reduce impulse spending. Consider freezing cards in ice so they take effort to access. Out of sight, out of mind!
  • Consolidate multiple credit card balances to a lower rate card or personal loan to save on interest. But avoid racking debt back up.
  • Automate extra debt payments so they happen without thinking. Set it and forget it! Stay disciplined.

Hold Yourself Accountable to Financial Goals

A potential downside of living alone is no one will notice if you aren’t sticking to your budget or meeting other financial goals. You have to hold yourself accountable. One way to do this is scheduling recurring check-ins with a financially savvy friend or family member.

Share your budget, spending, financial wins and struggles. Let them look over your bank statements and offer advice. They can serve as an impartial third party to gently nudge you back on track when needed. Having someone help keep you accountable improves your odds of making smart money decisions.

Staying Accountable Tips

  • Write down your financial goals and tape them somewhere visible like your bathroom mirror or fridge as a constant reminder. Out of sight, out of mind!
  • Celebrate financial milestones by treating yourself to something inexpensive yet meaningful like a book, hike or museum visit. Positive reinforcement works!
  • Join a money management support group to share struggles and celebrate wins with likeminded individuals. Find strength in numbers!
  • Use budget tracking and net worth apps to visualize your progress over time. Numbers don’t lie! Visually track your money.
  • If you slip up, get right back on track instead of giving up. Persistence is key to financial success. Don’t beat yourself up over missteps.

Additional Financial Preparation Tips

Pick up basic home repair skills to avoid calling costly handymen. Meal prep on weekends to save money and eat healthier. Build healthy money habits.

Learn Basic Home Repairs

When you own or rent your own place, you can’t call the landlord or parents to fix every little thing. Watch YouTube tutorials to learn basic home repairs like unclogging sinks and toilets, patching holes, replacing appliances and more. Stock your closet with essential tools and supplies so you can tackle minor issues yourself and avoid calling in expensive handymen whenever possible. Over time you’ll develop DIY skills that save cash.

Meal Plan and Prep

Preparing meals at home rather than dining out or buying takeout will save you a ton of money living alone. Make a weekly meal plan based on grocery store sales and coupons. Do bulk meal prep on weekends to have grab and go breakfasts, lunches and heat up dinners ready for busy workdays. Pack leftovers for easy work lunches. Meal prep leads to better eating habits while saving cash.

Develop Healthy Sleep Habits

Living alone for the first time often means staying up late binge-watching shows since no one will tell you to go to bed. But burning the midnight oil leaves you groggy and unproductive the next day, hurting work and fitness goals. Stick to a regular sleep schedule and wind down pre-bedtime routine. Your mental and physical health (and wallet) will thank you.

Start an Affordable At-Home Hobby

Between work, commuting, and chores, solo living can feel lonely if you don’t make time for fun. Find a hobby that fulfills you creatively and socially. Ideas include journaling, learning an instrument, painting, exercising at home, reading, gardening and more. Building these habits wards off needless spending from boredom or loneliness.

Learn to Love Leftovers

When cooking for one, you’ll likely have leftovers. Resist the urge to toss them! Portion out leftovers into individual containers to reheat for easy lunches and dinners later in the week. Soups, stews, casseroles, roasted veggies and grains generally reheated well. You can eat affordably while still enjoying a variety of meals. Waste not, want not!

Additional Budget Saving Tips

Here are more great tips and strategies for reducing expenses and staying on budget when living alone:

Buy Generic Food Brands

Opt for store brand and generic labels rather than name brands. You’ll often save 30–50% on basics like canned goods, cereal, pasta, frozen foods and more. Taste and nutrition are usually comparable.

Cook Large Batch Meals

Making a big pot of chili, soup, pasta dish, or casserole allows you to eat multiple meals from one cooking session. Portion out leftovers into individual containers to freeze or refrigerate. Bulk cooking saves time and money.

Cancel Unused Subscriptions

Audit your recurring expenses for things you no longer use like gym memberships, streaming services, subscription boxes, cloud storage plans, etc. Cut out anything you don’t regularly utilize to free up cash. Those small unused fees add up.

Buy Used Furniture

Furnishing an entire place alone gets pricey. Save substantially by shopping used furniture from thrift stores, garage sales, Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. You can often find quality pieces at a fraction of retail price if you patiently hunt for deals.

Learn to DIY Simple Home Repairs

Instead of calling a handyman for every little thing, watch some YouTube tutorials and tackle basic repairs like fixing leaks, squeaky hinges, clogged drains or garage door openers yourself. Invest in some basic tools and supplies for minor DIY fixes.

Buy Smart Kitchen Staples

Build your pantry with versatile ingredients like eggs, beans, rice, oats, pasta, frozen vegetables, chicken breasts, and other basics to assemble easy, affordable meals at home. Meal plan around what’s on sale or already in your kitchen.

Moving out on your own is a priceless growing experience. But flying solo also means taking full responsibility for your finances. From budgeting to insurance to debt management, take the time to thoughtfully put protections and healthy money habits in place. Your future independent self will thank you!

Second Star Financial has years of experience helping people settle debt and achieve financial freedom. Our proven debt settlement program can assist you in taking control of high-interest, unmanageable debts. Contact us for a free consultation to review your situation and see if our program is right for you. Let us guide you on your journey to becoming debt-free.

A version of this post was published on https://secondstartfinancial.com/financially-prepare-for-living-alone/

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Website: https://secondstartfinancial.com/

Ways to Financially Prepare for Living Alone (2024)


Ways to Financially Prepare for Living Alone? ›

A great way to learn what you can afford is to take your monthly income and then subtract an estimated cost of all living expenses. Some living expenses include the following: rent, energy/electricity, water, food, cell phone costs, and more. Make sure you have enough to cover these costs on a monthly basis.

How do I financially prepare to live alone? ›

How can I afford to live on my own?
  1. Find a budgeting technique that works for you. If you want to live on your own and have done some research, you're probably experiencing some sticker shock. ...
  2. Create your budget. ...
  3. Explore your rental options. ...
  4. Break bad spending habits and build discipline. ...
  5. Shop smart for necessities.

How am I supposed to afford living alone? ›

"And the rule of thumb is 30% to 33% of your income as your housing budget." This is good guidance for all renters. But Beauchamp especially stresses the importance of sticking to that 30% to 33% threshold with her single clients. "You only have one income to work with," she says.

What steps should you take to prepare for living on your own? ›

Easy Ways to Become More Self-Reliant:

Learn to cook for yourself and enjoy your meals. Learn how to change a tire, jump-start a car and change a vehicle's oil. Plant a garden or buy house plants and take care of them. Adopt a pet and instill more responsibility into your life.

How much money do I need to live alone? ›

The average monthly expenses for a single person will depend quite a bit on where you live, and if you're living alone for the first time, you might be surprised that most things cost more, not just your rent. The national average expenses for a single person living alone are around $3,500 per month.

How do you financially prepare for life? ›

How to make a financial plan in 9 steps
  1. Set financial goals.
  2. Track your money.
  3. Budget for emergencies.
  4. Tackle high-interest debt.
  5. Plan for retirement.
  6. Optimize your tax planning.
  7. Invest to build your future goals.
  8. Grow your financial well-being.
Aug 20, 2024

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 budget rule states that you should spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on needs and obligations that you must have or must do. The remaining half should dedicate 20% to savings, leaving 30% to be spent on things you want but don't necessarily need.

What is a good salary to live alone? ›

Living Wages in All 50 States
RankStateIncome Required
47New York$73,226
46 more rows
May 29, 2024

How much money should you have saved before living on your own? ›

The key is to start planning and saving well in advance of your intended move. As a general rule, you want to have at least six months' worth of living expenses saved up before setting off on your own. That may sound like a tall order, but these tips and strategies can help you get there.

How to live alone for the first time? ›

8 tips on how to live alone and actually embrace it
  1. Strengthen your social network. While living alone, maintain and expand your social connections. ...
  2. Refresh your routine. ...
  3. Explore new activities. ...
  4. Create your ideal space. ...
  5. Embrace solitude. ...
  6. Stay active. ...
  7. Cultivate self-compassion. ...
  8. Seek out community.
Apr 12, 2024

How do I start living my life for myself? ›

14 Tips to Start Living for Yourself
  1. Begin The Journey Of Self-discovery. ...
  2. Learn To Be Happy With Who You Are. ...
  3. Check in regularly with Your Self-talk. ...
  4. Align with your personal values and Morals. ...
  5. Learn How To live In The Moment. ...
  6. Observe Your Thoughts, Feelings, And Memories. ...
  7. stop trying to find meaning in everything.
Mar 10, 2021

How do I move out and start my own life? ›

Here are some steps to help you get started:
  1. Review your finances & create a budget. ...
  2. Check your credit. ...
  3. Discuss your plans to move out with your parents. ...
  4. Practice paying living expenses while still at home. ...
  5. Build an emergency fund. ...
  6. Find a place to live. ...
  7. Set up utilities. ...
  8. Investigate renters insurance.
Oct 12, 2022

How to mentally prepare to live alone? ›

Taking certain steps along the way can help make the process more comfortable.
  1. Try Something New. “Living alone can be an opportunity to grow in ways you haven't before,” says Deutsch. ...
  2. Make Healthy Habits a Priority. ...
  3. Practice Positive Affirmations. ...
  4. Build a Social Network. ...
  5. Freshen Up the Home Front. ...
  6. Adopt a Pet.
Aug 24, 2023

Is $15 an hour enough to live alone? ›

How much a single person needs to earn to live alone in the 25 largest U.S. cities. You'll need to earn around $25 per hour to live on your own in the United States' 25 largest cities. That's a median figure: You'll need more in cities like San Francisco or Boston, and less in San Antonio or Detroit.

How to live alone and afford it? ›

Budgeting Tips When You Want To Live Alone But Can't Afford It
  1. 1.1 Examine Your Priorities.
  2. 1.2 Lower Your Housing Standards.
  3. 1.3 Shop Around for Utilities.
  4. 1.4 Cook at Home.
  5. 1.5 Budget for Fun.
  6. 1.6 Use Public Transportation.
  7. 1.7 Negotiate a Raise.
  8. 1.8 Get a Side Gig.

What to bring when living alone? ›

Living Alone: The List of Must-Haves
  • PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS. It's impossible to create a comfortable atmosphere in a new apartment without personal wellbeing. ...
  • FIRST AID KIT. You never know what can happen. ...
  • FURNITURE. ...

How do you survive financially single? ›

12 Tips for Living on a Single Income
  1. Making a Budget. First step, reality check. ...
  2. Freezing Extra Food. ...
  3. Transitioning to One Car. ...
  4. Monitoring Utilities and Electricity. ...
  5. Downsizing Your Home. ...
  6. Doing Meal Planning and Buying Groceries on Sale. ...
  7. Paying Off High-Interest Debt. ...
  8. Getting a Roommate.

How much money do you need to be financially independent? ›

The cost of living comfortably: On average, Americans feel they'd need to earn over $186,000 to feel financially secure or comfortable, a 20 percent drop from 2023 but still more than two times what the average full-time, year-round worker earned in 2022 (about $79,000), according to Census Bureau data.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.