Web3 Is the Future of the Internet—Here’s Why You Need to Know About It (2024)

Web3 is the newest version of the internet. Here's what that means, what to expect and when it's coming.

The Reader’s Digest Version:
  • Web3 is the next evolution of the internet. It builds off current Web 2.0 with added functionality.
  • Whereas Web 2.0s is focused on read-write, Web3 is read-write-own or read-write-execute.
  • Decentralization, privacy, security and machine learning are early principles of Web3.
  • Because the genesis of Web3 will be slow and Web 2.0 won’t disappear, many may not even notice the change.

What is Web3? Web3 is the newest version of the internet. That sounds huge, and it is, but the internet isn’t being uninstalled and replaced with a new version. Rather, it’s about adding to what we already use. And don’t worry if you’re confused about AR vs. VR, you love VR or you hate them both—there will be something for everyone. Web3 will eventually shape what the metaverse is and how we shop (AI may pick out the best VR headsets for us, for example) and will keep our data more secure.

How the internet has changed

So far, there have been two versions of the internet. The first version was called Web 1.0, or read-only web, which lasted from the beginning of the internet in 1989 to the early 2000s. Its intent was to share information; there wasn’t any interaction between the visitor and what was online. You could put up your own pages online, or you could read other people’s pages. That’s it. Other than email, communication was nil. All the information was stored on a server and accessed only by a computer.

Slowly, the internet evolved into Web 2.0, or read-write web. It became official around 2004, and it is what we use today. This version allows people to interact with what they see online through comment sections, social media and more. Instead of being stored only on personal servers and accessed by computers, 2.0 information can also be stored in cloud storage (hosted servers) and viewed on tablets, mobile phones and even your fridge, in addition to your computer.

What is Web3?

So when you ask, what is Web3 (Web 3.0), the answer is really that it’s just the next evolution of the internet, growing out of Web 2.0. We’re already getting glimpses of what it will eventually be, even if there is no hard definition of what this progression will entail.

Like the earlier versions of the internet, Web3 is building off the past generations and adding to it. It is considered the read-write-own or read-write-execute version of the internet. Decentralization, privacy, machine learning and safety are some trends we are already seeing that will shape the Web 3.0 environment.

Fairness through decentralization

The big focus of Web3’s meaning is decentralization—making online communities owned by everyone, with transparent information sharing.

Instead of storing information through database giants such as Google, information will be freely shared and stored in many locations (this is called distributed computing). Everything will be shared by DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations). DAOs are groups built for one purpose, community run, relying on each member within the DAO to work in the best interest of reaching a common goal.

“DAOs really emerged among cryptocurrency enthusiasts and are largely used to make decisions in a bottom-up, ideally equitable management approach,” explains Sharad Varshney, CEO of OvalEdge, a data governance consultancy.

Privacy through blockchain

Blockchain is considered a pivotal part of decentralization. Ownership of things on the internet will be registered on the blockchain, which is a transparent and publicly accessible data system that allows anybody to see what goes on in it, says Billy Huang, co-founder of Luna Market.

An example of people using blockchain includes registering digital assets (NFTs) and tokens (crypto), which allow people to transfer digital goods seamlessly without needing to know the other party. Personal identity isn’t revealed unless users decide to share their real identity by tying their blockchain wallets (think of this as your Web 3.0 ID) to their personal information.

There is one main difference between blockchain technology and past infrastructures: databases. “Databases in the past were controlled by a single person or organization, and they had complete control over that system,” says Huang. “They could control how the data is stored and changed, leading to errors and fraud. Blockchains, on the other hand, allow anyone to create systems that can be audited by anybody. Because it is open to everyone, it allows anyone to understand the systems they are interfacing and develop trust with users who use their apps.”

Security through encryption

Encryption is another part of Web3. It basically ensures that no one can access data except for the intended parties. While we already use encryption to protect our online data, as the internet evolves we’ll use it to ensure data can be both publicly transparent and privately owned.

For example, encryption will keep your information private as you transfer ownerships and assets on the blockchain, said Huang.

Web3 Is the Future of the Internet—Here’s Why You Need to Know About It (1)Yuichiro Chino/Getty Images

Machine learning through AI

Another piece of the Web 3.0 puzzle was dreamed of way back in the 1990s. The idea was computers would be able to contextualize information much like the human brain. Beyond just knowing what the information is, the AI (artificial intelligence) would understand the meaning and emotion behind the information, serving it up to humans in a more intelligent way than search engines do today.

AI could, for example, find you the pair of shoes at the best price point for you using your personal preferences and style, just like a human personal shopper. It may also be able to shop for a car or vacation for you and then provide you with highly customized options.

AI could also be used to make things of value using this advanced way of learning, such as creating new medicines or manufacturing new products.

“There are already a few use cases of artificial intelligence in Web 3.0 applications,” said Huang. “For example, there is AI-generated art, which is then sold as NFTs.”

How might this all fit into the metaverse someday?

“Although it’s hard to pinpoint, I expect the metaverse will use blockchains to keep track of digital asset storage,” says Huang. One potential use is that creators in the metaverse may be able to register their digital assets, like sound, music, immersive experiences and games, in a safe and transparent way.

Web 3.0 AI may also be able to build you custom metaverse games or environments based on your personality and preferences.

Examples of Web3 companies, platforms and networks

There are already many Web3 examples created and thriving. Popular Web3 networks include Ethereum, Solana, Polygon and Cosmos. Some popular Web3 platforms include OpenSea, Coinbase, Ledger and MetaMask. Many of these networks and platforms sell NFTs or cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Cons of Web3

Are there downsides to Web 3.0? It’s really too soon to tell. We are still in the infancy of this new version of the internet. There are theories, though.

Some believe that DAOs, in particular, could be chaotic. Without someone or something in control, hate speech and misinformation, for example, could get worse because there won’t be anyone to police it. Policies may help sort things out, eventually.

“Even though DAOs reject the constraints of centralized control, they still need to adopt governance policies, including data governance,” says Varshney. “As DAO organizations operate entirely online, governing data effectively is critical for security, access, collaboration and more. DAOs are built on and work using digital information. Ensuring that this data is well managed using a dedicated tool should be at the top of the list when deciding on governance protocols.”

How Web3 could affect your life

In the future, your data will be yours and you can use it to create a better life. Companies collecting your personal data every time you buy something or search for something online could be a thing of the past.

AI could work as your own personal butler, creating personalized experiences for you using the data you control. You may also be able to build custom games and environments using AI.


Though there is a lot that may come with Web3, there are some overall themes that are already emerging. The pull away from “big data” with an emphasis on giving the user more freedom and security is already happening.

While Web 3.0 may seem exciting, and a little daunting, it is important to remember that there won’t be a big change right away. Over time, the internet as we know it will slowly evolve into the new version, just like 1.0 evolved into 2.0. It will be easy for most to adapt, as earlier functionalities of the web will remain, and we may not even realize it’s happening. As for when that will be, some experts predict it will take a minimum of 5 to 10 years.


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As a seasoned expert deeply immersed in the realms of emerging technologies, particularly in the transition from Web 2.0 to the latest iteration, Web3, let's delve into the multifaceted concepts embedded in the provided article.

1. Web3 Overview:

  • Expertise: Web3 is hailed as the next evolution of the internet, building upon the existing Web 2.0 framework with added functionalities.
  • Evidence: The reader is informed that Web3 goes beyond the read-write capabilities of Web 2.0, introducing concepts like read-write-own or read-write-execute.

2. Principles of Web3:

  • Expertise: Decentralization, privacy, security, and machine learning are identified as early principles of Web3.
  • Evidence: The article explains that Web3 focuses on making online communities decentralized, ensuring transparent information sharing. It highlights the role of blockchain in achieving privacy, encryption for security, and AI (artificial intelligence) for machine learning.

3. Evolution of the Internet:

  • Expertise: The internet has undergone two major versions - Web 1.0 (read-only web) and Web 2.0 (read-write web).
  • Evidence: Web 1.0 aimed at information sharing without user interaction, while Web 2.0, officially established around 2004, allowed user interaction through comment sections, social media, and more.

4. Web3 Characteristics:

  • Expertise: Web3 is portrayed as an evolution, building on past generations and introducing characteristics like decentralization, privacy, and machine learning.
  • Evidence: The article mentions that Web3 is considered the read-write-own or read-write-execute version of the internet, emphasizing trends like decentralization, privacy through blockchain, security through encryption, and machine learning through AI.

5. Blockchain in Web3:

  • Expertise: Blockchain is highlighted as a pivotal part of decentralization in Web3.
  • Evidence: The article explains that ownership of internet-related things will be registered on the blockchain, promoting transparent and publicly accessible data systems.

6. Security in Web3:

  • Expertise: Encryption is recognized as a key component of Web3.
  • Evidence: The article describes encryption as ensuring that only intended parties can access data, emphasizing its role in keeping information private during ownership and asset transfers on the blockchain.

7. Machine Learning in Web3:

  • Expertise: AI and machine learning are identified as integral to the Web 3.0 puzzle.
  • Evidence: The article discusses the application of AI in contextualizing information, providing examples such as AI-generated art sold as NFTs. It speculates on AI's role in building custom metaverse games based on individual preferences.

8. Web3 Examples:

  • Expertise: The article introduces examples of Web3 networks and platforms.
  • Evidence: Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, and Cosmos are mentioned as popular Web3 networks, while OpenSea, Coinbase, Ledger, and MetaMask are cited as popular platforms. These entities are associated with selling NFTs or cryptocurrencies.

9. Potential Downsides of Web3:

  • Expertise: The article acknowledges uncertainties and potential downsides of Web3.
  • Evidence: Concerns are raised about the potential chaos in DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) without centralized control, leading to issues like hate speech and misinformation. Governance policies, particularly data governance, are proposed as potential mitigations.

10. Future Impact on Individuals:

  • Expertise: The article discusses the potential impact of Web3 on individuals' lives.
  • Evidence: It envisions a future where personal data ownership empowers individuals, reducing dependence on companies collecting personal data. AI is seen as a personal assistant, creating tailored experiences, and users might build custom games and environments.

11. Conclusion and Timeline:

  • Expertise: The article concludes by emphasizing overarching themes of Web3 and the gradual evolution of the internet.
  • Evidence: It stresses a shift from "big data" to user freedom and security. The conclusion also mentions the gradual nature of this evolution, estimating a minimum of 5 to 10 years for significant changes.

In conclusion, the transition to Web3 involves intricate concepts such as decentralization, blockchain, encryption, and AI, all of which are presented with expertise and backed by concrete evidence in the provided article.

Web3 Is the Future of the Internet—Here’s Why You Need to Know About It (2024)


Web3 Is the Future of the Internet—Here’s Why You Need to Know About It? ›

Web3 is the next evolution of the internet, growing out of Web 2.0. It is considered the read-write-own or read-write-execute version of the internet. Decentralization, privacy, machine learning and safety are some trends we are already seeing that will shape the Web 3.0 environment.

Why Web3 is the future of the Internet? ›

Web3 also has the ability to give consumers more control over their data. Under the current internet paradigm, personal data is stored on servers that are vulnerable to hackers, but on Web3, data can be stored on blockchains that can only be released if the owner allows it.

What is Web3 in simple terms? ›

Web3 is a term used to describe the next iteration of the internet, one that is built on blockchain technology and is communally controlled by its users. 3D illustration of a human hand and a digital hand reaching through geometric portals and touching finger tips at the center of the frame.

Is Web3 the next big thing? ›

From fintech to healthcare, Web 3.0 has started revolutionizing every industry. Many big brands like Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, etc. support the advancement of Web 3 technology, which makes it evident that it will advance at an enormous pace in 2024 and beyond.

What is the main goal of Web3? ›

With Web 3.0, users will be able to sell their own data through decentralized data networks, ensuring that they maintain ownership control. This data will be produced by various powerful computing resources, such as mobile phones, desktop computers, appliances, automobiles, and sensors.

How will Web3 change our lives? ›

Empowerment of Individuals

Web3 technologies can empower individuals by giving them more control over their data and assets, and by enabling them to participate in decentralized networks and platforms. This can lead to greater economic and social empowerment.

How will Web3 change the world? ›

Web 3.0 is one of the most recent Internet technologies, combining machine learning, artificial intelligence, and blockchain to enable real-time human communication. Web 3.0 will allow individuals to not only own and control their data but also to get reimbursed for their online time.

Is Web 3.0 Dead? ›

Our answer — absolutely not! Web3 is far from dead. Let's make it clear right away that there's a lot more to come.

Is Web3 good or bad? ›

Web3 carries immense significance as it addresses the flaws of our current internet landscape. Centralized platforms like Facebook and Google hold immense power, exploiting user data for targeted advertising and profit. In the world of Web3, users reclaim control over their data, deciding how it is used and shared.

What is Web3 in real life? ›

Unlike Web 2.0, where central authorities and tech giants control user data, Web3 leverages blockchain technology to distribute data across a network of computers. This shift towards decentralization offers several advantages, including enhanced security, data ownership, and transparency.

Is Bitcoin a Web3? ›

Blockchain technology is most commonly associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, while Web3 enables the development and use of decentralized applications (dApps).

Why did Web3 fail? ›

Web3 failed to deliver anything but more similar ensh*ttification in the form of cryptocurrencies, NFTs and ultimately a market-fuelled distraction cobbled together on top of blockchains which is hardly the new internet that venture capitalists are determined to push as the correct rhetoric — one that is self-serving ...

Will Web3 ever go mainstream? ›

Blockchain entrepreneur Dan Hughes says it could take a decade thanks to a number of technical challenges. Parmy Olson is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering technology.

Is Web 3.0 just a hype? ›

In conclusion, Web 3.0 is seen by many as superior since it has the capacity to be more intelligent, effective, and linked than Web 2.0. A more interconnected society where information is freely available and individuals are more productive at work is one possible outcome of this new web technology.

What are the criticism of Web3? ›

A growing chorus of skeptics warns that Web3 is rotten with speculation, theft, and privacy problems, and that the pull of centralization and the proliferation of new intermediaries is already undermining the utopian pitch for a decentralized web.

What is Web3 trying to solve? ›

Conclusion. The self-sovereign trilemma is a phenomenon where the more we share our data and identity via the internet, we lose control. This is a problem that could be solved by Web3. The underlying theme of Web3 is decentralization.

Is Web3 going to be the future? ›

Conclusion. Web3 is the future of the internet and it is happening now. It is a paradigm shift that will transform how we interact, communicate, create, and exchange value online. It will also create new opportunities and challenges for individuals, professionals, and businesses.

Is Web 3.0 the next evolution of the internet? ›

Instead of relying on centralized servers and platforms owned by a few tech giants, Web 3.0 leverages blockchain technology and peer-to-peer networks to distribute data and power across a vast network of nodes. This decentralization reduces the risk of censorship, enhances security, and promotes trust among users.

Why is Web 3.0 important? ›

With growing privacy concerns, it's important that users can control their data and who has access to it. Web 3.0 gives users more control over their data, ensuring they decide who can access it and how it can be used.

What is Web3 the next generation of the internet? ›

Web 3.0 or Web3 is the third generation of the World Wide Web (WWW), which involves direct immersion into the digital world. Web 3.0 encompasses individual control of personal data and the use of cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.