What is Remote Procedural Call (RPC) Mechanism in Distributed System? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

Last Updated : 12 Aug, 2024




A remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a protocol in distributed systems that allows a client to execute functions on a remote server as if they were local. RPC simplifies network communication by abstracting the complexities, making it easier to develop and integrate distributed applications efficiently.

What is Remote Procedural Call (RPC) Mechanism in Distributed System? - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Remote Procedural Call (RPC) Mechanism in Distributed System

Important Topics for Remote Procedural Call

  • What is a Remote Procedural Call in Distributed Systems?
  • Importance of Remote Procedural Call(RPC) in Distributed Systems
  • Remote Procedural Call (RPC) Architecture in Distributed Systems
  • Types of Remote Procedural Call (RPC) in Distributed Systems
  • Performance and optimization of Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) in Distributed Systems
  • FAQs on Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) in Distributed Systems

What is a Remote Procedural Call in Distributed Systems?

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a protocol used in distributed systems that allows a program to execute a procedure (subroutine) on a remote server or system as if it were a local procedure call.

What is Remote Procedural Call (RPC) Mechanism in Distributed System? - GeeksforGeeks (2)

Remote Procedural Call (RPC) Mechanism

  • RPC enables a client to invoke methods on a server residing in a different address space (often on a different machine) as if they were local procedures.
  • The client and server communicate over a network, allowing for remote interaction and computation.

Importance of Remote Procedural Call(RPC) in Distributed Systems

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) plays a crucial role in distributed systems by enabling seamless communication and interaction between different components or services that reside on separate machines or servers. Here’s an outline of its importance:

  • Simplified Communication
    • Abstraction of Complexity: RPC abstracts the complexity of network communication, allowing developers to call remote procedures as if they were local, simplifying the development of distributed applications.
    • Consistent Interface: Provides a consistent and straightforward interface for invoking remote services, which helps in maintaining uniformity across different parts of a system.
  • Enhanced Modularity and Reusability
    • Decoupling: RPC enables the decoupling of system components, allowing them to interact without being tightly coupled. This modularity helps in building more maintainable and scalable systems.
    • Service Reusability: Remote services or components can be reused across different applications or systems, enhancing code reuse and reducing redundancy.
  • Facilitates Distributed Computing
    • Inter-Process Communication (IPC): RPC allows different processes running on separate machines to communicate and cooperate, making it essential for building distributed applications that require interaction between various nodes.
    • Resource Sharing: Enables sharing of resources and services across a network, such as databases, computation power, or specialized functionalities.

Remote Procedural Call (RPC) Architecture in Distributed Systems

The RPC (Remote Procedure Call) architecture in distributed systems is designed to enable communication between client and server components that reside on different machines or nodes across a network. The architecture abstracts the complexities of network communication and allows procedures or functions on one system to be executed on another as if they were local. Here’s an overview of the RPC architecture:

1. Client and Server Components

  • Client: The client is the component that makes the RPC request. It invokes a procedure or method on the remote server by calling a local stub, which then handles the details of communication.
  • Server: The server hosts the actual procedure or method that the client wants to execute. It processes incoming RPC requests and sends back responses.

2. Stubs

  • Client Stub: Acts as a proxy on the client side. It provides a local interface for the client to call the remote procedure. The client stub is responsible for marshalling (packing) the procedure arguments into a format suitable for transmission and for sending the request to the server.
  • Server Stub: On the server side, the server stub receives the request, unmarshals (unpacks) the arguments, and invokes the actual procedure on the server. It then marshals the result and sends it back to the client stub.

3. Marshalling and Unmarshalling

  • Marshalling: The process of converting procedure arguments and return values into a format that can be transmitted over the network. This typically involves serializing the data into a byte stream.
  • Unmarshalling: The reverse process of converting the received byte stream back into the original data format that can be used by the receiving system.

4. Communication Layer

  • Transport Protocol: RPC communication usually relies on a network transport protocol, such as TCP or UDP, to handle the data transmission between client and server. The transport protocol ensures that data packets are reliably sent and received.
  • Message Handling: This layer is responsible for managing network messages, including routing, buffering, and handling errors.

5. RPC Framework

  • Interface Definition Language (IDL): Used to define the interface for the remote procedures. IDL specifies the procedures, their parameters, and return types in a language-neutral way. This allows for cross-language interoperability.
  • RPC Protocol: Defines how the client and server communicate, including the format of requests and responses, and how to handle errors and exceptions.

6. Error Handling and Fault Tolerance

  • Timeouts and Retries: Mechanisms to handle network delays or failures by retrying requests or handling timeouts gracefully.
  • Exception Handling: RPC frameworks often include support for handling remote exceptions and reporting errors back to the client.

7. Security

  • Authentication and Authorization: Ensures that only authorized clients can invoke remote procedures and that the data exchanged is secure.
  • Encryption: Protects data in transit from being intercepted or tampered with during transmission.

Types of Remote Procedural Call (RPC) in Distributed Systems

In distributed systems, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) implementations vary based on the communication model, data representation, and other factors. Here are the main types of RPC:

1. Synchronous RPC

  • Description: In synchronous RPC, the client sends a request to the server and waits for the server to process the request and send back a response before continuing execution.
  • Characteristics:
    • Blocking: The client is blocked until the server responds.
    • Simple Design: Easy to implement and understand.
    • Use Cases: Suitable for applications where immediate responses are needed and where latency is manageable.

2. Asynchronous RPC

  • Description: In asynchronous RPC, the client sends a request to the server and continues its execution without waiting for the server’s response. The server’s response is handled when it arrives.
  • Characteristics:
    • Non-Blocking: The client does not wait for the server’s response, allowing for other tasks to be performed concurrently.
    • Complexity: Requires mechanisms to handle responses and errors asynchronously.
    • Use Cases: Useful for applications where tasks can run concurrently and where responsiveness is critical.

3. One-Way RPC

  • Description: One-way RPC involves sending a request to the server without expecting any response. It is used when the client does not need a return value or acknowledgment from the server.
  • Characteristics:
    • Fire-and-Forget: The client sends the request and does not wait for a response or confirmation.
    • Use Cases: Suitable for scenarios where the client initiates an action but does not require immediate feedback, such as logging or notification services.

4. Callback RPC

  • Description: In callback RPC, the client provides a callback function or mechanism to the server. After processing the request, the server invokes the callback function to return the result or notify the client.
  • Characteristics:
    • Asynchronous Response: The client does not block while waiting for the response; instead, the server calls back the client once the result is ready.
    • Use Cases: Useful for long-running operations where the client does not need to wait for completion.

5. Batch RPC

  • Description: Batch RPC allows the client to send multiple RPC requests in a single batch to the server, and the server processes them together.
  • Characteristics:
    • Efficiency: Reduces network overhead by bundling multiple requests and responses.
    • Use Cases: Ideal for scenarios where multiple related operations need to be performed together, reducing round-trip times.

Performance and optimization of Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) in Distributed Systems

Performance and optimization of Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) in distributed systems are crucial for ensuring that remote interactions are efficient, reliable, and scalable. Given the inherent network latency and resource constraints, optimizing RPC can significantly impact the overall performance of distributed applications. Here’s a detailed look at key aspects of performance and optimization for RPC:

  • Minimizing Latency
    • Batching Requests: Group multiple RPC requests into a single batch to reduce the number of network round-trips.
    • Asynchronous Communication: Use asynchronous RPC to avoid blocking the client and improve responsiveness.
    • Compression: Compress data before sending it over the network to reduce transmission time and bandwidth usage.
  • Reducing Overhead
    • Efficient Serialization: Use efficient serialization formats (e.g., Protocol Buffers, Avro) to minimize the time and space required to marshal and unmarshal data.
    • Protocol Optimization: Choose or design lightweight communication protocols that minimize protocol overhead and simplify interactions.
    • Request and Response Size: Optimize the size of requests and responses by including only necessary data to reduce network load and processing time.
  • Load Balancing and Scalability
    • Load Balancers: Use load balancers to distribute RPC requests across multiple servers or instances, improving scalability and preventing any single server from becoming a bottleneck.
    • Dynamic Scaling: Implement mechanisms to dynamically scale resources based on demand to handle variable loads effectively.
  • Caching and Data Optimization
    • Result Caching: Cache the results of frequently invoked RPC calls to avoid redundant processing and reduce response times.
    • Local Caching: Implement local caches on the client side to store recent results and reduce the need for repeated remote calls.
  • Fault Tolerance and Error Handling
    • Retries and Timeouts: Implement retry mechanisms and timeouts to handle transient errors and network failures gracefully.
    • Error Reporting: Use detailed error reporting to diagnose and address issues that impact performance.

FAQs on Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) in Distributed Systems

Below are the main faqs on remote procedure calls (RPC) in distributed Systems:

Q1: How does RPC handle network failures and ensure reliability in distributed systems?

RPC mechanisms often employ strategies like retries, timeouts, and acknowledgments to handle network failures. However, ensuring reliability requires advanced techniques such as idempotent operations, transaction logging, and distributed consensus algorithms to manage failures and maintain consistency.

Q2: What are the trade-offs between synchronous and asynchronous RPC calls in terms of performance and usability?

Synchronous RPC calls block the client until a response is received, which can lead to performance bottlenecks and reduced responsiveness. Asynchronous RPC calls, on the other hand, allow the client to continue processing while waiting for the server’s response, improving scalability but complicating error handling and state management.

Q3: How does RPC deal with heterogeneous environments where client and server might be running different platforms or programming languages?

RPC frameworks use standardized protocols (e.g., Protocol Buffers, JSON, XML) and serialization formats to ensure interoperability between different platforms and languages. Ensuring compatibility involves designing APIs with careful attention to data formats and communication protocols.

Q4: What are the security implications of using RPC in distributed systems, and how can they be mitigated?

RPC can introduce security risks such as data interception, unauthorized access, and replay attacks. Mitigation strategies include using encryption (e.g., TLS), authentication mechanisms (e.g., OAuth), and robust authorization checks to protect data and ensure secure communication.

Q5: How do RPC frameworks handle versioning and backward compatibility of APIs in evolving distributed systems?

Managing API versioning and backward compatibility involves strategies like defining versioned endpoints, using feature flags, and supporting multiple API versions concurrently. RPC frameworks often provide mechanisms for graceful upgrades and maintaining compatibility across different versions of client and server implementations.



What is Remote Procedural Call (RPC) Mechanism in Distributed System? - GeeksforGeeks (3)


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What is Remote Procedural Call (RPC) Mechanism in Distributed System? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


What is Remote Procedural Call (RPC) Mechanism in Distributed System? - GeeksforGeeks? ›

A remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a protocol in distributed systems that allows a client to execute functions on a remote server as if they were local. RPC simplifies network communication by abstracting the complexities, making it easier to develop and integrate distributed applications efficiently.

What is remote procedure call RPC in distributed system? ›

Remote Procedure Call is a technique for building distributed systems. Basically, it allows a program on one machine to call a subroutine on another machine without knowing that it is remote. RPC is not a transport protocol: rather, it is a method of using existing communications features in a transparent way.

What is RPC used for? ›

A Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a software communication protocol that one program uses to request a service from another program located on a different computer and network, without having to understand the network's details.

What is the main difference between RPC and RMI? ›

RPC and RMI both are similar but the basic difference between RPC and RMI is that RPC supports procedural programming, on the other hand, RMI supports object-oriented programming. You write that "In RMI, objects are passed as a parameter rather than ordinary data." I assume ordinary data means primitive types?

What is the RPC call method? ›

RPC, or Remote Procedure Call, entails invoking a function or method on a server located remotely. The RPC protocol ensures consistent result retrieval for a given problem, irrespective of the execution location — whether it's local or on a remote server with superior resources.

What are the three types of RPC? ›

An RPC is an interprocess communication technique. There are three types of RPCs namely, callback RPC, broadcast RPC, and batch-mode RPC.

What is the difference between RPC remote procedure call and REST? ›

While RPC typically employs a more procedural approach, REST follows a more resource-oriented architecture. RPC tends to be more tightly coupled, with direct function calls, whereas REST emphasizes loose coupling and scalability through its uniform interface. RPC: Enables remote execution of functions on a server.

What are the benefits of RPC? ›

RPC is well suited for working with small devices that need to communicate over the network (e.g., IoT). Real-time data processing that requires high performance can benefit from an RPC API. Specifically, RPC can facilitate APIs that require the need for streaming, binary serialization, and multiplexing.

What are the tools that use RPC? ›

gRPC, Apache Dubbo, JSON-RPC, Tars, and Mercury are the most popular tools in the category "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)".

Is remote procedure call safe? ›

Many Windows services leverage RPCs for communication, and many RPCs expose functions to end users. Depending on privilege levels and the security checks that are (or are not) performed when these functions are implemented, adversaries can abuse RPCs to perform many malicious actions.

What is RPC primarily used for? ›

The RPC interface is generally used to communicate between processes on different workstations in a network. However, RPC works just as well for communication between different processes on the same workstation. The Port Mapper program maps RPC program and version numbers to a transport-specific port number.

Is RPC same as TCP? ›

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a delivery protocol (i.e. how can we have a conversation between two places). RPC (Remote Procedure Call) describes how the messages should be treated (i.e. how each side should talk).

What is the difference between remote procedure call and interprocess communication? ›

IPC is a set of method to communicate with two process which may be in same computer or different computer.it includes direct & indirect communication,synchronous & asynchronous communication and explicit buffering. But RPC is a method to call a procedure from sever to client and get back its result as message..

What is Remote Procedure Call RPC and why it is used? ›

What is a remote procedure call (RPC)? RPC is a protocol that allows a computer program to execute a procedure or function on another computer or server, without the need for the programmer to explicitly code communication details.

What is RPC in a distributed system? ›

In distributed computing, a remote procedure call (RPC) is when a computer program causes a procedure (subroutine) to execute in a different address space (commonly on another computer on a shared computer network), which is written as if it were a normal (local) procedure call, without the programmer explicitly ...

How do you use RPC? ›

The basic steps involved, for most RPC implementations, are as follows.
  1. Write the package definition file to define the software interface.
  2. Run the RPC compiler to produce the stub code.
  3. Link together the client modules (program, stub, RTS) to make the client module.

Should I disable remote procedure call RPC? ›

Microsoft recommends that you don't disable the RPC service.

What is IPC in a distributed system? ›

Interprocess communication​ (IPC) is a set of programming interfaces that allow a programmer to coordinate activities among different program processes that can run concurrently in an operating system. It take place by message passing.

What is RPC in NFS in distributed system? ›

NFS achieves this independence using the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol. RPC is a library of procedures. The procedures allow one process (the client process) to direct another process (the server process) to run procedure calls as if the client process had run the calls in its own address space.

What is a remote procedure call in gRPC? ›

gRPC (gRPC Remote Procedure Calls) is a cross-platform high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework. gRPC was initially created by Google, but is open source and is used in many organizations. Use cases range from microservices to the "last mile" of computing (mobile, web, and Internet of Things).

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