What are the Charges for PPP Loan Fraud? | Candice Fields Law, PC (2024)

On Behalf Of Candice Fields Law, PC | April 9, 2024 | PPP Loans

In the tumultuous wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) emerged as a beacon of hope for businesses teetering on the brink of collapse. Designed to provide crucial financial support, the PPP aimed to keep the heartbeat of the American economy—its small businesses—alive during unprecedented times. Yet, amidst this lifeline, allegations of PPP loan fraud have surfaced, casting a long shadow over the program's noble intentions. As PPP loan fraud defense lawyers, we bring a skeptical eye to the government's aggressive pursuit of fraud charges, urging a deeper examination of what constitutes fraud in the chaos of a global crisis.

The Thin Line Between Survival and Scrutiny

What are the Charges for PPP Loan Fraud? | Candice Fields Law, PC (2)

Though well-intentioned, the rush to distribute PPP funds was accompanied by rapidly changing guidelines and a high-pressure environment for application submissions. This haste has led to a complex landscape where genuine mistakes or misinterpretations can be hastily labeled as fraudulent. The distinction between deliberate deception and the frantic scramble to secure a business lifeline is more nuanced than the government's broad brush of accusation might suggest.

What is the PPP Loan?

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan was a cornerstone financial assistance initiative designed to help small businesses in the United States weather the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Established under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act in March 2020, the PPP aimed to provide forgivable loans to small businesses to maintain their workforce and assist with other essential expenses during the pandemic.

What are the Charges for PPP Loan Fraud?

Understanding the landscape of charges brought against individuals and businesses in these matters is crucial. The federal government's aggressive pursuit of PPP loan fraud suspects has led to many charges, some of which may seem disproportionate or overly punitive. Here's a critical overview of the charges one might face and the defense perspectives on these allegations:

1. Bank Fraud

The government may levy bank fraud charges for allegedly deceiving financial institutions to secure PPP funds. While the penalty can reach up to 30 years in prison and $1 million in fines, it's essential to scrutinize the intent and accuracy of the application information. Often, misunderstandings or mistakes are mischaracterized as intentional deceit.

2. Wire Fraud

With PPP applications submitted online, wire fraud charges are common. However, asserting up to 20 years in prison raises concerns about whether the punishment fits the alleged offense. Our defense often hinges on questioning the evidence of intent to defraud and the actual communication involved.

3. Mail Fraud

Similar to wire fraud but involving the postal service, mail fraud charges can be overreaching, especially when the mail's role in the alleged fraud was incidental rather than central to the scheme. The defense might focus on the actual use of mailed communications and their relevance to the fraud accusation.

4. Money Laundering

With potential 20-year sentences, money laundering charges presuppose the PPP funds were used in furtherance of illegal activities. The defense critically evaluates the government's evidence linking the use of funds to alleged illegal activity, often finding that the funds were used for legitimate business purposes.

5. Making False Statements to a Financial Institution

Accusations of making false statements can stem from simple errors or misinterpretations of the PPP's rapidly changing guidelines. A defense approach might emphasize the complexity and ambiguity of the PPP application process and lack of intent to mislead.

6. Conspiracy to Commit Fraud

The government's use of conspiracy charges can sometimes cast an unreasonably wide net, implicating individuals with marginal involvement. Defense strategies may involve separating individual actions and intentions from the alleged collective conspiracy.

7. Theft of Government Property

This charge, predicated on the unlawful acquisition of PPP funds, may overlook the nuances of each case. Defending against such charges often involves demonstrating the legitimate need for the funds and adherence to the PPP's intended use.

Additional Considerations

Beyond these criminal charges, the threat of civil penalties and the demand for repayment underscore the need for a nuanced defense. The government's aggressive stance often fails to consider the unprecedented circ*mstances under which businesses sought PPP assistance and the program's initially unclear guidance.

Our role as defense attorneys in PPP loan fraud cases is to provide a counterbalance to the government's tactics, ensuring that our client's rights are protected and that their side of the story is heard. We question the proportionality of the government's charges and seek to highlight the context in which businesses operated during the pandemic's peak. It's our commitment to challenge overreach and work tirelessly for justice, understanding that not every mistake or inconsistency constitutes fraud.

The Heavy Hand: Understanding the Penalties of PPP Loan Fraud

In the legal landscape surrounding PPP loan fraud, the penalties often appear as a show of force, possibly outstripping the nature of the alleged offenses. As a PPP Loan Fraud Defense Lawyer, it's essential to dissect these penalties not only to comprehend their severity but to critically evaluate their application in the context of a global crisis that left many businesses grappling for survival.

The Stakes are High

The government's response to PPP loan fraud includes a daunting array of penalties, purportedly reflecting the seriousness with which it views any misappropriation of relief funds. However, a closer examination reveals a punitive approach that may not always align with the nature or intent of the actions under scrutiny. The primary penalties include:


The threat of prison time is perhaps the most severe penalty, with sentences that can extend to decades for what often amounts to paperwork errors or misinterpretations of PPP guidelines. The specter of incarceration raises questions about proportionality and the goal of such harsh punishments.


At the baseline, individuals found guilty of PPP loan fraud are required to repay the misappropriated funds. While repayment is understandable, the lack of flexibility fails to consider the genuine need and use of the funds by struggling businesses.

Financial Fines

Beyond repayment, substantial fines can financially cripple individuals and businesses, often dwarfing the original loan amount. These fines can seem punitive rather than corrective, especially for small businesses that acted in perceived compliance.

Additional Legal Repercussions

Convictions can lead to further legal challenges, including prohibitions from future federal assistance and long-lasting damage to personal and professional reputations. The ripple effects can be devastating and disproportionate to the accused's actions.

A Critical Perspective

As PPP loan fraud defense attorneys, we scrutinize the gap between the alleged offense and the penalties pursued. Our critical perspective focuses on advocating for fairness, particularly emphasizing the chaotic context in which these loans were sought and the often ambiguous guidance provided. We argue for penalties that reflect not just the letter of the law but the spirit of justice, recognizing the difference between willful fraud and the fraught decisions made in an unprecedented economic crisis.

Advocating for Proportionality

Our role extends beyond defending against charges; it includes challenging the narrative that severe penalties are always the appropriate response to PPP loan fraud. We advocate for a nuanced approach that considers intent, the context of the alleged fraud, and the impact of penalties on individuals and businesses already struggling to survive. In doing so, we aim to ensure that the scales of justice balance the need for accountability with compassion and understanding for those who navigated uncertain times to the best of their abilities.

Navigating the Gray: Unpacking PPP Loan Fraud Misconceptions

As a PPP Loan Fraud Defense firm, it's imperative to scrutinize the broad brush with which the government often paints the concept of PPP loan fraud. PPP loan fraud is formally defined as obtaining Paycheck Protection Program funds through knowingly false statements or misrepresentations. However, the rush to label actions as fraudulent overlooks the complexity and confusion surrounding the PPP application process during an unprecedented global crisis.

Misunderstandings, Not Malfeasance

Many accusations of PPP loan fraud arise from misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the PPP’s guidelines, which were frequently updated and sometimes vague. Businesses desperate to stay afloat navigated these changes under tremendous pressure and uncertainty. It's critical to differentiate between deliberate deceit and the challenges of interpreting new, complex, and rapidly changing regulations.

Common Accusations Examined

  • Misrepresentation of Business Information: In the chaotic early days of the PPP, businesses provided information they believed to be accurate, often without clear guidance. What the government might view as misrepresentation could genuinely be a lack of understanding of the eligibility criteria or a simple error.
  • Multiple Applications: With funds initially running out quickly, panic led some to apply through multiple lenders, not to deceive but to increase their chances of receiving desperately needed support.
  • Misuse of Funds: The PPP's rules on fund usage evolved over time. Businesses made decisions based on immediate needs, sometimes finding themselves out of compliance with new interpretations of allowable expenses.
  • Forgery and Identity Theft: While outright identity theft is clearly fraudulent, charges of forgery often stem from the misapplication of signatures and documents in a rush to meet application deadlines, not an intent to defraud.

Who is Often Charged with PPP Loan Fraud?

We've observed that the net cast by the government in its pursuit of PPP loan fraud charges often ensnares a wide and diverse group of individuals and businesses. The narrative pushed forward suggests a landscape rife with deceit and manipulation. However, upon closer examination, we find that many of those facing charges are not the calculated fraudsters they're made out to be. Instead, they're often small business owners and entrepreneurs who found themselves navigating uncharted waters, trying to make sense of complex and ever-changing PPP guidelines during an unprecedented global crisis.

Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

This group includes the heart of the American economy, from local retail shop owners to independent contractors. Their primary goal was to sustain their businesses and retain employees, yet they find themselves facing accusations due to application errors or misunderstandings of the PPP's rules.

Doctors and Dental Practices

Medical professionals, including doctors and dentists, faced their own unique challenges during the pandemic. Many had to adapt their practices to comply with health guidelines rapidly, suffering significant financial losses in the process. Seeking PPP loans was often necessary to keep their practices open and their staff employed. Charges against them frequently stem from the complexities of defining payroll and operational costs within the healthcare sector.

Restaurant Owners

The restaurant industry was among the hardest hit by the pandemic, with many establishments struggling to survive amid lockdowns and capacity restrictions. Restaurant owners applied for PPP loans in a desperate bid to keep their kitchens running and staff paid. Unfortunately, the fluctuating and sometimes ambiguous guidelines on eligible expenses have led some to face fraud charges, despite their efforts to comply with the program's intentions.

Financial Officers and Accountants

Tasked with navigating the application process for the businesses they represent, these professionals worked under pressure to secure crucial funding. Any inadvertent errors in the application process have sometimes been interpreted as deliberate acts of fraud.

Brokers and Consultants

These individuals offered their expertise to help businesses apply for PPP loans. While their intentions were to assist businesses in dire need, prosecutorial zeal has sometimes blurred the line between guidance and complicity in fraud.

What To Do If You Have Been Charged with PPP Loan Fraud

If you find yourself targeted by the government with PPP loan fraud charges, it's crucial to recognize the situation for what it often is: an aggressive and sometimes overreaching attempt to penalize individuals and businesses during an unprecedented global crisis. At Candice Fields Law, P.C., we've seen firsthand how the government's zeal to prosecute can sometimes blur the lines of justice, sweeping well-intentioned business owners into the fray of accused fraudsters. Here’s how we fight back with vigor:

1. Don’t Panic – Prepare for Battle

The moment you learn of the charges against you, it's time to armor up, not to retreat. Gather every piece of documentation related to your PPP loan—application submissions, communications with lenders, and how you used the funds. This isn’t just paperwork; it’s your ammunition in the fight ahead.

2. Cut Through the Charges

Understanding the government’s claims against you is your first step in dismantling them. PPP loan fraud encompasses a range of allegations, but not every charge sticks when you’re armed with facts and an aggressive defense strategy. We’ll help you dissect these accusations, revealing the government's overreach and building your counter-attack.

3. Deploy Your Best Weapon: Candice Fields Law, P.C.

The moment you’re in the government's crosshairs, you need a defense that’s not just strong—it needs to be relentless. Candice Fields Law, P.C. is not in the business of meekly navigating the legal system; we’re here to aggressively defend your rights, challenge prosecutorial overstep, and remind them that their broad-brush accusations will be met with fierce resistance.

4. Craft a Defense That Hits Back

With Candice Fields Law, P.C., your defense strategy goes beyond just responding to charges. We proactively dismantle the government’s case, questioning every piece of evidence and every allegation. We understand that behind every charge is a government machinery that’s prone to overestimating its reach. Our job is to cut it down to size, aggressively defending your actions and intentions.

5. Stay One Step Ahead

In the arena of PPP loan fraud defense, anticipation is key. We stay ahead of the prosecution by predicting their moves and preparing countermeasures that protect your interests. Our approach is not just about defense; it’s about strategically positioning you in a place of strength, ensuring that we’re not just responding to the government's actions but actively undermining their case against you.

Ready to Fight? So Are We.

At Candice Fields Law, P.C., we're not just your legal representatives; we're your allies in a fight against a government attempt to penalize pandemic-era survival strategies. We’ve seen the playbook, and we know how to counter it. If you’re facing PPP loan fraud charges, don’t wait for the government to make its next move. Contact us now and let's start fighting back together.

PPP Loan Fraud Charges FAQs at Candice Fields Law, P.C.

Can the government really prove my intent to commit fraud?

Proving intent is a cornerstone of the government's case but challenging this can be a powerful defense strategy. Many PPP loan applications were filled out under duress and amidst confusing guidelines. We aggressively argue that mistakes made under these conditions do not equate to intentional fraud.

How can Candice Fields Law, P.C., defend me against these charges?

Our approach is multi-faceted: We dissect the government's case for weaknesses, challenge the evidence, and question their interpretation of your actions. We understand the nuances of PPP guidelines and leverage this knowledge to build a strong defense, aiming to expose the overreach in the government’s pursuit of charges against you.

What should I do if I’m under investigation for PPP loan fraud?

Immediate action is crucial. Contact us at Candice Fields Law, P.C., as soon as you become aware of an investigation. Early intervention allows us to start defending your rights from the outset, potentially preventing charges from being filed or mitigating the impact of any charges that may arise.

Can Candice Fields Law, P.C., help me negotiate a settlement?

Yes. In cases where a settlement may be in your best interest, we leverage our aggressive defense posture to negotiate terms that minimize your financial and legal exposure. Our goal is always to achieve the best possible outcome for you, whether that’s in court or at the negotiating table.

Is it possible to have PPP loan fraud charges dismissed?

While every case is unique, dismissal is always our ultimate goal. Through meticulous examination of the evidence, challenging the government's assertions of intent, and leveraging procedural defenses, we strive for the dismissal of charges wherever possible. We fight tooth and nail for every client, utilizing every tool at our disposal to protect your freedom and your future.

What are the Charges for PPP Loan Fraud? | Candice Fields Law, PC (2024)


What is the penalty for PPP fraud? ›

The government may levy bank fraud charges for allegedly deceiving financial institutions to secure PPP funds. While the penalty can reach up to 30 years in prison and $1 million in fines, it's essential to scrutinize the intent and accuracy of the application information.

What is the penalty for SBA loan fraud? ›

Penalties for SBA Loan Fraud

Penalties for Small Business Administration loan fraud include: Making False Statements to the SBA (18 U.S.C. § 1014): Up to $1 million in fines and 30 years of federal prison.

What happens if someone lies to get a PPP loan? ›

Bank Fraud: If you lie on your PPP loan application, this is looked at as deceiving a financial institution for profit. You can be charged with bank fraud, under U.S. Code Title 18 U.S.C. 1344. Bank fraud is a white collar crime, and the penalty will vary based on the situation.

Is PPP loan fraud investigated? ›

Generally, if you are flagged for PPP fraud, you will be contacted by a federal agent from a law enforcement agency or other federal authorities regarding your loan under the CARES Act.

What is the new law for PPP fraud? ›

H.R. 7352, or the PPP and Bank Fraud Enforcement Harmonization Act of 2022, amends the Small Business Act to extend the statute of limitations for fraud by borrowers under the Paycheck Protection Program.

What happens if you are on the PPP fraud list? ›

For example, if a defendant is charged with bank fraud involving PPP loans, under U.S. Code 18 U.S.C. 1344, the penalty includes up to 30 years in federal prison and a fine of up to $1 million.

What is the reward for reporting PPP loan fraud? ›

As an incentive for blowing the whistle on fraud against taxpayer-funded programs such as the SBA's PPP, the False Claims Act allows successful whistleblowers to receive up to 30 percent of any money the U.S. government recovers as a result of their litigation.

What happens if you misuse SBA loan? ›

If the SBA determines a borrower misused the funds or did not use them as required, it can demand repayment of the loan. It can also commence litigation against the borrower to collect the monies. The SBA can foreclose against business assets if they are secured or sue the guarantor.

How to beat a PPP loan case? ›

Several common issues can arise in PPP loan fraud cases:

You may have a defense if you made an honest mistake or were unaware that you were providing false information. Insufficient evidence: The prosecution must also provide sufficient evidence to support their allegations of fraud.

How does a PPP loan get flagged? ›

There are multiple reasons why a PPP loan could be flagged by the SBA. Here are some circ*mstances behind why a red flag could be applied on a loan application: The company applied for multiple PPP loans from different lenders. The company made false statements on their PPP loan application.

What is considered misuse of PPP funds? ›

Misuse of funds: This occurs when a business owner uses PPP funds for unauthorized purposes, such as personal expenses or non-eligible business expenses.

Are PPP loans personally liable? ›

While PPP loans are generally non-recourse to the owners of a borrower, if and to the extent loan proceeds are used for unauthorized purposes, the owners may have personal liability for repayment.

Who prosecutes PPP fraud? ›

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is aggressively targeting and prosecuting individuals suspected of perpetrating fraud under the PPP.

How many years is PPP loan fraud? ›

While the CARES Act itself didn't contain specific criminal penalties, PPP fraud can lead to many different potential charges under pre-existing federal fraud laws, including: Wire fraud (18 USC §1343) – up to 30 years imprisonment. Bank fraud (18 USC §1344) – up to 30 years imprisonment and $1 million fine.

Who investigates SBA fraud? ›

The Office of Inspector General's mission is to provide independent, objective, and timely oversight to improve the integrity, accountability, and performance of SBA and its programs for the benefit of the American people.

Has anyone went to jail for PPP? ›

ATLANTA - Roderick Billingslea has been sentenced to federal prison for obtaining a fraudulent Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan and operating illegal trucking businesses.

How much time are people getting for PPP fraud? ›

Penalties for PPP loan fraud are severe – such as up to 30 years in prison, plus fines, and in addition having to repay the loan! Many states are also bringing charges. Bottom line, it's not worth the risk. But if you're already facing charges, you need an experienced PPP fraud lawyer.

What happens if your PPP loan is flagged? ›

The different federal agencies could potentially charge you with a number of crimes, such as: bank fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, false statements to a financial institution, and more. If your PPP loan is flagged – you should assume you are under investigation for PPP loan fraud.

How do I commit PPP loan fraud? ›

PPP loan fraud involves providing false information or misusing funds obtained through the Paycheck Protection Program. This can include falsifying information on loan applications, inflating payroll expenses, using funds for unauthorized purposes, creating fake businesses, or conspiring with others to commit fraud.

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