What Having a Healthy Smile Really Means (2024)

The Benefits of Oral Hygiene

The benefits of good oral hygiene can truly be seen from the inside out. A study conducted by OnePoll showed that 57% of Americans cover their mouths when they laugh due to insecurities about their teeth, and one in two would rather smile with their mouths closed.

If you find yourself falling into this habit, the problem is deeper than the fact that you don’t like your smile. The fact that you aren’t smiling frequently is an issue of its own because smiling more often will positively impact your quality of life. It has been proven that individuals who smile more feel happier and better about themselves. This could be because smiling releases endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, which are all “feel-good” neurotransmitters that can lower your heart rate and blood pressure. That’s why, at Dental Health 360°, we are passionate about the value of a healthy smile and dedicated to helping you achieve it.

Here are three more reasons that having a healthy smile will change your quality of life for the better:

  1. Fresher breath

There is a reason that the global chewing gum market is upwards of a 32-billion-dollar industry. People are flocking to gum for its taste, stress-reducing qualities, and most notably, its ability to freshen breath. When you know you have fresh breath, taking on the world with confidence doesn’t seem as difficult. You don’t have to worry that your conversations are becoming an odorous experience. Gum may be a quick fix for bad breath, but underlying dental factors can actually play a major role in breath freshness.

Issues like cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease can cause an unpleasant odor to develop in the mouth. The routine cleanings performed at Dental Health 360° can prevent bacteria from accumulating and causing these issues. No matter where you are in your dental journey, our team will be here to help get your smile feeling healthy and looking amazing, so your daily interactions will be filled with confidence and fresh breath.

  1. First impressions to remember

Many of us fall prey to the habit of forming hasty judgments. Typically, it does not take long for us to form a first impression of someone. In fact, most people decide their impression of the people they meet within seven seconds. In a survey conducted by The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, nearly half of adult respondents (48%) reported that a smile is the feature they remember most after initially meeting someone. Not only does smiling make a lasting impression, but a nice smile makes you seem more trustworthy, with three out of four Americans being more likely to trust someone with a nice smile than someone with a nice job, outfit, or car.

While it always feels nice to make a lasting first impression, it’s what’s on the inside that really counts. A healthy smile improves your oral health and your health as a whole. Poor oral conditions have been linked to diabetes, leukemia, oral cancer, pancreatic cancer, heart disease, and kidney disease. Simple actions like brushing twice a day, flossing daily, rinsing your mouth, and receiving routine teeth cleanings from Dental Health 360° can empower you to kick these worries to the curb, so you can focus on living your best life and making killer first impressions with everyone you meet.

  1. Elevated confidence; lowered stress levels

More than a quarter of adults in the United States are insecure about their oral health, according to a survey that Cigna conducted titled “Behind the Smile: Oral Health Impacts Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Employability.” Respondents noted a significant correlation between routine dental care and self-confidence. The good news is that this insecurity is quite preventable. 75% of people who visit the dentist at least twice a year reported high self-confidence, in their smiles and in other areas. This means that patients of Dental Health 360°, and those who would like to become patients, have the power to take their confidence into their own hands. We provide services like routine cleanings, teeth whitening, gum disease treatment, and more, all of which will make you feel great about your oral health.

Another particularly compelling study conducted by the University of Kansas found that smiling helps reduce the body’s response to stress, lowers heart rate in tense situations, and can lead to lower blood pressure and even longevity. When your confidence is elevated, your stress levels are lowered, and your smile is on point, there will be nothing you can’t handle. Schedule an appointment with your local Paramas, NJ or Spring Valley, NY dentist, and take a step in the direction of confidence.

To schedule an appointment with Dental Health 360° in either our Paramas, NJ or
Spring Valley, NY location to experience the benefits of a healthy smile firsthand, call our office today at (201) 809-9566 or
contact us online.

What Having a Healthy Smile Really Means (2024)


How important is a healthy smile? ›

Our teeth have such an important role to play in our lives. They help us chew and digest food, they help us to talk and speak clearly and they also give our face its shape. A smile also has other day-to-day benefits. It can give us greater confidence, as well as influence our social lives, careers and relationships.

How important is a good smile? ›

Research shows that people who smile more give a better first impression to other people and are generally seen as more trustworthy than those who don't smile. This may be why studies show that people who smile a lot are more likely to end up with better benefits and higher pay than their frowning coworkers.

What does a healthy smile look like? ›

White teeth, free of excess stains: Teeth that are very yellow could indicate tooth decay. An aligned bite: When the top and bottom jaw align, wear and tear is distributed evenly when chewing and biting. Smooth, pink tongue: Sometimes we can have a white film on the tongue from decayed particles from food.

Why my bright smile is so important? ›

A healthy smile allows you to eat, chew, breathe, and swallow without a problem. Not to mention, a dazzling smile can be a huge boost in confidence. A good smile can even influence the people around you! A good smile goes far beyond just looks, however.

What are 3 health benefits of smiling? ›

Science has shown that the mere act of smiling can lift your mood, lower stress, boost your immune system and possibly even prolong your life.

Why is smile important in our life? ›

Smiling increases mood-enhancing hormones while decreasing stress-enhancing hormones, including cortisol, and adrenaline. It also reduces overall blood pressure. And because you typically smile when you're happy, the muscles used trigger your brain to produce more endorphins—the chemical that relieves pain and stress.

What is the value of a good smile? ›

A beautiful smile can impact the level of self-esteem you have as well as confidence. In fact, studies show that those who have a straighter, more beautiful smile tend to be more confident. They also are perceived as more confident and successful by their peers.

What does having a good smile mean? ›

It reflects joy and spreads that to other people near the source. It allows the person smiling to shine from within. It has the ability to instantly put a person in a better mood and convey a positive message to everyone. The benefits of a great smile aren't just flowery abstractions, though.

How healthy is it to smile? ›

It might feel weird, but it can help! Smiling releases endorphins, natural mood boosters, and reduces stress. Smiling also helps you appear more approachable and trustworthy, making people more likely to want to help you if you're struggling. So next time you're feeling low, don't be afraid to give smiling a try.

How do you keep a healthy smile? ›

Top 10 Dental Care Tips for a Healthy Smile (From Dentists in Lancaster and Palmdale, CA)

What can a smile tell you? ›

Your smile is an indicator of your happiness. Whether you are excited to see someone or thrilled that a new day has dawned, that will be apparent in your smile. When people see a genuine smile on your face, they know that life can't get you down.

What is the most ideal smile? ›

In an ideal smile line, the edges of your upper teeth should be parallel to your lower lip when you smile. The bottom of your lower lip should have the same line as the gums of your lower jaw. This should always be a standard, regardless of the size or shape of your smile.

What is the power of a smile? ›

It reduces stress and anxiety, boosts the immune system, improves relationships, increases self-confidence, enhances mood, and improves productivity. So, the next time you are feeling down, try smiling. Even if you do not feel like it, the act of smiling can have a positive impact on your well-being.

What is the value of a smile? ›

A smile is nature's best antidote for discouragement. It brings rest to the weary, sunshine to those who are sad, and hope to those who are hopeless and defeated. A smile is so valuable that it can't be bought, begged, borrowed, or taken away against your will.

Why is a smile so valuable? ›

Smiling Elevates Our Mood

If you're having one of those days where everything seems to be going wrong, try putting on a smile. It's very likely that your mood will change for the better because smiling actually triggers brain activity with a release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

Is a perfect smile necessary? ›

Brilliant smiles radiate joy, excitement, confidence, health and vitality. Your smile plays an important role in the happiness of your everyday life.

Is good smile genetic? ›

A bright, healthy smile has a huge impact on your appearance. It builds confidence, attracts positive attention, and leaves a great first impression in social and professional situations. While good oral hygiene habits are crucial, research shows that genetics also play an important role in determining oral health.

Is it okay to not smile often? ›

Some people just aren't prone to smiling—they may be shy and unsure of themselves, self-conscious about their appearance, or simply don't feel the need to offer smiles to all and sundry. They may have been raised in families or cultures where smiling wasn't as frequent as it is in others.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.