What is BRRR Financing, How it Works, and Why You Should Consider It (2024)

What is the BRRRR method? Well, that’s a good question. It stands for buy, renovate, rent, refinance, and repeat. While it may seem like an easy way to make money in real estate investing this strategy can be quite risky if not executed properly. In this blog post, we will discuss what the BRRRR method is all about as well as how it works and why you should consider using it in your investment portfolio to create passive income.

What is BRRR Financing and Tips on Each Step


This is the first step in the process and where you decide what type of real estate property to buy. A general rule of thumb is that a BRRR investor wants real estate properties with low prices, high rents, and long term tenants so they can be profitable.


This second step might seem like it’s not worth as much work but it really does pay off when done properly. The goal here is for investors to increase their rental value by renovating real estate properties which will eliminate vacancies while also increasing monthly rent payments from occupants.


These are two words everyone should know by now! In this third step, an investor needs to find out how many units he or she owns and then come up with a way to market them online through websites such as Airbnb.


In the last step, an investor will need to come up with a strategy for how to get financing on his or her real estate investments in order to turn them into cash flow generating machines! In the refinance process, there are many things that can be done such as refinancing, short selling, and fix and flip which could all help BRRR investors make money on their investments.

Repeat (or Renovate)

The fourth R of BRRR is usually accounted for when it’s time for some more investing but sometimes it’s skipped so you’ll see people do either “buy” – buy properties means while doing renovations and renting out ones they already own OR “renovate” – renovating existing real estate properties without buying new ones.

Is the BRRR Method Legit?

It is important to know that BRRRR method may not be for everyone. It can be confusing and difficult, but it also comes with many advantages which are listed below.

Pros of the BRRR Method:

BRRR is a great way to build passive income and earn money while you sleep because it’s just like being an investor in stocks, bonds or mutual funds! The returns are compounded with every investment as the real estate property continues to grow due to renovations and rent increases so there are more opportunities for profit.

  • No credit checks required
  • Reduced transaction cost
  • Diversion of equity investments and the borrowers experience less volatile income
  • Improved offer negotiation position
  • Monthly payments are lower
  • They are able to rely on fixed expenses like rent or mortgage in their budget
  • Can tap into equity from real estate property A to buy another new property B without selling either one yet at a lower interest rate than you would have been given if you were using regular financing on both real estate properties such as a mortgage or an installment loan. This way your down payment amounts will be lower because there’s no need for two separate mortgages. You won’t owe any monthly payments until after the sale when all funds owed have been paid in full!
  • Investors can get out of their deal whenever they want without any consequences (except when refinancing)

Cons of the BRRR Method:

  • The amount of equity you’ll need to invest will be higher in order for this method to work.
  • It can take longer than anticipated and require a lot more patience since there are many steps involved in the process with many different people as well
  • Renovating real estate properties takes time meaning there will be periods where investors won’t have much cash flow coming in from them since tenants aren’t living on premise during the renovation process

How Much Money Do I Need to Started The BRRRR Method?

The amount that one needs varies, but it is usually about $50-$150K at a minimum because these numbers reflect what would be needed if purchasing another real estate property using BRRRR investing. If anyone has fewer funds available they may want to consider other options such as an installment loan or mortgage. You may also choose not to use any equity from your current home so that you’re able to purchase the new real estate property without having enough cash on hand which could lead to a higher mortgage rate.

Properties (or Rental Properties) That Work For The BRRRR Method

This is where the BRRR strategy comes in handy because flipping homes can be a great way to make money with less money invested. With that said, they should also have some cash flow potential with rent or be able to provide you with equity for another real estate investment property down the line.

Some real estate properties are better suited than others and this article will help give you an idea of what might work best for your specific situation.

A single-family home: This could just need new paint and flooring on the inside but still has room to grow as far as value goes outside since there isn’t anything else around it competing with it for buyers’ attention (in most cases)

An apartment building: A lot of these buildings don’t require too much work to get them in good shape again and are typically multi-unit buildings so there is more potential for a higher income.

A duplex: There can be much opportunity here because the costs to renovate one unit will often go towards both real estate properties, making it even cost less money than doing just one at a time since you have two units.

An office building with retail space: This could mean demolishing an old unattractive brick building that has been vacant or uninhabitable for years and converting it into something new and fresh like residential apartments on top of commercial spaces below such as restaurants, convenience stores, etc.

BRRR Method Financing Options:

Banks Loans:

Bank loans are the most common financier of BRRR transactions, and this is where you traditionally go when you want to buy a real estate property with an existing mortgage.

Hard Money Lenders:

A hard money lender is a private lending institution that provides real estate loans with certain terms and conditions, which may include requiring the borrower to put up collateral in order to protect their investment. The term “hard” comes from these lenders charging higher interest rates as they are riskier than other types of financing such as traditional bank mortgages or construction loans. A hard money loan can often be obtained quickly, but it will typically carry a high rate of interest because the process does not involve credit checks like more traditional forms of financing do.

Rental Loan:

A rental loan is a mortgage or home equity line of credit that has been written to help finance the purchase, renovation, and renting out of the real estate property. It differs from traditional lending in that it does not require any down payment on behalf of the borrower.

Single Close Loan:

A single close loan is a type of hard money lender that provides the borrower with all funds needed for purchase, renovation, and renting out in one lump sum. These loans are more expensive than traditional financing because they do not have any down payment attached to them. Some pros is that it allows you to buy more properties at reduced rates as long as it has potential rental income; Repayment terms can be negotiated based on your needs such – “I only need this loan for 18 months” or “can I pay back over 26 years?”. One con is that loans carry high interest rates which could lead to higher monthly payments over time if the term of repayment is too short.

Private Money:

Private money is a type of funding that comes from friends, family and other individuals. This option usually requires less work on the borrower’s part when it comes to paperwork because they are borrowing money with personal connections. The downside is that this form of financing can be quite expensive due in large part to higher interest rates; Additionally monthly payments could be high since there may not be much room for negotiation- “I only need you to loan me $500”.

Home Equity Line:

A home equity line allows people who have good credit scores and assets in their homes use their existing property as collateral for funds needed for renovation or buyout purposes. Pros include lower interest rates than single close loans which translates into more affordable long term repayments; There might be a lower monthly payment than other types of loans.

The downside is that there are some restrictions on the use of funds such as not being able to pay off another type of loan with it, so make sure you read your contract carefully before signing on the dotted line.

Home Equity Loan:

A home equity loan allows people who have good credit scores and assets in their homes access long-term financing for purposes like buying out or renovating one’s property without any collateral needed; The interest rates may be higher than single close mortgages but they’re less expensive over time because homeowners don’t need to worry about refinancing again once they’ve paid down significant amounts on their mortgage balance. This could mean more affordable monthly payments and fewer total years of payments.

What is Cash Out Refinance and How Does It Work?

Cash out refinancing is the process of getting a new mortgage by using one’s current home equity to qualify for more money. The benefit of cash-out loans, like other types of mortgages, is that they allow homeowners access to funds without having to sacrifice any collateral or security; Speculators can use this strategy as well but it may be difficult given the recent rise in interest rates and reductions in government subsidies on home purchases


  • Mortgage risk (short term) gone
  • Builds real wealth over time with monthly savings from lower PMI/MIP costs


  • Interest rate fluctuation could mean higher payments later down the road
  • Payment increases if you’re unable to pay off your loan completely before refinancing period ends
  • The borrower can no longer defer taxes on the sale of a home under this loan program

Some issues that may come up with BRRRR investment include refinancing costs. This is an additional cost to take into consideration when doing BRRR loans as it could be more costly than other types of mortgages in terms of interest rates and closing fees. There are also tax implications to consider because any profit earned from selling your property will only apply if you’re using cash for the down payment or taking out a second mortgage on the property. You must have at least 20% equity in order to do this type of borrowing and there’s usually a higher rate applied too. It is possible for someone without a sufficient credit score who cannot get approved for traditional financing to take out a home equity line of credit.

As a Real Estate Investor, Why You Should Use The BRRRR Method

The BRRR strategy is a financing option that is used by many real estate investors because it offers more tax benefits. It also allows for an increased cash flow when the investor buys, renovates, rents and refinances all within one year. The fourth R in the acronym stands for ‘repeat’ which means you do this process over again until they no longer want to invest or sell their property. This type of investment can be great if you are someone who likes to make quick decisions with little risk involved but there are some risks associated with doing this kind of investing so always educate yourself before making any investments like these.

Alternatives to the BRRR Method

  • Start with an installment loan to buy a fixer upper and then BRRR the property later. This is one alternative for those who have less than $150K available as they can take out an interest only mortgage, or use this option if someone doesn’t want to put any of their own equity at risk when purchasing another home.
  • Consider buying a single family house that isn’t necessarily in need of renovations but instead needs some updates on the inside like new countertops, paint, flooring etc. You could then plan on renting it out and refinancing after 12 months so you don’t have quite as much money tied up into your investment property.
  • Other options include buying cash flow multiple properties from a commercial investor and BRRRing those, or purchasing a fixer upper with the intention of renting it out.

How BRRRR Investing Helps With Your Financial Independence and Add Additional Rental Income To Your Personal Finance

  • The BRRRR Method helps you to gain financial independence by creating an income stream from rental properties that are often more than enough to cover your mortgage payments.
  • It also provides additional passive income and gives you the opportunity of building equity faster because with each new property purchased it will be at a lower cost basis and thus less money down on your initial investment.

As long as someone sticks within their budget they should never worry about having too much cash tied up into any one particular asset class . For example if someone has $100K available right now, they may be able to purchase a $150K property with cash and have the other $50k invested in stocks or bonds.

With BRRRR financing, you can use this same strategy on rentals by purchasing properties at lower values that are still profitable while investing your surplus funds into higher-risk securities for greater returns.

The major benefit of using these strategies is not only maximizing profit potential but also minimizing one’s risk exposure as well.

How Much Do You Need To Save To Retire With Rental Properties

The amount of money a person will need for retirement really depends on their personal financial situation, desired lifestyle in retirement, inflation rates during retirement (i.e., cost of living increases), life expectancy of you and your spouse, size of inheritance (if any), whether there will be a company sponsored pension or 401k contribution (which can make up as much as 75% or more of a person’s income today) and final salary earned from work at age 65.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question which might be why different people have different expectations with regard to how old they would like to work during their retirement.

Who Is A Good Fit For the BRRRR Method?

  • Anyone who has a nest egg or money for down payment and doesn’t need the cash flow from their current property.
  • Having saved a lot money for down payment on new homes and renovations
  • Being able to take out equity in their properties as needed for future investments and loans
  • Having a good credit score or the ability to get one by taking advantage of any opportunity that might come your way.

The BRRRR strategy is not recommended if:

  • You plan to use your home as collateral for other investments which will require you to have regular access to funds at any time during retirement
  • You want an investment with low risk and high return, this isn’t it! This method may be higher risk but gives more flexibility in terms of when you might sell it off (i.e., refinance) so that could make up part of any potential losses since one would liquidate over all properties rather than just one property like most people do today while going into retirement by selling their primary residence only.

Recommended Resources If You Want To Learn More About The BRRRR Method

  • “The Holy Trinity of Real Estate Investing: Buy, Hold & Re-Finance” by Brandon Turner and Denis Shaver
  • “How to Build Wealth with a BRRRR Strategy in 90 Days or Less” by Darren Roberts
  • “BRRRR Rental Property Investing for Cash Flow and Wealth – A Practical Guide on How To Do It Right And Make Money Doing It!” by Matt J. Larson
  • “What is BRRRR Financing?” by Wealthy Docs
What is BRRR Financing, How it Works, and Why You Should Consider It (2024)


What is BRRR Financing, How it Works, and Why You Should Consider It? ›

BRRRR (buy, rehab, rent, refinance, repeat) allows you to take one investment property and turn it into MANY, all while using the same stack of cash you started with on the first property. This means you can “infinitely invest” with the same money over and over and over again!

How does BRRRR financing work? ›

What is BRRRR, and what does it stand for? Letter by letter, BRRRR stands for “Buy, rehab, rent, refinance and repeat.” It's like flipping, but instead of selling the property after renovation, you rent it out with an eye on long-term appreciation.

What is BRR in finance? ›

BRR is an abbreviation and stands for “Buy Renovate Rent”. Its a type of property investment strategy were you buy properties that require renovation. Once the refurbishment is complete, you then rent out the property and collect rent.

How does BRR work? ›

BRRRR stands for Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, and Repeat. This real estate investment strategy focuses on buying, renovating, renting and refinancing distressed and poorly maintained properties to allow further investments in property.

What is the BRRRR method for dummies? ›

Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat (BRRRR) is the five-part real estate investing strategy that makes financial freedom more attainable than ever: You buy a property under market value, add value with renovations, rent it out to tenants, complete a cash-out refinance, and then use that money to do it all over again.

What is the 1 rule in BRRRR? ›

What is the 1% Rule in BRRRR? The 1% rule in BRRRR investing is a quick method to determine how much rent to charge as a landlord. If you follow the 1% rule, the rent you charge your potential tenants should equal at least 1% of what you paid for the house, including renovation costs, repairs, and other improvements.

What is the 70% rule for BRRRR? ›

This rule states that the most an investor should pay for a property is 70% of the After Repair Value minus the estimated rehab cost. The idea is that the remaining 30% will cover the real estate commission, closing costs and so forth while still leaving a healthy profit.

What are the downsides of Brrr? ›

Disadvantages of the BRRRR Strategy
  • You need to qualify for a mortgage in order to purchase a property. ...
  • You have to find a deal that makes sense. ...
  • You may have to leave some of your initial investment in the deal.
Mar 15, 2023

What are the risks of the Brrr method? ›

Tenant Risks. At the heart of the BRRRR method lies the 'Rent' phase, where cash flow starts pouring in. But with tenants come certain inherent risks that can impact property value and profitability. Vacancy Periods and Loss of Rental Income: Every month a property sits vacant, you're losing potential rental income.

What is an example of BRR? ›

For example, you could buy a property valued at £70,000 by negotiating a mortgage for 75% of the cost (£52,500). You would then need to invest the remaining 25% of the value (£17,500) as a deposit, in addition to legal fees for the purchase (£5000), and the cost of the improvements you want to make (£7,500).

Is BRRRR a good strategy? ›

The BRRRR strategy is an effective way to buy and hold investment properties with easier access to your capital since you don't need to sell the property to get money or pay short-term capital gains taxes, which reduces your upfront profit.

What is an example of a BRRRR strategy? ›

Example of BRRRR

This is just one example of the BRRRR method in action: Let's say that you're an investor who purchased a foreclosed property for $100,000, but you're able to refinance it for $130,000. The $30,000 difference can be used to cover new appliances in the kitchen and some landscaping to boost curb appeal.

What is the BRRRR formula? ›

This acronym lays out each step the method requires, in order: Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance and Repeat.

Does BRRRR still work in 2024? ›

Yes, the BRRRR method (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat) can still be an effective real estate investment strategy in 2024, as its core principles remain sound.

How much money do you need for the BRRRR method? ›

How Much Money Do I Need to Started The BRRRR Method? The amount that one needs varies, but it is usually about $50-$150K at a minimum because these numbers reflect what would be needed if purchasing another real estate property using BRRRR investing.

How do you calculate ROI on BRRRR? ›

The formula for this calculation is quite straightforward:
Oct 20, 2023

What are the downsides of BRRRR? ›

Being a landlord requires time and effort. Or you could hire a property management company, which adds to the overall cost. The BRRRR method is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It requires significant time investment in property searches, negotiations, renovations, and ongoing management.

Is BRRRR still a good strategy? ›

Yes, the BRRRR method (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat) can still be an effective real estate investment strategy in 2024, as its core principles remain sound. However, like any investment strategy, its effectiveness can vary based on market conditions, location, and individual circ*mstances.

Is BRRRR better than flipping? ›

Flipping requires more hands-on work with quicker cash returns, while BRRRR takes longer but offers long-term returns. You'll want to make sure that whichever path you choose aligns with both your short-term goals as well as your long-term plans.

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