What is Next JS and Why Should You Use it in 2024? (2024)

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction : What is Next JS?
  2. Key Features of Next JS
  3. Pros and Cons
  4. What is Next JS used for?
  5. How can an application in Next JS be set up?
  6. Next JS vs Other Frameworks
  7. SEO benefits of using Next JS
  8. Top 5 websites made in Next JS
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQs

Learn about the Next.js framework for developing fast web apps in 2024, as well as its features, alternatives, optimizations, and SEO methods.

Introduction : What is Next.js?
Next.js is a potent React framework made to make full-stack web applications quickly and easily. Browsers can only read certain types of code (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). Writing websites or programs in these raw forms of code is perfectly acceptable, but it is slow and inefficient. There is a great deal of repetition, which is a programmer's natural adversary. Next.js provides a series of tools to help speed up this process. Next.js is a framework for writing code for browsers.

However, this falls a little short. It may also create static sites (no server required) or dynamic sites that render content from a server. Essentially, it provides the foundation for developing online applications that load rapidly and run smoothly.

Key Features of Next.js

Server-side rendering(SSR)

Next.js 14 is notable for having built-in support for server-side rendering. With SSR, the server may produce HTML in response to every request, resulting in a quicker first page load and enhanced search engine optimization (SEO). The process of implementing server-side rendering (SSR) with Next.js is as easy as adding a getServerSideProps function to your page. This allows developers to customize which areas of their application should be rendered on the server.

Static Site Generation (SSG)

With Next.js, developers may prerender pages at build time thanks to support for Static Site Generation. This leads to less server load, quicker page loading, and enhanced user experience. During the construction process, pages can be produced using data that has been retrieved from databases, APIs, and other sources.

Automatic Code Splitting
Next. As the user moves through the program, js automatically breaks up the JavaScript code into manageable bits and loads only the relevant portions. As a result, user experience is improved, performance is streamlined, and pages load more quickly. Code splitting can also be deliberately controlled by developers by using dynamic imports.

The process of defining routes inside an application is made easier with Next.js. Developers may easily organize their code because the routes are automatically mapped to the pages directory structure. Nested routes are produced by nested folders in the pages directory.

Built-in CSS Support
Support for a variety of stylistic options, such as CSS, Sass, and CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components, is pre-integrated into Next.js 14. It gives developers the freedom to select the stylistic strategy that best suits their needs and the demands of the project.

With features like quick refresh, which enables instantaneous feedback throughout development, Next.js offers an amazing developer experience. Additionally, the framework easily interfaces with well-known programs like TypeScript and ESLint, making it simple to employ static typing and maintain code quality. Check this code editor to boost your development process.

Vercel Integration
Vercel, the people behind Next.js, offers smooth connection with their deployment platform. Developers may use serverless functionality, worldwide CDN distribution, automated SSL, and other capabilities by deploying their Next.js applications to Vercel with only one command.

Image Optimization
Next.js takes care of image loading and compression automatically, making image optimization simpler. The next/image component, which enables developers to optimize pictures for various screen sizes and devices, is supported by the framework. In order to enhance user experience and performance, it also offers capabilities like automatic development of responsive image sets and lazy loading.

Environment Variable Support
Because Next.js 14 makes environment variable management simple, developers may handle sensitive data or configuration settings without having to hardcode them into the program.

Developers can access environment variables in client-side and server-side code by prefixing variables with NEXT_PUBLIC_ and generating a .env file.

TypeScript Support
Because of Next.js's superb TypeScript integration, developers can leverage static typing for both client-side and server-side code. TypeScript enhances the quality and maintainability of code by assisting in the detection of any errors during development.

Internationalization (i18n)
Because Next.js has built-in support for internationalization, developers may easily construct multilingual applications. The next-translate library and the next.config.js file configuration allow developers to control translations and give users a localized experience.

Pros Performance:
Next.js is engineered to achieve maximum performance. Before transmitting pages to the browser, it renders them on the server using server-side rendering, or SSR. This can greatly speed up your sites' initial load time.

SEO is also a good fit for Next.js. Because it allows static site generation (SSG), search engines may pre-render and index your pages.

Several capabilities included with Next.js, like automatic code splitting, routing, and image optimization, help simplify development.

There's a big and vibrant community for Next.js. You may learn and use Next.js with the aid of several resources, such as third-party libraries, tutorials, and documentation.


Learning curve:

There is a slight learning curve for Next.js. It could be challenging to get started with Next.js14 if you are new to React.

Afterwards, if you wish to modify your application, Next.js can be a little bit limited. To provide the required functionality, you might have to develop custom code.

Next.js is a flexible JavaScript framework that is used to develop a variety of digital products and online interfaces. It is particularly well-known for its ability to streamline and improve the development process while providing excellent performance and user experiences.

Let us introduce you to the types of projects that can be easily handled in Next.js.

Web Platforms: Next.js 14 is excellent for building comprehensive web platforms that require fast load times, dynamic routing, and efficient server-side rendering.

Jamstack Websites: Its support for static site generation and incremental static regeneration makes it ideal for Jamstack architecture. Jamstack combines the speed and security of static websites with the features of dynamic web apps.

MVP (Minimum Viable Product): Next.js lets developers quickly build and improve on MVPs. It makes it easier to test ideas and bring products to market.

Static Websites: With Next.js, you can make static websites. They offer great performance and reliability. They use static site generation for a faster user experience.

Single Web Pages: Next.js is a go-to choice for making engaging, single-page applications. It supports fast rendering and client-side interactivity.

SaaS Products: Using Next.js makes it more efficient to build software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. This is thanks to its scalability and flexibility.

eCommerce and Retail Websites: Next.js 14 helps developers create fast, user-friendly eCommerce websites. It has features like server-side rendering for good SEO.

Dashboards: Next.js is great for making data-driven dashboards. They have interactive visualizations and real-time updates.

Complex Web Applications: The framework can handle complex web apps. It provides a strong base for features like advanced routing, authentication, and state management.

Interactive User Interfaces: It supports React. This lets developers make rich, interactive user interfaces. These interfaces enhance the user experience.

Next.js offers a wide range of tools and functionality, making it an ideal solution for a variety of projects. In a recent e-learning platform project, Next.js facilitated quick development and deployment, resulting in a more seamless and engaging user experience. Next.js offers several

opportunities for innovation and success, making it a must-have tool in modern web development.

To get started with Next.js, you should know about a few criteria and grasp the basic setup process.

Prerequisites you may know

Before you start working with Next.js, make sure you have:

  • JavaScript and ES6 Proficiency: A strong foundation in JavaScript, including ES6 syntax and features such as arrow functions, destructuring, and async/await.
  • React Basics: Knowledge of React concepts such as components, states, and props is essential, as Next.js builds on top of React.
  • Node.js Installed: To handle server-side actions, make sure you have Node.js installed on your PC.
  • Package Manager: Have a package manager like npm or yarn available to manage dependencies.

How to set up Next.js 14?

Next.js is designed to be easy to set up and use. Here's a step-by-step guide to get started with a new Next.js application:

Create a New Next.js App:

Use the following command to create a new Next.js application named my-next-app: npx create-next-app my-next-app

This command sets up a new Next.js project with the necessary files and configurations.

Go to Your Project Directory:

Change to the project directory you just created: cd my-next-app

Start the Development Server:

Run the following command to start the development server: npm run dev

This command launches the development server at http://localhost:3000, where you can view your application and see changes in real-time as you develop.

After you've set up your Next.js app and started the server, you can explore the framework's features. Then, you can build your web app.

Create project structure and style

Next.js provides a set of default directories and files that organize your application:

pages: This directory contains your pages (e.g., index.js for your home page). Next.js uses a file-based routing system based on the structure of this directory.

public: This directory is where you can store static files (e.g., images) that can be directly accessed by the public.

styles: This directory is for your global CSS and other stylesheets.

components: This directory is where you can place your reusable React components.

Next.js provides many design options to fit different use cases and developer preferences. Let's understand each of the strategies in more detail:

Global Styles
You can import global CSS files into the pages/_app.js file to apply comprehensive styles across your application. Here’s how to do it:

Create a CSS file, such as styles/global.css, and write your global styles in it. In your pages/_app.js file, import the global CSS file:

Now, the styles in global.css will be applied throughout your application.

Component-level Styles
Next.js supports CSS Modules. They let you create styles scoped to components. Here's how to use CSS Modules:

Name your CSS file with the .module.css extension, for example, styles/button.module.css. In the .module.css file, write your CSS styles as usual.

In your component, import the CSS Module file:

The styles will be scoped to the component. So, you don't have to worry about style conflicts in your app.

Styled JSX
Next.js has built-in support for Styled JSX. It is a library that lets you write CSS within your React components.

In your React component, add a <style jsx> block and write your CSS styles:

The styles in the <style jsx> block will be scoped to the component. Styled JSX handles the class name scoping.

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These are the most common ways to style your web application. This method is simple to add and manage for the right developer teams.

Next.js, a popular web development framework, is known for its high efficiency and flexibility. But it isn't the only framework available. Let's compare Next.js to other popular frameworks to know the differences and help you decide which one is ideal for you.

Next.js vs. React:

  • Next.js is built on top of React, so if you’re already familiar with React, Next.js will feel very natural. It offers features that make building server-side rendering (SSR) and static sites simpler.
  • Next.js has built-in routing. React needs libraries like React Router for similar features.
  • Next.js excels at server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG). These can boost performance and SEO.

Next.js vs. Gatsby:

  • Both Gatsby and Next.js support static site generation. However, Gatsby is more tailored for static sites and has a strong ecosystem of plugins for content sources.
  • Next.js offers more flexibility in terms of SSR, whereas Gatsby is heavily focused on static sites.
  • Both frameworks can perform well. But, Gatsby is best for large static sites. Next.js is best for SSR-based apps.

Next.js vs. Angular:

  • Angular is a full-fledged framework. It has its own architecture and conventions. This makes it more complex than Next.js.
  • Next.js is based on React. It has a more gradual learning curve. This is true especially for those already familiar with JavaScript and React.
  • Next.js benefits from React’s vast ecosystem, while Angular has its own separate but smaller ecosystem.

Next.js vs. Vue:

  • Next.js is based on React, while Nuxt.js is the counterpart framework for Vue.js.
  • React and Next.js have a slightly larger and more active community compared to Vue and Nuxt.js.
  • Both Next.js and Nuxt.js offer fast development. The decision may come down to whether you prefer React or Vue.

Next.js vs. Svelte:

  • Next.js is based on React. It is well-supported and has many tools and libraries. Svelte and SvelteKit are newer.
  • Svelte and SvelteKit are known for their performance benefits due to their compile-time approach. Next.js 14 performs well, especially with static and server-side rendering.
  • Next.js has a larger community and more resources. This may affect your choice, depending on your comfort level.

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Next.js is great if you want the flexibility of a full JavaScript framework. It combines the power of server-side rendering with the convenience of static site generation. Your choice between Next.js and other frameworks will be determined by your technology stack, project requirements, and objectives.

If you want your website to rank well in search engine results, Next.js 14 is an excellent alternative for developing web applications. Here's how Next.js improves your SEO:

Server-Side Rendering (SSR): You can render pages on the server before transmitting them to the client by using Next.js. It is easier for search engines to crawl and index your content because they see fully rendered HTML pages when they visit your website.

Static Site Generation (SSG): You can quickly launch static pages created at build time with Next.js. This causes faster load times and can significantly improve your site's SEO performance.

Automatic Optimizations: Next.js has automatic image optimization and code splitting. These help to speed up your site by loading only the resources that are required, which improves user experience and SEO.

Link Pre-fetching: Next.js automatically starts loading linked pages in the background when a user hovers over a link. This can have a positive indirect impact on SEO.

Clean URLs and Routing: With Next.js, you can design easily legible URLs that simplify navigation and help search engines understand your content.

Metadata and Open Graph Tags: With Next.js, you can quickly manage each page's Open Graph tags and metadata (such as titles and descriptions). By doing this, you can be sure that your pages will appear fantastic in search results and on social media.

AMP Support: Next.js supports Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), which generates fast-loading mobile pages and can help with mobile SEO.

With its many capabilities, Next.js makes it simpler to optimize your website for search engines without sacrificing user experience. It's an amazing choice for creating high-performance web applications.

It offers functions such as static website technology, server-facet rendering, and others that facilitate the creation of quick, search engine-friendly websites. Here are five fantastic websites made with Next.js that illustrate its capabilities:

Vercel, the creator of Next.js, uses it to power their own website. The platform specializes in web hosting for static websites and front-end frameworks. Their website highlights the smooth transitions and fast load times possible with Next.Js, imparting visitors with a high-quality user experience.

Netflix Jobs
For its online activity listings website, Netflix, a global leader in streaming services, uses Next.js

  1. The website has quick load times and intuitive navigation, making it simple for capacity candidates to explore process options. Next.js helps with the vibrant control and display of listings.What is Next JS and Why Should You Use it in 2024? (6)

Next.js powers the website of Hulu, another popular streaming service. Hulu's website is delectable and responsive to traffic, able to handle dynamic content with ease, and integrates well with other technologies in Next.js.

Twitch, the popular live streaming platform for gamers, uses Next.js for its developer portal. This lets them offer builders speedy, dependable access to sources, documentation, and APIs. The site’s overall performance and ease of use replicate the electricity of Next.js.

Dev.To, a community platform for developers, is also powered by Next.js 14. The site offers a fascinating, interactive experience for its customers, with brief load times and green content material management. This makes it a brilliant space for builders to connect, research, and proportion insights.

Next.js gives the tools required to construct quick, efficient websites that function well and are friendly to search engines such as Google. The websites listed above demonstrate how Next.js can provide an excellent user experience, even on high-traffic websites.

Next.js is a flexible framework that powers many pinnacle-notch websites, supplying fast, efficient, and person-pleasant stories. Major systems like Netflix, Hulu, Twitch, Vercel, and Dev.To use Next.js for its first-rate server-side rendering and static website generation abilities. These features enable builders to create high-performance, search engine marketing-pleasant internet programs comfortably.

With its computerized optimizations and seamless integration with different technologies, Next.js is a leading desire for present-day web development in 2024. Whether you are building a static website or a complicated app, Next.js offers the equipment and versatility needed to achieve today's virtual global.

How can Next.js 14 enhance performance through advanced caching techniques?
Next.js can appreciably decorate overall performance through leveraging superior caching strategies together with server-side caching, revalidation, and rancid-even as-revalidate strategies. These methods permit developers to cache data and pages at various degrees (server, CDN, purchaser), improving load instances and decreasing server load.

What advanced optimizations does Next.js offer for picture dealing with?
Next.js helps advanced picture management with its next/picture aspect, which lets in for computerized optimization consisting of responsive pictures, lazy loading, and various best tiers based totally on tool type. It also helps WebP layout, resulting in faster loading instances and decreased facts utilization.

How does Next.js combine with other tools and offerings for full-stack development?
Next.js integrates seamlessly with numerous equipment and services such as databases, headless CMSs, and authentication services. It supports APIs, GraphQL, and microservices architectures, making it a strong choice for full-stack applications.

What advanced routing functions does Next.js provide?
Next.js gives superior routing capabilities which include dynamic routes, nested routes, and API routes. These allow builders to create bendy and scalable applications with complex URL structures and data fetching techniques. Dynamic routes may be matched against patterns, even as API routes provide backend talents inside the identical application.

How can Next.js be applied for internationalization (i18n) and localization?
Next.js gives built-in support for internationalization and localization, permitting developers to create multilingual applications. It presents equipment like subsequent-translate for managing translations and next.Config.js for outlining supported languages and locales.

What is Next JS and Why Should You Use it in 2024? (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.