12 Fat-Filled Keto Cookie Recipes (2024)

As much as we love Whole30, we really miss dessert — especially cookies. Fortunately, the ketogenic diet lets you have your cake (and cookies!) and eat it too.

If you’re new to the keto scene, here are the basics: It’s a pattern of eating high fat, low carb meals. On a typical day, you’ll shoot for only 20 to 50 grams of carbs.Oh R, et al. (2020). Low carbohydrate diet. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537084/

While more long-term research is needed, researchers have found that the keto diet can aid weight loss and manage some chronic conditions, like epilepsy.Wajeed M, et al. (2020). Ketogenic diet. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499830/ For the full rundown on keto, check out our beginner’s guide here.

12 Fat-Filled Keto Cookie Recipes (1)Share on Pinterest

We’re glad keto allows sweets in the mix. With treats like these, we definitely wouldn’t want to skip out on them. Simple, delicious, and full of fat, these cookie recipes are sure to satisfy those cravings.

1. Low carb chocolate chip cookies

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It doesn’t get more classic than chocolate chip. And amazingly, this keto spin on the family favorite tastes pretty darn close to the original.

Made with Lakanto Gold Sweetener (the recipe creator’s go-to), you’ll also include all of the traditional add-ins: butter, salt, vanilla extract, and eggs.

With some keto staples — almond flour and cacao chocolate chunks —thrown in, these cookies are melt-in-your-mouth good. Just make sure to let them cool. Trust us, they’re worth the (short) wait!

2. Chocolate fudge keto cookies

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What’s the secret to making cookies taste delicious when they don’t have cane sugar? In this recipe’s case, it’s the whopping amount of chocolaty flavor packed into each bite (and the subtle hint of pink salt).

Though most cookies require cooling, we say dive into one of these when they’re fresh out of the oven (safely, of course). Just don’t inhale too quickly, as the confectioner topping can induce cookie-fueled coughing.

3. Toasted almond shortbread cookies

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Plain shortbread is great. Toasted almond shortbread dipped in chocolate? Even greater. Toasted almond, chocolate-dipped, sprinkled with sea salt, and keto-friendly? Well, this recipe is just the best.

If you’re not feeling the love, feel free to leave the heart shape behind and use a star, circle, or heck, even a dino-shaped cookie cutter (anything will do).

Pro tip: Unlike other keto cookies, these require a little planning, as the dough does best when chilled for an hour.

4. Easy keto snickerdoodles

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It can be tricky to nail the super soft on the inside, perfectly crispy on the outside cookies, but these keto snickerdoodles do it every time.

Made with almond flour, salted butter, salt, keto-friendly sweetener, baking soda, and cinnamon, these little delights can be made in less than 30 minutes. The trick is making the batch last longer than that.

Pro tip: Enjoy with a piping hot cup of coffee or tea, and these cookies melt in your mouth.

5. Keto macaroon fat bombs

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Fat bombs may not sound like the most enticing kind of cookie, but in the keto world, fat bomb signifies deliciousness — and satiety.

You’ll mix almond flour, shredded coconut, and keto-friendly sweetener, along with melted coconut oil, vanilla extract, and egg whites to bind all the ingredients together.

Simply spoon onto a cookie sheet and bake until the macaroons are slightly brown. Easy, divine, and fatty-as-can-be. (Yes, they are the bomb.)

6. Keto shortbread cookies

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Buttery, crispy, and ever so slightly sweet, these shortbread cookies are a great keto staple.

Made with 6 ingredients and ready to eat in 30 minutes or less, these buttery bites also make for a great cheesecake base or crumble topping.

Because they’re so versatile, we say double the batch and use the leftovers as you please. (Psst… leftover cookies taste great when frozen.)

7. 3-Ingredient low carb peanut butter cookies

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Peanut butter cookies may be the easiest dessert to whip up. Made with only three ingredients and requiring a mere six steps, these keto cookies are great for when a craving suddenly strikes.

Add chopped nuts for a little crunch, vanilla extract for a touch of sweet, and drizzle with melted peanut butter because… why not?

8. Keto no-bake cookies

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These no-bake keto cookies aren’t your average cookie. Thick, fudgy, and dense as can be, they can seem more reminiscent of a truffle ball than an actual cookie — but with added crunch.

Even better: All you have to do is mix the ingredients, shape them as you please, then freeze them. We love keeping half the dough as is and mixing cocoa powder into the other half for some extra flavor.

9. Keto white chocolate macadamia nut cookies

We’re so glad someone decided to get experimental in the kitchen and nail this imitation recipe — even with the tablespoon of gelatin (WTF?) thrown into the mix.

With almond flour as a base, the classic flavors really start to come together between the nuts, white chocolate chips, vanilla extract, and shredded coconut. Oh and can’t forget the butter — we can smell it browning already.

10. Keto Oreos

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O-o-reo. What’s in the middle? This recipe opts for a cream cheese and butter filling that’s way more decadent (and delicious) than the original.

The chocolate thins are made with hazelnut flour (you can use almond flour too), coconut flour, cocoa powder, salt, butter, egg, vanilla extract, and a few other dry add-ins.

Next, they’re rolled and cut with cookie cutters for uniform size. Though we love getting crafty and using other shapes when the mood strikes.

11. Keto carrot cake cookies

When the keto craze first hit the mainstream, we were grateful just to have chocolate chip cookies to munch on. And now there’s carrot-cake flavored desserts on the menu? Okay, we’re officially in keto heaven.

Just wait until you take a bite. Is it a cookie, is it a cake? Who cares! A bit crunchy from the walnuts, sweet from the carrots and maple, it feels like the best birthday ever — complete with cream cheese frosting.

12. Keto cheesecake cookies

Why wait until Christmas for these little gems? With cookies this good, we plan to eat them all year long, thank you very much.

These buttery, chewy, melt-in-your-mouth treats are simple to whip up with just a few ingredients. Plus, the minced lemon zest adds that hint of tart flavor we welcome in a classic cheesecake. Seconds? Don’t mind if we do.

We’re all for trying new things, but as soon as you start crossing off our favorites from the grocery list — sweets, butter, cheese — we’re quick to give you the side-eye.

Fortunately, with keto’s fat-friendly ways, many of our staples are here to stay. From chocolate to vanilla, nutty to cream-cheesy goodness, these low carb recipes are a cookie-lover’s dream, down the crumbs.

12 Fat-Filled Keto Cookie Recipes (2024)


How many keto cookies can I eat in a day? ›

We recommend one serving (two cookies) per day as your daily snack — although we won't judge if you find yourself reaching for more.

How many carbs are in keto cookies? ›

Keto cookies soft-baked to perfection. 1-2 net carbs*. 8g of fat. No added sugar.

Will one cookie ruin ketosis? ›

The bottom line, both Bridges and Spritzler agree, is that eating a starchy meal or a sugary dessert certainly could throw your body out of ketosis — and it might make you feel pretty lousy for a short time, as well.

Why are keto cookies healthy? ›

This keto cookie is low in carbs, has no sugar, and no flour! They are also gluten free and absolutely delicious! So it's a win-win!

Do keto cookies raise blood sugar? ›

In contrast, keto chocolate chip cookies use low-carb sweeteners such as erythritol, stevia, or monk fruit, which have minimal impact on blood sugar. This makes them a safer option for people with diabetes or those trying to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Is 10 cookies a day too much? ›

Eating 10 cookies in a day might not be the healthiest choice you can make, but it won't make you fat. However, if you eat 10 cookies per day for a daysss, don't exercise and eat other unhealthy, sugary, fatty foods, you'll see the results on your body.

Can you do keto 5 days on 2 days off? ›

Keto cycling doesn't have a strict definition. Some people choose to have five or six days on keto followed by a day or two off. Others will do keto for 10 to 12 days followed by three to four days off. Devine typically doesn't recommend taking more than two days off keto.

Will 12 grams of sugar kick me out of ketosis? ›

Limiting your sugar intake to 20 to 30 grams daily or less is recommended to stay in ketosis. This amount is low compared to the typical American diet, which can include upwards of 100 to 150 grams of sugar per day.

Will one piece of pizza knock me out of ketosis? ›

This type of pizza crust can have up to 33g of carbs without any added sauce or cheese. If you're limiting your carbs to 20-50 grams per day, one slice of this type of crust will likely kick you out of ketosis.

What is the downside of keto? ›

Three cons

Common short-term side effects include fatigue, headache, brain fog and upset stomach, aka “keto flu.” Long-term health risks include kidney stones, osteoporosis and liver disease. Other risks are unknown, since no long-term studies exist.

Can I eat one Oreo on keto? ›

Are oreos keto? Traditional packaged oreos are not keto friendly, as they are made with white flour and sugar. This keto oreo cookies recipe is made with keto-friendly ingredients and each cookie has just 3.5 grams net carbs.

Is there a healthier version of keto? ›

Still, some nutritionists have understood keto 2.0 to have the following macronutrient limits: 50% fat, 30% protein, and 20% carbohydrate. This ratio is lower in fat and higher in carbohydrates compared to that of a traditional keto diet.

Can you eat keto desserts everyday? ›

You'll simply want to enjoy these treats in moderation and factor in the net carbs provided by each recipe. (That unofficial term roughly describes the total carbs minus fiber and sugar alcohols, according to Atkins.com.) That's because the ketogenic diet is very restrictive.

Is it OK to eat 2 cookies a day? ›

While one cookie a day isn't going to completely derail your diet goals, it's often easy to eat more than one at a time, and soon enough, downing quite a few cookies throughout the day could lead to unwanted pounds.

How many cookies can you eat a day? ›

As my nutritionist once told me: if you have an urge for a cookie or a piece of chocolate, that's ok. To eat one or two a day is okay, even - so long as you don't eat a whole box!

How many keto bread can I eat in a day? ›

You can, maybe a slice or two here and there, but you ideally don't want to be eating too much of it. This is because a keto diet involves eating minimal carbs; less than 50g a day. However, a slice of bread contains around 20g of carbs, which is quite a chunk of your daily carbohydrate allocation.

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