4 Expert Tactics How To Get Rid Of Wolf Spiders For Good (2024)

Wolf spiders have earned themselves a terrifying reputation. Extremely fast hunters with outstanding eyesight. But they’re not really all that bad…are they?

In this article, I’ll offer some simple and clear guidance on how to get rid of wolf spiders and prevent them from coming back…for good!

Table Of Contents

  1. How To Get Rid Of Wolf Spiders In Your Home Or Garden
    • 1. Spider Spray
    • 2. Spider Powders
  2. How To Get Rid Of Spiders Naturally
    • 3. Spider Traps
    • 4. Organic Pesticides
  3. Preventing Future Infestations
  4. Wolf Spider Identification
    • How To Identify A Wolf Spider
  5. What Attracts Wolf Spiders?
  6. What To Do If You Find A Wolf Spider In Your Home
  7. Types Of Wolf Spiders
  8. Wolf Spider Distribution
    • Do Wolf Spiders Make Webs?
    • Where Do Wolf Spiders Live?
    • What Do They Eat?
  9. Are Wolf Spiders Dangerous?
    • Bite Symptoms
    • Steps To Treat A Bite
  10. Verdict: The Best Way To Get Rid Of Wolf Spiders
  11. Frequently Asked Questions

How To Get Rid Of Wolf Spiders In Your Home Or Garden

Since wolf spiders are solitary animals, it is relatively easy to get rid of them.

In my experience, it’s best to take preventative action to avoid infestations. However, using sprays or traps isn’t a bad idea if you already have a spider infestation in your home.

You should avoid squashing or crushing spiders as this approach has the potential to release hundreds of tiny baby spiders sprawling across your floor. Plus, it’s rather inhumane. I strongly suggest using non-lethal solutions whenever possible since they are a valuable part of the natural ecosystem (even as unwelcome house guests!).

1. Spider Spray

Using a spider spray is an effective way to kill arthropods. A spider spray will leave a residual insecticide on surfaces around the outside of the home. Spray around drains, brickwork, and external gaps.

The intention is to create an invisible insecticide barrier that the spider has to walk over to enter your property. Picking up the compound as it walks through the residue.

4 Expert Tactics How To Get Rid Of Wolf Spiders For Good (1)

2. Spider Powders

Similar to the insecticide spray, powders containing Pyrethroids are an effective product to sprinkle on floor surfaces, lawns, or around your backyard.

Boric acid can also be used in powder form to sprinkle in dark areas, corners, inside cracks, or under furniture. When the spider walks over the power the abrasive nature of the product damages the spider’s exoskeleton and also causes stomach poisoning.

4 Expert Tactics How To Get Rid Of Wolf Spiders For Good (2)

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How To Get Rid Of Spiders Naturally

If wolf spiders have already found comfort in your home, there are a few natural ways to get rid of them instead of using sprays or powders.

3. Spider Traps

Low-cost spider traps, available on Amazon.com, have a sticky adhesive surface to catch passing spiders. They are simply a thick card layer or cardboard structure coated with a sticky adhesive substance, similar to a sticky fly trap. The principle is the spiders walk over the trap and stick to it leading to death by starvation or being disposed of safely.

Place the traps in low-lit areas like basem*nts, garages, and closets as spiders love dark corners.

This is a great non-toxic, clean product to use in the home where small children or pets may be present.

4. Organic Pesticides

Plant-based pesticides containing Hexa-hydroxyl are effective on spiders. This active ingredient comes in the form of powder or granules that are safe for children and pets. This is also a great option for applications on lawns and larger outdoor spaces.

Simply apply the insecticide with a granular spreader. Check the manufacturer’s instructions as some granular products require activation with water, so are best used prior to rain.

Preventing Future Infestations

Preventing spider infestations is always better than dealing with an actual infestation. Since wolf spiders do not occur in colonies, getting rid of them is relatively easy.

Follow these simple steps to make your home unappealing to arachnids:

Vacuum To Prevent Insects

Spiders love to eat other insects. One of the best preventative strategies you can deploy is to keep your home free from food crumbs and other items that attract the spider’s food source (beetles, ants, etc.) into your home.

Remember to clean all corners and hidden areas to get rid of all insects and spiders.

Clear Away Clutter and Debris

Clear away piles of leaves, firewood, and compost. These spiders often dwell under leaves, stones, and debris. Decluttering your home and backyard is an important step to removing environments that attract spiders and other insects

Seal Cracks, Gaps, and Crevices

Closing off entry points is essential if you want to prevent unwelcome guests from entering your home. Under the door, cracks in brickwork, and gaps in air vents will all provide a way in for these small spiders.

Use copper mesh blockers to plug larger gaps around waste pipes, eves, or building materials such as expanding foam spray, filler, or decorator caulk to fill smaller gaps.

Close Windows

If it is not obvious already, an open window is an open invitation for insects and, yes, the predatory wolf spider will follow them in.

Get Rid of Cardboard Boxes

Some spiders may find cardboard boxes to be spacious and cozy. Remove the empty boxes from basem*nts and attics and generally avoid clutter that creates dark spaces and crevices.

Wolf Spider Identification

Wolf spiders are often mistaken for tarantulas, fishing spiders, and brown recluse because of their similar color or size. But there are a few features that will help you differentiate these spiders from other spiders.

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How To Identify A Wolf Spider

  1. Arrangement of eyes: If you are inclined to get close enough, you will see that the eyes of the spider are fascinating and intimidating at the same time. They have two medium-sized eyes on the top, two very large eyes in the middle, and four small eyes at the bottom.
  1. Shorter legs: When compared to web-building spiders, these have short legs and stout bodies. They use their legs to hold the prey before feeding.
  1. Running speed: These species are the real sprinters of the spider world. Being able to cover as much as 2 feet in a second, they are considered the cheetah among all spiders.
  1. No webs: Unlike most spiders, they don’t spin webs. Instead, they go hunting or wait for their prey to come near them. They are true hunters, which is why they are also known as the hunting spider.
  1. Way of carrying eggs: They are unique in the manner they carry their eggs. The mothers carry the egg sacs at the end of the abdomen, taking good care of the unborn. Furthermore, they often carry their spiderlings for several days after they are born.

What Attracts Wolf Spiders?

Wolf spiders are solitary creatures with a shy and introverted nature, therefore, meeting one is relatively uncommon. They will typically avoid humans and will only bite if provoked continuously.

However, stay alert, and you may see them in their preferred hang-outs:

  • They prefer dark places like garages, basem*nts, or attics
  • They hang out in areas where prey insects live such as beetles
  • Look out for spiders in your backyard or in the garden, under leaves or in log-piles
  • They will attempt to enter your home through cracks and gaps seeking out insects and other food items

What To Do If You Find A Wolf Spider In Your Home

Wolf spiders are considered a beneficial bug that plays an important role in natural pest control. Since they are an essential part of the ecosystem, it is best to leave them alone if you encounter one. If you find more than one, or if they become a pest, you can take action to remove them.

Keep the following things in mind if you find a wolf spider in your home:

  • Avoid touching the spider to prevent being bitten
  • Do not squash the spider, as it may release hundreds of spiderlings from its back
  • Use traps or insecticide spray as necessary
  • Follow our preventative steps below to avoid a re-occurrence

Types Of Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders are present all around the world, with about 2,300 species known, out of which 200 species live in the United States. In fact, the Carolina wolf spider is the official state spider of South Carolina. Characteristics like habitat and a few key behaviors change with the type of wolf spider.

Binomial Name (Scientific Name)


Lycos is a Latin word that means “wolf.” The term was chosen owing to the hunting nature of these spiders which is similar to how wolves hunt. However, there is a behavioral difference. Wolves hunt in packs, whereas spiders are solitary animals.

Here’s the taxonomy of wolf spiders, according to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS):

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Subkingdom: Bilateria
  • Infrakingdom: Protostomia
  • Superphylum: Ecdysozoa
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Subphylum: Chelicerata
  • Class: Arachnida
  • Order: Araneae
  • Family: Lycosidae

Wolf Spider Size

0.4 inch to 1.38 inch.

Males are smaller than females. The largest wolf spiders belong to the genus Hogna.

Body Shape

Long and broad body, with stout legs. They have shorter legs when compared to web-building spiders.

These arthropods also have a two-segmented body containing a cephalothorax and an abdomen.

Number Of Legs

Eight legs are attached to the cephalothorax.

The two small legs on the front of the cephalothorax are called pedipalps. These mini-legs are used to grab and hold their prey before biting it.


Eight eyes are arranged in three rows. The top row consists of two medium-sized eyes, the middle row has two large eyes, and the bottom row has four small eyes.

The two largest and most prominent eyes help distinguish them from other species, as most species have eyes of the same size.


Most are dark brown or solid black. But the color varies with the spider species. Although most species are one single color, some boast stripes and blotches.

They are less visible than other kinds of spiders as they depend on camouflage for protection. This feature helps them to catch their prey and stay safe from predators.


  • Hunting: They are more robust than many other species. Their excellent eyesight and running speed make them fantastic hunters.

They also have excellent night vision, allowing them to hunt for food in the dark hours. This nocturnal hunter has evolved a ‘tapetum lucidum’ (a layer in the choroid of the eyes) to enhance low-light vision.

  • Solitary: They mostly live in solitude and hunt alone.
  • Parenting: The parenting habits of these spiders is different from other species. The mother lays several eggs and wraps them in silk, creating individual egg sacs.

They continue to care for the young even after the eggs hatch. The spiderlings cling to their mother’s back for several days.

  • Mating: They rely on visual cues more than other types of spiders, as they have good eyesight. The male spiders capture the attention of females by waving the pedipalps (the mini-legs at the front) in a special pattern.
  • Nature: They are shy and introverted creatures. If you encounter a wolf spider in your home, chances are, it will likely run away to escape.
  • Lifespan: Male spiders mostly live for a year, while females live for several years.

Wolf Spider Distribution

Wolf spiders are found all over the world with over 100 genera and 2,300 species. The largest are seen in North Carolina.

Some species prefer specific micro-habitats, such as streamside gravel beds, herb fields, or coastal sand dunes.

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Do Wolf Spiders Make Webs?

No, they do not make webs.

Instead, they are robust and agile hunters with sharp eyesight, exhibiting the characteristics of a hunter, pouncing upon passing prey, or chasing over short distances.

In self-protection, the spiders use their great eyesight, camouflage patterns, high running speed, and vibrations senses to avoid predators.

Where Do Wolf Spiders Live?

Wolf spiders prefer to live among the grass, under stones, in vegetative litter, or in tunnels.

Due to the solitary nature of the spider and their hunting prowess, they prefer temporary resting places. They prefer to occupy existing gaps, tunnels, or crevices offering shelter and warmth.

During autumn, they are attracted to human habitation seeking warmth in tunnels in the soil or under leaf litter. Or looking out for small gaps or spaces in the hideout.

What Do They Eat?

The spiders’ diet is varied, including grasshoppers, beetles, and other invertebrates such as amphibians and reptiles. Ground-dwelling insects are the most commonly hunted food.

Are Wolf Spiders Dangerous?

Wolf spiders will bite humans only very rarely.

If you are bitten by a wolf spider, you may experience redness or swelling, similar to that of a bee sting. In rare cases, people can develop serious reactions that may require medical attention.

Bite Symptoms

The symptoms of a wolf spider bite can vary in severity, but the most common signs are swelling mild pain and itching. You may also notice a red bump on the site of the bite. According to Pennsylvania State University, symptoms should ease up about 24 hours after the bite occurs.

If the pain or your physical response to the bite is extreme, it could be an indication that the bite was from a more dangerous species, such as a brown recluse spider. Or it could indicate that you are having an unusual allergic reaction to the bite.

If the symptoms do not fade off over time, or if you notice any of the following symptoms, seek medical help immediately.

  • Breathing difficulty
  • Large red bump
  • Swelling in the face
  • Excessive sweating
  • Dizziness or unconsciousness

Steps To Treat A Bite

  1. Wash the bite with warm water and soap to clean it
  2. Use a cold compress, ice pack, or cold wet cloth to soothe any pain and reduce potential swelling
  3. If possible, elevate the bite site to relieve the sense of pressure
  4. Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and apply a bite cream
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Verdict: The Best Way To Get Rid Of Wolf Spiders

So we have looked at how to get rid of wolf spiders from your garden or within your home. Although they do not present a real risk to humans, it can be unnerving having these hunting arachnids scuttling around whilst you sleep.

Whether you choose to kill or trap the spider or take a more sensitive approach to remove them from your property, be sure to implement preventative measures so you don’t have to go through the process again and again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are wolf spiders good to have around?

Humans do not directly benefit from spiders, so there is no point in having them around. However, wolf spiders are natural predators of insects and other bugs, and this makes them an important part of the ecosystem. Due to this reason, killing spiders is not recommended.

What do wolf spiders do to you?

Wolf spiders prefer to be alone. These shy and introverted creatures try to escape from the presence of humans and attack only if disturbed. Their bite is also not dangerous to humans. Even though they are harmless, avoid touching these arachnids as you may develop uncomfortable symptoms depending on the functioning of your immune system.

How do you keep wolf spiders out of your house?

To keep wolf spiders out of your house, declutter all rooms, expose all rooms to sunlight, seal all food containers, set up traps in basem*nts and garages, seal cracks and crevices, and vacuum regularly.

Why do I have so many wolf spiders in my house?

A wolf spider infestation is a sign that your home is cluttered and poorly lit. You may also want to check for cracks and crevices, and open food containers. Take the necessary precautions to get rid of these unwelcome guests. If you are finding it difficult to eliminate wolf spiders, contact a pest control professional.

Are Wolf Spiders Poisonous?

Wolf spiders do inject a venom while they sting, but the neurotoxic level is so low, it is not considered dangerous to humans. But, like all toxic reactions, children, the elderly, and individuals with weak immune systems may develop complications.

They use their fang-tipped jaws to inject venom through a stinger. As a result, crawling insects and other prey will be paralyzed when stung by a wolf spider, making for an easy kill.

Even so, these spiders won’t bite unless continually provoked. It is always better to leave a wolf spider alone undisturbed.

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4 Expert Tactics How To Get Rid Of Wolf Spiders For Good (2024)
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